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  1. One I wish I had made but saw on Liberty - a FF/Water named Bubble Bath.

    I went with Aquatic Sentinel (woo. Creative, right? I have enough ___Sentinels to start my own freakin' supergroup now) - Water/MM Blaster
    Potion Doctor - Water/Poison Corruptor - every blast is a different colored "potion"
    Major Mildew - complete with greenish water
    Big George Killian - because EVERYONE MUST MAKE a beer-themed water blast toon, apparently. (My wife made "My Corona")
  2. Doh. That's right, isn't it? I totally forgot about the range debuff.

    Bad Joe.
  3. Got to thinking this past weekend as bosses were ignoring my taunt completely in their pursuit of the blasters on my team. Was I over the aggro cap? No. Was I just slacking and not combining taunt with gauntlet and taunt aura? Maybe. But I was tanking the main group, and jumping over to whack a stray boss whom the blaster had pulled off of me would have exacerbated the problem with more aoe damage on the blaster.

    It was a chaotic situation. But it gave me an idea.

    What if a defense debuff were added to the tanker version of taunt? The debuff might just add an extra aggro layer to the power, making it the best ranged aggro management tool in the game, and it would also give tankers more slotting options in their powers (by diminishing the need to slot for as much accuracy in attacks). It would also help the team in situations where it's harder to hit (like tohit debuffs or higher level/higher defense enemies) because taunt is autohit.

    Just a thought, in case anyone still reads this thread.
  4. Here's a crazy notion for changing the inherent. It's crazy, because I haven't thought it through.

    What if the straight up teammate buffs were removed and replaced with Interface-esque procs for every teammate in range.

    For example, the teammate damage buff wouldn't come in the form of a percentage boost (which could run afoul of the cap) but instead in the form of an energy/negative energy damage proc for every appropriate teammate in range.

    Other epics in range could give direct recharge procs, although they might have to be small.

    The resistance is problematic. Since it's so easy to cap out resistance on both warshades and peacebringers now, maybe replace that bonus with a regen proc.

    The idea is to give kheldians something to make them more powerful on large teams and leagues, where role-shifting isn't valued.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
    Honestly it's not when on large teams that my kheldian needed any bonuses, but on small teams or on my own. ...Though I never mind the controller/Dom mez protection.
    My experience has been the opposite. Solo and small teams my kheldians really shine. By the time there are eight people on the team, however, they've surpassed their peak performance. Which is great. It only takes five or six team members to be capping either your damage or resistance, and at eight team members you can just about cap both.

    So what's the problem? It isn't needed. With the current game, - and especially the late game - once you pass six team members all the roles are filled. No archetype has ever been strictly needed, but the changes made to the game these past few issues have given just about every archetype unprecedented flexibility.

    Like it or not, Kheldians cap their performance far sooner than a full team. That cap (performance cap, not hard/soft caps) isn't what I would call low by any stretch, but it isn't high enough, versatile enough or (where survivability is concerned) even necessary on leagues and large teams without some help in side-stepping that cap.

    What do I mean by that? Well, as far as survivability is concerned, both Warshades and Peacebringers are as survivable - if not more survivable - than any other archetype out there (barring maybe tankers). On large teams and leagues, however, there's more than enough buffs and healing to go around. All that survivability is superfluous.

    Now let's talk about Warshades, because otherwise I know I'm gonna get hammered on this. Counting only damage that originates from the warshade itself, Warshades do respectable damage. But not epic damage, mainly because it's limited by the damage cap and the kheldian damage modifiers. HOWEVER, warshades can side-step that limitation through the use of extracted essences. Because these pets put out damage independantly of the warshade, they increase a warshade's damage by increasing the number of simultaneous attacks (obviously) and can push a warshade's performance well past the peak.

    Peacebringers get... well, let's not go into my continuing beef with Photon Seekers. I've said enough about them, and they're not going to change. Suffice to say that they don't - even in their current form - do enough to help Peacebringers side-step anything to any great degree. In fact, the knockback would actually do more harm than good if the radius was more and the ai was better.

    TL/DR version: In my experience both my warshades and my peacebringers shine solo and on small teams. My warshade shines on large teams and leagues due mainly to the added damage from multiple extracted essences. My peacebringer with photon seekers... not so much.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Yes, peacebringers need work. Both need toggle suppression. But Warshades are not underpowered. They aren't the best, but they aren't underpowered. PBs do need some of their powers looked at, but an AT that can cap damage, resistance, permastun entire mobs, rez itself, refill both bars nearly as often as they want, and turn into an fluffy eldritch squid and ethereal werelobster is not underpowered.
    I didn't say warshades are underpowered, did I? I don't think I did.

