21 -
Mids character planner is a new on on me, so is Leandro's mission creator. Bean browswing through Tomax and while useful, doesn't seem well planned out.
Its hard to find something of value to add to a game that has been around this long. All the "old hats" know where everything useful is and truthfully reinventing the wheel isn't very constructive.
However, I think a venue to share in builds in a visual manner IS something that I haven't seen here. I see the builds in a text format but that is different than seeing it in a gui.
But we will see -
Tagging and import/export support?
Does this game have anything that requires such things?
Just wondering... because we've got a 5+ year old community right here with everything that this could offer, already.
[/ QUOTE ]
Your right, it is a long history that you all have and adding value will be difficult.
However, tools such as a visual build representation with the ability to comment upon it and have discussions is something that many find extremely useful and desirable. We have some history in doing this kind of thing.
Tagging is something I would expect out of it as part of such an application because it makes sense. Import and export is also something useful because it allows you to put it in an offline application that also supports import and export. I don't remember off hand if COH Planner has the import/export support but when I was last playing COH alone it was the primary tool (next to HeroStats) in use.
At BattleClinic our focus has always been about providing useful venues to help players learn from other players how to be better. Tools such as the capability to share builds with others go a long way towards this.
We are not a big business like some other multi MMO sites, we are players ourselves and we do this because we love the games themselves.
Looks like you love this game too Zekiran... over 10k posts! sheesh! That is more posts than my entire gaming career.
Let me ask YOU a question. Whats missing? What is the thing you as a player have thought "This would be a good idea and really useful"
I'm going to go make and Energy Energy Blaster now.... don't know where my old one wentIt seems to of disappeared in my 3 year hiatus from the game.
Hello superpowered fiends and friends.
I'm Sky Grunthor, the community manager for BattleClinic.com. So of course you're asking now, "who are you?"
BattleClinic is a player driven community site that offers tools, news and information for a number of MMOs like City of Heroes/Villains.
We know we're joining a well-established community, and we're proud to do so! Later this summer we are planning on debuting a character build section to the site where you can share and discuss the various builds that you play with.
It will offer
1) Build progression
2) Slot support
3) tagging support
4) Import/export support
We are also working on developing the CoH/V wiki with missions, maps, characters and various other game related information.
We are also an official seller of City of Heroes/Villains Game Time Cards through Deep Space Supply. We use that to fund the site and develop tools for our users to use.
Here at BattleClinic we have a guiding motto: Fight Smart(tm)! Its about players helping other players to be the best they can be.
So, come come on over! We welcome new players and vets alike.
Currently looking for:
Volunteers to help with the wiki work.
Players to act as BattleClinic Moderators that will be active in both this and BattleClinic forums.
Developers that are looking for a home to host their tools and support forums for free.
Obvious bait is obvious:
We often offer quality contributor rewards such as free time codes, merchandise and more responsibility!
BattleClinic, supporting players and developers since 2001! -
The in game alcolades are pretty evenly split with permanent reward (+hp and/or +end) vs click powers. I don't really include the event or purchase alcolades as true alcolades. Those alcolades don't do anything other then act as toggles to allow costume items or powers.
(Fulmens) - Only one person should be starting any given fight [normally, unless
you are using an Unfocused attack strategy - PK] and everyone should know who
that is. Ideally, this would be " a tanker" or "a sniper" if you're pulling. If
you have someone who goes off by themselves and starts fights, make them the
official fight starter. It may not be the most optimal person, but it will make
them happier and it will make you happier too.
[/ QUOTE ]
Scrappers are great fight starters as well. Sometimes better then tanks because they will agro the bosses and keep them busy letting the tank or blasters grab the minions and decimate them quickly. Standard devide and conquer -
Here is my guide to leveling.
Play the game.
End of guide. -
That is funny that we are identified by the secondary.... Well it is where the spice is. The primaries tend to be pretty interchangeable.
Sheesh why is this thing called LRSF so hard? Is it this hard on the heroic equivalent? if so then it is way too hard if you have to have a "perfect team" to do it. No TF/SF should require a perfect team. Just good players.
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There is no current heroic equivalent.
