1218 -
Ok! I bet ppl have loong threads about this already but..
GRRR! Why oh why can't posion poison trap be like traps poison trap. The huuuuuge interrupt time makes it worthless in any fight and it seem to hit waaayyy less than traps poison trap too. Cm'on devs, make them equal, make them both traps style!
...now! -
After doing the accolade on 12 alts I'm quite positive that one team need to have lvl 20+ alts to get heavies.
It also helps if the map has a lot of players, so Cap Au Diable vanguard office and Mercy, near contact Burke always spawn loads of heavies... -
Actually, thanks to I10 and a new flow of players I think Defiant (and Onion too btw) is way more active now than 2-3 months ago.
..because I share the concerns of professor. It IS usually hard to get a full team unless you've filled your global with "Real life, what's that?" friends. Even some of the evens have been quite empty lately. What saves the game, and what I constantly miss in other games are the LK/SK malf/exemp system.
As a (former, thanks to I9) badge hunter I don't even want to consider how I'd get enough active people in the VG again to maki it thru CoP (if it ever goes live again).
The game also seem to attract a lot of people that prefer to solo a lot, and the badges encourages that IMHO since you can't "go back" and do those low level minions and missions. That also leaves a content hole for all lvl 50s.
..and I really don't want to delete my old alts to make room for new ones.
On the other hand, Issue 10 is - finally - a really great community oriented content patch that brings back the fun of the old Hamidon raids and brings villains and heroes together for some much needed great fun. After 28 raids I still enjoy it.
I hated I9 and wasn't thrilled about I10, but I have to hand it to Cryptic/NCSoft - this is probably the best issue so far IMHO. Now give villains some more GMs and us all some more raids! And the villain Epics f'coz! -
Yup team, we had a blast yesterday with 6 ppl doing the fire/rad troller thingy.
We're going at it again at 6 PM today, so if some of you missed it, get to Faultline. We're now running lvl 18 missions at highest diff setting and OMG it's fun!
May your feets be hot! -
We had problems spawning heavies today. Finally got them spawning 5-6 each invasion by getting together teams of high level alts and leaving lower levels in some other teams...
Get at least one team with only 30+ alts I suggest, and as you said, gather everyone in the zone in one place! Now that Sing star is done with the accolade I might join you with my MM if I'm not busy doing raids. -
Lol, got 6 this time, just unlucky the first 5 times maybe
We've been 2 full teams LF rikti heavies during invasion. The last time we all gathered at the start and waited..
Not a single heavy. So I'm thinking:
1. Are they lvl specific - we had plenty of pre-lvl 20 with us?
2. are they bomb sensitive? Do we need to take out a number of bombs?
3. Where we just extremely unlucky?
What say You? -
I'll log on to Sing Star - NOW - to (hopefully) start an invasion AND flyer hunt force. I hope to see a full team so we get the heavies spawning too.
I'll also be on teamspeak badge-hunter.com (Channel defiant unless it gets crowded, so far always been empty). Tht way one of us can look out for the flyer while others are AFK waiting for a scream: OMGzzooorrrr, the flyer, they flyer, the FLYYYEEER! -
Well, due to a certain release (Yes, f'coz I10) only one person showed up - how strange!
We'll try again next tuesday, 6 PM. Ppl should be done with the worst I10-craze by then? I guess it'll be even harder to get a team together now!
...then again, with RWZ being 35+ now we have a perfect road map - no need to zone with each mish or grind papers:
Faultline lvl 15+
Striga 20+
Croatoa 25+
RWZ 35+
Great! Devs have finally made Heroes playable again! -
Just a quick note of who's currently enrolled and will have a space if they actually show up on tuesday. If you're on the list and can't make it, please send a tell to me. If you can make it and didn't play iday I'd love to hear from you anyway!
@Sing Star - Radical Smurf Star
@Herculon - Doctor von Neutron
@Ramite - Syrith
@Cobalt Unit IV - Searing smurf
@Nicky - Lost Unit
@Pushtech - Char-cole
@Combat Medic Droid - Hazmat Droid
@Dark Fire Bug - (don't remember alt name)
@Clau - Vulcanic Activity
Reserve, did show up once:
@Hey man - Hey Smurfite
Space fillers? (old team leftovers)
@Metal Talon
@Quartzite (Not responded so far, tho'?)
The rest has not responded at any of the given sessions. The people above have shown a fairly high degree of "reliability" so I hope we'll get a full team. to keep a full team going tho' it's nice to have 4-6 reserves to PLso feel free to contact me in-game.
Due to another group of people constantly being rude and #$%& on the forum - as well as being favourised by a certain person - I refuse to follow any threads - official forum just simply #$%&! So posting here won't do you any good! The cold ones are dead, long live the smurfites -
Fire/rad troller team is going at it again at 6 pm Tuesday. Send in-game tell to sing star if you want in...
Please also send in-game tell if you've asked to get in and won't be there. Lot's of people just don't show up and that's rather annoying when the sun shines and I could sit on the beach with a Chorizo and a beer instead of sending tells to 24 ppl that turns out to be off-line!
I'll send in-game tells to the "regular" peoples global to make sure the team is as big as possible - and yeah, we do take PLing fire/rads that has the right build!
