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  1. Necro'd instead of creating a new topic:

    After a couple quiet nights at the D, I decided to try my hand at bartending. It was pretty fun and I managed to only get shouted at once! I think I need to work on being more social and really getting into the barkeep persona. If anyone with experience sees this, could you pass on some tips? I'm looking at doing this again.
  2. Thanks for the love, nice to get some attention.
  3. What an awesome experience it's been playing this Dom! I'm new to the game and levelled a Nin/Nin Stalker to lvl 26 from my trial to sub before deciding on this char. Not that I didn't love my Ninja, but playing a Dom is more my style...this active defense thing is so involved that I get more fun out of it. I'm used to playing healing classes in other games.

    Things got difficult the closer I got to 32...I started dying a lot or succumbing to mez because I was being too conservative with my Domination, but once I ironed that out, fighting Bosses became a heck of a lot more fun...

    Now that I have my Singularity, things are moving along quite nicely. Watching mobs fly as I drop one in the middle of a group is great to watch. When my VG goes missioning, I handle most of the lock-down while everyone else goes to town...they'll wait for me to pop a Singy into a group, then pick stuff off one by one, unless they feel daring.

    Some notes:

    Wormhole, while certainly entertaining, isn't exactly what teams look for from you unless you teleport mobs right back onto the spot they were standing. However, if the team knows you have it, it is a VERY useful pulling tool. Its looooong animation time has been a little problematic while soloing, but it's a great tool for pulling and active defense (like separating groups to give yourself more survival time). It has many other uses than just that, though; I'm sure I've missed something important about its usefulness.

    Endurance is a problem for me. I have Drain Psyche and use it whenever it's up, but I still struggle sometimes. I think I'll look into Fitness, though some say that it's not necessary with Drain Psyche...I dunno.
  4. I've been playing my Dom for less than a month and reached lvl 23. I noticed the Grav/Psi help thread and checked it out but since the changes have had to start thinking about how I'm going to work with this character.

    What I'm looking for is feedback concerning both powersets and ESPECIALLY why the general feeling seems to be that Grav isn't on par with other primaries. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.