213 -
I hit level 32 with my Mercenaries/Traps Mastermind last night....and in the middle of my insane giggling and excited shrieking over team chat, I cried tears of ambrosia.
Fully upgraded Mercenaries rock.
Sure, they're not AoE specialists and desperately need the Commando to put out serious damage, but my God....when everyone has their Equip Mercenary and Tactical Upgrade (The animation, while predictable, never gets old) skills slapped on them, they're just so *satisfying* to use.
Having the Spec-Ops start up by debuffing the enemy to hell and back, as everyone else unloads with Full-Auto and Flamethrower attacks, I feel the slog has been truly worth it. The recharge on TU is a little painful, but hey...three slots next level.
Instead of attacking people for saying Stalkers are overpowered, attack the reason that they think it.
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Considering that's what I was doing, right until people continuously and repeatedly [censored] about Stalkers being over-powered despite several people including myself pointing out their weaknesses, counters and the fact Devs are working on one-hit kills, that statement is pretty damn irrelevant. -
Thats not the point I made at all. But thanks for using a tired old excuse to win an imaginary argument!
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There are lots of things the game doesn't tell you about, but which are blindingly obvious once you, y'know, open your eyes a little bit.
There are plenty of ways to counter Stalkers, one-hits are being sorted out and so the complaint in this thread, at the end of it all, just comes down to someone being too damn stubborn and pig-headed to adjust their personal tactics.
If that's the case, they should take the damn NPC's advice and stay the hell away from the PvP zones. -
I team with Augury a lot and, quite frankly, it's fugging scary how much more effective a team becomes when a Dominator's about, never mind two.
Player deaths are significantly decreased due to the holds, Bosses and Lts are picked apart a great deal easier....etc. Yes, they lag behind in terms of damage, but they're a team player; an effective team becomes some sort of juggernaut of unholy destruction when Doms get involved. -
Because the game at no point tells them that they need +Perception in PvP, or to keep moving to avoid Assassin Strikes. These are things you quickly discover after repeatedly being oneshotted, and that puts people off of PvP.
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Game gives you enough warning to stay the [censored] out of PvP zones if you don't want to come into conflict with other players, though. -
....and most of us were Exemped down for it.?
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Do it at the "proper" level - 24-30 - then come say it's easy the first time.
We went back there, around level 31, to help a lower level friend with it, and the tree was absolutely thrashed. SOs make a huge bloody difference. -
I did not say that inspirations were complete revamps to a build.
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Yet you refuse to use them.
And I find it interesting that I've constantly been told that there are ways to counteract this yet not been told a single way.
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Temp powers, inspirations and the devs working on the one-shot thing.
Funnily enough, two of those things are available right now in the very same zones you're complaining about being killed in.
You're ignoring everything that's being said just so you can continue to complain about something that A.) is being fixed and B.) can be countered anyway.
For the last time; remove yourself from the PvP zones, or get off your [censored] and adapt to the PvP enviroment. Until then, I'm done with this thread. -
Tell me exactly how to prepare against a stalker.
Without buying inspirations, without adding stealth or invisibility or other complete revamps to your build - just using your archetypes powers as they use theirs?
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How is the use of inspirations and temp powers "completely revamping" the build?
Please, I implore you; leave the PvP zones well alone. You're obviously utterly incapable of adjusting; expecting the game itself to alter just for you, rather than you altering in order to adapt to it. -
There is no way to counter these attacks for Defenders or Controllers or are you too stupid to see that??
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Inspirations and temp powers has already been pointed out to you at least three times.
Are you too stupid to see that?
(Tip: Don't tell me to "grow up" then start throwing out comments such as that in your next post)
What 'neccessary' measures would you suggest in a battle if you need to stand still for a moment?
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If you've taken the precautions that have been repeatedly gone over, you'll see the Stalker coming, and unless you're a melee class - and quite likely to survive the attack anyway - why the hell are you stood perfectly still for anything lengthy attacks?
And yes, because PvP is imbalanced the answer is to not play it.
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No, to not be willing to change your tactics or use what's available to you is a reason to not take part in PvP. -
If I had been killed by another player; I would think 'Damn, he beat me because ileghwlgth' and work on my tactics.
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Yet suddenly stealth makes this so totally irrelevant, despite there being tactics to counter Stalkers?
But to be one-shotted with no chance?
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Are you just pretending to have selective reading, or are you genuinely confused about "they are working on it so one-shotting will be impossible"?
And NO there is no way to react fast enough. You're standing there - then you're dead.
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If you're standing still without the neccesary precautions, you deserve to be killed.
Why should I have to buy inspirations to make the game fair?
