52 -
Sorry not to be clear in the guide.
First, the previous poster is correct in saying that the protection offered by grounded is not available everywhere. (Which you know)
Second, The magnitude of the protection found in grounded is not the same as the magnitude of protection found in CJ and Acro.
In the Prima Guide (which I'm going to assume is right on this)
CJ=8.3 immobilize protection
Acro=100 points KB protection
Can't find Grounded but from experience the immobilize protection is <9
Every time a status effect hits you the game tally's up some numbers. Most effects are mag 3, your resistance is overcome when the sum of effects is greater than your protection
8.3-3(2 immobilize)=2.3 not immobilized
8.3-3(3 immobilize)=-0.7 immobile
your comment that Grounded "provides some KB/immobilize protection"
[/ QUOTE ]
There are some powers that will overpower Grounded with knockback. There are no powers that can overpower Acro (KB can be stacked but due to it's very short duration this is difficult)
Also at the time of writing this guide the protection level of grounded was lower than that of CJ. The magnitude of protection may have been changed (like the KB portion) to increase with level.
Personally, I use Grounded. I use the temp powers to get between missions. I saw no point in the redundant protection of leaping pool, but I also don't PvP. -
Dark is the best secondary for filling ELA's holes.
You are only lvl 10 wait a bit and slot 3 heals in Dark Melee's heal, it's good. Once you've put SOs in it then decide if you want Aid Self.
I subscribe to the travel how you want ideal. Do what's fun.
PvPers say get acro too. I don't PvP much so no clue on that. It has a higher magnitude KB resistance than grounded, but grounded has some nice perks.
Don't underestimate fear in PvP. There are 3? sets that can resist it.
Stealth isn't as good as hide for stalkers, and good PvP teams will have enough +perception to see through stealth+hide. So you'll only get an advantage vs. people with no perception or not paying attention. -
Small Generator
Originally suggested by: Speqter
Category: main energy
Customizable? No
Type: purchased
Description: Smaller Generator then current provides 450 energy for 112k.
Limitations: Can have half the aux items of a normal generator. -
*Watches as Luminara saunters right onto field of trip mines*
/em Stewie "Victory is mine" -
Good thing you caught that before the edit window was gone.
V 1.1 now with end drain resist numbers.
This guide is going to be divided into the following sections
1. Set Overview
2. Power Info
3. Commentary
Information was obtained through self testing, TopDoc's Movement Guide and from NoFuture which all the info comes from datamining of sorts. So I'm going to treat them as accurate. Also I'll be using both BI and DS numbers for damage.
Other sources of interest
Arcanaville's Defense guide
Foo's Brute Guide
BI-is the damage of an unenhanced power divided by the damage done by an unenhanced brawl
DS-Damage Scalar (Brawl is a .36DS) Found Here it's a bit intense so look at your own risk.
Set Overview
Electric Armor is a set of resists. This set has higher than average resistance numbers than other Brute sets. You'll lack a self heal (both heal and hp booster), toxic resistance, and while you have some knockback (KB) and immobilize protection it isn't perfect. You're final power is a "God Mode" power that will max your resists and cover any status holes left by the rest of the set.
I also find it to be one of the least costume obscuring sets out there. Lightning field is the most visually loud powers and stays mainly around the feet. Power Surge however turns you into a red electric gremlin, but unlike granite you keep the same general size of character.
-endurance drain resists
-psionic resistance
-end recovery powers
-tp foe protection
-slow resists
-auto recharge reduction
-auto +run speed
-auto KB/immobilize resist
-No fear protection
-No Confuse Protection
-No Self heal
-No Toxic resistance (outside of Power Surge)
-Incomplete KB/Immobilize protection
Power Info.
I don't really find the power descriptions in this game helpful so I'm going to leave them off and just put the info for the powers.
Charged Armor: (lvl 1)
Toggle: Self +Res(Smash, Lethal, Energy)
Base Resistances: 26.25% Smashing/Lethal, Energy
Recharge Time: 2 seconds.
Endurance per Second (EPS): 0.26
Activation Time: 0.67 seconds
Enhancements Accepted: Recharge Reduction, Endurance Reducer, Damage Resistance
Lightning Field: (lvl 2)
Toggle: PBAoE, Minor DoT(Energy), Foe -End
Brawl Index: 0.6 (.216 DS) Energy
Radius: 8ft
Recharge Time: 10 seconds
EPS: 0.52
Activation Time: 2.03 Seconds
Enhancements Accepted: Accuracy, Damage, Recharge, Endurance Reduction, Taunt, End Mod
*This Power does NOT RETURN endurance to you it only DRAINS endurance from foes (3% of total)*
Conductive Shield: (lvl 4)
Toggle: Self +Res(Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative)
Base Resistances: 26.25% Fire, Cold & Energy, 15% Negative
Recharge Time: 2 seconds.
EPS: 0.26
Activation time: 0.67 Seconds
Enhancements Accepted: Recharge Reduction, Endurance Reducer, Damage Resistance
Static Shield: (lvl 10)
Toggle: Self +Res(Hold, Sleep, Disorient, End Drain, Recovery DeBuff, Psionic, Teleport)
Base Resistances: 26.25% Psionic
Recharge Time: 4 seconds.
