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  1. No problem GATT see ya then! Just happy it wasnt anything serious
  2. So its 9:45 eastern and no Master of Lady Grey or was there a change we dont know?
  3. Welcome we have an event going on everyday of the week. Get on Champion server channels, (See global channel thread) to see what's forming.
  4. I'll sure to be there to support it
  5. Updated the first post with a list of badges that can be earned during these raids. Thanks again for the kind words and support to those that responded in game and on the boards.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DaveMebs View Post
    Really looking forward to these. Thanks for steppin up. Don't worry if you get shi* from people, certain people just don't like it when others succeed where they failed. Anywho, I look forward to these raids ('specially if merits are needed in GR)
    I soooo wanna tell you guys why Vanguard merits are important and to save them but can't.
  7. Thanks to everyone that attended tonight raid! next scheduled raid obviously is tommorrow nights RWZ raid with Celestial Lord and I will be there as well to support that. Everyone wins when we do raids hopefully this will bring more people to the server with all of the other events planned on Champion Server. If you build it they will come :P
  8. Made some changes to the original post, there is conflict with Mon and Friday night RWZ raids with Hami Academy and Master TF's runs. New schedule is posted for the above days. Any other days will be impromptu if intrest sparks and we can gather enough people. With @Celestial Lord running Mothership raid on Thursdays we will have 4 scheduled raids a week enough time to earn Vanguard merits before GR releases.
  9. I'll be hosting Rikti Mothership raids on Wed nights forming up in RWZ zone at 8:00 PM Eastern and starting at 8:30 PM or until zone caps and again on Saturday's forming at 12:30 pm and Starting at 1:00 pm Eastern time.

    UPDATE:.....@Sepultura will be leading tommorrow's raid at 1pm east, everyone enjoy!

    In Addition to earning Vanguard Merits, (lvl 35+) or 34 below for xp, here are a list of badges that can be earned during the Rikti mothership raids:

    *Exploration Badge- "The Unbashed" Badge is located on the center of the Rikti ship, (Also its one of the badges required for teleport beacon for sg/vg base)

    *Defeat Badge- "Master of Arms" Badge can be obtained when GM U'Kon Gr'ai is defeated 10 times during Rikti mothership raids

    *Acheivment Badge- "Demolitionist" Badge can be obtained when you place 10 bombs during Rikti mothership raids.

    (Don't forget to run the leventera arc for the vanguard badge and also recieve VG Merits during raids).
  10. We ran a master of Kahn TF last week and one of the AT's played was a dark/dark defender. Dark helped with becuase it "Stabiliazed" Reichsman's massive AOE's with "Darkest night" and the use of "Shadow fall" for the squishy's to hide. Our master run was very last minute and thrown together with the "Let's see if we can get it" attitude. The AT's we had were:

    2 Tanks, (1 for reichsman and 1 for AV's) both were shields as a primary
    2 Def, dark/dark and emp
    2 Controllers, both were kins
    1 scrapper
    1 blaster

    Reichsman went down fairly quick in 10 mins but the biggest carry was the dark/dark Def, AV's AOE's didn't hit anyone for the entire engagement.
  11. SteelDominator

    Master Of ITF

    OK see ya guys there!
  12. SteelDominator

    Master Of ITF

    Yup im game again for next week, i'll bring the ice/storm troller again if you want whatever works for team.
  13. SteelDominator


    Yea I'm a window-licker and didnt read the entire thread through so I can say I have lots of memories about you Nator can't just pick one so i'll just say i'm glad I know you and very happy we're freinds. Thanks for everything you have done for myself and what ive seen with others ever since I started playing.
  14. SteelDominator


    Last year' drop ship challenge rocked....and about to do another one, (see Cherry's post)!
  15. SteelDominator

    Thank you

    This peice was completed for $125. Mr. Roth sent several copies starting with the concept sketch to the finished work. He can send scopies via email and/or by DVD mailed to your hosue. Here's a price listing from GP post in, "Player Auction 2009".

    Greetings, and many thanks for the kind words, guys
    I really enjoyed creating that BUD piece, and I would love to do some more CoH art for any of you fine folks.
    My rates, for any who might be interested:
    $50 for Black/White ink drawing of single character image.
    $50-$100 for full colour single (or duo) character image (ie: the BUD pic).
    $100+ for B/W OR full colour multiple character scene (ie: a team portrait, or battle scene involving more than 2 characters- roughly speaking, add $50 per character).

    Artwork will be drawn by hand, coloured digitally in high resolution, and delivered to you via email (unless you'd prefer to own the original art instead- we'll talk

    Cheers, I look forward to hearing from you and creating custom art of your amazing characters.
  16. Gratz also too Ima Mankiller on 1st Master badge as well...Thanks for awesome Emp'in Force!!
  17. SteelDominator

    Master Of ITF

    Yup still planing on being there, looking forward to it.
  18. Pencil me in with my Ill/Rad Controller, "SteelRadiance" or my Will/SS tank, "SteelDominatrix.
  19. Here's my list not in any particular order

    *Peeps that tell others how to play the game
    *Blind invites, (usually AE folks in Atlas)
    *Folks that don't actually play the game but will stand around on a toon and gossip on in game chat channels.
  20. Had tons of fun smashing stuff on my first Tankage Tuesday, looking forward to next months MS raid!
  21. Man I am so there for another drop ship challenge, someone remind Angie this time she missed the last one.
  22. Can't wait for you to come back Angie. Explains why I haven't seen ya on lately.