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  1. I'll be there, i'll bring my Ice/Storm Controller and be willing to switch to any AT if needed.
  2. SteelDominator

    Champions Vent

    Im a member of several VENT servers but spend more time in PON recently, seems like there is always someone new in there and beleive it or not hardly any drama; Likewise for HOJ.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amily View Post
    I didn't want to start a new thread so I thought this might be a good place to post.

    It seems like we are quick to jump on the negative stuff that happens. I just wanted to post something positive.

    A couple weeks ago I went to a Pee Wee pvp match. I observed once and went in one match. I didn't really understand what was going on all I walked away with was. "It sure seems like fun". Everyone was very nice and the atmosphere was laid back.

    Today I took a random invite to RV. I had never been in the zone, but the promise of fighting AV's had me intrigued.

    My mates came out to pvp. Cherry and Cam were laying waste to about 5 heroes. I was having a blast even though I felt like I was not keeping up as I should.

    We needed help...

    No one really seemed intrested in pvp or wanted to help. Which baffled me because this wasn't like an arena match and it was all in fun.

    I saw Bud and Steel in channel and asked them to help. I only know their names from the Forums. I have never spoken with them. Bud was actually pretty busy. He dropped what he was doing and came to help just because I asked.

    I thought that was really nice of them both.

    Our team was not optimal, none were pvp'rs. I was the only emp and clueless. Bud and Steel really were very nice and supportive. Not once did they complain about having a rookie emp. In fact one of them Im not sure which sent me a tell saying that I had a great attitude and don't get discouraged.

    It was so action packed I would be watching the fighting and forget I was supposed to be in there healing!

    I had a great time. I appreciated the patience and encouragement. I don't know what it was like in the past, but my limited experience with pvp has been awesome so far. I hope that more people will come out and try.
    Was actually pretty fun, I dont often pvp and I was flattered someone I didnt know what the heck. Lots O fun even though I got my butt kicked a lot, too bad I had to leave for a RL event.
  4. This ---> People talking about other people while on team. Find yourself within a group that does this you have to ask your self..."What do they say about me when i'm not around". Food for thought.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Force_ View Post
    CAR: Best Ribbon Ever.

    Sounds like you had a great time, glad to hear it.
    Absolutley...thanks for all of the comments guys. Thank you for those have served or are still serving now, "Someone's gotta do it!"
    Here is a pic of three gentlemen from the reunion; from right to left myself, 2 Vets from World War 2, and a Korean War Veteran with their wives.
    Pic of Vietnam Veteran looking over the Memorial service display.
    Here is a Pic of another World War 2 Veteran, he was seriously wounded in Normandy and contniued to fight after he was fixed up until the end of the war.
    Here is a Pic of me with 2 other Vets I served with when I deployed to Iraq in 2003 the dust hadn't settled yet after the invasion of Iraq, the gentleman in the middle was a Platoon Leader in Company that was seriously wounded. He and had to be evacuated back to the states. I havent seen him since then and it was very theraputic to see him and tell him everything I wantd to face to face.
    Letters the were written from Famile members thanking this organization
    The facility provides care packages as well as support for the familes whose loved ones were wounded and killed in action. These letters are displayed on the wall. Disclaimer-Brings a kleenex box when visiting this facility.
    This was the 16th Infantry Regimental room where all of the Veterans from World War 2, Korean War, Vietnam, and other conflicts tothis day were present for an awards cermoney. The 16th Infantry regiment is most decorated Regiement in the U.S Army

    I had a great time at the Reunion and even though Hero Con was not scheduled this year, This was my Hero Con. It was my first time attending a military function like this and a great experience. To be able to talk to Veterans first hand about some of the situations and battles they had fought made me remember that I was just a gnat amongst giants. These Veterans always came to us and thanking us for our service but I always replied, "Thank you for making life easier for us today." I remember hearing on gentleman saying after my reply, "Someone has to do it."
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Green_Eyed_Lady View Post
    Thank you for your service!

    A veteran over on Liberty has this quote in his signature:
    A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America' for an amount of 'up to, and including, my life'.
    OOo great qoute ...Hey im back guys more details to follow of the Reunion...HAD A BLAST!! Now time for sleep :P
  8. Heading out sometime tommorrw to San Antonio TX, see you guys next week.