EPS: 0.216
Activation time: 1.17 Seconds
Enhancements Accepted: Recharge Reduction, Endurance Reducer, Damage Resistance
*36%+(LVL-10)*2% end drain res. It starts at 36% and goes up 2% per level*
Note: +Resistance Enhancements will only increase the Psionic resistance, not the resistance to status effects. That increases with your level. This power does not provide Immobilize or Knockdown protection.
Grounded: (lvl 16)
Auto: Self +Res (Energy, Negative, End Drain, Immobilize, KB)
Base Resistances: 9.375% Energy, 7.5% Negative
Enhancements Accepted: Damage Resistance
*42%+(LVL-16)*1%. It starts at 42% and goes up 1% per level. The status protection on this power protects against a majority of KB, KD, KU powers, it will resist all immobilize powers.*
Lightning Reflexes: (lvl 20)
Auto: Self +Recharge, +SPD, Res (Slow)
Recharge Bonus: 20%
Speed Bonus: 5.20 + LVL * 0.043 (in feet/second)
Enhancements Accepted: Run Speed
*I'm unsure at this time if flight or jump speed is enhanced from this, or how well the slow resistance works. From PvP observations it seems to be effective against one slow (this power appears to be a copy of Quickness from /SR)*
Conserve Power (lvl 28)
Self Endurance Discount
Duration: 90 seconds
Recharge Time: 600 seconds.
Endurance Cost: 7.8 endurance
Endurance Discount: 66%
Activation time: 1.17 Seconds
Enhancements Accepted: Recharge Reduction, Endurance Reducer
Power Sink: (lvl 35)
PBAoE, Self +End, Foe -End
Radius: 10 ft
Recharge Time: 60 seconds.
Endurance Cost: 13 endurance
Activation time: 2.03 Seconds
Enhancements Accepted: Recharge Reduction, Endurance Reducer, Taunt, Endurance Mod
*This power is autohit and RETURNS 25 end per minion hit (unenhanced)*
Power Surge: (lvl 38)
Self, +Res(Disorient, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, Knockback, End Drain, Recovery DeBuff, Teleport, all damage except psionic) +Recovery
Base Resistances: 52.5% Smashing, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Toxic, 60% Energy, 45% Negative
Duration: 180 seconds
Recharge Time: 1000 seconds.
Endurance Cost: 2.6 endurance
Activation time: 1.96 Seconds
Enhancements Accepted: Accuracy, Recharge Reduction, Endurance Reducer, Hold, Endurance Mod, Damage Resistance
*This power drops you to 10% hp and 0 end after it wears off. At the end an EMP holds even con minions and Lts. (boss is unknown) for about 10 seconds. The accuracy and hold enhancements affect the EMP portion of the power.*
The following is mainly my opinion from reading the boards and my experience playing from lvl 1-16 and @lvl 40
The resists of this set are as follows
unenhanced(3 even level SO enhancments)
S/L- 26.25%(41.48%)
Nrg- 61.88%(97.77%)
Neg. Nrg- 22.5%(35.55%)
Fire- 26.25%(41.48%)
Cold- 26.25%(41.48%)
Toxic- 0%
Psionic- 26.25%(41.48%)
Average-31.6%(49.89%) [without toxic figured in]
-Now those are pretty good resists, Comparing Electric armor to the other resist only brute secondary, Fire Aura, which has an average of 26.25%(41.48%) [without psionic figured in].
-All the shields; Charged Armor, Conductive Shield and Static Shield are all worth getting.
-Grounded's protection is good. It provides protection but it is not as good Acrobatics and Combat Jumping. Another problem with grounded is that it only works when you are touching the ground. Grounded has its uses; it allows you to cap your energy resistance, gives some Negative Energy resistance, it adds to your end drain resistance, and it is provides some KB/immobilize protection.
-Lightning Reflexes is a great passive +recharge/+run speed power. It's one of the top 5 powers in this set.
-Unless you have a really end intensive set you probably don't need both Conserve Power and Power Sink. Conserve Power is a click that reduces the cost of powers and can be reduced to a recharge of ~275 sec without the use of hasten. Power Sink is a click that can be up every 27.5 sec recovers a full end bar if you hit 3 minions with it and will drain 40% of a PvE critter.
-After you get Power Sink you may not need stamina, but 35 levels is a long time. Even though you could pass on stamina, health will still provide you with a decent regen boost; and Swift, Lightning Reflexes and Sprint can be turned into a travel power (~37 mph with default slots.) Also, having that extra endurance can allow you to slot extra recharge reducers in you attacks instead of end reduction. All in all once you get Power Sink slotted up you'll know if you want stamina or not.
-Power Surge is a great panic button and can be used at the same time as your other toggles. With the addition of blinking icons you can now tell when the power duration is almost over. If you like situational awesomeness and looking like a Cap Au Diable gremlin get it and slot it up. If you plan on running the other toggles with it you'll reach 90% resistance against most damage types and only need to slot for recharge and the EMP portion.
-Endurance Drain resistance. Current observations are that even at level 16 with grounded and Static shield in PvP a kinetics/electric defender built for end drain couldnt drain or kill me for several minutes. The powers scale with level grounded gains 1% protection per level and starts at 42%. Static Shield gains 2% per level and starts at 36% protection. The combined numbers indicate they do not stack. I believe that there is a 95% resistance cap to endurance drain resistance.
