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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yomo_Kimyata View Post
    I agree with you that there probably a bunch listed at 1, but why wouldn't the 36 bids fill from randomly selected offers?
    My recollection is that equal bids are done first-come-first-serve. So if you're the 36th selling at 1, 35 buyers will have to come through (buying those that were listed before yours) and the 36th buyer will buy yours.

    That really doesn't say why you saw what you saw. My guess would be that the #selling/#buying isn't real-time data and you're seeing what was there, and is now no longer there, but that's purely a random guess.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mylia View Post
    Trying to catch up on this thread. I saw this quickly. I call this complete bs. I am extremely introverted in the real world. In game I can easily casual team with people.
    I'm just joining this thread, but I've read all of it (ow). I have a few comments (I'm just using the quote above as a starting point, this isn't an attack on anyone):

    1) Let's not get too hung up on "Introvert/Extrovert", as I'm sure people's social interactions are more complex that a single dimension. I myself am pretty outgoing but I hate teaming - it's a commitment that locks me into fear of letting the group down, it means I can't go to the bathroom or answer the phone or help my wife get something from a tall shelf. I avoid teams. Others love them. Let's acknowledge both and move on.

    2) Eiko-chan illustrates some preferences and concerns that I find acceptable: She(?) wants Incarnate content that is reachable by solo players, not just TFs. Now granted, this has been expressed with lots of DOOM, assumptions, and pessimism, but I think the majority of us can accept that _desire_ as reasonable, so long as team-oriented content is also present for the more team-using players. The key note here is that this press release gives very little illumination as to whether the majority of new content will be Task Forces or not.

    3) Along those lines, this press release is very short on details. We do learn:

    * Hints on new boosters, which had been hinted elsewhere, with reception ranging from beloved to "meh". Doesn't sound bad, but boosters aren't issues.

    * Double XP weekend. Great to have it, great that it's announced, gentle nudge to give more notice next time in order to create the most bang for the virtual buck (I know I spread the news to my ex-COX friends and have gotten it from others when I'm unsubbed)

    * New slots opened in a few weeks. Note that's not part of an issue. Very interesting.

    * NCSoft Launcher. Much dread from those with experiences, mostly a "wait and see before I complain" from most.

    * Commitment to new content. I adore the Tips missions, and feel like they are up on interesting and down on grind. Keep this up with more stuff and I'm happy - I can certainly envision even more interesting "choices" kinds of missions.

    * Commitment to communication. Given that the above doesn't really give any hints about the content of new issues, this is a "yet to be fulfilled" item. Hope to see it, can't really say yet. Formally addressing (again) long-standing concerns like bases, PvP, etc would be great for communication (regardless of whether anything is changed).

    As someone that has returned to the game recently, I found the markets merged (a huge deal since I am primarily red-side), alignments, merits, bots that zone, improved market interface, newbie tips, combined ferry/trains, and a few other QOL issues that give me reason to "wait and see" without dread. Others may have more reason to expect dread.

    Mostly people are just reacting to things that HAVEN'T been said and several are expressing those concerns of theirs that they had hoped to see addressed. Having read all the comments, I think not much of value is being debated anymore - you actually largely agree, and where you disagree we have to wait to see what the Devs are actually doing, because the details of the next Issue ARE NOT GIVEN HERE. Panic and or celebration will simply have to wait.
  3. I've got a 50 (Bots/Dark MM), a 42 (Dark/Dark Brute) and a number of characters in the 20s and teens (mainly villains, but now that GR is out I've got a KM/WP Scrapper in the 30s).

    I have fun (for a while, then I get bored and unsub for a while - this is my third time around), so I'm not _unsuccessful_, but I'm not really finding challenges that I overcome - it's either pretty easy or too hard.

    With the new difficulties, I find my Bots/Dark plays at +0/x2 - I tried x3 and did fine until big groups mezzed me into nothingness. (Carnies, with the pets and multiple mezzing bosses particularly got me, but not them alone). My Dark/Dark Brute likewise plays +0/x2 - I tried bigger and found my HP bar dropped before I could do anything.

    I play largely solo (teams are chaos for me) and haven't yet tried the Incarnate stuff - I'm trying to buff ME, not my character. Likewise I'm using basic IOs and no real set bonuses aside from franken-slotting. I play very little - maybe a few hours a week. I'm sure the long breaks mean that I don't really learn what does/doesn't work so well.

    When I get in a fight I am largely scrambling to target the right person and fire off my powers. Usually I end up not getting an Inspiration off because I queued up a power before it triggered, or I end up popping 2-3 when I only needed one because I'm frantically pounding buttons. In big fights I'm at a loss as to what is happening - everything is flashing and booming and trying to move usually doesn't work too well.

    I'm thinking my graphics may not be up to snuff - I'm already running at "performance" settings and my Fps is around 15-20 outside of combat, probably dropping at lot in combat. I don't play enough to justify buying hardware to change that though.

    So - What should I be doing in a fight with many opponents? Aside from finding an attack chain that will put out constant DPS and buffs/debuffs without tanking my health/end, and making sure to use Inspirations at a reasonable rate, what should I be doing to be more effective.

    (Again, this is ME, versus a specific toon, so don't get hung up on powersets or character stats. What are the things you see newbies do/not do that you know better than to do/not do but that aren't on-their-face stupid? I'm probably not doing/doing those and want someone to point it out.)
  4. I've recently resubbed after an absence of many issues and one of the new features is the difficulty settings.