    I did say that there's nothing kheldians can do that can't be equaled or surpassed by virtually every other archetype in the game, but I would never call that underpowered, for exactly the reasons you've given. However, I'll admit the statement is a bit on the broad side.

    You say warshades aren't underpowered, and I categorically endorse that statement. Fine. We'll just have to agree to agree.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Warshades also have a crashless nuke, but its cooler cause it involves exploding cadavers.

    Unchained Essence is a level 26 power. The fact that a level 32 pet is often compared with it doesn't necessarily speak well for Photon Seekers, does it?

    Yes, Kheldians can be outdone by more specialized ATs, but they are more versatile. Bio Armor and Staff Fighting do not interfere with that. Staff lacks control and the ability to permanently cap its damage, turn into an ethereal werelobster and fluffy eldritch squid. Bio lacks capped resistance, the ability to permanently cap its damage, turn into an ethereal werelobster and fluffy eldritch squid.
    I'm not talking about power sets in a vaccum. Staff Fighting on its own boasts quite a bit of versatility. You can have an alpha slot's worth of endurance reduction, a rage's worth of a damage boost, or recharge on par with SR's Quickness (or nearly, I forget the exact number).

    Which in and of itself isn't all that powerful. But archetypes with access to staff fighting also have access to a mitigation set that - depending on the set chosen - can use staff fighting to mitigate or augment the cost of its benefits. My sf/da brute can run all of his toggles indefinitely thanks to form of the soul, putting up resistance numbers that are VERY competitive with dwarf form, all the while increasing its own melee defense with guarded spin. Thanks to the PPP's I even have a ranged attack chain AND a single target chain that still competes with my PB chain.

    And if I need a little more damage? I can switch to form of the body on the fly. Hit with a slow? Form of the mind can help with that. And I'm not even taking into account the benefits of stacking form mastery.

    But the set that really raised my eyebrows is Bio Armor. It's really too soon to say to what extent it's versatile, but any armor power that carries: Maximum HP, Nearly Infinite Endurance, Absorption, Regen, Healing AND debuffs regen, resistance and damage can be combined with oh, say staff fighting for a real competitor in the versatility field.

    My point is that - while these two sets in a vaccum do not invalidate the versatility of an entire archetype, they are indicative of a game environment that is valuing kheldian versatility less and less. I haven't even touched on things like incarnate powers.

    And I never said these sets (and sets like them) were replacing the versatility kheldians enjoy. I said they were chipping away at it. If the design philosophy behind those sets is any indication of things to come, then versatility is coming to archetypes in general, and I gotta think that if - and it's a big "if" - kheldians are held back in some areas to balance their versatility, then the delay on the nuke changes *might* indicate that the price we're paying for that versatility could get looked at.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
    I don't know about Warshades, but Peacebringers have always had a Crashless Nuke: Photon Seekers. If you jump into a group and use those at point blank range, they are basically the PBAoE nuke combined with enough KB to fragment alpha. Recharging twice as fast as Dawn Strike and doing more damage as a whole also helps it out, too.
    Thinking like this is why Peacebringers can't have nice stuff. Photon Seekers are NOT a nuke. They're a pet. Let me say it again for emphasis. THEY. ARE. A. PET.

    If the best use you get out of them is to use them as though they were a power in a completely different class then it's a sure indication that something is wrong with Photon Seekers, not a consolation prize for why they don't function properly as a @#$@# pet power.

    Dawn strike also isn't particularly nasty to PBs, since it has -100% endurance recovery instead of -1000%. The player's endurance keeps on ticking, and with conserve power cutting the costs of powers, the only detriment would be dropping the shield toggles for a second IF the build in question uses shield toggles. Even if they do, light form is still active, giving more endurance and plenty of resists, so the PB is more than capable of taking a few hits. On a PB with Dwarf, that can be morphed into for more defense and extra heals. Because of this, Dawn Strike isn't as much of a "crash" as it is just a very high costing power.
    Eh. Like I said, the crash - or the absence of a crash - isn't what I was concerned with in the OP - the reduced recharge was what had me drooling. And may still have me drooling, when/if we get it.