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Remove yourself from the PvP zones entirely if that's your comeback.
(And a 'very very thinly veiled moan about losing in Pvp'? Grow up.)
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It is, though.
There are ways to counter stealth and one-shotting will become irrelevant. That's all there is to it. You just come across as a sore loser, too stubborn to try anything new. -
1. Even if they can be killed easily, whats the point if they are stealthed, one-shot you, then stealth again?
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You can react fast enough, and was clearly pointed out, they are working on it so one-shotting will be impossible in the near future.
2. Name ANY way to counter stealth; without getting new powers. I don't have a respec - and I don't see why I should have to change my powers because of such a massive imbalance in PvP.
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Inspirations and temppowers you can buy.
This thread seems like a very, very thinly veiled way to complain about losing in PvP. -
There are ways to counter stealth, they're working on the one-hit thing, Stalkers are killed if you fart on them and so on.
PvP is not perfect, but Stalkers are hardly a massive imbalance as some people say. -
It's to know what the respec trial involves.
Thanks to the following people tonight:
My girlfriend Augury, a Grav/Energy Dominator.
One of the first people I grouped with: Hexyn, also a Grav/Energy Dominator.
The seven foot tall butch amazon lookalike Misantrophia, a Rad/Rad Corrupter.
And finally, the healer that kept us together; Aleph, a Rad/Dark Miasma Corrupter.
It was a slog (We started around midnight and finished at around 3:30am), but we shot through things at a solid pace; wiped a couple of times (Due to panicking and adds), but we bounced back and eventually - with a healthy use of Shivans and cuss-filled ranting - tore open the Spirit Tree and claimed our prizes.
We all plan to respec tommorow, when we've had some sleep.
Please, people; I beg you. Don't mess up your build. Just think of the damn respec trial. Please. -
Actually, I'm going to withdraw. I just did the thing (Two Doms, two Corruptors and myself). Blah....it's a fugging nightmare. Boring, irritating and the last bit is just a damn slog, rather than any "proper" challenge.
I'll come along if I can.
Level 23 at the moment, but I'll most likely hit level 24 tonight or tommorow. I basically NEED a respec, heh. -
Just my little input:
Roleplaying a Villain gives you no excuse to act like a total dick and compromise another player's enjoyment of the game. -
Is this a nightly thing now, or...?
Gack, my connection went screwy early on and I had to drop out. How did things go?
... I have yet to see a non-RPer on my WoW server.
Edit: Added quote.
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Really? I saw nothing but OOC yells, /s chat and so on in places such as Orgrimmar. Roleplay seemed to be quite a minority for Roleplay servers. -
Ok, I'm posting this more on behalf of my girlfriend than myself. Anyway:
Simply put, next to my alt's Mercenaries, her Ninja are a little....lacking. Their damage output is fine (Higher, if a little more erratic, than the Mercs) but they keep getting themselves killed pretty quickly. She's holding out until the Jounin before deciding whether to continue with the Archetype, but it's quite saddening to see her get so frustrated with something she enjoyed at the start.
She's a Ninja/Trick Arrow powerset combo.
Anyone able to offer advice/words of encouragement? -
I'll be along for sure; it was nice discussing this sort of thing with you that day.
I've recently hit level 14 with Eressos, so the SLM (Don't ask....) will most likely be along. I love the design of the zone, and the music's beautiful. -
Colt "The Duke" Steelballs?
EDIT - Or, as my girlfriend said, perhaps Duke "Steelballs" O'Reilly? -
Heckler, Koch and Remington for my regular Mercenaries.
Alpha and Bravo for the Spec-Ops.
For the Commando....um....haven't come up with one yet. Something suitably butch, though.
o.O -
Sure, I'd be happy to do something like this. ^^
Been Roleplaying for a great deal of time - across a lot of MMORPGs - so I'm pretty confident I'd be able to put in a decent interview.
/grin -
First of all I didn't..that was all you posted.
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Then you should have known what my post was about.
The game being called City of Villains is no excuse for crappy behaviour OOC.
I thought what I was saying was pretty obvious? A Villain can do all those things you mentioned, yes, but the game title should not justify crappy, moronic behaviour from an Out Of Character viewpoint (Griefing, for example, can never be attributed to Roleplay; that's a piss-poor attitude to take, Villain or no).
Secondly what exactly is the point in quoting someone's whole post if my response in only about part of it; if people wish to see the whole of your post, they may simply scroll up for go back a page.
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I said not to skip over parts of my post. Small, but significant difference to not quoting me entirely. You quoted the entire thing, therefore have no excuse to skip over key words (In this case, the bit about the OOC stuff).