99 -
Well, I certainly hope the Devs look at him as the exception not the rule. I have yet to solo any AVs on any of my ATs even with a Shivan(just EBs). And I didn't do any soloing of AVs before ED either. Thanks for the nerfs min/maxers and thanks for always bringing attention to your "accomplishments" to the devs.
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QFT ... My point exactly. -
level 51 recluse AV
It was an 8 person team with me lackeyed to a 49 while I was on my 42 dominator.
I'm sure that if I had no debt the number woulda been more eyepopping but still...wow.
308k xp and 275k debt
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The winner of this Thread
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Nuh Uhh ...
I managed 115 exp on a single arrest last night. I soloed a LT all by myself too ... No Shivan or Nukes needed -
And he wasn't bragging about soloing it at ALL. He was pointing out the huge amount of experience he gained. There's a difference.
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And you don't have an issue with the fact that when people come out here and brag about ANYTHING in this game ... Stuff gets nerfed ???
He's bragging about leveling really fast and getting MAD EXPZ !!!
Double experience weekends ??? We'll be lucky if we end up with HALF experience FOREVER !!!
Or have you forgotten this is City of Nerfs (with a VERY occasional buff). -
You're Darwin ... We suck !!!
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Corrected for you. Its sorta funny because, I never thought it was possible for Superman to solo Lex Luther. hrmmmmm. Food for thought.
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I wasn't sure if he was the religious sort of not ... That suits me better, but in reading his posts ... I kinda just assumed -
Can you top this single bonus in double exp weekend? I soloed Ghost Widow and nearly got 1.5 bubbles in a single kill.
Check out the combat log
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You do realize that if your build recieves the next rounds of nerfs, you will probably be the scapegoat for why it happened because of this post.
Just thought you might want this bit of information.
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You do realize I've done this so far with Stone Armor/Super Strength (Tanker) and Fire/Fire Brute? Next is probably going to be a Corruptor. If they start nerfing, they may as well do another global nerf cause I can do this with any character.
Or they could buff AV's.
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You're God ... We suck !!!
Can you top this single bonus in double exp weekend? I soloed Ghost Widow and nearly got 1.5 bubbles in a single kill.
Check out the combat log
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You know ...
These threads you're making (the ding thread and this as examples), while very informative as to your obviously superior skillz at pressing buttons ... And I'm sure some people are finding them entertaining, inspiring, and generally wonderful ... If only we all could be so good.
Forgive me but ... I'm not thinking you are doing a whole lot to bolster support for the idea a lot of us have put forth ... That we need more of these double experience type weekend events.
I mean if I were a dev reading your threads ... I might start thinking the game needs to be ... SLOWED DOWN or HARDER.
Please stop. Think of us mortal gamers.
I for one have put but a single level on one of my characters to this point in the weekend ... And I'd like the oppportunity to have double experience MORE OFTEN rather than never again.
We know you're great at pressing buttons and holding your bodily functions in check for three days ata time (hell you ccan probably go longer) ... But you can stop telling us about it anytime now.
No ... I did not one-star your threads.
STOP now. -
You may have noticed some click powers that used to root you and now dont. These powers snuck their way into the wrong build (see what happens when we dont root them), and most of these will change back in the next build that makes it to live. Consider this an official heads up.
Again, sorry for the confusion this has caused. Well get it all sorted out shortly and we thank you for your patience and understanding.
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I think it's time you guys fixed your development process.
It's broken. -
This means that "suppressed when knocked" was probably added some time after Issue 7... and the "if (target = player)" part, to restrict the suppression to PvP, was forgotten about.
Anyway... if someone wants to PM Castle, go ahead. I'd do it myself, but I'm shy.
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No need. Your conclusion was exactly correct. I'm adding the PvP restriction now and it should make it's way to you folks in a patch or 3.
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Thanks for responding ... And correcting the problem. -
Have you re-pmed _Castle_ with the results of the testing in this thread? Important notes being that only power thrust works this way, and that well after the enemy stands up, the kb is still supressed on a normal pve enemy?
