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  1. Thanks for the replies everyone.

    So I finally did my last ever respec (well, probably the last). Fly, Swift, and Quickness now just have single Fly Speed enhancements in them. With Afterburner 3-slotted, I go at 86mph or thereabouts. I like flying, and I like flying fast even more.

    It meant a few extra slots that I could sprinkle around to other powers, which was a nice bonus.
  2. My MA/SR scrapper has Fly, Quickness, and Swift, and they were all three-slotted with flight speed enhancements. Just recently, I realised that another character with much less flight-speed slotting was managing to go at the flight speed cap of 58.something mph.

    I unslotted all of my MA/SR scrapper's flight speed enhancements, and she goes at the flight speed cap anyway!

    As I understand it, Afterburner boosts your flight speed cap. If it's three-slotted with flight speed, what's your new flight speed cap and how much boosting do you need to get to it?

    (Would like to know before I do my final ever respec.)
  3. One of my very first characters, Earthjet, a MA/SR/Body scrapper. Back when I was still new to the game and coming up with all sorts of crazy ideas, she was a bastion of slightly-less-crazy. Even though she was a Natural Origin human, she quickly learned how to focus and concentrate her chi to boost damage, make mid-air course corrections, and eventually fly. Eventually she learned enough to hurl forth blasts of her own chi in a massive Energy Torrent! Ms. Liberty may yet rue the day that Earthjet reached security level 47 and she taught young Earthjet this ability.

    Then I quickly got tired of the Energy Torrent animation and colour and was going to recolour it in I24. Hm, slight hitch there...

    ...quickly rising through the ranks, and equal favourite, is Dragongrace, a KM/Nin/Fire Stalker. Just don't call her a stalker or an assassin. "I'm not an *assassin*," she says. "I'm just a bit... pragmatic." Now security level 39, she hopes to get to security level 45 and a decently enhanced Fireball. Because really, being an invisible girl who can throw massive fireballs sounds awesome!
  4. My first PC was a Commodore-128, which Dad got for educational purposes. So of course we kids used it mainly for C64 games, at least at first. One of the first I remember ever playing is Jumpman.

    Eventually I taught myself BASIC, using the type-in listings in magazines like Ahoy! and Run. See, Dad's insidious plot eventually paid off!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jabbrwock View Post
    Fury is the dominant mechanic of Brute play. It drives the build decisions and play style right up until high levels and IO's and, potentially, external buffs allow Brutes to get by without paying it quite so much heed. Fury is what makes a character with Scrapper level damage and, barring external buffs, Scrapper level defensive numbers feel dramatically different from Scrappers.
    Yes. I know *that*.

    If Power X can be on or off, but players always have it turned on, then what's the point of the off switch? Defensive toggles cost endurance and offensive toggles cost more endurance, but Fury costs nothing.

    My KM/FA Brute gets to scrapper level damage easily, and she's level 30 and has no IOs. The 'challenge' with Fury is not very challenging.


    Sorry everyone, I've digressed massively in a Tanker thread on the Tanker forum. But surely it's understandable? My sole Tanker (a typical Inv/SS) hasn't been played in a long time because, well, Brutes.
  6. Maybe my choice of wording - scrapper level defense to tanker level defense - was poorly thought out. Basically I'm wondering if the idea of defenses improving as Fury improves has any merit. I've never been at max level or incarnate levels, let alone high level teams, so I don't know exactly crazy things get or how viable this idea would be.

    On Fury: If Brutes can get up to high levels of Fury, and then just stay there nonstop, then it makes you wonder what the point of Fury is.
  7. Forgive me if this has already been suggested - I started reading the thread but after 8 pages my eyes were starting to glaze over.

    I've always thought that Brutes' offense vs Scrappers' offense boils down to: Scrappers don't have to worry about Fury. They just do all their damage up front. Brutes have to work up to that level of damage, and then keep smashing in order to maintain that damage. This means Brutes *have* to be on the go, all the time; and that Scrappers can afford to take breaks. Brutes may even have to take different powers to Scrappers, just to ensure they're hitting more often.

    (Mind you it may also be too easy to build Fury.)

    Why not do something similar with Brutes' defenses vs Tankers' defenses? That is: Make Brutes' defenses start at scrapper levels, then increase as they take Fury. I don't know enough of the underlying numbers to say exactly how this would work.

    Then, I don't know, make Fury a bit harder to maintain, to really hammer the point home: You're a Brute, you *need* Fury, and if you don't have Fury you're in trouble. Basically, play up the Brutes' gimmick - fury - a lot more, because that's an easy way to make it distinct from Scrappers and Tankers.
  8. I haven't actually tried TW with a Brute (just with a Scrapper). I'm not sure this set would work very well with a Brute. When you don't have Momentum all your attacks take an extra couple of seconds to animate, and you only ever have Momentum for 5 seconds at a time (or so). I'm thinking this would make it extra difficult for the go-go-go nature of the Brute, and in generating Fury.
  9. Sukugaru

    Kinetic Melee

    I'm also trying out a stalker with Staff/Nin so yes, I know it's not crazy talk.

    (I remember trying a stalker back in the day and ow.)

    I've tried Regen with my Kinetic Melee character, and while Regen can be good the concept of it sometimes gets to me. ("Oh no Frostfire just melted my face off! Never mind I'll just regrow it.")

    I'm currently trying Fire Armor. Somehow I imagine being on fire doesn't lead well to being hidden. I'll have a look at other secondaries available to Stalkers and see if they suit.

    Regarding Power Siphon - should I mostly use it like Build Up, hitting it when I need more to hit and damage? I'm always worried about if the +damage part is going to charge up enough if I'm using it on only one opponent.

    EDIT: And Burst from Hidden sounds like lots of fun.
  10. Sukugaru

    Kinetic Melee

    I've been away from the game for a while (since around... Issue 13 or so? Shield and Willpower were still new), and came back a bit over a month ago.

    So many new things!

    Including Kinetic Melee. A friend put me onto it, and I'm playing a Scrapper using this powerset. I love its feel and animations and that it's basically entirely what I wanted from my old long aborted blapper experiment. (Who's sitting at over 1900 days unplayed. I leave him untouched just to see how high the days unplayed number will go.)

    Unfortunately I can't find much discussion or information about Kinetic Melee, apart from snippets like, "animations are a bit too long", and, "avoid if you don't like Knockback". Does anybody have any tips or advice on Better Living Through Kinetic Melee?

    My main interest is how to effectively use Power Siphon. I'm used to the simplicity of Build Up and Focus Chi.