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  1. ...and xfire ( handle: coxsingstar

    Update: Bah, it sucks.. You can only voice chat with one person at any given time. It's also HUGE even when skinned.

    I'll consider setting up a teamspeak server or ventrilo if you're interested.
  2. _Spirit, you're welcome too, I have a feeling at least one of these ppl won't show up!

    Once again, the more fire/rads we are, the better synergy. We need all the AM we can get so we don't have to take stamina etc.
  3. I've done my build (guide at and I'll be hanging out in the tutorial at 19.00 CET (6 PM for english people)
  4. Interested so far:

    Sing Star (smurfite)
    Hey Man (smurfite)
    Cobalt Unit IV (smurfite light?)
    Herculon (smurfite)
    Evander (global?)
    Ramite (global?)
    Ilusionist (global?)

    I would still prefer if we all go fire/rad for simplicity and max bonus, but the most important thing is that we all get the leadership powers methink... mind, Kin, ff etc doesn't really contribute much in this kind of team.

    I've just installed Xfire (user name: coxsingstar) I think it would be pretty handy for this project.
  5. It seems like we're doing the fire/rad troller thing...
    I hope... to start up a 8 man team at 7 CET (6 BTM) tomorrow on Union.

    A few different build should be ok, as long as all take the +def, +dam and +acc in the leadership pool, and as long as we get 4+ Acc meta! Best would still be if we could all go fire/rad...

    Unfortunately I was doing a dam grind for the accolade this night, that got DCd, so if you did send me a tell, I missed it. That accolade is just STUPID! You hear that devs? It's STUPID! (and yes, my main villain DO have the 7th dam badge, and that's even more STUPID, you hear that - STUPID!)
  6. Interested so far:

    Sing Star (smurfite)
    Hey Man (smurfite)
    Cobalt Unit IV (smurfite light?)
    Herculon (smurfite)

    I will edit this list as people show their interest. The smurfites will have priority.
  7. Gratz to the whole fire/rad troller team, you should all be hitting the big five-oh any moment now!

    I'm thinking about starting a 2nd superteam if anyone is interested. Info on "Controller" thread - not posting it here too. It's also in the smurfite forum for the ones that dare to challenge the f#r#m#t#s!
  8. The smurfs are about to hit lvl 50 with their Fire/rad superteam on Union and I'm thinking about starting a new one if there's interest in it.

    We could do fire/rad since it's obviously great, but I'd be willing to try to find some other good combo. I'm interested in trying Grav(lots of stuff flying around), earth(great crowd control at least) or ice(oh, Ice slick I love you) as primary myself. Illusion would probably be good too, since we get the phantoms very early, and with 8 AMs we'd be pretty much perma-PAing

    As secondary most builds would do best with rad I think, but it would be fun to see if we could get storm to work, for the cool effects.

    I'm thinking that Xfire would be a good program for communication, since Cryptic still haven't considered(?) adding voice chat and none of the coalition SGs have any (open) voice chat server of any kind.

    If you're interested, send an in-game tell to @sing star. I will prioritize people I know of course and/or swedes!
  9. Sing Star's healing powers will be there (I hope... Might be busy after all)
  10. Let's grind again, like we did last summer!
    Leeeet's grind again, grinding times are here!

    Oh, yeeaah! Peace motha'!
  11. 6 ppl.. SIX people! Our "protect against the lack of the flyer" in Grandville was way more successful..

    Well, it was fun anyway. See you on the other side of the "Let's grind again" horror!

    Woord brotha':
    Give us content, give us content!
    Down with inventions, down with inventions!
    Give us clown cossies and fat bellies!
    Retirement homes for aging heroes!
    N#die beach in Talos! N#de carnies for everyone!
    More content, less discontent!
    Proletarians unite! Down with capitalism (e.g. inventions)!
  12. Lol, servers go down in 30 minutes... sigh!
  13. There's 6 of us now, but I want the park filled with protesters! Get over there now! :-)
  14. Would say DOA (Dead On Arrival) is quite dead. Only me and 3 others playing. Most of us play heroes mostly nowadays, only entering villains to grind a bit or do LRSF. I9 might bring back a few tho'...

    Anyone know what happened to El Manticore? Red Moon Evil?
  15. Today,workers all over the globe unite to fight capitalism, and the greatest threat is revealed: the dreaded invention system - a capitalist invention that will force workers into more slave labour.

    Workers unite in Atlas park to protest today!
    Special Guest appearance by the long lost comrade: The Stalinizer . Ask him nicely and you'll even see him in chicken outfit!

    Let us make this the biggest protest in Atlas Park history. The Stalinizer is already in place, so log on and start protesting (until I9 takes us down)
  16. Umm, me and GMT/UTM... It's f'coz 5 PM for english dudes..
    But we'll do it whenever ppl gets there...
    5,6 or 7.. or all three! :P

  17. I've lost so many CoX friends the last 2-3 months, so I can only agree with the poeple before me:

    I thank YOU for letting me be on your global/teams. I was slowly on my way to new stomping grounds, but I think I might actually enjoy the CoX community for quite some time, as long as there's still one or two "Liz"-like poeple around. ...and the smurfites makes me smile every day!

    I just might have to ditch yet another hero/slot to make a smurfy smurfer to smurf with.
  18. Got Naylors Rularuu mish and intend to farm it for the rularuu bosses. I hope to do this tomorrow (on my Birthday btw) at 18.00 CET (7 PM for ppl living on the small island west of Europe)

    Lower levels are f'coz welcome as long as we have ppl to LK them.

    Any other lvl 40-50 alt has a given spot, as long as there are any, and I don't mind letting ppl continue to farm the mission once I'm done.

    Cya at the stargate!
  19. Give me a call if I'm on... have the mission myself on the alt I want it on, but never get 8 ppl, and it's so painfully boring to grind it 1 boss at a time solo.
  20. Finally @Sing Star got a lvl 50 Hero:
    Peeping Tom - Ill/Rad/nrg Controller
  21. We should update the list with ppl that have vengeance and/or recall friend at the moment.

    Nope.. respecced out tp myself, and no vengeance atm.
  22. I soloed it completely with the 'regular' method, CoT Guide, but with my AoE heal I could also take a 2nd guide shooting at me.

    but omg how much faster it would go with a single thermal corr healing the dam taker, and if I didn't have all the darn accolades I'd prolly finish 2 months earlier!
  23. Sing Star, Sonic/Thermal/GW corruptor just became IMMORTAL.

    Now it's just some inf and healing left!