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It has been sent ... -
Back on topic:
Just got back from testing on live. Level 1 newbie blaster with Power Thrust, level 1 newbie mastermind with Force Bolt. I can confirm that Power Thrust is definitely working differently from other knockback powers.
Force Bolt is still affected by the "ragdoll suppression" we all know and love. Nothing's changed since Issue 6.
Power Thrust, on the other hand, is doing some funny things. For example, with Power Thrust on auto:
Power Thrust! Hellion LT goes flying!
Six seconds later.
Power Thrust! Hellion LT just stands there and takes it.
Six seconds later.
Power Thrust! Hellion LT goes flying!
Six seconds later.
Power Thrust! Hellion LT just stands there and takes it.
etc., etc.
The pattern is completely non-random. The first and every odd-numbered Power Thrust knocks back. The second and every even-numbered Power Thrust doesn't. So random chance of knockback isn't the problem. (As Castle confirmed.)
At the same time, this isn't some form of knockback immunity as with some root and hold powers. If that were the case, targets would enjoy continued immunity after every consecutive Power Thrust.
That leaves one likely culprit: PvP-style "suppressed when knocked." This is usually used together with the "if (target = player)" modifier, as with Air Superiority, which clearly chains in PvE but does not in PvP. In fact, now that I think about it, Power Thrust is behaving exactly like it does in PvP... in PvE! Time for more testing.... this time, I add Power Blast to the mix.
Power Blast! Hellion LT takes damage.
Power Blast! Hellion LT takes damage.
Power Blast! Hellion LT goes flying!
I wait for the Hellion LT to stand all the way back up and attack.
Power Thrust! Hellion LT just stands there and takes it.
Voila. This is consistent with PvP style "suppressed when knocked" on Power Thrust being erroneously applied to both PvE and PvP (thanks to NOXiam @ Freedom for joining me in the arena today to test this). If Castle goes into the database and looks closely, I'll bet he'll find that Power Thrust's knockback is tagged "suppressed when knocked" but "if (target = player)" is missing.
Finally, checking City of Data, their Issue 7 database doesn't show "suppressed when knocked" of any sort for Power Thrust. This means that "suppressed when knocked" was probably added recently... and whoever did it forgot the "if (target = player)" part to restrict the suppression to PvP.
Anyway... if someone wants to PM Castle, go ahead. I'd do it myself, but I'm shy.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks for the tests ... I was hoping it was just a Winter Event type thing, which when it went live originally (in December) is when I first noticed the Power Thrust issue. Though to be honest, I hadn't played a /Energy Blaster in a bit before the Winter Event, so I'm not the best judge of WHEN it started.
Evidently, because it's still happening and the Winter Event is over, something else (perhaps I8 or the 12/7 patch) caused this.
I'll PM him the link to this thread and ask him to check it out.
I don't PvP, so this is a very radical change to the power's behavior in my experience ... I mean I'm used to being able to count on a knock back when it hits, which for a squishy is very important in getting the heavy melee damage away and back to range.
It's certainly not the end of the world, but it is a bug (at least in MY book it's a bug) that I'd really like to see fixed. -
So beyond what it's supposed to do ... Which was the quote I pasted in from Castle ...
There's been no official word on if we have an bug here ???
I didn't play any of my /Energy Blasters last night, is it still there ??? You know, since the Winter Event went poof maybe it was a Winter Event induced bug that also went poof.
Anyone ???
*crosses fingers* -
I could have sworn that KB supression was a PvP thing, since you can perm mez PvE enemies with almost every other type of mezzing effect (I've done it with Stuns and Holds with Blasters).
Guess I missed that post by him about PvE.
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You know ... I could have sworn it was perma-able also ...
I used to have a friend with an Electric/Energy Blaster and we used to play catch by whacking baddies back and forth (it was great fun) ... That was a LONG time ago, so I'm willing to give that suppression was added at some point after that ...
But how it is now is NOT how it has worked for a very long time.
It's different that's for sure ... I guess the big question is Bug or Changed ???