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Level Base Static Grounded Both
11 66 79 -- --
14 76 86 -- --
16 76 87 86 87
17 76 88 86 88
18 76 88 86 88
19 76 89 86 89
21 76 -- 87 90
22 76 -- 87 90
23 76 -- 87 91
24 76 -- 87 91
26 76 92 88 92
27 76 -- 88 93
28 76 -- 88 93
30 60 93 -- --
38 60 98 84 98
</pre><hr />
-Lightning Field is a tricky one. I'm going to throw some observations at you and then some math.
First off I like the smash of the brute, hitting my enemy watching their health go down to 1/2 when I hit them with a weak attack. That being said Lightning field is quite a drain on the endurance (compared to the other toggles) and uses endurance I can be using to SMASH my enemies. If you plan on trying to hold agro for teams it makes things much easier.
Now some math.
all these #'s are @ lvl 40
Lightning Field(.2 DS) does 8.342 damage, every 2 seconds.
It costs 1.04 endurance and can harm up to 10 opponents.
It effectively costs .52 endurance/second.
deals 4.171 damage/second (per opponent in range).
gives 8.021 damage/endurance point (per opponent in range).
average performance (3 mobs)
deals 12.513 damage/second
gives 24.063 damage/endurance point
MAX performance (10 mobs)
deals 41.71 damage/second
gives 80.21 damage/endurance point
Compare that to some Electric Melee attacks.
Charged Brawl (2.33 BI, 4.368 end)
deals 34.99 damage/activation
gives 8 damage/end
Havoc Punch (3.66 BI, 6.864 end)
deals 54.95 dam/act
gives 8 Dam/end
Jacob's Ladder (4.5 BI, 8.5 end)
Jacob's Ladder 67.572 damage, every 8 seconds.
It costs 8.528 endurance and can harm up to 5 opponents.
It effectively costs 1.07 endurance/second
deals 8.447 dam/sec.
gives 7.925 damage/endurance point
average performance (3 mobs)
deals 25.341 damage/second
gives 23.775 damage/endurance point
Max performance (5 mobs)
deals 42.235 damage/second
gives 39.625 damage/endurance point
It is more efficient over time than the first 3 electric melee powers, but mainly it's play style. It's seems to pay off more when there are lots of critters around you or when you are fighting on a team. -
*Sets up pitchfork and torch stand*
I'm here boss in case we need to storm the company....They can't take our CuppaJo. -
This guide is going to be divided into the following sections
1. Set Overview
2. Power Info
3. Commentary
Written July 4th 2006 (I7)
Information was obtained through self testing, and from NoFuture which all the info comes from datamining of sorts. So I'm going to treat them as accurate. Also I'll be using both BI and DS numbers for damage.
Other sources of interest
Foo's Brute Guide
BI-is the damage of an unenhanced power divided by the damage done by an unenhanced brawl
DS-Damage Scalar (Brawl is a .36DS) Found Here it's a bit intense so look at your own risk.
Im not writing this guide to tell you how to play this set. Id like it to be as unbiased as possible, keeping to straight facts and leave opinions largely out of it.
Set Overview
Electric Melee is a set of that deals a split of Energy and Smashing damage. The powers are largely from blasters electric manipulation secondary, but the graphics have been changed to be red lightning (think Mu).
Each power listed as doing end drain, will always drain endurance; it is independent of the chance to return endurance. The endurance returned and endurance drained are enhanced by end mod enhancements, but is never high enough to gain endurance for using a power. In my experience with other electric sets the end return is a nice benefit but its only in the first 2 attacks and happens 10% of the time (its not good enough to skip stamina). Over time even slotted with 3 end mods youd get 1 out 10 attacks free giving a 90% attack cost over time (and drain 14-20% of end in PvE). If youd put 1 end reducer in your attacks youd get a 75% discount.
Also this set provides no way to halt end recovery of opponents beyond the random chance built into the powers. So once you drain an enemy they can still do little attacks as they gain endurance.
The set contains both single target and AoE powers, and can be tweaked to do mainly single target damage or AoE damage.
-Endurance drain
-Non smashing/lethal damage type
-2 AoE powers by level 8
-Secondary effect with moderate chance to take effect.
-Most powerful final Brute attack (as stated by _Castle_ )
-One attacks over 5.5 BI (2 DS)
-Slow recharging final power
-Chain Induction reduces xp of targets it hits. (Partial/Full fix is in the works)
Power Info.
I don't really find the power descriptions in this game helpful so I'm going to leave them off and just put the info for the powers.
Damage for powers will be listed as Smashing/Energy BI (Smashing/Energy) DS
Minions have mag 1 status resist
Lieutenants have mag 2 status resists
Bosses have mag 3 status resists
If you status effect is greater than (but not equal to) the critters status protection. The status will take affect.
Accuracy of a power is normally 100%, unless its penalized like certain AoE status effects or buffed similar to Martial Arts or drawn weapon sets. Attacks that do not have an endurance returned line will not return endurance.
Charged Brawl: (lvl 1)
Click: Melee single target
Accuracy: 100%
Damage: 1.389/.944 (.5/.34)
Activation Time: 1.07 seconds.
Endurance: 4.368
Recharge: 3 seconds
Endurance Drained: 7% (1.25 end vs. players)
Endurance Returned: 10% to return 2.184 end
Other Effects: 10% chance for 6 sec of mag 2.38 sleep (PvE), 10% chance to reduce recovery by 100% for 2 sec.
