897 -
talk about spraying villains all over da place
lol -
Just a quick question. Does propel detoggle players, or is it pure damage/knockback ?
Bitter Freeze ray has much longer duration and better range. The animation isn't an issue if you use it as an opener
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if i recall has better damages as well as freeze ray, but as you say the animation can be timely, and while that animation is rolling , sneaky stalker team mate of the brute might behind you ready with thier lovely assasin strike.
Voila head of blaster on platter
But if brute on his own this sounds like be good opener, as i dont have ice sword in my build, some one mentioned above using brawl.
But how effective is brawl at detogging these brutes ?
k ignore last question as found out the answer in the how to drop toggles thread -
If you're particularly cruel and have the time for it, try dropping an Ice patch after you've toggle dropped them. It should be fun seeing them fall down over and over.
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This i would love to do <chuckles>
Most nights these days we have a lot of fun in Sirens Call and the people are fun, friendly and a pleasure to play with/against, just wish some people would realise that getting beaten is not the end of the fun.
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I'm beaten up reguarly, hehe but i try not to run, mind you i cant im normally dead hehe.
Normally come into SC and have a little PvP fun before i toodle off to bed, up untill then i'm been busy playing PvE side of things. As trying to rack up some SG prestige in the expensive world of base building.
And i find PvP at teh moment a good way to get out of the unfun prestige grind, cause thats is all prestige is at the moment a grind, till they make things affordable for us smaller SGs.
But im not one to run i normally faceplant quite happily, even if the villians out number us
And yes i have fun trying to take down what ever foes are in the zone at what ever time i arrive in it -
Not when he's with me. The guy is clear-minded up to the ears. Seeing stalkers isn't a problem.
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slightly off topic, but your post made me think of another question :-
does O2 boost on my stormy controller work like clear mind and increase perception. I know in pve its handy to free held players and give them hold resistance and a minor heal, but not sure if it aids perception or not. -
That's when you switch to Lobster and teleport away, to avoid...:
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yip yip -
I derive a certain amount of pleasure from impaling flyers (-fly) and watching them fall into the arms of agitated brutes
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Hehe, yes i was impaled a few times as i flew about as my PB yesterday by yourself, I just plummit from the skies and i cant do anything, im held in limbo for a few seconds.
Vulnrable to any passing predetor. Usually a passing brute or another stalker waiting to pounce
Very effective. -
I think anyone who has taken on Lady Fuya would disagree
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yes i have had the pleasure of meeting her aquatinace
She prob a good reason i have started this thread -
If your blaster is ice/ice, get in there and Ice Sword them! It's 100% chance to drop at least one toggle
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never knew that, thankyou
Will need to respec her if i am to impliment this tactic as shes designed not to go any where near meele. Shes a pure blaster not one of these blapper things. The concept never appealed to me, blasters to me are range hard hitting damage dealers, again i guess im still thinking in PvE terms. -
Blasters, with ED an no 6 slotted damage all they are doing is making me fury while i charge them down. They can't run forever if they intended to attack
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oh how i miss my damage, darn you ED -
PB/WS can be a pain if they decide to go nova form
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My pb dont have nova form. I wanted to be slightly diffrent as evey one seemed to be going tri form Kheliden, i fancied a slight variation
She more dependent on human for the damage side of things and drops to dwarf in emergencies to sorta tank if things going bad in the team. then drops back to human when things calmed down Guess shes maybe to much PvE then PvP. -
If you're going to use range with any character, make sure it's real range
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fair point. my blaster is ice/ice so unfortuantly my range attacks are shorter than your normal blaster. i was toying of the idea of kiting them but that would be on a one on one basis. But its hard as they move like things possed when they see little squishy blasters, hehe
But you right about fury i forgot about that side of the brute. As i never really been into tanks and brutes so not sure of thier inner workings. its been the only AT i have not had much interst in, guess its good to know your oponent in these battles. -
As of late i seem to be encountering a larger quantity of these ATs in Sirens call.
was wondering what is a good way to deal with them ?
my PB did okay in dwarf form took the beating, but has no real damage potential in Dwarf form, as soon as i turn into human im stunend and beaten to a pulp. (cant stay dwarf forever, run out of end and attacks are so slow)
My scrapper cant hurt them i pound at them and they just stand back and take the beating, till they decide to clobber me. Im not normally one to run from a fight so i normmaly take my beating
My blaster i think needs to try range more but the Brutes move fast and close in on her. They dont seem to take that much damage from my blasts. And im so easy stunned. aka Super squishy
my controller yet to try against this foe so guess i'll be giving it a go in the future to see how she fairs, but still excpect i will get my head pulverised into goop !!
