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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
    heck, my account got banned here in COH once for RMT people getting on it and I got unbanned when I sent in a panicked email. I've been really grateful they listened to me and been super careful with my account since. The support staff's always been good to me.
  2. I can actually say I went to hell and back in this other game I won't even give the courtesy of mentioning. The old saying goes you don't know what you got until it's gone is true. Fortunatley I can still come back and know my account hasn't been hacked. I can't say the same for the other game, it's a shame when you need to buy additional security measures..(cough...authenticator...cough) to ensue being protected.

    Just for the record I didn't do anything to get myself banned. All I did was log into a game play a few hours, log in play and log out rinse and repeat. I believe my account was hacked using their Real time money house, I posted something for sale and after a few days I get banned. I'm sure I wasn't the only one but when the Devs over there do a mass ban becuase of security hacks, you can bet cheating is pretty bad there.

    Thanks Devs for keeping players accounts safe and most of all listening to your players.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post
    That's exactly what I thought at first. The OP wasn't specific in the beginning that the game he/she bought was not CoH.

    1 Thing I have noticed over the last month or so: RMT spam in the help channel, and spam bots in Wentworth's/Black Market are practically non-existent now. I think they may have finally found a way after all the complaints and petitions to get rid of the spammers almost for good.

    After playing Guild Wars on and off for almost 6 years, I'm familiar with bot-like behavior and I don't recall ever coming across any character in CoH that exhibits such behavior. That's partly why I love this game. That and the great friendly community.
    Oh no sorry for the confusion I was stating the other game has issues, COH absolutely rocks. *Original post fixed.
  4. So I bought this other game, (Not COH) last month it cost me $60 USD to play. I logged in after a patch and noticed my account was banned, I checked my email and to cut a long message short I was banned for X,Y, and Z. I petitioned saying why I haven't been doing X,Y,and Z and the next day the Devs in this game told me there findings were final. Final as in my appeal was for nothing and their findings were valid. I responded by saying you just lost a customer for not just the current game but for any other games produced by this company. The customer service manager said due to security concerns the punishment may be harsh but it was the only way to flush out the real cheats/bots from the game. I would have to purchase another, "License" if I wanted to play this game again. I'm not paying another $60 for the same game for security issues they can't fix. Even on this game's forums it's been addressed that people's accounts have been hacked.

    I have a new found appreciation for this game after playing 4 years after this incident with this other game. I'm Very appreciated that COH doesn't have this security issue and if there was the Devs here listen to their players. In fact if there was any fear of hacking a warning would be given out to it's player base. I'm 95 percent sure how my account was hacked and it had to do with their real time money marketing options. I feel safe that I can enter Wentworths and knowing I won't have the same issue with COH as I did with this other game. I'm very appreciative the Devs are interactive in COH not a customer service rep.

    Thank you COH if I haven't said it enough.
  5. SteelDominator

    Who do you miss?

    Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
    4shes, BlackTabby, SteelDominator, & familystone.


    Oh, nm.
  6. SteelDominator

    Who do you miss?

    Originally Posted by BlackTabby View Post
    Definatly not Scooter
  7. SteelDominator

    Adieu Blackmelee

    Originally Posted by Horusaurus View Post
    I certainly hope that hunter class isn't OP in comparison to all the other classes, like some sorta raging warrior, and a kung fu mastah.
  8. SteelDominator

    Adieu Blackmelee

    Originally Posted by XxBudweiser8xX View Post
    He's not leaving.... were sending him on "vacation" for a bit..... He'll be Back in a couple of months.

    we all have to take some time away here and there, but once bitten by the CoX bug....its n your blood...for LIFE
    Aye i've been playing a certain game named after a certain devil with a really cool hunter like character. Been popping my head in COH every once in a while, nothing going on Champ it's back to hacking and smashing.
  9. SteelDominator

    Adieu Blackmelee

    He leave he game permanetly or temp?
  10. SteelDominator


    Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
    What'chu looking at bucket head.
    Today this
  11. SteelDominator

    Memorial Day

    Not saying it's anyway happy but remember those that gave all and made the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you to all that served, are serving, and thinking of doing so. The folks serving make less than 1% percent of our total population.
  12. SteelDominator


    Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean View Post
    Calm before the storm.
    This and school's out for the summer.
  13. SteelDominator

    Please vote

    Hey one of our Players need help, please vote for her costume, here's the link thanks!
  14. <----This guy voted for ya! Good luck hope you win!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MCG_Warface View Post
    @theoriginalwarface love to get any help from any other Supergroup as well, need the word spread more than anything, but certainly help with the CC and Arena tourney.
    Gotcha I'll send a donation next time I get in game.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dougnukem View Post
    This always amazes me how people let someone else's character's costumes or names affect their gaming experience. Who cares? If it bothers you, report them and move on, otherwise let it go, sheesh.
  17. Alright sounds awesome I'd like to donate some influence as well for this! What is your global so I can send you the influence?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    Macho Man Randy Savage stopped the rapture, so it only makes sense that archaeologists found new calenders.
  19. SteelDominator


    Should'nt judge a server by it's forums posts, probably not even half of the folks that play there post.
  20. SteelDominator


    Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
    Yes, our theater went crazy when it turned around and smiled.. and the final scene after all the credits roll is a perfect scene for this film.

    ->"Disney says the domestic total is on pace for a record-setting $175M through Sunday from 4,349 U.S. and Canadian locations, including 3,364 plays in 3D. This would make it the all-time biggest domestic weekend opening ever."
    I was wondering what the numbers looked liked, not a bad thing has been said any where about the movie. This movie is perfect!
  21. SteelDominator


    YES!! As always for the credits to roll, i screamed like a girl when I saw, "He who has an infatuation with death".
  22. He's back! After touring the other servers the last few weeks DJ Wyld's World of Rock is making its stop on Champion tonight. Catch him and join the Radio Paragon team under Atlas in Atals Park or just listen while getting your game on from 10 Pm -2 Am EST.
  23. Come to Champion, it's a small town but everyone knows everybody. Ask a question or help in help channel somene will answer you back, also we have some global channels we can get you in. Post again in champion server thread you'll find peeps are willing to through globals at you whenever you log in. Champion is known as the community server

    -All else fails, doubt it. Send me a tell in game @SteelDominator
  24. SteelDominator


    Originally Posted by cobalt azurean View Post
    that's so strykeforce and four years ago.

    There, we've now had yet another "drama" thread with sf in it.

    That makes it official.

    Edit: You might want to get those black balls checked out.
    lol@ SF!!!