The Servers for CoH have been maintained at the time of 9:00 EST to 11:00 EST for atleast the last 4 years. I'm curious what has prompted this sudden need to change the time in which the servers are to be maintained?
For some of you... it poses no more than a minor inconvenience. However, for others of us, it is meeting time to team with others from other places in the world at a time that is within reasonable limits for both continents. And also, it may be the ONLY time some players can play. Remember, Players have schedule their lives and work around the previous, long standing time for maintenance.
Look, I appreciate maintenance, I'm not upset about that aspect. I am objecting mainly to: 1) change without player consideration 2) a sudden 2 hour shift of maintenance time.
May I be so bold as to suggest some options for discussion? One suggestion is to have one regular server maintenance time on Monday and a different time for Friday, so that not just one set of teaming individuals will be constantly knocked out. Another, less obtrusive might be to only shift the regular maintenance time by 1 hour instead of the 2 hour shift.
I'm sure our creative players can even come up with other more useful suggestions than I.
I will say, I have been greatly upset by this change in server time. As a mom, this was my only time, before the days demands were upon me to relax, and have some 'adult' time with friends I have made and teamed with from here and other continents over the last 3 years.
I truly hope the times for the server maintenance will be revisited. I"m afraid if they are not, that I will lose all the teaming friends I have created over the last 3 years of playing at this time. A true loss indeed. = (