Introducing Summer of Rikti Mothership Raid Fun!
Made some changes to the original post, there is conflict with Mon and Friday night RWZ raids with Hami Academy and Master TF's runs. New schedule is posted for the above days. Any other days will be impromptu if intrest sparks and we can gather enough people. With @Celestial Lord running Mothership raid on Thursdays we will have 4 scheduled raids a week enough time to earn Vanguard merits before GR releases.
Capped the zone twice lastnight, evidently ppl enjoy the raids and would enjoy doing it more than once a week!
Everyone had a good time and there was no drama. Lastnights was spur of the moment, at a friends request, no stepping on toes or rudeness intended.
Steel made sure to pick days and times that would not conflict with anyone else's events in the future and appologized that it did so last night but someone has nothing better to do than drama/hate tag.
It was Steel's intention to help ppl get more merits on multiple toons, rumor is you are going to need them when GR comes out. Rather than ask CL or someone else to run more than one a week, he stepped up and deicded to run it himself and give his time to help ppl load up on merits.
Ima Mankiller@Ima
Dee's Facebook SG & Coalition Site
The Phoenix Phalanx,The Phoenix Phalanx Elite and Dark Phoenix Phalanx
Appreciate the raids Steel. I'm sure there are many people who appreciate the time you are taking to host the extra raids while not interfering with our already scheduled programing. I'll be there schedule permitting as often as possible.
Keep rockin' and keep 'em comin'.
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
Thanks to everyone that attended tonight raid! next scheduled raid obviously is tommorrow nights RWZ raid with Celestial Lord and I will be there as well to support that. Everyone wins when we do raids hopefully this will bring more people to the server with all of the other events planned on Champion Server. If you build it they will come :P
This is great! Thanks for stepping up and leading events on our server! I know I appreciate it!
[URL=""]Host of's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL=""]The Dazz Blog[/URL]
Really looking forward to these. Thanks for steppin up. Don't worry if you get shi* from people, certain people just don't like it when others succeed where they failed. Anywho, I look forward to these raids ('specially if merits are needed in GR)

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
Thanks to everyone that attended tonight raid! next scheduled raid obviously is tommorrow nights RWZ raid with Celestial Lord and I will be there as well to support that. Everyone wins when we do raids hopefully this will bring more people to the server with all of the other events planned on Champion Server. If you build it they will come :P
Thank you for stepping up to host the raids, and for being mindful of the schedule of other events. Less overlap, where possible, creates more opportunity for people to attend everything they'd like to.
Note: You can also e-mail me event dates and I can add them in that way as well!
[URL=""]Host of's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL=""]The Dazz Blog[/URL]
Updated the first post with a list of badges that can be earned during these raids. Thanks again for the kind words and support to those that responded in game and on the boards.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
Steel I dont care what anyone says, this is awesome, thx for stepping up. I knew you would lolz *shove shove* love ya man

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's
Continued successful raids everyone keep up the great work! Updated the 1st post I will not be in town from the 14th June-17th June and wont have access to interent so the next scheduled raid i'll host will be next week Sat 19th June.
Raids will be conducted today and tommorrow, looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Great raids on sat and sunday and awesome recovery on Sat due to everyone's efforts after not one but 2 sever mapserves! And great job on Sunday with starting on only 4 teams! Keep up the teamwork, the raids are successful only becuase you guy's come out and support.
Updated the first post due to upcoming Independance day weekend.
New Update in conjuction with the Official release of GR. See original post.
Mothership tonight raid tonight folks cya there!
RWZ Mothership raid tommorrow night, (Wed) dont forget I wont be hosting any raids this Independence day weekend. Cya all there! Refer to original post for more details.
FYI RWZ raid tommorrow night, (WED) will start forming at 8pm East and start 830 pm east as well or when zone caps all welcome, remember only 35+ to get merits. If your not there for merits come get xp or work towards badges as stated in original post. Cya all there!
UPDATE!!!! 75 MILLION to Kill shot on GM on tommorrow nights raid.
Great raid guys...thank you PON for the extra money to raise the GM kill shot to 150 Mill. special gratz to @Foxx2 for getting the kill. cya all this weekend!
Updated original post, I'll host raids on Wed nights and Sat afternoon's on the same times, no Sunday raids.
I'll be hosting Rikti Mothership raids on Wed nights forming up in RWZ zone at 8:00 PM Eastern and starting at 8:30 PM or until zone caps and again on Saturday's forming at 12:30 pm and Starting at 1:00 pm Eastern time.
UPDATE:.....@Sepultura will be leading tommorrow's raid at 1pm east, everyone enjoy!
In Addition to earning Vanguard Merits, (lvl 35+) or 34 below for xp, here are a list of badges that can be earned during the Rikti mothership raids:
*Exploration Badge- "The Unbashed" Badge is located on the center of the Rikti ship, (Also its one of the badges required for teleport beacon for sg/vg base)
*Defeat Badge- "Master of Arms" Badge can be obtained when GM U'Kon Gr'ai is defeated 10 times during Rikti mothership raids
*Acheivment Badge- "Demolitionist" Badge can be obtained when you place 10 bombs during Rikti mothership raids.
(Don't forget to run the leventera arc for the vanguard badge and also recieve VG Merits during raids).