582 -
Greetings fellow Libertarians!!
Now is the time for our community to band together and aid those novice players in need of individual attention. Those that ask the veterans for advice on any number of topics regarding City of Heroes/City of Villains.
If you are an experienced player looking to share your time with newcomers, fill out the Mentor application form located here. The website for the Mentor Project HQ is located here: http://citymentorproject.mmopost.com/
The idea behind the Mentor Project was founded on the Protector server, but now encompasses all servers. The New Player Council was created solely for making your experience of the game easier, regarding exploration, in-depth detailed knowledge of builds, and much much more. Depending on what each volunteer mentor wants to bring to the table for each novice that they would be paired up with.
You can read more about the Mentor Project on the official forums located here. For ease of reference, the guidelines are quoted below:
Quote:So what do you think Liberty? Do you want to volunteer some of your time one on one with a neophyte? With the Mentor Project spanning multiple servers, we can help bring about quality players with the individual care and attention to those who request it. Feel free to ask for more details or even listen to the Podcast from Off The Cape - Episode 3 and learn all about the Mentor Project.General Guidelines:
- 3 roles defined: Coordinators, Mentors, and Neophytes.
- No official committee or leadership for this project. All Mentors and Coordinators have the same "weight" within the Mentor Project, although Coordinators could assist in resolving issues between Mentors and Neophytes.
- A global channel is used to help coordinate things, and provide another layer to the support network. All Mentors will be OP in this channel, named "N P C" (note the spaces). This is the only mandatory criteria in participating in this project, regardless of role.
- Optional mentoring partnerships between more experienced player (Mentor) and less experienced player (Neophyte) exist. They are:
- Not enforced, but open - Either party can opt to leave at any time if it doesn't work out for whatever reasons. Mentors will have 100% control over how they can assist the newbie in their care, including what time is spent doing so.
- The mentor has no duty towards the newbie except to act as guide. As such, he/she could answer questions, help the Neophyte find a supergroup or start one, team up if schedules permit, etc. The Neophyte will be made to understand that the Mentor is not responsible for his/her enjoyment of the game, nor will there be any expectations of PLing, loot, etc.
- Mentors will be free to cover areas of CoH gaming they want with the neophytes, in private, using their judgement about the pertinence to neophyte's game style. This should cover questions re: farming and powerlevelling. To avoid un-needed discussions in the global channel we should keep these talks private. We don't want to impose our own likes / dislikes to them, yet they should be free to learn (or at least find out about) about all aspects of the game.
- Graduation ceremonies could occur every 3-4 months for Neophytes. They can then become a Mentor if they like, or move on to other activities.
- SG will be available later on for experimentation on base building / SG management. Within any SGs created for/by neophytes, the tier 1 role would be that of the Coordinator. Tier 2 reserved for Mentors / graduated Neophytes. All other ranks used for neophytes. Tier names will probably fluctuate due to experimentation. This will be applied to any VGs as well. Coalitions with established SGs / VGs will be considered.
Know for certain that the Mentor Project has started on Liberty and it's completely voluntary. Thanks for your time and happy gaming! -
This server is not in trouble. We just have our ups and down. It happens.
Those that appeared were the ones that frequent the more active global channels or who were notified at the time that the picture was happening. Even if we could get every single persons Main Toon from Liberty in the picture it would definitely be more than the zone limit. -
If you're also looking in need of help or questions answered. Check out my signature and join the two channels listed. Both are there to assist new players in need of mentorship and/or questions about the game. Without having to sift through several sites. See you in game.
Ghost Legion, THE LEGION, Crimson Order, Echoes in the Dark are just a few of the awesome SGs out there. Any one of them, I'm sure would be greatly suited to you. They are friendly and willing to help new folks. Good luck.
or check the SG/VG listing in my signature. -
Dendrite's Revenge
Was my Spines/Fiery Aura scrapper, now freed up for anyone.
Shield of Force
Available for anyone. -
GL and can't wait to see some pics!
Quote:I like to get as much information as possible for the site, so by all means, fill out the form...I remade Ops website since our old one got deleted. Well, here you go!
Obsidian Ops
Note, we play 5 servers.
Please be detailed here -
Beep! Beep! Central has events listed as well. We're just posting events all over the place.
Quote:Welcome to the evil "good" side. mwahahaFYI, first. I've created a 50 character on the CoH side but now I'm over in the CoV side creating a new character that has reached LvL 16.
Quote:1. Can Heroes go these places(Bloody Bay and Warburg) on the Villian side from CoH? Also, is Base Raiding active in these zones for CoV to CoH and Vice Versa?
Quote:2. Also, where is the RWZ access in the CoV?
Quote:3. The zone/area music in the CoV world is the same as in CoH World, right? I love it. Even completing a mission is different.
EDIT: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Music shows where some of the music is being used in the zones, and some of it is the same. I sit corrected. -
Liberty good enough for ya?
Let me know, got more than enough prestige for you to play with. -
You can always utilize your second build too.
Did Liberty not get represented... I'll be applying to help out if we need a representative.
Quote:Welcome back. First, it's summertime and I don't believe this game is on it's way out.Ok i took a significant break from cov and wanted to know some basic things. First I noticed that the servers are never full even on weekends. Is this game on its way out?
Quote:I see a whole lot of new attractive content that makes me wanna play, but finding teams is like pulling teeth and im on freedom ( which used to be packed)
Quote:Did champions steal our fan base? or dent it?
Quote:Friends are saying that WoW is takeing there toons to lvl 85 soon.
Quote:Any talk of going above 50?
Quote:mmorg's take lots of time. I just hope its not a waste. can anyone rank the top mmorgs.. I know Wow is 1..which i have no intensions on playing, but are we second or third at least. I want to see packed srvers again.