Enhancements Accepted: Accuracy, Damage, Recharge Reduction, Sleep Duration, Endurance Reducer, Taunt, Endurance Modification
Havoc Punch: (lvl 1)
Click: Melee single target
Accuracy: 100%
Damage: 2.22/1.44 (.8/.52)
Activation Time: 1.5 seconds.
Endurance: 6.864
Recharge: 6 seconds
Endurance Drained: 10% (2 end vs. players)
Endurance Returned: 10% to return 3.432 end
Other Effects: 30% chance for 8 sec of mag 2.38 sleep (PvE), 30% chance to reduce recovery by 100% for 4 sec.
Enhancements Accepted: Accuracy, Damage, Recharge Reduction, Sleep Duration, Endurance Reducer, Taunt, Endurance Modification
Jacobs Ladder: (lvl 2)
Click: Cone (5 ,50 deg., 5 targets)
Accuracy: 100%
Damage: 0/4.16 (0/1.5)
Activation Time: 1.67 seconds.
Endurance: 8.528
Recharge: 8 seconds
Endurance Drained: 7% (1.25 end vs. players)
Other Effects: 10% chance for 6 sec of mag 2.38 sleep (PvE), 10% chance to reduce recovery by 100% for 2 sec.
Enhancements Accepted: Accuracy, Damage, Recharge Reduction, Sleep Duration, Endurance Reducer, Taunt, Endurance Modification
Build UP: (lvl 6)
Click: +80% base damage, +20% to hit
Activation Time: 1.17 seconds.
Endurance: 5.2
Recharge: 90 seconds
Duration: 10 sec
Enhancements Accepted: Recharge Reduction, Endurance Reducer, To Hit Buff
Thunderstrike: (lvl 8)
Click: AoE (7 , 10 targets)
Accuracy: 100%
Damage: 2.78/2.86 (1/.96) *energy portion is also AoE damage*
Activation Time: 3.3 seconds.
Endurance: 10.192
Recharge: 18 seconds
Other Effects: 50% chance for 5 sec of mag 3.57 disorient (PvE), 40% chance to reduce recovery by 100% for 4 sec., 80% chance for KD (at 2 levels KD changes to KB)
Enhancements Accepted: Accuracy, Damage, Recharge Reduction, Endurance Reducer, Disorient, Knockback, Taunt
Taunt: (lvl 12)
Click: AoE (15, 5 targets)
Accuracy: 100%
Activation Time: 2.67 seconds.
Endurance: 0
Recharge: 10 seconds
Range: 70
Duration: 20 sec (PvP) 5 sec (PvE)
Other Effects: Artificially directs agro to you for the duration of the power. In PvP that means that a player hit can ONLY attack you (while affected) unless someone else taunts them.
Enhancements Accepted: Recharge Reduction, Endurance Reducer, Range, Accuracy
*While this power accepts accuracy it is auto hit against critters (PvE) but now requires a to hit check in (PvP)*
Chain Induction (lvl 18)
Click: Melee Single Target with a chance to make 4 jumps.
Accuracy: 100%
Damage: 2.22/1.44 (1.95 jump damage) (.8/.52) (.7 jump damage)
Activation Time: 1 seconds.
Endurance: 10.192
Recharge: 14 seconds
Endurance Drained: 10% (2 end vs. players)
Other Effects: 30% chance to reduce recovery by 100% for 4 sec.
Enhancements Accepted: Accuracy, Damage, Recharge Reduction, Endurance Reducer, Taunt.
*The jumps that are done after the initial hit are not affected by fury. They also count as damage done by a different team (July 4th, 2006) Meaning if a jump does damage equal to 10% of a critters hp you will receive 10% less xp for that critter. There is a fix in the works for this effect, but it may not solve the problem.*
Lightning Clap: (lvl 26)
Click: AoE (15, 10 targets)
Accuracy: 80%
Activation Time: 1.23 seconds.
Endurance: 13
Recharge: 30 seconds
Other Effects: 100% chance for 8-second Disorient of strength 2.38 versus critters only; 50% chance for 8-second Disorient of strength 1.19 versus critters only; 100% chance for 5.34-second Disorient of strength 2.38 versus players only; 100% chance for a Knockback.
Lightning Rod: (lvl 32)
Click: Targeted AoE (20, 16 targets)
Accuracy: 90%
Damage: 3.7/2.6/2.6 (1.33/.94/.94)*
Activation Time: 2.57 seconds.
Endurance: 13.52
Recharge: 90 seconds
Range: 60
Other Effects: 80% chance for a Knockdown
*This power is affected by fury. Its a very unique power, when activated a target reticle appears you click where you want to appear. You will then teleport to that spot and perform that attack. There are 3 waves to the attack, the 2nd wave is either guaranteed or has a high chance. The 3rd appears to be around 50% chance.*
A useful bind from Valgrisk for this power is
/bind shift+lbutton powexec_name Lightning Rod
This allows you to hold the shift button and click where you want to attack.
Alright so you like the red Mu lightning and you like to zap things. Youve chosen the right power set.
Like most Brutes you want to think about what youre going to do. Do you want to build fast fury solo, do you plan on playing with a team and being a quasi tank, or are you going to hang back a bit mainly scrapping once agro is established?
