
Caption Champ - 12/21/11
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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    Also, after reading most of this thread, this is my impression of what badges mean to people:

    "My badge count has to be higher than yours and it has to be higher now."

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    You should probably read it again. If that's what you came away with from reading, you've missed a lot of quality arguments, both for and against the badge inclusion and requirements.

    Read my suggestion in my sig, for starters. It's not the only argument out there, but it's the one I favor because it can be done immediately and without consequence to players who want all the accolades and day job buff opportunities.

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    The way I see it is this - there are always going to be new badges. There will never be a complete set, only complete to a certain point - and even then not everyone has the ability to have all of the badges. So really, aside from the powers, what difference does it make to have something now as opposed to a year from now? It's not like the CoX game universe is ending tomorrow and you have to have everything completed before then. The game will be around for a long time. There's plenty of time to earn these badges.

    Anywho, that's my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own. Some people have made good points for and against the current system, but really, I don't see a problem either way. If the time requirement is shortened, whoopy. If not, oh well - I'll live.

  2. Was it mentioned if the "accelerated time" for testing the day jobs would still be available in open beta?

    Also, after reading most of this thread, this is my impression of what badges mean to people:

    "My badge count has to be higher than yours and it has to be higher now."

    I bet if influence or IOs were in the info table, people would be going out of their way to bump those up, too. There'd be threads dedicated to "omg inf rewards need to be increased omg."

    Badges are nice, but there's a lot more to the game than just badges, especially ones that you will earn eventually for practically doing nothing.
  3. I agree mostly with the poster above me.

    I've tanked the TF on my Invul/EM tank with little problem. This was before the MoSTF badge was available, not to say there weren't any defeats - which there were.

    Anyways, my recommendation with running this TF is to have at least a few people (2, 3) running the leadership pool, tactics specifically. It really helps with the AVs at the end.

    Bubblers (FF, Sonic) are always a nice touch, too.

    There are some guides on the forum that you could check out, but some tactics that I've seen (and used) involve an Illu/* troller and phantom army, and also using the containment type bubbles from FF and Sonic (the ones that make the target intangible) on the towers.

    One thing I would -love- to try is a STF with 4 sonics using the bubbles on the towers and then pounding on Recluse with the sonic debuffs. Could be an interesting thing to try!
  4. How long does it take to earn Empath? Or Immortal? Or... Leader?

    All 3 of which can be farmed while AFK and take hours upon hours to complete. How are they any different?

    I mean, I don't completely agree with the time frame they're outlining but it wouldn't be unprecedented that a badge took a long time to earn.
  5. I just had a thought. Are we talking 30 days of in-game time or 30 days of actual real life time?

    Also, assuming we play a character for 2 hours, then log off in a particular spot, and come back the next day at the same (initial) time, does that count as a full day of time or as 22 hours?
  6. [ QUOTE ]

    [u]Patron Pools and APP[u]

    1. They all got looked at by Posi, Castle, and minion. Datamined which ones were taken and which were ignored. Buffs, nerfs, and power replacements!

    2. If powers are replaced, when you log in, you'll have the new power. No grandfathering.

    3. About 20% of the A/EPPs were replaced.

    4. As one example of the Epic/Patron changes, Castle mentions that Weapon Mastery for Scrappers will now include Focused Accuracy. If his memory is correct.

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    Thanks for taking the time to summarize everything!

    The "no grandfathering" bothers me though. I mean, what happens to slotted enhancements?

    They get placed in the tray or we lose them forever? And if the character's tray is full at time? Sigh...
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    * Pennelope says:
    “the global channel bind I push:

    /bind <key> beginchat /send "<channel>"<space>

    Replace <key> with a key of choice, <channel> with the channel of choice ("-ed for those evil people that put spaces in channel names), and <space> with a space.”

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Trying to get this one to work, but having issues. First, it tells me that /send is an unknown command. I tried altering it but I then get that i am not a member when I use - instead of space in the channel name


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I believe the quotation marks are in the wrong place.

    It should be:

    /bind <key> "/send <channel name> [Name $level Server] "

    Note that there is a space before the last quotation mark.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    I'm SO biting my thumb to keep from editing Posi's post and inserting "except villains" in random locations.

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    While I find that thoroughly amusing, I am mostly waiting to hear the cries about how new customers are getting screwed over by vet rewards.

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    I'll never understand why people complain about this.

    I mean... it's a "Veteran Reward." As in, a reward for being a dedicated customer. A reward for investing time and money and supporting the game for x-amount of time.

    If everyone had access to all of the rewards from the get-go, they wouldn't be -rewards-! They'd just be a feature in the game.

    And it's not like anything you receive as a vet reward is truly game-breaking. Base porters? You have the Pocket D porter, the Wentworth Porter, AND Oroboros. Getting around CoX-land is a lot less of a pain than it used to be. And the costume pieces? Like there aren't a bajillion pieces to choose from already.

    So to people who gripe about how it's not fair to new customers I say Pssssssh! Everyone else had to wait the x-amount of time to get their rewards so you should have to as well.

    The only gray area I see is people who start second/third accounts. Imagine if they started giving out rewards for people who had multiple subscriptions.

    Anyways, thank you devs for this latest addition. Free slots + retroactive free slots = win.
  9. I know it was asked if debt indeed doubled for the event but after skimming the 17 pages of thread, I didn't see an answer.

    I didn't receive the email announcement either. Did it go out yet?