77 -
That kind of looks like the pulse rifle from Aliens. Which is not bad...it's one of the coolest guns out there.
I disagree...I really like the hood on the first one. It's unusual, with a distinctive shape that makes it stand out from every other patriotic-themed character out there.
I think the only thing off about the first one is the pants -- too yellow. I agree that you should try tan/beige.
I don't think the darker colors are an issue. Bright primaries come off as too modern in CoH -- I think darker tones evoke a late pulp/early comics feel.
Excellent work, PB...I like it a lot. -
Those are hilarious, Shia! I look forward to reading more. MORE!
That is stellar! I love FunkYeti's style, and the characters all look great.
Susie, this Gorilla character is amazing
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks! I'm currently working on getting a commission done of him by a very interesting artist. I am positively thrilled to see how it turns out.
I really need a DA account...I must have 8 or 9 pieces of character art that no one ever sees but me. -
Seconded -- if you don't want to hand over real cash, you are going to a.) have a difficult time getting commissions done, and b.) have to be happy with what you get.
If you are willing to hand over real cash, truly excellent (meaning: professional quality) work can be commissioned starting at under $50. I found my most recent commission artist by scouring DeviantArt -- he's a professional illustrator, and I am busting at the seams to see what he comes up with.
For free art: well, good luck. To increase your chances, it seems to help to:
a.) Be friendly and complimentary, but not pushy.
b.) Have an excellent, interesting character design.
c.) Make friends in-game.
I've been playing since launch, and I've only ever received one piece of free art. But I treasure it more than any of my commissions because it was a huge compliment to the character. -
Someone please tell me that's fake. Otherwise, I'm going to have to hold my impending child to a ridiculous standard.
"Okay, junior, Daddy wants a commission of the Justice Society of America..." -
I'm going to give away some names I've been keeping close to the vest, just so I won't be tempted to make any more characters. I have got to stick to the ones I have.
Anyway, names I've recently cleared:
Street Shogun
Names I am sitting on in an undecided fashion:
Catsuit (Which I'm inclined to keep)
Rubber Man
Names I want:
None. I have too damn many characters as it is. -
I must be simple...I can't find it. I went to your DA page and clicked on "Gallery". I don't see anything that looks like Plastic Man -- but judging by your other work, I can't imagine that it's anything but excellent.
I really would like to see it, though -- help?
Edit: AHA! I clicked on "popular" and got it. Weird. -
Does anyone know of any links to photomanipulating guides or FAQs? I could never aspire to do something like that, but I like to mess around with Photoshop, and this would give me a project.
Thanks! -
Is there any sort of restriction on quality? 'Cause I'm not artist, but I'll bang out a picture for a good cause.
Jack Colby. Ed McGaffey. Col. Mortimer.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh, come on...no one can kill Lee Van Cleef three times!
I'm absolutely addicted to this story. You rule, Heroid. -
No kidding. I shudder to think of how much I've spent on CoH fanart.
Of course, I've spent money on much more ridiculous things, and not walked away with a gorgeous piece of custom artwork. -
Do we not have a "how to post a request" thread?
[/ QUOTE ]
I've often wondered about that. If someone walked up to me and said "Hey, draw me," I'd slap them with a mackerel. You folks are better people than I am. -
I'm disappointed.
Just kidding -- I'm completely hooked. More! -
Fantastic story, Heroid -- just fantastic. Waiting with bated breath for the next installment.
Hi all,
Just got this back from the artist: Dave Wachter did this image for me of my latest, favoritest scrapper, Phantom Detective. He really did a bang-up job, and he has a great, distinctive style.
Phantom Detective
SB -
Wow, Juggertha...nice! You're really rocking the line work -- I like the new style.
Oh, wait...I just lurk here.
/e backs slowly out of the form. Slams door. Footsteps down hall. Car starting and peeling out. -
Good points, all. I have also experienced that special frustration that occurs when you can't get a costume that matches the picture in your head. I've tried several costumes meant to evoke a christmas tree, and have only been marginally successful.
That being said, my greatest frustration is also with the chest icons. The chest icon is a fundamental part of many (most?) super-heroes, and it's aggravating not to be able to upload our own.
Of course, that limitation also protects us from a world full of "Picture of a ******** Man" and "Phallic Symbol Guy". -
Jack Kirby's Fourth World in a dynamic, kick-butt artistic style?
I...I think I love you.
Edit: Kudos on the awesome use of Kirby dots. -
((I thought I would throw accolades to Gill in public -- La Calavera's my mastermind (well, one of them), and he just hit this one out of the park. His rendition of the character has completely altered my perspective on her -- I came up with some vague idea like "Maybe she wears flowers on her wrists", and he made magic happen. The artwork's so good, her in-game costume makes me a little sad.))
((I use this game to advance my pro-English agenda. The language, not the nationality. Oh, forget it...
SB)) -
(( 50 years of research in Artificial Intelligence, and what do we have to show for it? ELIZA.
Makes me want to burn my degree...)) -
Susie-Bot: Giant robot, built by a little girl named Susie. Hence, Susie-Bot.
Totally Awesome: Hero from the 80s. When she first used her powers, someone cried "That was Totally Awesome!" Viola, instant nickname.
Wizecrack: Spelled badly because of the stupid "title" rules for naming. Is a comedian, runs his mouth, hence the name.
Green Haunt: A victim of my naming rules, namely:
1.) Try a word. (Ghost)
2.) If taken, hit the Thesaurus. (Haunt)
3.) If taken, try a title (Mr. Haunt, Captain Haunt)
4.) If those bite, modify with color (Green Haunt)
Le Loup: A recent creation, Le Loup is French. Was going to be Le Renard, but that was taken (curse you, Le Renard!) Translated to English, he is merely "The Wolf", which is a perfectly bland, acceptable hero name.