Brutes thrive on pummeling their targets to get fury. Fury increases like this 5 x the lesser of 80 or ((100-current Fury)/20)2) points each time you attack or 2.5 x the lesser of 80 or ((100-current Fury)/20)2) points each time you are attacked. This happens twice as fast against bosses/lieutenants and 3 times as fast against players, EBs, AVs, and Giant Monsters (against players portion doesnt currently work).
What that means in simpler terms is this. Every time you attack you gain fury, and every time an attack is made against you, you gain fury. Now you get 2 times the fury for attacking compared to being attacked so you attack for fury right? Maybe not. You can throw out an attack every 1-2 sec, but if you have 6 guys attacking every 1-2 sec THAT will build more fury than your attacks.
Electric melee has taunt and build up in common with almost all other melee sets. It is more geared toward AoE damage. I say this because you get 2 single target damage attacks (Charged Brawl, and Havoc Punch) then you get a cone attack, an AoE attack, an attack that jumps between foes, an AoE KB/disorient power and a targeted AoE. Looks almost like a blaster set for AoE.
-Now youve got to choose some attacks, if you plan on building fury through attacking take Charged Brawl because of the faster recharge, if you are just going for heavy hitters take Havoc Punch.
-Jacobs Ladder is a descent cone attack, with practice its easy to get 2 or 3 critters in the cone to hit them. Its all energy so it will do apparently more damage than similar BI attacks in the set, because energy is less commonly resisted than the smashing component of your other attacks.
-Thunder Strike is the best power in the set. Its your most powerful AoE attack until Lightning Rod, your greatest single target damage, and it provides fairly reliable control.
-Chain Induction has the problems noted in the 2 previous sections. The power has potential for good damage and has a fast animation time. The jumps between targets are slower than I expected. I was able to hit a critter with CI then hit another critter with another attack just before the jump would hit him.
-Lightning Clap .a knockback power in an AoE set. This power will do knockback to pretty much anyone you can hit with it. With the inherent accuracy penalty and scatter effect I dont really like this power. Its a good panic button if you want one for running away.
-Lightning Rod is THE BEST LOOKING POWER EVER...really its awesome, you get the one fist in the air MoG power up, followed up by a blaster Nova effect upon attack. Despite the ridiculously long recharge its a good attack. With the large radius you can easily hit all of a spawn.
The secondary effects of this set are sleep and end drain. The sleep is pretty reliable when soloing or on a single target heavy group. When you get into AoE heavy groups critters wake up almost as soon as you put them to sleep. This also applies if you take your damage aura. The end drain is tricky. Sure you could slot for it and drain more endurance for a safer fight, but if you put damage in there itd be safer because they are dead. Now end drain will show up more in Boss/EB fights because they are harder to kill. If you drain them they can still attack they just cant hit you with the really powerful attacks. Unless you have a full team of end drainers it is not going to work on an AV so dont try it. -
Charged Brawl and JL drain 7% (1.25 end PvP)
Havoc Punch and CI drain 10% (2 end PvP)
does adding endurance modifications to power sink increase the endurance lost by the victims? *snip* or both?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes (both)
The end return on the single target powers also appears to be 1/2 the cost of the power, on a 10% chance to happen. -
armor costs are something like 0.1-0.13 each
[/ QUOTE ]
You are correct in that the powers cost that much per tick, but the armors tick every 1/2 second. Just like Lightning Field ticks every 2 seconds.
It's easier to express everything in endurance used per second. -
Current as of July 4th, 2006 (I7)
This guide is going to be divided into the following sections
1. Set Overview
2. Power Info
3. Commentary
Information was obtained through self testing, TopDoc's Movement Guide and from NoFuture which all the info comes from datamining of sorts. So I'm going to treat them as accurate. Also I'll be using both BI and DS numbers for damage.
Other sources of interest
Arcanaville's Defense guide
Foo's Brute Guide
BI-is the damage of an unenhanced power divided by the damage done by an unenhanced brawl
DS-Damage Scalar (Brawl is a .36DS) Found Here it's a bit intense so look at your own risk.
Set Overview
Electric Armor is a set of resists. This set has higher than average resistance numbers than other Brute sets. You'll lack a self heal (both heal and hp booster), toxic resistance, and while you have some knockback (KB) and immobilize protection it isn't perfect. You're final power is a "God Mode" power that will max your resists and cover any status holes left by the rest of the set.
I also find it to be one of the least costume obscuring sets out there. Lightning field is the most visually loud powers and stays mainly around the feet. Power Surge however turns you into a red electric gremlin, but unlike granite you keep the same general size of character.
-endurance drain resists
-psionic resistance
-end recovery powers
-tp foe protection
-slow resists
-auto recharge reduction
-auto +run speed
-auto KB/immobilize resist
-No fear protection
-No Confuse Protection
-No Self heal
-No Toxic resistance (outside of Power Surge)
-Incomplete KB/Immobilize protection
Power Info.
I don't really find the power descriptions in this game helpful so I'm going to leave them off and just put the info for the powers.
Charged Armor: (lvl 1)
Toggle: Self +Res(Smash, Lethal, Energy)
Base Resistances: 26.25% Smashing/Lethal, Energy
Recharge Time: 2 seconds.