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Heroic as in the lowest difficulty setting. I thought it was villianous but wasn't sure. -
Sheesh why is this thing called LRSF so hard? Is it this hard on the heroic equivalent? if so then it is way too hard if you have to have a "perfect team" to do it. No TF/SF should require a perfect team. Just good players.
Yes, yes, yes. But the reason offered to choose first from the same zone is ludicrous... namely, to be more courteous to the person you are inviting. It has nothing to do with that. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one, at least when teaming. I pick players from the same zone first, not to be more pleasing to the person I'm inviting, but rather to prevent the rest of my current team from getting resstless and quitting! I don't know if it's the game, or the people playing the game, but these guys are impatient! And frankly, when all I've wanted to do is bang some baddie heads together, waiting for 15 minutes for a team to form is a real downer.
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I don't think I was implying that picking from the same zone first was a point of courtesy. Its a point of speed. It is true what you say that picking from the same zone decreases wait time for the team durring building. It is also true that picking from the same zone first increases the likelyhood a toon will join up with the team and hense decreases build time. If one is of larger effect then another I don't know. However both statements... Yours and mine are true. However your point focuses on wait time for the team to assemble where mine is focused on wait time for the team to be built. Both valid and true. There is another benefit that picking from the same zone has as well that I think someone else mentioned. The target toon is already in the zone so they are wanting to be there. This is especially true of places like the hollows.
Edit: I see now where you got the courtesy spin. It was in the Amen, Brother post that quoted me. So consider this me getting the record straight -
I brought a BS/SR to level 50 before the I-5 SR buff with very little soloing. Most of "Sister Colette's" career was spent as the personal bodyguard of a blaster and an empath. So I must take some exception to your saying I lack understanding of a scrapper's role in a team. Indeed I built my scrapper to challenge the soloist mentality
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Exception noted and understood. I went back and reread my comments with a full nights sleep behind me and saw what a jerk of a statement that part was. So for that I apologize. Passion is great but humility is a necessary part of maturity as well. I think you'd agree on that.
By the way the scrapper guide you are talking about is linked to in my sig. I almost shouted and cried for joy when I read something that discribed me to a T. Probably one of the best guides I have ever read. Personally I think there should be a series of guides in the same nature for every AT.
"There is no flavor of the month set of powers... period."
I think your admitted hatred of PvP has left you innocent to certain trends.
"To say that players who use Leet do not care anything for you is ridiculous."
I wrote, "one -sign- of an unworthy teammate is the use of Leet." I was listing red flags. I can see how this can be misunderstood as an absolute statement if out of context. My fault, let me rephrase: one suspicious indication of an unworthy teammate is the use of Leet. Does this make the statement conditional rather than absolute, as I'd intended?
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Ok I still maintain my original statement within the context of PvE As I noted and you noted I noted I do not like PvP. CoX was never built for PvP and for the most part the majority (90% at a guess) of content is PvE. Within that context there is too much variety of persons to get a flavor of the month. I say this because the nature of PvP is one of confrontational Your toon build is better then my toon build type of play. This leads to an inherent toon build worthiness ranking. Those builds are then the focus rather then the TOON. my toon Sky Grunthor is specifically a HERO and not a Gladiator (PvP to me is a gladiator sport). she is built around a concept and not a goal. In my experience the majority of toons out there that I play with are also done that way.
The focus change within PvP has a large cultural change associated with it. The standard of worthiness within PvP is one of I BEAT YOU. Very personal and antagonistic. To me this draws the personalities of "I'm better then you are, I'm better then you are" in droves. While this is by far not everyone. I've played enough pvp in other games to understand that there is a mature and dynamic base of players there that want the challenge. What IMO happens is that you get a far greater number (greater then in PvE) of these leet pwning punks with nothing better to do in there lives then play a video game all day and night and move from one MMO to another to another like the MMO is the flavor of the month.