    I suppose one of the reasons why it is that they aren't porting crashless nukes to Khelds (especially PBs) yet is because it is a balance issue. Even with the above, Dawn Strike is still a harsh power to use, and removing that crash would be giving PBs two costless nukes, which could be quite overpowering.
    Game balance? Balanced against what? What is it that Kheldians - and specifically Peacebringers - do that isn't done equally as well or better by nearly every other archetype in the game?

    Because our role as the "versatile archetype" is gradually being chipped away by powersets like Bio Armor and Staff Fighting.

    No, I don't think balance is the issue. I'm gonna have to agree with the "future changes are coming so they want to hold off until those changes can be implemented" argument.
  9. The only problem I can see with the DFB is that new players - in less time than it takes to learn what their powers do - outlevel every contact from Atlas Park to Steel Canyon, and are given almost no guidance from the game about what to do next or where to go. They are missing out on vast swaths of early level content and many of them keep running dfb's because they have no idea what else to do.

    Eventually, boredom sets in and you'll see them street sweeping the mid-level zones because they don't know how to get a contact.

    Contacts that call you upon training up only partially help this, it seems.

    But garbage? Heh. That's funny stuff.
  10. Smiling_Joe

    Personal Lairs

    I've never liked the implementation of SG bases, and never will. Playing Jenga on fire isn't just a clever pun for altering the system, to me it's a fairly accurate description of the process of decorating a base.

    My brain starts to claw at my skull just thinking about it.

    Give me an AE map and some storage items to put at spawn points, and I'd never touch a supergroup or a supergroup base again, even if it meant accessing the lair only through AE.

    Take that statement for what it is, because it's not necessarily an endorsement of personal lairs. If it could somehow be shown that even a moderate portion of the playerbase felt the same, some might even take it as an argument against them.
  11. You know - if it comes down to a scrapper or a brute (assuming you haven't already picked stalkers) the epic pools available might just go a long way towards helping you making the decision (I still think staff is best for DA/ tankers) between brute and scrapper. Brutes have superior end mitigation in the body pool, but beyond that I don't know much about them.

    Scrappers, on the other hand, have access to the stalker PPP's which are filled with awesome. Mako's got waterspout and freakin' sharks, and Night Widow has the almighty shadow meld.

    So depending on what you look for in epic pools you might find some answers there.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
    No, he's saying that he won't share his build until he creates a better one.
    .....right. Another post flew right over my head. I wondered what that shadow was.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    It is. As soon as I'm about to respec out of it, I'll post it.
    You're respeccing out of your warshade build?

    What will you respec into?

    I'd love to see that build too. Might inspire me to IO out Nova Bedouin.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post

    Especially with Dark Armor.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    This is the kind of PR the campaign needs. Viva La Abe!

    Seriously though, until we get toggle suppression, our crashing nukes are perfectly usable on tri form builds. I think Khelds are the only AT who can make builds that use crashing nukes with no consequence to speak of.
    TBH, THB (Too lazy to type FTW!) I was more excited about the reduced recharge that would have gone along with the removal of the crash.
  16. Sigh... Okay, False alarm. Nothing to see here.

    Thanks for the link. It was very presidential of you.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AIB View Post
    I have read that Kheldians will not be receiving this change...for now...
    You're so mean.

    Have a link?
  18. anyone the least bit excited about the changes to Nukes in I-24?

    Or did I miss some part of that discussion that somehow excluded Kheldians?

    Because I'm actually kind of stoked about it.
  19. I actually love Zone pvp'ing on my Triform Peacebringer - even though my build is exclusively PVE. Nova with a +perception IO and 4 Dam/Range Hami's in each attack is enough to let me at least enjoy myself. Instant Form Shifting makes it even sweeter. Every now and then I'll even get a kill, and that's all I really need out of pvp.

    Of course, the big disclaimer there is that I play on Liberty.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
    Heh, okay, you try that Joe, and see if it's a satisfying solution - I bet it's not.
    I wouldn't have suggested it had I not tried it. In fact, it's the possibility for multi-form attack chains that got me to play my Peacebringer again. Granted, the timing can be a little tricky - trying to change form in the middle of an animation will still result in a bit of tray skulduggery, but a second tap on the key usually remedies the situation.

    But then that sort of goes along with what passes for my playstyle, so it's likely that you (and many other Kheld drivers) may not be as enchanted with it as I am.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
    When I want to increase my damage output, I usually want More Powers!

    Specifically in Nova and in White Dwarf, I'd like to see an additional single-target attack. Yes, in Nova, I can craft a (slightly sluggish) attack chain by using all four attacks. However, there are times when one Does Not Want to use AoE. That's when the classic trio of fast, medium, and big attacks works well. I find the same problem with White Dwarf - I'm missing an attack.

    Be Well!
    So drop to human, fire off your single target blasts and jump back to nova. (Nearly) instant form shifting made that possible.

    If you bind a "powexec_name combat flight" with your human form bind, you won't even drop out of the air.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Assuming we're trying to maintain the basic theme of Kheldians, are any further buffs justified? I don't mean to presuppose an answer from that. It really seems like at this point that Kheldians are what they are. They can be made to be decent off-tank/damage/mild support. There is far too much disagreement about what else to do (except maybe toggle suppression) it seems to me.
    As a whole Kheldians are fine. Compared to Warshades Peacebringers are slightly underperforming. Within the archetype the Dwarf and Nova forms are underperforming compared to human form.

    But I agree. At this point they probably are what they are.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    And all those attacks start recharging slower, and you have even more gaps in the attack chain, and given how the recharge formula works your actual DPS over time will drop slightly.
    If baking in more damage to nova form's attacks will make them recharge longer (Although quite frankly I can't see that as THAT big of a deal with instant form shifting), then give nova form a momentum-like mechanic that affects recharge. So long as one attack hits, the following attacks get a non-stacking recharge buff that is roughly equal to the amount by which the recharge was increased.

    But there again, the endurance usage would be increased, wouldn't it? But then you can slot endmod enhancements into nova form, and every IO set you could slot into the attacks would come with end reduction. OR you could slot tohit into nova and replace that accuracy in each attack with an end reducer. OR you could slot a performance shifter proc.

    Point is you've got slotting options in nova to compensate for a great many things. Would it fully compensate? No. No solution is going to be perfect. But it beats what we have now.

    Besides: since the enhancement slotting on powers with 40% more base damage would be more effective than the current state of enhancing nova attacks as they are and THEN adding a 40% damage buff, it would actually be a direct damage buff to those attacks. Why shouldn't we pay for it? Small price if you ask me.

    EDIT - and even if nothing at all is done to compensate for the consequences of baking the damage buff directly into the attacks, Nova remains a viable option for form-shifters thanks to instant shifting filling in the attack chain gaps, and can be a better asset for those willing to invest the slots to bring recharge/end use down.

    EDIT EDIT - and for the record to the OP - Baking the nova damage boost into the base damage of the attacks is one of only two things I think Kheldians really need. The other is psionic resistance in white dwarf.

    THE TRIPLE EDIT OF AN ADDLED MIND - for anyone who doesn't know, damage boosts that come from enhancements, build up powers and the nova form's inherent boost only affect the BASE damage of a power. Currently, for example, Bright Nova Blast does 66.73 points of damage. Enhanced it would do 95% more, right? Right. NOW add a 40% damage boost and you'll get.... 40% of 66.73 added. The total damage output would - under the current conditions - result in 132.8 points of damage. Bake that 40% nova boost into the power's base damage and you've got a damage output of 182.17 points of damage. Would that be worth a gap or two in your attack chain? Hell it's probably the reason why Arbiter Hawk will never, ever make the change.

    THE "YOU KNOW WHAT? I SHOULD JUST DELETE THIS POST AND REWRITE IT AFTER A CUP OF COFFEE!" FOURTH EDIT: It wouldn't have to be a straight 40% damage boost baked in to the base damage. Since it would result in such a big direct damage buff, then a lesser amount could be more balanced. And no, I don't know why I keep using the words "Baked in." Freudian slip of a half-baked brain, I suppose. Back to my coffee.

  24. Easy way to find out is to mouse over the power in the Enhancement Management screen -a popup should appear telling you the aspects of the power that are enhanced.

    I don't know why it wouldn't enhance the recharge if it allows the sets. It's just flagged to ignore any Endmod enhancement, not the enhancements themselves. The semantic difference is meaningless with enhancements that only offer endmod, but dual aspect enhancements and greater should allow every aspect they affect except endmod to be enhanced.
  25. If you can slot it, the bonuses count. But if you want to be sure look at your set bonuses in your combat attributes. It will tell you there.

    Be warned, however, if you're slotting a performance shifter proc - it will only check once for the chance to fire upon the activation of the power, vise every ten seconds in stamina or a toggle power.