Endurance per Second (EPS): 0.26
Activation Time: 0.67 seconds
Enhancements Accepted: Recharge Reduction, Endurance Reducer, Damage Resistance
Lightning Field: (lvl 2)
Toggle: PBAoE, Minor DoT(Energy), Foe -End
Brawl Index: 0.6 (.216 DS) Energy
Radius: 8ft
Recharge Time: 10 seconds
EPS: 0.52
Activation Time: 2.03 Seconds
Enhancements Accepted: Accuracy, Damage, Recharge, Endurance Reduction, Taunt, End Mod
*This Power does NOT RETURN endurance to you it only DRAINS endurance from foes (3% of total)*
Conductive Shield: (lvl 4)
Toggle: Self +Res(Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative)
Base Resistances: 26.25% Fire, Cold & Energy, 15% Negative
Recharge Time: 2 seconds.
EPS: 0.26
Activation time: 0.67 Seconds
Enhancements Accepted: Recharge Reduction, Endurance Reducer, Damage Resistance
Static Shield: (lvl 10)
Toggle: Self +Res(Hold, Sleep, Disorient, End Drain, Recovery DeBuff, Psionic, Teleport)
Base Resistances: 26.25% Psionic
Recharge Time: 4 seconds.
EPS: 0.216
Activation time: 1.17 Seconds
Enhancements Accepted: Recharge Reduction, Endurance Reducer, Damage Resistance
*This power provides 38% endurance Drain protection @ lvl 11 & 80% lvl 30*
Note: +Resistance Enhancements will only increase the Psionic resistance, not the resistance to status effects. That increases with your level. This power does not provide Immobilize or Knockdown protection.
Grounded: (lvl 16)
Auto: Self +Res (Energy, Negative, End Drain, Immobilize, KB)
Base Resistances: 9.375% Energy, 7.5% Negative
Enhancements Accepted: Damage Resistance
*This power provides 25% endurance Drain protection (lvl 16)which scales up as you level. The status protection on this power protects against a majority of KB, KD, KU powers, it will resist all immobilize powers. *
Lightning Reflexes: (lvl 20)
Auto: Self +Recharge, +SPD, Res (Slow)
Recharge Bonus: 20%
Speed Bonus: 5.20 + LVL * 0.043 (in feet/second)
Enhancements Accepted: Run Speed
*I'm unsure at this time if flight or jump speed is enhanced from this, or how well the slow resistance works. From PvP observations it seems to be effective against one slow (this power appears to be a copy of Quickness from /SR)*
Conserve Power (lvl 28)
Self Endurance Discount
Duration: 90 seconds
Recharge Time: 600 seconds.
Endurance Cost: 7.8 endurance
Endurance Discount: 66%
Activation time: 1.17 Seconds
Enhancements Accepted: Recharge Reduction, Endurance Reducer
Power Sink: (lvl 35)
PBAoE, Self +End, Foe -End
Radius: 10 ft
Recharge Time: 60 seconds.
Endurance Cost: 13 endurance
Activation time: 2.03 Seconds
Enhancements Accepted: Recharge Reduction, Endurance Reducer, Taunt, Endurance Mod
*This power is autohit and RETURNS 25 end per minion hit (unenhanced)*
Power Surge: (lvl 38)
Self, +Res(Disorient, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, Knockback, End Drain, Recovery DeBuff, Teleport, all damage except psionic) +Recovery
Base Resistances: 52.5% Smashing, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Toxic, 60% Energy, 45% Negative
Duration: 180 seconds
Recharge Time: 1000 seconds.
Endurance Cost: 2.6 endurance
Activation time: 1.96 Seconds
Enhancements Accepted: Accuracy, Recharge Reduction, Endurance Reducer, Hold, Endurance Mod, Damage Resistance
*This power drops you to 10% hp and 0 end after it wears off. At the end an EMP holds even con minions and Lts. (boss is unknown) for about 10 seconds. The accuracy and hold enhancements affect the EMP portion of the power.*
The following is mainly my opinion from reading the boards and my experience playing from lvl 1-16 and @lvl 40
The resists of this set are as follows
unenhanced(3 even level SO enhancments)
S/L- 26.25%(41.48%)
Nrg- 61.88%(97.77%)
Neg. Nrg- 22.5%(35.55%)
Fire- 26.25%(41.48%)
Cold- 26.25%(41.48%)
Toxic- 0%
Psionic- 26.25%(41.48%)
Average-31.6%(49.89%) [without toxic figured in]
-Now those are pretty good resists, Comparing Electric armor to the other resist only brute secondary, Fire Aura, which has an average of 26.25%(41.48%) [without psionic figured in].
-All the shields; Charged Armor, Conductive Shield and Static Shield are all worth getting.
-Grounded's protection is good. It provides protection but it is not as good Acrobatics and Combat Jumping. Another problem with grounded is that it only works when you are touching the ground. Grounded has its uses; it allows you to cap your energy resistance, gives some Negative Energy resistance, it adds to your end drain resistance, and it is provides some KB/immobilize protection.
-Lightning Reflexes is a great passive +recharge/+run speed power. It's one of the top 5 powers in this set.
-Unless you have a really end intensive set you probably don't need both Conserve Power and Power Sink. Conserve Power is a click that reduces the cost of powers and can be reduced to a recharge of ~275 sec without the use of hasten. Power Sink is a click that can be up every 27.5 sec recovers a full end bar if you hit 3 minions with it and will drain 40% of a PvE critter.
