I think I'm going to cry.




I hit level 32 with my Mercenaries/Traps Mastermind last night....and in the middle of my insane giggling and excited shrieking over team chat, I cried tears of ambrosia.

Fully upgraded Mercenaries rock.

Sure, they're not AoE specialists and desperately need the Commando to put out serious damage, but my God....when everyone has their Equip Mercenary and Tactical Upgrade (The animation, while predictable, never gets old) skills slapped on them, they're just so *satisfying* to use.

Having the Spec-Ops start up by debuffing the enemy to hell and back, as everyone else unloads with Full-Auto and Flamethrower attacks, I feel the slog has been truly worth it. The recharge on TU is a little painful, but hey...three slots next level.



Yeah, can't wait for my bots/ff to reach SL32 myself. Still, I think I kinda rock in PvE now at SL27.8 - and am drooling with anticipation thinking "what, it get's better?!"