    FYI list of activities i'll be attending:
    -Visiting fellow wounded soldiers still recovering from injuries sustained in combat
    -Interacting with the last few surviving World War 2 Vets
    -Attending the yearly Banquet. (Pics to follow)

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    Forgiveness is a beautiful thing that everyone can benefit from. Even if the person you forgive does it again at least you can know that you did your part by meeting them halfway and being the bigger person.

    Me and Bud had a long talk on vent today. He apologized for some behavior and also explained why he felt the way he did. We agreed to let bygones be bygones. He is welcome back at my events, I have agreed to not talk trash about him and he has agreed to behave and not cause drama. If he doesn't do his part, that is on him.

    Cobalt I hate to tell you this but there are lots of us that haven't acted very mature in regards to our fellow gamers. Myself included. You included as well. The negativity in your post wasn't necessary just now. It causes drama. We should all be able to get along and be civil to each other at least as far as channels, the forums, Community events etc. While we can pick and choose who we surround ourselves with on a regular basis, community channels, forums, events ect are supposed to be exactly that. We should be able to get along even if we don't care for each other for the sake of the community.

    Someone made a very valid point today. Some of us have cliques and as leaders have followers. When we don't like each other, avoid each other, talk trash about each other as leaders of the Community we impact a lot more than just ourselves. Because you don't like me, some of your friends don't like me even though they have no reason not to. Because I don't like Bud my friends...ect. ect. Its something to consider is all I am saying.

    If people can put their pride aside and reach out a hand then we as humans should be reaching back instead of expressing more hate or drama.
    Couldn't have said it better.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
    I did. He blew it.

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

    When you two are done decidin' what's good for us all, I'll be in game.
    This kind of response is not what this post was intended for, But hey to each is our own, our actions speak louder than words. I know what deeds ive done in the past and for that I apologize at least im giving it a try again and again if I have to.
  11. Recently a group of individuals sat down and talked about some issues in VENT and the general consenses is exactly what the title means...a fresh start or clean slate for the benefit of event organizers and everyone a part of Champion server. With the recent of events in channels and and other oraginzed activites it would benefit all at least for a short while to clean the air. The recent in game fighting in channels, events, and other organized parties we have isnt good for the server as a whole. It causes a rift amongst individuals, groups, sg's.

    Recommending lifting bans on individuals for events, unignore individuals you have on ignore,(including mself I will unignore my 1 person i have on my list.), try to let bygons be bygons and let go of any bias or harsh feelings toward one another, and most of all respec on another's opinions, (if you Identify a problem be prepared to have a constructive solution).

    Of course all of these ideals are just recommendations and totally up to each individual and whether or not they want to follow, it's their perogative. If you have any more ideals plz respond. Champion server has many Strong personalities with each common goal in mind, and thats to make the server better. If the peace last 1 week, 6 months, or not at all at least we can say most have tried. As a server we are better than any SG; we have community. So here is my Olive Branch im starting on a clean slate will you?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by XxBudweiser8xX View Post
    Not bad we just did it in 8:15 no temps, no pets, and we only used Brawl
    LOL get it right we did it in 8:14!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by XFUNK View Post
    Ours was 13 mins on the first try with no nukes/shivans. Try harder.
    GTFO!!! Isnt Pinnacle dead anyway?
  14. Great coordination and teamwork, thanks for leading Bud and PON! I had a blast.
  15. Woooohooo another great one Ash! Can't believe you already finished it.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mesmorizer View Post
    I leave for a few months(fine years) and I come back and it's empty at almost all times. What has happened? We used to be one of the most busy servers, behind Freedom.
    What happend to you? A lot was going on this past weekend, check our server calender. Is this another, "The Server is dead!".....DOOM! At the risk of beating a dead horse get on Champion channels you'll see several of us on there always putting something together.
  17. Thanks Cobalt, I've been in the 1st Infantry Div for most of my career..very rich in history. Any other Vets that play COH?
  18. Hey guys i'll be here from the 26 Aug thru 29 Aug, If you ever served in the Division or just wanna stop by and say hi if your in the San Antonio area give me holler, I believe their are still tickets available it's going to be a blast I'm looking forward to it!
  19. Missed the raid, i'll be there next week
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
    people who offer their 2 cents worth after a raid that havnt led 1 themselves and feel the need to tell you what you do wrong or what you can improve upon.
    I hear that, guess there are always someone that's not going to be happy. Thanks for providing the opportunity for people to come out for the raid, Sorry I couldnt make it.