-After you get Power Sink you may not need stamina, but 35 levels is a long time. Even though you could pass on stamina, health will still provide you with a decent regen boost; and Swift, Lightning Reflexes and Sprint can be turned into a travel power (~37 mph with default slots.) Also, having that extra endurance can allow you to slot extra recharge reducers in you attacks instead of end reduction. All in all once you get Power Sink slotted up you'll know if you want stamina or not.
-Power Surge is a great panic button and can be used at the same time as your other toggles. With the addition of blinking icons you can now tell when the power duration is almost over. If you like situational awesomeness and looking like a Cap Au Diable gremlin get it and slot it up. If you plan on running the other toggles with it you'll reach 90% resistance against most damage types and only need to slot for recharge and the EMP portion.
-Endurance Drain resistance. I hope to add a more complete set of numbers later, but it takes more testing over more levels. Current observations are that even at level 16 with grounded and Static shield in PvP a kinetics/electric defender built for end drain couldnt drain or kill me for several minutes. The powers scale with level but Im not sure how they interact yet. The protection levels I know are as follows.
-@ level 16 provides 26% protection
-@ level 38 provides 60% protection
Static Shield
-@ level 11 provides 38% protection
-@ level 14 provides 42% protection
-@ level 15 provides 45% protection
-@ level 30 provides 83% protection
The combined numbers are a little odd so Im not going to post them, but at the moment my theory is that there is a 95% resistance cap to endurance drain resistance. The powers dont appear to be additive in nature. Nor have I gained enough desire to test the recovery debuff resistance on these powers either.
-Lightning Field is a tricky one. I'm going to throw some observations at you and then some math.
First off I like the smash of the brute, hitting my enemy watching their health go down to 1/2 when I hit them with a weak attack. That being said Lightning field is quite a drain on the endurance (compared to the other toggles) and uses endurance I can be using to SMASH my enemies. If you plan on trying to hold agro for teams it makes things much easier.
Now some math.
all these #'s are @ lvl 40
Lightning Field(.2 DS) does 8.342 damage, every 2 seconds.
It costs 1.04 endurance and can harm up to 10 opponents.
It effectively costs .52 endurance/second.
deals 4.171 damage/second (per opponent in range).
gives 8.021 damage/endurance point (per opponent in range).
average performance (3 mobs)
deals 12.513 damage/second
gives 24.063 damage/endurance point
MAX performance (10 mobs)
deals 41.71 damage/second
gives 80.21 damage/endurance point
Compare that to some Electric Melee attacks.
Charged Brawl (2.33 BI, 4.368 end)
deals 34.99 damage/activation
gives 8 damage/end
Havoc Punch (3.66 BI, 6.864 end)
deals 54.95 dam/act
gives 8 Dam/end
Jacob's Ladder (4.5 BI, 8.5 end)
Jacob's Ladder 67.572 damage, every 8 seconds.
It costs 8.528 endurance and can harm up to 5 opponents.
It effectively costs 1.07 endurance/second
deals 8.447 dam/sec.
gives 7.925 damage/endurance point
average performance (3 mobs)
deals 25.341 damage/second
gives 23.775 damage/endurance point
Max performance (5 mobs)
deals 42.235 damage/second
gives 39.625 damage/endurance point
It is more efficient over time than the first 3 electric melee powers, but mainly it's play style. It's seems to pay off more when there are lots of critters around you or when you are fighting on a team. -
Sure they put engineers on TV. Myth busters. Not all of us are boring too watch.
Besides who do you think came up with kegs for college parties -
I need more tests to see what kind of trend the protection gets but this is what I have so far
End Drained without Static Shield (drained with static shield)
@ level 11 34 (21)=38% reduction
@ level 30 39 (7)=82% reduction
I have a lack of willing elec brutes atm to test different levels. -
Good stuff.
A Note on the end drain resistance.
_Castle_ informed me that [ QUOTE ]
Grounded's protection scales by level and varies a lot as it increases.
[/ QUOTE ]
People around lvl 16 have reported poor end drain resistance vs. Mu. Which leads me to believe that Static Shield's end drain protection also varies with level. The 80% mitigation was determined in Siren's Call.
All that means that @ lvl 30 the end drain protection on Static Shield is 80%....I'm still at a loss to test the values at a lower level.
The end drain info per power is listed in Prima (for what it's worth), and I'd include a bit about how effective the end return effect is. I see a lot of stamina skipping questions. -
The agro rules are strange now. I rezed a defender just behind the group attacking the nearest mito...and as soon as the defender got up they were shot even though there were +50 heroes attacking a mere 30 yds away.
The mitos and Hami are attacking the buffers like buffs now attract more agro than doing damage.
and that attacking while held is just stupid. -
I may have missed it but how did you do the test? I must know.
That sounds like a bug and you should start recording your total hp vs. hp after crash so it can get fixed. It should be a repeatable value.
Has anyone verified there is toxic resistance in Power Surge (I don't trust the descriptions). -
Wrong that's what I tested it to be. I ran into St. Martial with my lvl 40 Brute (1360 hp) with no badies around. I used Power Surge watched it crash and noted my 136 hp. (10%)
I don't trust the power descriptions, this was a controlled experiment by me. So unless I had a health tick kick in and raise me to 136 hp (after I set my info to appear ASAP) then I saw Power Surges crash to drop me to 10% of my health.
Just like I measured the end drain resistance in Static Shield to be 80%. -
So, run Power Surge 50% of the time, and crash down to 1hp between each recharge? Yeah, no thanks =P
[/ QUOTE ]
Power Surge's crash drops you to 0 end and 10% hp just like Unstoppable.
Overload (EA's) power drops you to 0 endurance. -
1. the rez to 1hp/1 end sucks. Most noticed with a MM. it took me rest to get to where I could summon my minions then I had to stand there for a little over a minute to finish buffing them. With a regen scrapper it didn't even matter. Those are 2 extremes but if this is a penalty to get people out of the fight then give them a lock down timer so everyone is penalized equally.
2. the NPCs are a little to hard. Villain side I'd be looking for a hero (spent lots of team LFT) to land near a warden or have one follow me to a PvP fight only to have them hold me and kill me in short order while the hero jumped away (usually on squishies). Hero side I got killed in 3 shots as a blaster without landing near a boss (they attacked me from nearly 80 ft away). I was held and shot 3 times getting debt. Someone else said bring out the NPCs...I think that they are to powerful and plentiful as it is. To balance sides players should get something along the lines of longbow/arachnos pets to balance the sides so no debt is accrude because NPCs flood the zone, but the balance can be shifted.
3. The signature Heroes are insane. Manticore killed the whole team (Granite brutes x 2, thermal corruptor,, stalker, and dominator) with a rain of arrows, and a follow up shot. It's one thing they are tough (we weren't the only team there were 12 villains) but even with the cold corrupter buff and my thermal buffs the 12 of us couldn't budge his health and then Statesman flew in and killed us too.
I realize that some people say debt doesn't matter, but for me I want to test my shiny new powers. Debt makes it take that much longer especially outside missions. I like to jump into a PvP zone every now and then for 30 minutes and have fun, but if NPCs can keep killing me easier than players and more are introduced it will keep me out of RV outside of lvl 50 toons. -
Some PvE observations as an ELM/ELA brute
with all three toggles defensive running I seemed to take more damage against council than my /EA brute on live. On live (/EA) I run Relentless and once I get a good fury built up I top my health off after a fight in case the next one is tough but I rarely get below 50%. I ran a relentless mission on test with /ELA and I was getting killed quickly without aid self. I was regularly healing up to survive a fight then trying to boost my health again on the way to the next fight.
With no self heal and no hp boosting psuedo heal I'd say this set needs inv level of S/L resistance (~32% base), and maybe a little more on the fire/cold resist too.
This set is close but not quite there. I got knocked back by the warwolf boss, I didn't get immobilized though. (if grounded was actually updated last night with status then I say the devs changes are worthless).
Didn't get a chance for slows either.
I did get to test Lightning Reflexes+Sprint+Swift=30 mph (37.5 mph with a run speed in each)
This makes lightning as fast as Swift and Quickness. For comparison unslotted SS is 54 mph (61 mph w/ sprint on)
Observations against in PvP
First let me say I rarely PvP. I was testing a Nrg/Elec blaster and doing alright damage wise against some villains (wasn't 1v1) then I got to am /ELA brute....coudn't hurt em enough I landed power bolt, power push, havoc punch, and TS and got her down to half. Once she popped her tier 9 nothing I could do. So the set doesn't seem too bad in PvP but that was also the first person I went after solo.
Anyway devs please bump the resistances up and if you've already given grounded status protection don't pull that passives aren't as good as toggles junk and give /ELA some real status protection.
I did a power surge drop and got 10% health and 0 end. It also disoriented? all 3 mobs near me and debuffed their recovery. I didn't get to see if it did end drain because they were pretty much drained.
If they removed ice armor from brutes because the slowing effect it had on mob attacks was detrimental to fury why would they put in a set that allows you to drain groups to 0 end so easily which slows their attack rate? -
Thoughts from some PvE tests last night
-first 2 powers work well enough
-Jacob's ladder's cone should fit the characters arm animation
-Thunderclap KB on melee is badKD is good
or just straight disorient
-Chain Induction, good animation time, so so damage, sloooww jumps
-Thunder Strikes smashing (single target) damage should go up a bit.
-Lightning Rod, great look, not up very often even with 2 recharge and lightning relexes. THe correct 90 sec timer is gonna kill this power for me. Did good damage though could almost get white minions in one shot with good fury and no BU.
Overall feelings vs. my Fire/EA on live.
My Fire has Greater Fire Sword and Incinerate (10 DoT power) both capable of killing a yellow minion w/ full fury.
Also I get BoF and Fire Sword Circle. a one two that can take out groups of orange minions with build up.
I also get 3 (scorch, fire sword, cremate) powers to build fury with.
I don't see that kind of power in Elec melee. I get some fury building attacks, but I really just get Thunderstrike to use it with. Jacob's ladder can get 2 or 3 people in it but manuvering around gets old.
I really think that Chain Induction (and to a lesser extent LR's recharge) is where this set fails. Chain induction should be something like Energy Melee's TF. Boost Chain Inductions damage to (6-7 BI) give it an AoE component of 5' with 2 BI energy damage, and 10' with 1.5 BI. This would still allow it to be an AoE similar to the Devs intention, allow Elec to get some better single target damage power.