Let me put a personal story to it. I was one of the pre-order COV people (after playing COH for about 6 months) and was there on launch and kickoff and the last day of beta as well. When COV launched I spent a month playing it only. I joined an VG right off the bat as I was part of one of the best SG's in Virtue and loved the instant connections and social aspects that the sg chat and coalition chat broaght. Well I join this SG and its full of all these teens and kids from timbucktoo to milwaukee. They as a group had a voice chat programmed that they hosted on their site and I went and downloaded it, installed and started playing with them. Talk about MMO of the Month! From the chatter I got they seemed to travel around from this MMO to that MMO as they got tired with one or another becuase they had "Beat" the game or "Pwned" everyone in it. This kind of attittude is engendered in the l33t culture. One of the best things that keeps me here at CoX is that it does not by its nature draw and redraw these kinds of poeples. Its a game for people who have a life and can only play a couple of hours at a time 1 time a week or so and if your wife/husband is nice enought maybee allow you an entire afternoon on a saturday after you've done the housework or mowed the lawn or whatever.
All of this is to say that yes leet can be indicitive of these types of people. I know big long thing to say what you said.
Maybe I should write a book where I talk nonsense all day. Oh no don't have time for it... To busy reading, or playing CoH or writing software, or making pottery, or going to plays, going to parks, riding my bike, etc.... -
Don't make me laugh so hard! Man!
This is sooooo irelevant, it's ridiculous! The ONLY reason to invite someone from the same zone first onto your team is to prevent the long wait of them traveling through multiple zones and to get them into the mission as fast as possible. Period. Courtesy??? Bah! Hate to zone???? Man! They're going to HATE City of Heroes! The game forces you to zone all the time!
Look, zoning is a way of life... it's the game and it's not going to change. If you hate zoning, I have only one thing to say... get used to it.
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Well I did say Pick from the zone you in first.... I did not say only. It was an emphasis on priority not limitation. Part of my experience here is based in Virtue as that is all I play and it is the second largest population server so I have more toons to choos from then all the others but one. -
Oh hell.... I just noticed your title... I'm starting to feel like I'm eating some shoe leather here.
I was rereading through my comments and I noticed that I sounded kind of angry and beligerant. If I'm comming off like that to you Collette let me appologize upfront. I've read some of your other stuff and I must say you think about what you write. What can I say... I'm passionate about pugs
This guide discusses perhaps the broadest but most rewarding topic in the game -- teaming effectively and mastering the large group in large scale combat.
A team of five or larger playing against the highest difficulty can earn the maximum XP per hour, but cannot survive at this lofty difficulty without tight discipline and solid tactical experience of your own and your colleagues' capabilities. Herein lies the greatest challenge of the City of Heroes games, one which in all modesty even your humble writer has yet to truly master after years of play.
For examples of how the large team goes wrong, you need only look at the threads regarding Pick-up groups or "PUGs." These groups are essentially armed mobs, each fighting their own battle, charging off alone, not communicating, filled with people who used cheats like "power-levelling" to advance their characters and care absolutely nothing for their teammates. They attack recklessly and call for healing. They bicker and squabble, blame everyone but themselves when things go wrong and disintegrate against any serious opposition. It's an ordeal to work with them. Don't. Whatever skill you bring will be squandered and they will resent your attempt to impose order.
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I must say I start disagreeing with you right here. PUGs can be armed mobs but they general only have that habit in the lower levels. In fact for the most part across the entire span of my only lvl 50's career the Armed Mob PUG is an extreme minority. PUGS are a joy to be a part of. Your comments show a lack of understanding and/or enjoyment for the versitile and malleable play style of a PUG. Not meaning to be disrespectful with the lack of understanding comment but you start off this "Guide" with denegrating what a plethora find extremely fun.
Yes everyone will deal with the PUG from hell every once and a while and while that team may stick in your memory more then your average pug. I have far more pugs in my memory that were WOW!!!!!! that was so awesome!!!!!
One sign of an unworthy teammate is the use of "Leet." If a person can't be bothered to speak properly to his teammates, why would he exert effort toward mastery of the game or helping you? For example, avoid healers who use the curt and dismissive "kthxbi" instead of, "Alright. Thank you and see you soon." This leet-speaker cares -nothing- for you and probably won't be much of a healer. Slovenly language reflects a slovenly person. (This absolutely doesn't apply to those for whom English is a second language, but to those too lazy to use even one language properly.)
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I do not enjoy extreme of even alot of leet myself. I also think it tends to show a lack of character, culture and maturity. However to say that players who use leet do not care anything for you is ridiculous. Leet within the context of this game may or may not be in character for an rper. So are you saying "Hacker" based rp heros are not worthy of teaming with? Are you saying that common leet from a toon during the middle of a battle is an indication of unworthiness? It seems so. Well in my opinion this is a 'leet attitude that should be quashed.
Another sign is a "flavor of the month" set of powers. You don't want someone who seeks out cheap powersets like Energy Melee, but the one who likes to find unorthodox ways to counter those powers. (Incidentally, Intimidate does something wonderful to the Aim/Buildup combo.)
[/ QUOTE ]
There is no flavor of the month set of powers... period! ok well maybe if the devs release a new powerset there is for at least a couple months but hey its a "NEW" powerset and everyone wants to see what it does.
Moving on, how to build a potent team of large numbers? Frankly, it's a process. The demands are not demands of time in-game but of knowledge, self control and consideration for your colleagues. This guide will discuss these without covering specific tactics such as "draw" or "doorjam." A good team will discover these as they go.
The first step is to team with -one- other person who shares your idealistic interest in an effective team. This person, like you, distains cheap tricks like power-levelling or herding and seeks authentic mastery of the game. He also loves to work with others.
Moreover, this person has an AT/powerset that works well with yours. Fine "dynamic duo" examples include: Dominator-Stalker, Tanker-Blaster, Brute and Kinetics or Scrapper/Empath In each case here, the pair -must- work together to be truly effective, but the combination startles with its synergy and power.
How does this pair work together?
1. They attack as one, never allowing themselves to be separated. They check to see the other is ready to attack and is not drained of endurance or resting.
2. They watch each others' backs, guard each other against attackers, trade inspirations when needed, heal each other if able.
3. They admit fault when something goes wrong. Perhaps the most reassuring thing one can say to one's team is "my bad." This's the mark of a person secure in themselves yet ready to learn. The insecure seek to blame others, especially when something is their fault.
4. They dismiss the ego. If, say, one person has superior experience in Mayhem missions, the other does not feel threatened by playing the student.
5. They care about the team's well being, to the point of taking debt for it. They schedule their play-time together and even level together.
6. They compliment each other for work well done.
7. They control their tempers. When they must offer correction, they do so as gently as they can. They do not resent correction kindly offered. They remember this is a game.
8. They learn how to use their powers -in coordination- to best effect.
9. They consider defeat a chance to refine their methods, not a cue to disband the team.
10. They have incredible fun! Even they are amazed by their effectiveness and the way they can almost read each others' minds. They love working with their friends.
Here is a portrait of a healthy partnership. After a mere handful of missions, this duo is ready to take on a third.
A triad brings new challenges. The newcomer will promptly perceive the tightly knit relationship of the duo and their effectiveness and will almost certainly fall into line. The burden lies upon the duo to include the newcomer, understand their powers and change their own comfortable patterns to make the most of the newcomer's abilities.
If things go well, it's time to bring in a fourth, and then a fifth and so on. The core team will have established patterns that newcomers adapt to.
[/ QUOTE ]
OK by now I've figured out that you prefer a controlled and risk free environment. So I must say that this team building process you are detailing here is slow arduouse and completely unneccessary to the building of large teams. No build large teams as quickly as you can and follow some basic rules of thumb.
1. Balance mob control against damage output and healing. Not team make up is golden and there is no "CORE" make up necessary to make a good team. I've run full scrapper teams of 8 on invicible and owned owned owned. I've been on teams with blasters, a troller, debuf defenders with little or no healing ability running agian on invincible and owning. It is a balanceing issue but if you balance at specific then you lock yourself out of 70% of the combinations and tactics available in the game.
(Notice I did not include any tankers in either example. No single or even duo of AT are necessary for a team)
How to work in your team, by archetype:
Tanker: In first, out last. You're the bulwark other heroes depend on. You protect your team by drawing enemy fire and by provoking the enemy into attacking you, not them. If your team's being overwhelmed, you and your work mean the difference between a fighting withdrawal and a rout.
Scrapper: More versatile than the tanker, a team scrapper acts first and foremost as a second line of defense. While the tanker belongs amidst the enemy, you belong in front of the more fragile controllers, defenders and especially blasters. Woe to the enemy who dares attack your charges! You can also serve as a boss-seeking missile, hammering him into submission before he can damage your friends. You serve in the tank's place in a pinch.
[/ QUOTE ]
Absolutely wrong on scrappers. Scrappers are loners who can support the team if necessary on a situation by situation basis but there primary role and love is to break things and kill people. They can take anything 1 level into purple and below on a 1 on 1. They are damage dealers that do not need support. basically they lock down the bosses and lts and free the squishies up to take out the rest. To relegate them to a support role again shows a lack of understanding on "WHO" a scrapper is. There is an player guide called Care and Feeding of your scrapper that can explain it all if your so interested.
Controller: You stifle incoming fire and help your teammates. You use your storms and repels to maneuver the enemy into tight little groups to make the blasters' job easier.
Defender: You augment your team's power, degrade the enemy's, heal if applicable, shoot as required and keep yourself alive.
Blaster: Your colleagues just jumped in front of an enemy force that can, eventually, defeat them. They're counting on -you- to blast the enemy into submission first. Don't let 'em down! Remember above all you can't save your friends if you're in the hospital.
Corruptor: You go well with any team. You coordinate your fire with others and help out your teammates. You uniquely heal or defend yourself while blazing away.
Brute: You are not a slave of your own fury bar, you do not charge in heedlessly. You defend your weaker colleagues as a scrapper would. You draw agro like a tanker and count on your friends to bail you out.
Mastermind: You're very careful to attack only those targets that are already attacking the team. You don't let your minions spaz out and "Leeroy Jenkins" everything in sight, but instead keep them on a very tight leash. You take great pains not to let your pets clog traffic. You're not at all afraid to sacrifice your minions. You'll even summon 'em amid a big spawn to take the alpha strike.
Dominator: You stifle the enemy's fire, switching targets rapidly and watch the entire battlefield. Never give the enemy his chance.
Stalker: You hit that fat, juicy boss -after- the chaos has started. You move fast to get back behind the lines after you strike. You also scout well, informing the team of the situation. You tell 'em kindly not to follow you too closely or they'll spoil your scouting. You know when an enemy is held and take full advantage.
Ideal team composition -- you will no doubt develop your own combos. These are, I hope, helpful rules of thumb.
Heroes: One tanker, one scrapper, one controller, blasters and defenders.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ok see previous comments upon team make up.
Villains: One brute, one dominator, one stalker, four or five corruptors. Consider an MM for a large team only if he's sufficiently skilled. (Most MMs soloed their way to the higher levels. And why not? They're arguably a team unto themselves.) Some consider a pentad of five villains ideal. I disagree. Simply put, there's no such thing as too many corruptors while the MM is optional.
Note: the sidekick system is a bit faulty. Do not expect a sidekick with DOs to perform at the level of a sidekick with SOs. Sub-par performance can be the enhancements' fault, not the players'. Don't allow such things to discourage you.
In PvP a well drilled large team such as I've described will prove as effective in PvP as PvE, and will only be beaten by an equally qualified team.
[/ QUOTE ]
Can't talk to PvP as I detest it on a personal level.
To critique overall this guide I have to say it is describing a complete playstyle and team style preference. As a preference it is fine and worthy. Yes the team make ups, processes and such you describe will work but they are not a garauntee nor are they by far the ONLY way to do it. In fact I would say they are the minority. In essence you don't like pugs and this would be a better title guide as "How to build a team for PUG haters" Personally I wouldn't want to play you for one specific reason. I like PUGS, I like them alot. The free flowing nature and inherent trust that must be engendered and the awesomeness of the variety is something that I am drawn towards and relish in. You do not like PUGs for whatever reason. I could not discern it unless it was that first paragraph about the bad pugs. Then my thought is you probably got a couple early bad experiences with pugs and have a dislike for them. Well I got a couple of bad experinces with beets when I was a kid and Hate them ever since too. -
Have to add that scrappers love teaming with other non-domesticated scrappers. They understand the rules and honor of each other and usually respect it. I've done several TFs with all scrapper teams of 8 set to invincible. Challenging and Fun and full of death, debt and NON STOP ACTION!
Proudly claiming to be a feral scrapper that got domesticated in old age. I almost cried out in joy at reading my scrapper love and joy being written about with such elequence.
