3man MoITF
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
Silas, stop making the surgeons love you. It's ridiculous.
feels good man
Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Gratz to you 3!
Nice job.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
I see electric powers in your tray...eww.
'Gratz, maybe I need to try again..

fyi, almost none of the EBs got their Unstoppables off because they were hella sapped :P
Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
Impressive! Well done.
"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21
Guide to Base Teleporters
Why Corrs Are Pure Win:
Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
How did I get stuck kinning again?
Need to do this under a half hour.
Him and his bodily functions, god, what a griefer.
Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Nice job ... gratz guys
@Llewthor, @Llewthor2
Great job guyz!! (I need to read forums during the weekend more instead of stupid gaming!)
Phantom Flight / Villainous Llewthorous
3 man successful MoITF
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans