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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultra_Violence View Post
    One good point is "Why can you only have 1 specialized pool?" Are they THAT overpowered that they are so much better than 3 AT powers it would be unbalancing? Not that I've seen.

    Almost all still require you to take a power you probably don't want, or don't want much. I say if you have that many picks to spend take all the PP sets and specialzed powers you want.
    Why only have four general pools? Are the powers really so unbalanced?

    I somewhat agree with your last sentence, but it's pretty obvious that there are some limitations desired and built into the system. And those limitations should definitely extend into APP/PPPs too - although stacking shields would be fun, and I know my Dominator would love to be able to nab Sleet, Fireball, Rain of Fire, and Scorpion Shield.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    Don't forget the birds and the bees! (And yes, I'm still talking about Masterminds)
    Fair enough. So a total of two concepts, and even then if you're using animals to attack with how does the concept not involve using pets to do damage?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    It depends on what you mean by "extreme inferiority." AR doesn't have particularly good single target, but I believe its high AoE potential more than makes up for that. I think Staff Fighting's high AoE more than makes up for its lackluster ST, because its kill speed is still going to be faster than a high ST moderate AoE set against normal spawns.

    Remember my notion of the standard spawn for mitigation? Its also useful in this context: real offense is composed of single target and AoE, and the interesting question is how long does a set with a mix of both take to bring down certain kinds of spawns. Say one boss, two Lts, and 6 minions. A high AoE low ST set would wipe out the minions fast, and the LTs would be right behind them. It would then take longer to take out the last boss standing. But while a low AoE high ST set could take down the boss faster, it would take down the LTs slower.

    One simplistic but interesting question is to ask, if everything gets hit by everything, what happens? At level 50, it'll take about 860 damage to take down the Lts. That will leave the boss with about 1710 health. So in an ST/AoE mixed offense, a "balanced" attacker will have about twice the ST output as AoE per target, when you factor in the time to generate the AoE (which can't use used to generate ST damage). It *suggests* that there is such a thing as "too much AoE" but also such a thing as "not enough AoE" - we want our single target damage to kill the boss at about the same time AoE kills the Lts.

    This is a very simplistic model, but it highlights the fact that bad X doesn't make up for great Y, but it also suggests that the balance between the two depends on the spawns you encounter. At +0x1, the situation is heavily slanted towards single target. At +0x8, its heavily slanted towards AoE. Also, ranking doesn't matter: what matters is the absolute relationship between absolute single target damage and absolute AoE damage. The third best AoE and third worst ST could end up being the fastest killer.
    Meh, just play a Stalker with a good AoE set. AS will make up the ST difference.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by konshu View Post
    Even if the devs had more tricks they could play during Citadel TF, the story itself is suitable for a single mission: the Council (or 5th) have stolen Citadel's design and are planning to upgrade their robots.
    Nah, it's a short arc when you set it up redside, it should be at least that long to fix it.

    Edit: and I suppose that link answers the question posited in the subject line better than anything else so far. >.>
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    No, the "remedy" is:
    (A) The blaster learning to use their powers, including secondary effects like knockback, and
    (B) the melee not whining because someone knocked an enemy away from them. (If someone just used an AOE KB right where the melee was, scattering *everyone* away, then the problem is covered by (A.) )

    Oh, and (C) players realizing they're on a *team* and working together, not 2-8 soloists who happen to be sharing the same map.
    My solution to KB and how it works with melee characters is simple - if you knock it away from me, that means you want to deal with it. If you knock it towards me, that means you expect me to deal with it.

    I also feel the same way when I'm on the character with KB, because at that point it becomes a fun little game of skeet shooting and I try to see if I can have it dead before it hits the ground, or else a "hey, go get that one!" moment. But that's just a combination of A and C.
  6. Siolfir

    Bio Armor

    I'm still at work so I can't double-check, but on beta you won't see it show up in the list when you go to make a new character until you go into the Paragon Market and buy it.

    It's probably not listed under "new" anymore, so I think it's Powers/Powersets(?) and then from there just pick the options until it shows up (I think melee sets?). I guess it's conceivable that they removed it from the market on beta and left the characters who already had it active rather than disabling them, but I don't find that likely.
  7. If you bought a lot of paragon points you should be higher than tier 2, also - that may be where you started but after spending $100 you aren't still there. Buying points gets you tokens, and the number of tokens you have determines your tier. VIPs get one token per month, so spending extra on points is the fast way to go up in tiers.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    If we ever get whips it'll probably be Assault, due to the 15 foot range on the attacks.
    And besides, what better AT for whips than a Dom?

    The issue about "lol petless mm" isn't whether or not a petless MM is capable of doing anything - and at times I wish some of the MMs I teamed with were petless because their pet control was miserable and they tended to bring back multiples of the aggro cap when their pets ran off in separate directions and died horribly in the spawns that they annoyed.

    It's that, with the exception of Demon Summoning's whips, anything you would want to do with a petless MM would be done better on either a Defender or Corruptor. You'd have more hit points, more damage, more - and better - attacks, lower endurance costs, and usually higher modifiers (btw, Defenders also share the Tanker mods for self buffing, that's not unique to MMs - MMs have better stun modifiers than Corruptors, though). So unless the concept is to do something half-*****, there's only one viable concept for a petless MM and it involves a flaming whip.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kederren View Post
    Sorry folks, I'd still rather do either of these than Numina's huntfest.
    Numina is the one TFC TF that I didn't run over 2xp weekend, specifically due to the hunts. But it's not like it's a long process to split the team across multiple zones and one-shot-complete a hunt against greys. Speed through it, get the merits and badge, move on. I'd rather run multiple Numina TFs in a row than finish a single Synapse - I've actually considered swapping sides and getting Invader on a couple of characters just so I wouldn't have to do a Synapse to get the accolade.
  10. I get bored playing the same character all the time, so I'd go with the second option. But that's a personal decision, and as others have said - it's easier to get inf on a 50 and that will let you fund other characters.
  11. Am I the only one that thinks that Radiation Emission actually is the middle-of-the-road set for support? Other sets have specific buffs and debuffs and do them better. Rad does them all "okay" and every debuff is an AoE. It's the utility knife - it's never the perfect tool for the job, but it does enough that it's never the wrong tool, either.

    The main outliers I can think of for support are Trick Arrow and Poison, and that's because they spend too much time in animation to get to similar values as the other sets - and in Poison's case, in a terrible AoE radius. Force Field and Sonic Resonance had some of their thunder stolen by Cold and Thermal respectively, but they still offer mez protection to the person using them while Cold and Thermal don't and are still stronger at their specialties of defense and resistance respectively.

    As to the point of the OP, most of my comparison discussions are taken with a moderate but not top-end IO build in mind. If I were to look at Fiery Aura compared to Dark Armor, I'd say that the DA will survive better against large crowds but won't kill nearly as fast (and it won't). Both rely on fast recharging heals, but FA's heal works better against single targets.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DeathHarvester View Post
    Does anyone have a link they can share that tells about how all procs will work with I24? That is if there is one yet. If there isn't are they changing the way the numina, miracle and performance shifter procs work?

    Here. There actually have been a couple of changes since then listed in the i24 beta section (like purple procs not having their rate increased due to overperformance) but that's the gist of it.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    #2 You're assuming everyone has perma damage cap capable toons and last I read powers were not made with the exceptional high end builds in mind
    I'm pretty sure that it was simply reiterating my earlier point - Fulcrum Shift still, even if it misses, provides a +40% damage buff that can easily be permanent (ie, perma capable).
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
    Complaining about Citadel? You've never done the original Posi I take it?
    I liked the original Posi - even before you could keep Stamina - better than Synapse. At least it had enemy groups, plural.

    I also prefer the Dr. Q TF to either, and that was before the shorter-recharge team mission teleporter you can pick up in the market. There are a lot of ways to get around now that the people who complained about it taking 6-8 hrs didn't have, and the longest one I've ever been on was under 4 hours prior to O-portals. I'm guessing, but I'd expect that with the right team it's a two hour TF just because you lose a lot of time moving back and forth - split the team for the hunts and teleport to the door missions.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    I dont find it not much different then getting on a newspaper mish team that does council after council mish. It's good xp that is for sure. Unlike doing a series of council paper mishes, there is a good completion bonus and it goes towards a useful accolade.

    When I was on a team this past weekend that was trying to get the minimum number to start, I suggested sending out "Council farm lfm!" over the various channels.
  16. Siolfir

    Bio Armor

    Originally Posted by Space_Monkey View Post
    Quick question: Is Bio-Armor still on the test server? I logged in late last week and none of the new sets (Bio Armor, Nature Affinity) were on. Have I missed it or did I log in too early (I've always had problems being premature! )
    Test server, no - generally speaking it's a copy of what's on live.
    Beta server, yes - but you have to "buy" it off the market (for 0 points) to see it.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Talesin View Post
    I don't understand how buffing Kinetics more will make Fulcrum Shift more balanced.

    1. You would need to seriously nerf the recharge on Fulcrum Shift to make the rest of your suggestions more reasonable. I'm thinking 16 minute recharge. I know this is a bit over the top.
    Barring a duration that exceeds 3 minutes, thinking that a 16 minute recharge on Fulcrum Shift is balanced is pretty delusional when you look at other powers in the game. I mean what the heck are you balancing against, Time Bomb and Barb Swipe only? Evidence would support no longer than 6 minutes for recharge, and generally in longer duration buffs.

    Originally Posted by Talesin View Post
    2. Siphon Power is stackable without any recharge enhancement and buffs you and the team for a reasonable amount especially considering its a low lvl power. It is only crappy when you compare it to the ridiculous buffs in Fulcrum Shift. Think about it this way (buffs are always better than debuffs since no one ever fights mobs below their level). People scream in joy at the additional damage someone does to a mob sitting on top of a Tar Patch (which debuffs resistance 30%). The buff from Siphon power is superior to the debuff from Tar Patch (at least for how much damage the enemy takes) unless you are fighting even level cons.
    False. Even if you're counting the stacking out of the box (30 sec duration, 20 sec recharge) a 40% +damage is still inferior in damage compared to a 30% resistance debuff unless both you and the people you team with don't bother with slotting damage in their attacks against almost all difficulty levels.

    Let's say you have an attack that does 125 damage. You slot it for +100% damage, because I'm lazy and don't want to make the math harder than it has to be. That means you're doing 250 points of damage, or 200 damage to a +2 (80% effect due to purple patch).

    Siphon Power (for Controllers/Corruptors, since you're using those numbers in your quotes) provides +20% damage per stack. It has a 1.93 second cast time, which works out to an arcanatime of 2.112 seconds, and costs 10.4 endurance.
    1 Siphon Power (2.112 sec cast, 10.4 end): (125 * (1 base damage + 1 slotting + 0.2 siphon power)) * 1 resistance modifier = 275, *.8 for purple patch damage applied = 220.
    2 Siphon Powers (4.224 sec cast, 20.8 end): (125 * (1 + 1 + .4)) * 1 = 300, *.8 = 240.

    Tar Patch provides a 30% resistance debuff in a wide area. Counting the purple patch (against +2 it has .8 effectiveness) this multiplies the final damage after slotting by 1.24. It has a cast time of 3.1 seconds, which works out to an arcanatime of 3.3 seconds, and costs 7.8 endurance.
    (125 * (1 + 1)) * 1.24 = 310, *.8 = 248.

    You're spending more animation time and getting less benefit than Tar Patch by keeping Siphon Power stacked, and Tar Patch affects powers that don't take outside buffs (like, say, Judgement) which Siphon Power won't. They aren't equivalent powers.

    Now, against +4s - which is the best case scenario for buffs, since there is a 0.48 effectiveness on damage/debuffs making Tar Patch only a 14.4% resistance debuff:
    1 Siphon Power: 132
    2 Siphon Power: 144
    Tar Patch: 137.28

    Note that a single Siphon Power still isn't equivalent to a single Tar Patch; you have to keep it stacked to do better, which means at least 14% of your time (2.112 sec / 15 sec) is spent just keeping the buff active. If you're the only one doing damage, then it's probably a net loss even at +4, just because Tar Patch's debuff duration is long enough that it's not likely to interrupt your attacking.

    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Fulcrum Shift IS an insanely good power, but it isn't overpowered.
    Aaaand, this. For reasons already covered.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by nicoliy View Post
    I play with Pandora or Spotify on so sounds are a non issue to me. Does fear break easy or am I doing something wrong? I have a low level dark/ma on beta and it seems like things randomly break out of fearsome stare (i think that's the name), shoot me, and then go back to being feared.
    That's WAI. Fear is a soft mez, and mobs will attack less often but will still return fire when attacked. Fearsome Stare is still good because it's an AoE -tohit with decent debuff values, so even if things keep attacking at the same rate (and they don't) they're less likely to hit you anyway.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
    "well, the sex was great and all, but here's a comprehensive list of things I'd like you to do better, and please pay particular attention to numbers six and twelve, which involve Japanese twins and a plunger covered in peanut butter. Thanks."


    Heck with it, I'm stealing this.
  20. There's also the minor issue of granting global resistances in PvP which plugs the Psi hole for everybody and the ability to split PvP and PvE damages. What made it good for PvP is the delay times on the damage because of varying projectile speeds allowing you to create attacks that all hit the target at the same time for some ridiculous spikes, not the damage type (it came too late for that on Blasters, and Rad/Psi Defenders were already outrageous before it was proliferated).

    Corruptors got the relatively higher damage (at least in damage scalar values, if not actual damage numbers) Defender version when it was ported to them, and if I had to guess I'd say that Boost Range's existence is the main reason that Blasters only got an 80' range instead of 100'.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Ya know what word needs to go on hiatus from the English language for ten years? "Entitled." Seriously, it's like the hipster go-to to shut down any discussion where someone else asks for something.
    I was entitled before it was cool. Now everybody is doing it. >.>
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    #1 It needs to hit it's target
    #2 If the target dies you waste it
    #5 You must be in the radius for it to take effect
    Not that I feel that it needs nerfed, but with regards to these specific points:
    Fulcrum Shift summons a buff pet around the user along with the debuff pet around the target. I think that the debuff pet still fails to summon the damage buff pets if the main target dies - although I haven't specifically checked recently, I don't remember getting a huge buff during a Lambda run where the target died and other mobs were still upright - but regardless it doesn't need to hit to provide you and everyone within 20' of you a buff of either 40% or 50% +damage depending on your AT. It needs a target to start. It doesn't need to hit the target for this to happen (and this part of the power is, in fact, flagged as autohit).

    That's still the +damage portion of Forge on everyone around you all at once and is easily permanent and stackable, even if there are no other targets hit. It's not as nice, but I wouldn't go so far as to say "wasted".
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    I know what you mean.

    I want to use claws - but I want aim or build up - not follow up

    Hi! Nice to meet you!

  24. Siolfir

    New Nukes

    Speaking of carryover, the nuke changes also are being applied to Fortunatas (who already had a crashless nuke but are getting normalized damage and shorter recharge) and both flavors of Kheldians.