Wanted to disagree in part to this... Rational Self Interest did lead to putting a man on the moon.
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The easiest way to say this is to point out that, rather obviously, neither American flags on the moon, nor stunning funerary monuments in the desert, are in the direct, rational self interest of, pretty much, anyone. Except in extraordinarily indirect ways that involve psychological and sociological factors rendering Rand's insight a touch simple-minded.
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Actually that was my very thought. Rational self interest in combination with the liberties and freedoms that are embodied in the idea and culture of the US are IMO the underlying and prevailing factors to most of the greatest achievements within this century. Give people the freedom to help themselves and as a group the people can and will do the most extraordinary and amazing things. Like putting a man on the moon. -
I was an altaholic... then I found my true love... Sky Grunthor and my altaholitice was cured. Then she reached 50 and the love is gone... I cry and cry and miss her so much but she is old and tired and doesn't enjoy playing as much any more. She just doesn't see anything else out there to do and enjoy. So she became the matriarch of her family and a myriad of Grunthor sisters were born and continue to be born and die and get reborn... OH NO! I've come full circle... I'm an altaholic again!
I'm not a fan of Ayn Rand, but to be fair, those folks have a point. Rational self-interest may not build societies capable of constructing the pyramids or putting a man on the moon, but rational self-interest does speak loud and clear to motive. Sad but true: it appears more honest, to most people, than any effort you may make to explain the situation as you see it.
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Wanted to disagree in part to this... Rational Self Interest did lead to putting a man on the moon. This is because rational self interest is the driving force of the USA... its called freedom and freedoms child, capitalism. As to the pyrimid. Haven't a clue.
This disagrement is a fundemental one that I have with the conclusions of Ayn Rands beliefs as shown in her two books that I've read. (The fountain head, and that other onedon't remember the name but I enjoyed them both)
As to the rest of the guide... Kudo's its wonderful. -
My "When your a leader" Do's....
1. Always send a tell with lvl range (example: 42ish) and team type (mish, tf, etc)
2. If the comment says rp player send a longer tell that plays to how the prospective player plays. He/She is an rper so invite them in that fashion
Example: The Forces for good are looking for a hero like yourself... Are you up for the job? (34ish mish team)
RP's tend to like it when they get leaders playing to their interaction preferences and it tends to make for a more interesting team.
3. Build balanced teams. others have ranted on that to some extent.
4. Ask toons who are not in a mish first
5. Remember that if they say "Not interested in a team" in the comment field they probably are not interested in a team.
Caveate to 5. If the pickings are scarse still give the "Not insterested" a SHORT AND COURTEOUS tell. They usually respond with a simply no thanks but I find that alot of time they join up becuase you asked nicely.
6. Try for at least one Epic AT. They bring experience and flavor to the mix up.
7. Pick from the zone your in first. Toons are more likely to join you if they don't really have to travel... Yes this is easier to do in lower levels but to date I have very rarely had to cross zone search to find team mates unless it was a tf of some kind.
8. Talk alot during the wait periods, sparsely during the grind.
9. Scale your team control freekiness back as the levels get higher. Remember your team knows their own powers and what they do. Sheesh for the most part a well balanced team needs little to know direction beyond a "Pulling" shout or the tank calling "Heading in will give word" Inexperienced players are easy to spot and striking up conversations with them and imparting tactics on the fly is fun.
10. Know when to boot. I rarely boot people from my teams but sometimes I do find it necessary. Usually only when they are griefing or just being plain jack *sses. However when you do boot anounce the reason why to the team and give the option to drop without hard feelings.
11. Compliment the costumes and use interactive emotes during dead time frequently. Builds a sense of comradery and funess. (is that a word "funess"?... well it should be)
12. If you gotta leave CHOOSE your replacement proactively based on how they played and interacted don't let it autochoose. that way if you can come back in 15 minutes or an hour their might be a good chance the team is going still if your choice is a good one.
13. Bad luck to do this one
14. Here just for the hell of it
15. I can't stop typing..........
ok I can.
Well those are my do's
EDIT: 16. If there is a broadcast with a toon giving the LFT lvl AT info just send them an invite no tell no nothing.... its what they expect.