Any tactis you guys can suggest. As of yet my build are still PvE and i only dabble in PvP a little bit as its good fun. -
nothing is more fun than to bring down a flying foe and watch em trying to get up in the air again by constantly jumping like a bird with clipped wings
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I exprianced this last night with a brute who had air superioty, I was playing as Snow who flies every where, but the brute would hit me as i flew past with AS and i would drop like a stone , dazed and stunned, get beat upon, as i try to launch to the skies i can't take off
I'm jumping, hitting fly nothing happens other than i jump about a bit more. It does indeed make you feel like a bird with your wings clipped
I check the info on Air Sup' as im still under the effect of it and it says -fly, i thought was only to knock the player out of the sky, but i did not realise the debuff applies even after you been knocked out of the sky.
But guess that it does.thats why its very good against us flyers.
When i get round to making a dedicated pvp toon i think Air Sup will be included in my build -
Robo/FF + Group Fly = Untouchable ;p
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From my experaince so far in PvP zones, im noticing that indeed that robots / ff + group fly are a real pain to fight against. Them robots zapping you from above and with them bubbles on, I cant even scratch the paint work on the robots.
They normally take me down with ease, or if not i end up haveing to retreat and regroup.
Mind you i was playing my scrapper at the time with SJ so i was leaping up and down like zebidie to try and land a hit.
Last night a lot of our SG was on, I asked them all to give me all their salvage so as i can build stuff on the workshop tables.
Brilliant i managed to make some tech material, tech power and a few other nik naks.
Then with all these items i had a look to see what cool stuff i could make for the base.
I manged to make a holodisplay, a teleport. and a mission computer. But due to me not paying attention i ended up making 2 x mission computers. (DOH!)
What i was wondering is how do i get rid of the second mission computer from my personnel inventory.
Unfortuantly we do not have enough prestige to place any of these items in the base as of yet, so cant even highlight them.
I can't see no option to sell, delete these personnel items. or will i get that option when we have enough prestige banked to actually select them ?
I realise the salvage will be lost on that item, but i feel 2 x mission computers is a tad over kill for our little tiny base.
or can you trade persennol items to others as im sure some one else could prob use a spare mission computer in there base -
thanks all for posting, is some nice ideas and battle tatics in this thread.
Also be intersting to hear the results of your duel as you both pvp winners looking at your forum names. -
I take it personal i ma gonna hunt you down and beat you with a /em batsmash then /em smack than uhhh dunno run out of emotes
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Edit: If you can get in game now, I can take you through the way I PvP and show you some tricks.
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alas no im at work, at mo'
Even tho im more on these forums then doing any actuall work.
my bad -
(till they nerf it which looks imminent reading the US forums
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kk maybe i exzargerated (excuse spelling) there with the word imminent, but as it getting lot of disscusion on the us forums, and we all know how much the devs love to nerf us when they bored.(guess its there sort of assassins strike)
But same could hold true for assasins not one shotting folks but leaving them with a slither of health.
But im driffting a little off topic, as i guess assasins strike is a topic all to itself -
To soll
Dont drop mist under any circumstances and i will be making you a set with slots and powers for Storm and pm it to you asap.
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that be nice
thanks -
Once this happens, start going wild and spamming lift and gravity distortion field. Then you'll see why you don't want propel.
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waht is your slotting on these.
At mo i think i have 1 ac, 2 damage in lift, used it more as an inconvience for PvE then a damage power, but for pvp what do you recomend ?
GDF being single target hold, i think mine is 2x acc, 3 x hold duration, 1 x damage. Again i imagine this would need to be changed for pvp to more damage then hold with poss recharge ? -
So you don't have hurricane?
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LoL, not yet but still have 3 unclaimed respecs banked
hence this thread to give me some insight into the world of PvP. As i complete noob to this sort of combat. As so used to PvE MMORPG, but do fancy a bit of PvP at the moment to spice up my gameplay
Guess i must look pretty much like Gimpman when in 'hide' then
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hehe i never see Gimpy, hes so darn quick, trainned assasin hes gone before you know it, blink and you will miss him only get to hear him on ts or in coalition chat sometimes as he is happy he gimped another poor soul, hehe
I fear Illusion, as once decived your Storm and pet turn against you, and thats not a nice thing to have in the middle of a pvp fight
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Ouch i can just imagine if i was in a L30+ pvp zone and had my sing out and my cloud up, i would be well fried !!
I miss my cloud, as at mo the only place i go is L30 cap limit. So i dont have as much damage as i would like , but im sure i can be a real annoyance to them villians for other good heroes to pick off.
Im striving for more hero v villian battles not really want to fight heroes as they are my allies, unless i happen to be in warburg, then its ever man/woman for themselves