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  1. Best part of the party was the location. This game can still surprise me...
  2. I got...uh...three potatoes...a bucket full of pelicans...and, um...Satan.
  3. *climbs onto a huge mushroom*

    *blows smoke rings*


    ...are you?

    *Laurence Fishburne walks in*

    'I am Dr. Langston,' says Laurence.

    *smacks Fishburne with a hookah pipe*

    Wrong reference, Larry! Do better next time!
  4. *opens the Giant Pink Box O' Donuts*

    Be my guest, Fedor.

    ((I'd be more witty, but this cough medicine is making my eyes cross.))
  5. French toast? Fie!

    *pulls out Giant Pink Box O' Donuts*

    Nothing beats donuts from the mom n pop shop...
  6. *carts out huge containers of ice cream in various flavors*

    Yes, all the ice cream you could want, courtesy of Arbco! I especially recommend the rocky road.
  7. *walks in wearing a dark leather suit and a chrome mask*

    *begins selling catnip grenades to the puppy forces and ribbon missiles to the kitty forces*

    Ah, the ninth rule. Opportunity plus instinct equal profit.
  8. *sets up the video cameras for the inevitable DVD sales*

    Mmm, ice cream.
  9. *walks in pushing an ice cream cart*

    *takes a cone, fills it with vanilla soft serve*

    *dips the ice cream into the pools of chocolate*

    Dipped ice cream, anyone?
  10. *walks in*

    Morning Sam.

    Morning Ralph.

    *punches a timeclock*

    *sits on a cliff edge overlooking a field of sheep*
  11. *walks in with a frosty mug of A&W root beer*

    *watches cien lick VexXxa*


    *walks out*
  12. *walks in with a pink box of donuts*

    *looks around, sees the pie cannon and general disarray*


    *puts the pink box on a counter, walks out*

    *returns soon in a monster truck, crashing through the Rookery door*

    *climbs into the truck bed, arming the Snickers Gatling Gun(tm)*

    If it's war you want, it's war you get!

    *begins cranking the Snickers Gun...*
  13. *Panda Khan sails in on the Chinese junk Donut Whole*

    *moves his mouth as if speaking; his voice follows a few seconds off-sync*

    Ha-HA! Your feckless scallywagging has drawn the attention of the mighty Panda Khan, the Ten Times Dragon of the Seas! Now we will fight for no good reason until Michael Bay's special effects budget is used up! Hm HMM HMM!

    *snaps his fingers*

    *crewmen scramble about the junk to load up the milk cannons, preparing to fire upon the sackship...*
  14. *walks in with a pink box of fresh donuts*

    *poses thoughtfully*

    Donut not whole without hole.

    *ponders while munching*
  15. *sneaks in stealthily*

    *sidles over to Fedor*

    *surreptitiously passes Fedor a box of Saltines*

    *tiptoes around the various pits and perfume bombs*

    *ponders the donut on the counter*

    *takes a bag of dirt from a pocket*

    *carefully discards some dirt, hefts the bag thoughtfully*

    *reaches carefully...*

    *...and swaps the bag of dirt for the donut. Victory!*

    *turns away, munching the donut, as the counter slowly slides into the floor*

    *a deep rumbling is heard*

  16. May he not be the last in line.
  17. *walks in*
    *stands next to a huge slingshot*
    *straps on shiny helmet with a shark's face painted on*
    *steps into cradle of slingshot*


    *slingshot fires*
    *goes flying over half-pipe towards swimming pool*
    *at apex of flight, grabs a flying donut with mouth*
    *cruises towards swimming pool, munching donut free-hand*
    *cannonballs into pool, splashing Fey*

    ...extreme donut noshing.
  18. Things like this are why I didn't even think of touching Ultra mode until I got my new PC (was time for a new one anyway). My GeForce GTS 240 isn't giving me any problems, and everything looks purty...

    Hope things go well for you, CC.
  19. *wanders in, dressed as Iron Fist*

    *looks for donuts*
  20. Gonna be interesting seeing the deleted scenes on the DVD/BD, as there were a couple of scenes in the trailer that didn't make it to the final film...

    As for the naming thing, I thing Favreau is trying to find a happy medium between Nolan and Singer territory. Nolan's realism won't allow a bunch of funny names for people, whereas Singer will throw the names in without a real explanation of how they got them.


    As the story and blueprints show, the old guy was Anton Vanko, who in the comics was the original Crimson Dynamo, the Russian answer to Iron Man. Whiplash in the comics was a criminal who was supported by Justin Hammer. Favreau took elements of both and created Ivan Vanko.

    As for the Black Widow, they give her true name, Natasha Romanoff, and give her a fairly faithful copy of her black suit. They don't go into her history of who she was before she joined SHIELD.

    And yes, they never blatantly call Rhodey's armor the War Machine, but Tony Stark says the words during their fight at his party ('You think you can handle this? You wanna be a war machine?') Favreau did the same thing in the first movie with the Iron Monger, never calling it that, but working the words into Jeff Bridge's dialogue ('This is who we are, Tony. We're iron mongers.')


    I liked it, but I was a bit disappointed they didn't use more AC/DC music, considering the soundtrack they released was nothing but. I also was surprised they didn't bring back Ramin Djawadi to compose the score; I liked his sound, and missed it.
  21. *walks in*

    *peers up at strange apparatus on the ceiling*

    *walks to the ACME Control PanelTM and ponders the buttons*

    *pushes one button*

    *a disco ball drops down next to the miniaturizing ray, sending random shrinking and enlarging beams across the room*

    *one enlarging beam hits a donut*

    *shrugs, walks up to the giant, table-sized donut and begins munching*
  22. *whispers in Fedor's ear the secrets of the panda dance*

    *eats a donut*

    *does the panda dance to celebrate the Sharks beating the Wings 2-1*
  23. *climbs down from the perch and approaches the ape*

    *tosses a Banana of Temptation +5 past the ape*

    *watches the ape chase the banana*

    *shrugs and goes into the aisle to partake of the chocolate donuts*
  24. *walks in with half a deep dish meat lover's pizza from last night*

    *finds a nice perch*

    *settles down to watch the kitty chase the sackthing*
  25. *watches as Fedor's sackcar zooms around track*

    *watches as Fuego's mini starship hits warp, zooms off track, flies past several states, hits a bootlegger's turn, and zooms back to the track next to the sackcar*

    Hmmm...well, that's lap one.