Cya tuesday! -
Today, friday, 6 PM, we're playing again. Lvl 10-12 on most, so we could sk any lower and exemp any higher.
So far there's always been room for 3-4 ppl more even if 10-12 people said they'd join so you probably don't have to worry about space.
We can have about 12-16 people rolling, since there's always someone gone and if not, well... just run 2 teams!
Even with only four and some scraped together leftovers (scrappers etc) this is still so incredibly fun, and since we don't care much about the badges etc we can avoid the constant hero crappiness -> zoning, zoning, zoning... -
Now let's get you a 2nd lvl 50 villain!
Kokuei and others.. please understand this:
Do not even think of going to a Hami raid without reading the guide first.
I was on the first villain raid on defiant and it was horrible, since noone had bothered to read the guide, prepare for the raid and noone really even listened to the leaders that actually did a good job.
This is no way near the old hero Hami, it really takes work to take him down. Considering the low amount of "dedicated" villains high level enough I doubt there will ever be a successful villain hami raid on defiant - but I'm known as a moaning blue disney donkey when it comes to things like this!
The guide is there... Read it! -
Summer time... Guess it's hard to find hours for everyone and anyone to play.
The team is now lvl 11-12 so we can now SK any newcomers. A few people turned out to be rather unreliable, and others have unexpected problems making them unable or unwilling to play (including a sh.load of ppl suffering from the lag).
That means we now have some room for others to join the incredibly fun and efficient team. Check the guide above and start working on your fire/rad and send an in-game tell to @sing star if you want to join the team (no we won't force you into some SG).
Right now we're still only lvl 11-12 (and some higher levels from the old team exemp'd) and we'll wait until friday 6 pm to play again so people still have a chance to catch up (but we'll gladly PL you)
Once again: We will expect you to follow the build plan! That's the whole idea of the team, you know, and it's GREAT! -
Well, LOTS of people didn't show up today, so if you can get a fire/rad troller to lvl 5 (preferrably lvl 7 but we'll accept some PL) until tomorrow 6 PM we want you in this POWERTEAM
Send @Sing Star an in-game tell sometime 5 PM - 6 PM if you want in.
What to do:
Roll a fire, radiation controller...
Take Char at lvl 1,
Fire cages at lvl 2,
Acc meta at level 4,
free choise at level 6 (but all 8 will get leadership pool - all 3 main powers).
This is a super/powerteam build so if you need any more info, check out the guide at Dead On Arrival (thanks to London) (Slow server, have patience). You will be forced to take certain powers so we can stack them. Still, many powers are free, since we don't need swift/health/stamina. If this is not for you, forget it...
The rest: Levelling up has never been so fast and so much fun.If we can get 10-12 ppl interested we'll have full teams every day and can SK the ones that gets behind in the fun.
Gratz to the whole team!
Second team is up and having a blast, but only four there so far!
10 people didn't show up! Makes me aggroed! And I'm an AV you know!!! -
lol, the whole idea IS to follow the preset course.. 8 AM stacked, 8 leaderships (all three "main" powers), imps running around madly... It's so much fun I tell ya! There's still LOTS of room for personal favourites since we don't need swift/health/stamina.
Well, LOTS of people didn't show up today, so if you can get a fire/rad troller to lvl 5 (preferrablu lvl 7) until tomorrow 6 PM we'll probably take you in.
We're 4 ppl at lvl 7 (didn't play long today) 2 more can join from the first team (lvl 20) and one more smurfite hopefully shows tomorrow (Yes, that's you Cobalt Unit IV) With a few more, we'll always have a full team any day and can always SK ppl getting behind.
Send @Sing Star an in-game tell sometime 5 PM - 6 PM if you want in. -
...and since people will jump on and discuss this until the end of days I wanna make clear that the discussion ends here. I don't care what you think - we're doing it this way, so keep your ideas and thoughts in a new thread or for yourselves:
WE... ---really--- DON'T...CARE!!! -
Some of you people REALLY don't understand the idea...
We MUST HAVE fire/rad - at least 6, preferably 7 of us...
(Well, preferably 8 really)
One kin or something else would work, but slow us down, 2 kins would almost ruin the idea completely. 3 or more and it's just a normal crappy, boring 500 hour to lvl 50 team. Fire/rad is a tried and tested formula. I know they're *wonderful* in normal teams and seem to be nice in this kind of team too, but ... No, they're not!
Please check the guides on the US forums (or the smurfite forum) if you don't understand why I'm saying this, they explain everything pretty well. The basic idea is (very simplified):
1. Stacking - greatly rewarded in the game
2. AoE, AoE, AoE - requires team to stay in tight formation.
I will allow one or two wrong-built to join if we don't get our team filled, but fire/rad trollers will have priority.
Not only that, I will tell the people in the team what powers to take in fire/rad. If you can't live with that go find a normal team. We *WILL* follow the guides very, very close. You can do other superteambuilds that would be cool too, but we've decided on the classic fire/rad troller.
We *WILL* follow the guides very, very close. (Yes, I did repeat that)
I'll be in the tutorial in 2 hours picking up the people still there (if someone want the isolator badge) then proceed to Atlas park -
Sometimes I'm just so stupid - Of course SKYPE is the simplest way to get a good voice chat going. If you don't have it (who doesn't?
) I suggest you get it.
We'll sort out the details if/when people show up!