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  1. Swifty_NA

    The New Empire

    Suggestion for Swifty in next story.....

    Swifty wakes up and goes out to by milk. Swifty gets milk, returns home and has breakfast. He spends all day watching tele and the goes back to bed.

    I love a good action film.

    Swifty and Malcom the Mewtie Kitty
  2. Swifty_NA

    The New Empire

    *Swifty is all excited. The story is getting really good and he cannot wait for the rest*

    *Malcom kind of sits there and drools a bit while staring at a plant pot.*

    *Swifty is sure he is enjoying it too.*

    Swifty and Malcom the Mewtie Kitty
  3. Using all your advice I have started to come up with the bio for Jack. The ideas have started to flow so a small bio is fast becoming a short story. If you all promise to be nice I will post it.

    Thanks again. Hopefully the advice in this thread will help others as much as me.
  4. Swifty_NA

    The New Empire

    Good luck BW!

    Malcom would like to know the name of the new avatar.

    Something about him looking tasty.......
  5. Great Ideas all round. I will attempt the interview / interigation / Very drunk idea first and see what I come up with. If that still fails I will PM Mercedes Lackey.

    Thanks again for all the help and I will let you know what I come up with

  6. I am currently trying to write the Bio for my Rad/Elec Defender Jack Atomic but I have got completely stuck.

    He is a mutant but I want a bio that stands out as special, something more than, "blah blah blah, born with powers / got powers as teenager blah blah blah was bullied a lot blah blah blah became hero.

    Don't get me wrong, I have seen some of these style of bio written very well but I just can't seem to think of anything that fits. Can you help me past this writer's block and give me some ideas for the story. Any and all ideas are welcome.

    Name: Jack Atomic
    Origin: Mutant
    Primary: Radiation
    Secondary: Electric
    Pools: flight, leadership
    Other: Leader of Forlorn Fallout on Victory, Very headstrong, tends to be one of (if not the) first into each fight. Always willing to help team mates and strangers alike.

    From what I have read we have some of the best amateur writers (and prob hidden pros) in this forum. I figured you were the best to ask.

    Swifty & Malcom the Mewtie kitty
  7. Swifty_NA

    The New Empire

    Wow, keeping up the normal level of fast pace action and high strun emotion.


    Swifty and Malcom the Mewtie Kitty.
  8. Swifty_NA

    The New Empire

    YAY!!! you make swifty happy

    *Malcom continues to drool*

    Maybe I should take him to the vet? Wait, he ate the last 4.
    Maybe I shouldn't. Any more court cases and I will never ding 50

    Swifty and Malcom the mewtie kitty.
  9. Swifty_NA

    The New Empire

    Errrm better listen to him..........I think that he will go terminal soon.

    *pokes Lord Raymond with a stick while Malcom the mewtie kitty drools at him.*

    Yep pretty soon.....

    Swifty and Malcom
  10. Swifty_NA

    The New Empire


    Swifty (The Evil English Guy)

  11. This sounded awesome. Shame I missed it. Is a script / story posted anywhere?

    Gratz on the 50 BTW

  12. Swifty_NA

    The New Empire



    Jolly go show old chap. Keep it up, what, what!

    (was that british enough? People I am not British enough. It maybe because I talk normally and don't drink tea.......)

    Now. I have a sniper aimed on each member of your family. As long as we get the next installment by the end of the day, no one gets a pie gun shot.

  13. Swifty_NA

    The New Empire

    [ QUOTE ]
    Your avatar kinda freaks me out but thanks anyways.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    gotta love the mutie kitty

  14. Ran this last night with 2 teams of 6 Rad/* Defenders. My SG mates each created one and met at an arranged time. We were dropping mobs left, right and centre. It was just plain silly. Dropping 12 AM's at once was also fun.

    Points to note:

    I managed to out run a lvl 15 Super Speeder! ( I was lvl 5 at the time.)

    We managed to get to lvl 7 in a couple of hours and next time we hit perez.

    There is something very wrong with having to hunt down +6's to find a challenge.

    Everyone in Hollows will flock to you when you announce 12 Rad's are about to AM, 'come and get it'

    Hollows is no longer the drag it used to be and I am looking forward to the next arranged bash.

  15. Swifty_NA

    The New Empire

    First off, Happy Birfday for yesterday!

    Wow on the story. Really impressed with what you have do so far. The level of detail and depth of the story and characters is of a pro standard. Keep up the good work.

    I am thoroughly glad I vetured into this forum.

    Now if I could just work up the determination to read the Whitmore apartment threads, it quite a daunting list. Lots of people have been saying how cool it is....

  16. One of the way to sa Thank you is Ta. My SG is british and we use it alot. We keep having to explain it

    As most brits will tell you there are many different dialects in England, let alone Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. But I am guessing you mean you will be playing a South East English guy. This is the closest we have to the stereo type.

    If you are thinking of a background, dispite most films, the entire population of England does not live in London. From the terms you have suggested you would like to use it sounds like you are making someone from what sounds like the 'Home Counties' These are Surrey (V.V. Snobby. I live there) Kent (garden county. lots of villages and fields) Sussex (Is worse than Surrey but does not have the reputation for it.) If you want more info on places I would suggest google it.

    One thing that you could use but may give the wrong impression. For ciggerettes we say [censored].

    But as most brits could tell you there is a new dark form of brit appearing. They are known by many names, Chavs, Townies, Neds, Kevs, 'Oi you stop in the name of the Law!' But they all are the same thing. An 'innit' screaming - burberry wearing - 'got a spare [censored] mate' begging - hanging around out side McDonalds - wannabe rapper bunch of turds. For more info check here: Chav Scum

    Anywayz have fun and avoid stereotypes. (not every brit drinks tea and plots to rule the world as Hollywood would have you believe, I do, but not every Brit.)

    Welcome Home From The Colonies!

  17. OK, I feel for it. Even ran around telling members of my SG. damn.

    Check dates swifty, check dates.

    I must now go and be punished.........
  18. Poor little Swift Raid. He tries so hard to be a civilised Scrapper and team up. But then the scrapper lock kicks in and..................well the blender comment seems to sum it up.
    If you are ever on Infinity and need some bosskilling-semitanking-[censored]!?! fun. give Swifty a shout. lvl 31 MA/Regen scrapper. Always looking for help to be house trained.

    What is this scrapper leash people keep saying they wished they had? Is it some kind of Power Pool?