Bug needs to be fixed ... Change needs to be changed back. -
I'm sorry, I know this recently was discussed and Castle was quoted:
From: _Castle_
Nothing looks untoward on the power. KB is 100% chance, and suppresses if the target has been knocked back recently.
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Well after playing several /Energy Blasters in the last week, I'm here to say it's not working like it USED to.
I can see how the suppression is SUPPOSED to work. By not allowing you to keep a target perma knocked back and never get attacked.
Fine ... I'm all for not keeping something perma knocked back.
Here's how it's working now ... After MANY uses last night. I used Power Thrust and it and knocks a target back (ANY target, minion to EB) ... Then I ran up to the target and waited till it got up ... AND attacked me one time, before I fired Power Thrust again ... No knockback (AFTER the return attack, AFTER the baddie got up from the first KB), but it did register the damage from the second Power Thrust hit.
Is he saying the suppression lasts (and SHOULD last) long enough so the baddie can get two attacks in before getting knocked back again ???
Or should it be (didn't it used to be) that the target could get up, fire an attack and get knocked right back again ... Like when the target COULD attack again, the suppression was off. Meaning the suppression was ONLY to prevent us keeping a baddie unable to attack.
Because as far as I'm concerned, this functionality has changed from what it used to be, as little as a month or so ago ... In fact I'm nearly willing to go as far as to say either I8, the fix patch soon after, or the Winter Event has screwed this up from how it SHOULD be.
I'm not saying we should be able to perma KB a target and never be attacked ... But if the target is able to get up and attack, we should be able to knock it back again after the attack fires ...
I'm saying it used to work this way up till a recent patch.
Here's the problem with it as it is now ... You Power Thrust and knock back a baddie ... Toss a couple blasts at it while it's down ... It gets up and hits you, you Power Thrust again, do the damage, but get no knock back ...
Now you're stuck there toe to toe with a baddie who can (and does) attack you till Power Thrust recycles for a second time ... Or you run away like a little girl.
I'm thinking it's either broken or they in fact did nerf it so the suppression lasts longer than it used to ... Which if that's the case, it needs to be changed back.
But I'm more leaning to a bug which has made the suppression time longer somehow. -
Start submitting your questions for me here.
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But but but ... We have a bunch of forums right here, which are PACKED with questions already ... -
That was very impressive ... Nice work.
My only comment about DIEfiance is ... It needs to be fixed.
Fixed to be useful that is ... Cause as it is, it might as well not exist.
By far it's the worst inherent in the game, which with a few minor tweaks to the equation, it could be the BEST inherent in the game.
Personally ... I'd like to see a bit of middle ground found with it ... Something that helps, but doesn't require you to risk debt to get the help. Maybe a bar that builds up to a click power that gives a large burst of extra damage for a very short period of time ... Not unlike the Dominator's inherent, but more damage for a shorter period of time.
I play around with DIEfiance with my newbies, so there's no debt involved in case I do happen to bite it, which surprisingly isn't as often as you might think ... But my Blasters over level 9, don't have an inherent, because I'm simply not willing to risk debt period ... Ever. -
Some people also look a lot younger than they are. I've been called everything from 16 to 23, and I'm 26.
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My kid is 26 ... -
Can someone explain this to me?
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You're not this dumb Zeus ... You're playin aren't you ...
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No.. I'm actually serious. Perhaps I give people the benefit of the doubt that they're not actually going to bother make a post that says (essentially) "I like boobies". I mean, that just seems pretty stupid to me. I take it you think I'm overestimating people.
It wouldn't be a first time I suppose.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not people in general ... I actually give people the benefit of the doubt too ...
No ... I'm talking about people who post in a gaming forum for a game rated ... T for Teen
"I like Boobies" is a big step up for lots of them
Edit: My only comment about the rash of Cookie Girl drooling ... Is that she looked like a kid to me ... Which in and of itself isn't a bad thing (kids drooling over kids, I mean I was 16 once), but I'm thinking a few of the droolers would land themselves in jail over that ... I'd go as far as to say I'd bet some of the droolers could be classified as having a certain type of "philia" (which I find a bit sick actually).