Did I say welcome back? -
Quote:It is always fun to learn it on your own, paragonwiki.com has some great information about the files and here's a bit of information from myself to you to assist you along the way.hehe
Okies, how's about I send you my demorecord from RWZ?
I am going to go learn how to manipulate the files so I can do this myself....
When you open the demofile in the City of Heroes/client_demos folder (all demo files will be marked filename.cohdemo) there's some information you need to know.
Quote:1 0 Version 2
0 0 Map maps/City_Zones/City_01_01/City_01_01.txt
0 0 Time 7.944158
0 DYNGROUPS DYNARRAY |100,0|100,0|100,0|50,0|0,0|50,0|50,0|50,0|100,0
0 CAM POS 143.362946 27.006058 -432.62677
0 CAM PYR -0.076984 0.027131 0
Not always at the beginning of the file, but always in the file. This is the position in which you took the demo files. Your characters camera view of the surroundings. A quick breakdown of what some of that means.
X is the position of a character on the map East - West (the greater the number, the more to the West they will be situated)
Y is the position of a character on the map North - South (the greater the number, the more to the South they will be situated)
Z is the position of a character's altitude (the greater the number, the higher they will appear from the ground)
PYR 0 0 0
Pitch is the front to back tilt angle in which a character is placed on the map
Yaw is the characters left to right location on its vertical axis
Roll is the side to side tile angle of a character (such as a lean)
Let's take a look at Gel's character
Quote:0 1935 NEW "Green Eyed Lady"
0 1935 COSTUME 1 84adef 7.595609 -0.650794 -0.015873 -0.206349 -0.079365 -0.873016 -0.555556 -0.111111 -0.015873 -0.015873 -0.015873 -0.015873 -0.015873 -0.015873 -0.015873 -0.015873 -0.015873 -0.015873 -0.015873 -0.015873 -0.015873 -0.015873 -0.015873 -0.015873 -0.015873 -0.015873 -0.015873 -0.015873 -0.015873 -0.015873
0 1935 PARTSNAME Tight !Hips_V_Warrior_01 !Hips_V_Warrior_01_Mask 00000000 640099
0 1935 PARTSNAME Tight skin_tights Top_8 003fbeff 00131f00
0 1935 PARTSNAME V_fem_Head.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard !v_sf_face_skin_head_08 none 0000cc78 0000ff01
0 1935 PARTSNAME Smooth skin_bare none 00000000 0000ff01
0 1935 PARTSNAME Hi_Heels smooth_01 !Boot_V_Thorn_01 00000000 640099
0 1935 PARTSNAME V_FEM_BELT.GEO/GEO_Belt_Enforcer_01 !X_Enforcer_Emblem !Emblem_v_Enforcer_01_Mask 640099 640099
0 1935 PARTSNAME Medium_04 Long_01a Long_01b 00000055 005252ff
0 1935 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 1935 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 1935 PARTSNAME V_FEM_EMBLEM.GEO/GEO_Emblem_Roman_01 !Emblem_V_Roman_01 !Emblem_V_Roman_01_Mask 00000000 640099
0 1935 PARTSNAME none none none 00ffffff 00e3e3e3
0 1935 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 1935 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 1935 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 1935 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 1935 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 1935 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 1935 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 1935 PARTSNAME none none none 640099 00000000 00000000 00000000 Auras/Female/Sparkle/SparkleEyesLight.fx
0 1935 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 1935 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 1935 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 1935 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 1935 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 1935 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 1935 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 1935 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 1935 POS 138.03125 16.703125 -496.3125
0 1935 PYR 0 0.098175 0
0 1935 MOV READY 0
Gel's character is numbered item 1935 in this particular demofile. The POS and PYR can be manipulated to change her location. The MOV is the emote that she is performing. At this particular time, she's in a ready stance.
If you're editing the file for a screenshot, then you have to find all other occurances of 1935 (Gel's character) in the file and remove them. Just in case Gel moved at some point or other.
It's a tedious, meticulous task but it can be fun if you have the time on your hands to sift through code. It's not hard once you do it a few times. Trial and error.
You can read about most of this here: http://cityofheroes.wikia.com/wiki/D...ding_Demo_Code
If you have any questions, I'll be more than happy to answer them. Hey, we all learned something new for issue 17!! -
I'd like to get in on this in the afternoon, early evening. I work that day but it's something I wouldn't mind joining in on.
Similar to ND's, I give 1 star to those who I have teamed with and had a total disregard for the team, the game itself and just didn't give a flying flip about being on a team. It's rare, but I do have 1 starred people out there. With a colourful note.
I 3 star those that are not on my global list and that I like to team with.
I 5 star those that are on my global.
I use 2 and 4 stars for villain side teaming. 2 for hell no, and 4 for booyah! So when I see someone running around with a 4 star, I will message them and see if they wanna go be bad.If I see 2, I don't necessarily avoid them on heroside, just villain side. hehe
That's just my crazy wonky system. But it works. -
Yes they can. It's a matter of extracting each persons information regarding their costume and placing them in the other file. BTW, I managed to get a demorecord of Lil Sizzler so they would be added too. Heck, anyone would be added if they wanted in there. All the Gel's but that would be overkill.
I totally LOL'd when I saw the stars... I was thinking... Oh boy, she's gonna git it.
S'all good, you know that.
They don't have stars, tough nuggets!
I believe you. I'm just telling you that they were not in my demo file at the time that I took it. There is a range for the demo file, so I don't know what I can tell ya. Hope they made it into the other picture.
Oh and my main doesn't have any stars, tsk tsk Gel. :P