245 -
So, I haven't asked for art yet....
but I REALLY want a Chibi.....
Think you could find time to do Foxlily and Snowlily (prefferably in the same pic?)
Pics of both of them in my artz link in my sig :-)
Don't forget Snow's scarf!11!!!1 <.<
If you don't have time anymore, or are just swamped and overwhelmed, I understand :-) -
if someone woulda showed me that with no 'prelim' I'd have said 'sloppy photoshop edit' but if WP has seen him too...
weird. -
OK, I couldn't resist.
I apologize for the smuggy building. this was just a quick 'for fun' edit. its very sloppy, and just 'because I could'
15 minutes, google and photoshop. I need something to do... -
I know PSP 8 has layers, and I am pretty possitive it has a move tool (In photoshop you hit V for it.. no idea on psp)
here's your files in png with the white background removed and replaced with transparency
(I know it may look white still, trust me, its transparent, you're seeing your browser's default background)
very simple to do, load them into PSP, copy the background layer, delete the original layer (so its not 'locked' as a background, there's half a dozen ways to do it, thats the fastest for me) use the magic wand tool and select the white background, and cntrl-x. instant transparency. took about 30 seconds. 28 of which was loading photoshop heh.
to paste these into a new image. just load them, select the whole image, then hit cntrl-c. open up your background image and make a new layer and hit cntrl-v. Then use the Move Tool to position your figure how you like. Should take more than a couple minutes, certainly not pixel editing.
good luck, post the final for us :-) -
What are you using to edit the images? Maybe I could walk you through putting them in yourself, so you know how for next time :-)
I did one of these a few days ago
much fun to play with the wings.
Its in the gallery in my sig for the curious :-) -
yes, but I suck at drawing, so it never comes out very good.
and it really doesn't take me all that long to be honest. less time that it would take me to draw it manually and have equal results.
edit: took me about as long to type up the steps as it did to make the lightning. Admitedly, your method is better if you can, you know, draw.which I can't.
I forgot a step in the realistic, you need to play with the brightness (down) and contrast (up) a couple times to refine the 'main' bolt. don't be afraid to erase the parts you don't like.
The realistic one takes about , eh, 10 minutes, the carttoony one takes less than 1 minute.
edit: oh, in Photoshop you have layer styles for adding glows etc. you can do that if you like, but a second copied layer and a blur works just as good.
I'm in the wrong SG (sigh)
don't get me wrong, I like the peeps in Silver Guard, but.. no Art Ho's.
And thats what Really matters. -
Ok. so. in PSP, I have No idea, But, this works for Photoshop:
- new layer
- hit D to reset your pallette to Black foreground White background
- Filter -> Render -> Clouds
- Filter -> Render -> Difference clouds (cntrl+f until you get a nice 'bolt' of lightning.)
- lasso tool around your bolt.
- Select -> invert
- Select -> feather (probably 15-30 depending on the size)
- cntrl-x
- de-select (cntrl+d)
- Cntrl+I to invert colors (making the bolt white, don't bother if it is already)
- cntrl+j to duplicate the layer, repeat until then bolt is 'bright' enough for you. select all the layers you just made and cntrl+e to merge them
At this point, you can Lasso select and feather again to refine the selection of the bolt you want, Edit -> transform to distort, scale, lengthen, rotate, etc.
then image -> adjustments -> hue/saturation, check the 'colorize' box and move the slider scales to get the color you want. optionally blur if desire.
Rinse, repeat for other bolts.
Thats how I made the lightning bolts in TA's pic
For more cartoony bolts, I can do those too...
make a straight white line on a new layer, (vertical) box it up with the rectangle marqee, filter -> distort -> shear. Play with the curves. Filter -> distort -> wave, hit randomize until you get what you like. edit -> transform to adjust, rotate, etc. move it where you want, duplicate layer, on the copy layer, filter -> blur -> guassian blur about, eh , 2-4. merge the two layers, adjust hue/saturation to desired color.
Thats photoshop lightning off the top of my head.
if you want lightning like the text in the TA pic. thats playing with channels, and I dunno if PSP does that. -
You have Critically Failed at reading!
Intended Meaning hits you for 467!
You have died!
well, you could do what I just suggested for squirrel, make a few shading layers, black ovals, blur them, turn the opacity down, then move them around, reshaping them with the distort tool until you get a feel for the lighting of the piece, and go in and shade for real, using your movable pieces as guides.
at least, you can do that in PS CS2.. no idea about psp.. -
Another thing you could do, that I sometimes do when shading, is to make a layer called 'shading' fill in a few ovals with black, hit them with like an 8 point guassian blur, turn the opacity down and then move them around, scale them, distort them etc, to give you an idea of a layout. it lets you play with a lot of possibilities without commiting to any of them, and pretty dang quick too.
now I just need a clever quote or something to add to it.
Oh, and an idea for how to do Dark Misamaish text (haven't come up with anything I like yet).
Oh, and a border.
and some fries.. I'd like some fries.
maybe a shake... *ramble* -
Look, a screenshot!
Don't mod the thread, its on topic!
Note the prescence of art software, art and the moding of a screenshot using text. This is so on topic.
(think they'll buy it?) -
I respectfuly dissagree on the 'calling them out' part. I've been posting on internet forums since they were usegroups, and not forums, and BBS boards before that. (anyone remember fidonet and acidnet?)
I can count on one hand the number of people who I've seen be turned around by tactful admonishment and well argued logic.
MMO boards are the worst of the worst for it too. I'm not saying ignoring the problem makes it go away, but sound logic and well written responses hardly ever do the trick either -
Love the Britannia one, great action
both are very nice, but the second is my fav -
Ravenborn, Necro/dark - Natural Mastermind: Soul Collector
(Thats like.. 15 minutes *cough* surprised no one else has done it. Maybe I'll touch it up later, I just wanted to see how it would look! )
[/ QUOTE ]
hehe...very nice.although I havent done it as I can already visualize what whiteperegrine will look like. the screenies of how the wings look in game just solidify what I am seeing...
[/ QUOTE ]
see here for as far as I think I'll go on that piece
/unhijackthread -
pretty pleased with it considering how little time I spent on it (compared to other pieces I spend days on, this was just about 3 hours) -
decided to give that piece in the wings thread above a more completed look.
Semi final just need to add text and stuff, maybe. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't inspired by Graver's pic of The Rack. dug out my necro girl and decided to play her, and now with the release of the wings screenies... well, felt like doing my own creepy art!
first I need something clever to say..
oh well. Wingses!! zmg!
Thanks for the shots of spectral terror, made the background very creepy -
Ah ha, dug out my little dark/sonic defender and had her hit some greys with terror
got the perfect shots I needed, (and the demon thingie is good too, I'll use that!) -
Hmmm, *comes back 5 minutes later* nope. not big enough.
though I just remembered spectral wounds has the same kinda ghosty head. I'll try that.
Thank you for finding that though! -
Since my illusion controller is only 22, can someone take a few shots of spectral terror for me? ideally the shot would be close up, at pretty high rez and graphical quallity. And from several angles.
Thanks for any help!