Can someone explain this to me?
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You're not this dumb Zeus ... You're playin aren't you ... -
And spud.. it's a matter of interpretation, but saying "Shut up, you!" also isn't considered very polite in most situations, no matter WHAT your intention. The other people in this thread don't appear to be the impolite ones.
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You are right ... Definitely my bad, though I still do think publically calling someone a cheat is a bit much.
I've been away for a while and I've been picking up a tone that hasn't been sitting well with me since being back to the forums, and this thread, along with another or two, just kinda put me over the edge.
I knew there was a reason I stopped coming around here ... It was irritating me to read a fair chunk of the posts here. I see (and am a bit disappointed) it hasn't changed a whole lot.
Not to worry though ... I'll only stick around till irritation outweighs enjoyment.
Nice seein you again Zeus ... Nice costume. -
So....what, we have people exploting out of game contests now?
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No ... Just a lack of politeness from the peanut gallery.
My lord what's wrong with geeks these days....
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I've been asking myself the same question ...
Now the contests are going to be nerfed.
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Most likely -
And you'd be wrong. Everyone has a right to comment. It's not something you earn.
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No ... It was (and is) my opinion. In my opinion only people who entered the contest have a right to make comment about the outcome ... They did the work ... They took the risk.
You sat at home and armchair-quarterbacked the outcome after the fact ... Put yourself out there and see how it feels.
I care quite a bit about it, actually, so smeg off, eh?
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Uh ... No. But thanks for the offer.
There are many other avenues to express your concerns over the outcomes, besides publically crying CHEAT !!! Which you did.
Oh I dunno ... PM to a mod maybe ???
Not everything needs to be a public spectacle. -
I'm not gonna believe people are gonna be this way about the carnie costume ... Life is too short to get all hung up about things like that.
It was a great costume, it took a fair amount of guts (for lack of a better word) to submit the picture and subject herself to possible ridicule (which I might add that only those folks that submitted entries, and took the same potential risk, would even have a right to comment, the rest of you really need to shut it) ...
And ultimately ... SO WHAT if it doesn't perfectly follow the letter of the rules ...
Besides ... Have you remotely considered that the person has been reading your, less than flattering, judgements about her efforts ??? Or are you just not caring how she might feel about it ...
Whatever happened to just keeping it to yourself ??? -
That would stink for the really loyal customers who bought both CoH, CoV and a hero kit.
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That was my reasoning for opening discussion. We know so little about it, it's almost pointless to discuss...but I'm still wigged out over it. If someone just starts playing, they're going to have a three month head-start on me...but only if Veteran's Rewards are based on "billing time."
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I suggest you wait to get worked up about it
1) if and when you find out for sure that you are being shorted some time and
2) you find out what the rewards actually are.
I don't understand why people agonize over things we know very little about at this point.
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QFT !!! -
All I gotta say about that is ... DAMN !!!
I won't be able to play after this weekend ... For the next 3+ weeks.
Figures ... The last event I got a decent look at (meaning I got to play for like 2 days worth of it), was the Winter Lord Event ...
Their scheduling BLOWS !!!
Edit to add: And it really torks me off that I have a level 39.25 Blaster that REALLY could use the double exp to get to 40 and more content again ...
The only thing that can make the reaction worse is when you say something like "a little nerf" and then you make a major reduction.
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Or like when you say there's gonna be no more nerfs to powers ...
Then cut all enhancement effectiveness by half ???
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Key words highlighted. They were technically right.
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Yes, because of all those non-power uses for enhancements. I mean, it's not as if affecting how enhancements work has any bearing on powers...
Anyone who can argue with a straight face that ED was not a sweeping nerf to all powersets is not someone I'd ever choose to believe on any matter.
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Actually there were some powersets you didn't six slot for character design reasons. But there is no point trying to have an intelligent discussion with someone who can show such a lack of game knowledge with a straight face.
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I think you're in way over your head here ... You might consider stopping at simply being wrong ... Instead of continuing on to becoming something more.
Just trying to help.