    Leveling my new KM/WP Scrapper (as a villain - whee!) I started to get bored and bumped up to +1 my level, then +2 my level. Aside from -Recharge foes, that worked just fine up to 30 (so far). Then I saw mention that the +(heroes) counter gave better drops vs the +(level) counter, and since my Rise to The Challenge feeds off of minions I figured I'd try that. +0 level/+1 hero wasn't a problem. +0 level/+2 heroes was good most of the time, but certain foes (Wailers, Longbow) dropped me way too fast if I hit a swarm (2-3 spawns). (Still in the early 30s)

    I'm currently at +1 level/+1 heroes. Yes to bosses, no to AVs. I solo content almost exclusively. I like to have a mild tactical challenge without requiring a lot of work and definitely without grind. (i.e. I should be using Inspirations to make it through, but shouldn't be burning through them so quickly I have to manually refill after every mission). Farming is NOT interesting to me.

    Once I hit 35 and start tapping into IOs I expect I'll bump it again, but I'm not sure I understand the best way to achieve what I want. It looks like I'll be going +2 level/+1 heroes as my next bump, because that gives good XP, a level of challenge, and still a decent # of drops, but +3 level/+0 heroes is also an option.

    What is the "normal" progression people follow when leveling solo? Do teams have different expectations?
  5. SwiftOneSpeaks

    VEATs and You

    Originally Posted by Furora View Post
    As all epic archetypes are supposed to "unlock" at 20 now instead of 50, should I find it strange that my 26 stalker did not receive the appropriate message? Or do red-side archetypes that start life in Praetoria ignore that unlock?
    I made a Praetorian and at 20 I got the "Epic Archetypes unlocked" message.

    Prior to this I had unlocked the VEATS but not the hero-side.
  6. I've returned after a long absence, and while I've read the various Patch Notes, a lot of details don't make it there (and relative importance is often hidden). I'm curious what I should pay attention to in various areas. (Questions below)

    I'm a very casual player: Almost entire solo, no PvP. Largely Villain as I found the zones/missions nicer/clearer, though I've now leveled a Praetorian into Vigilante. I'll use the market for convenience, but I'm not interested in shooting for infinite inf. As such, I have very few sets since I don't do a ton of hours of playing, Task Forces, or market management to garner the cash to do it.

    Merits: Huh, neat. I'm pretty much ignoring this since I don't have enough to buy the good stuff yet, but the day will come and I like the chance.

    Masterminds: My former main was a Bots/Dark MM. Back then taking damage powers was laughable and Tanking via Bodyguard and Provoke was the new hot thing, and a few rebels were trying to prove petless builds. Bots/Traps was considered easy mode due to Poison Trap. Repair was a wasted effort. I see that summoning/buffing at mission start no longer takes forever. Do bots still have to be resummoned in each mission? Any other changes I should note?

    Brutes: My fav alt was a Dark/Dark Brute. I see that Fury has slightly changed, any other changes I should note?

    Architect: I've not popped in here at all - Is this generally a great experience, or more only for players that are bored with the shipped content?

    Hospitals: Were there always these helpful little floor triangles pointing to the door? I don't remember them because I always ran the wrong way before. Plus I love the nurses with the inspirations.

    Email: I can send stuff and inf to my alts! It is suddenly no longer a curse to be a solo player! Painful that I can't send more than 1 item per email.

    Market: Love the new interface, once I learned to hit "Find" and not believe the message that it was searching for the info. Love the combined markets (I always had items that were simply never traded either way on the Villain side before). I still have lots of drops that it seems aren't desired - I'm just selling these off to vendors, is that stupid?

    Bases: Has anything changed here since they lowered the costs oh-so many issues back? I've been on my new guy and thus not joined my Supergroup. Will he be able to join a Villain SG as a Vigilante?

    Customization, alternate Animations: I thought these weren't supposed to ever happen

    Morality: Love what I've seen so far, Love how the Praetorian (non-morality) missions give a sense of choice, even when it doesn't make a "real" difference.

    What new features should I explore that I've missed?

    Thanks in advance!
  7. This is not yet a guide, but will result in one.

    I'm a fan of communication in teams. As a newer player, it's the only way I'll learn to improve, and in dealing with other new players, it's the best way to teach.

    I'm looking to set up a set of binds such that:

    1) keyboard bind to change my alt-tray to one holding macros
    2) said macro tray holds the 10 most common teaming comments
    3) repeating the keyboard bind replaces the tray

    I'm using macros so that I don'thave to memorize all the commands. I'll be able to distinguish "Run!" from "Resting" visually.

    I could have a few such binds, one for "operational" commands, one for "instructional".

    Now: What text should I include? Here are the comments I use/have seen:

    $target, pull to here please. Everyone else let them come before engaging.
    Resting....Please don't aggro new enemies.
    Report in: Ready?
    Ready! (I dislike those that use "Ready!" to mean "I'm attacking")
    Fallback and Regroup
    Need Blues
    Need Rez
    Stay together please.
    $target, scout ahead and report please.
    Taking elevators

    What would you like to see?
  8. Does anyone know how to bind using inspirations on your pets? Do you have to be close to them to do so?

    Lastly, does anyone know how to use a bind to target a given pet (for the purposes of hitting them with buffs, etc)?

    Thanks in advance