1218 -
At least people have begun using the event and the badger channel again on the server. I've seen more chat on those channels the last 2 weeks than the last year total.
Hey... We might even start those old badge hunts again, since I saw The Collector, aka Zzorg back on the server a couple of days ago (then he went back to lotro)! -
Oh, missed that one!
You ppl think we can actually get our lowbies to 50 before I11? -
I know Big Red K is rather busy, but I miss the updated What's on defiant villains real bad...
So, someone without a life, take care of it, update this thread, ask Big K to make it sticky!
There's still obviously the mothership raids Friday and Sunday 7 pm?
What more? PvP/arena still regular? any specialized teams running? Regular RSFs that still invite the odd solo players/unknowns? Fill it up... Now! -
Big Gz as usual!
Now ;dance6 followed by some serious ;drumdance -
As usual, smurfers...
...Big gratz, you're so cute and cuddly I just wanna hug ya'll!
Quality players all the way, all the time! -
Oh, soz... Missed to post thi one!
Gratz... Stay clean, and sober! -
BIIIG bada-gratz, lelo corben dallas multipass!
Nova FTW! Poison trap FTW! Mines FTW!
But ice patch will save the day! -
Friday 6 pm, and oh boy... What a surprise!
ONE other person here and ready!
Superteams just aren't possible in EU, and ppl can't be bothered about sending a simple tell they won't show up!
Out of 14 ppl, one single person is online, and I beat myself half dead for not playing on the US servers instead.
..only the smurfites keeping me in this game now really!
(Yeah, I did have another really bad day at work) -
Gz missy... Ty for all the Rez's!
Now... Next project! (e.g. feed that cat and sp#nk the little one) -
Sorry I wasn't there, but I've had a rather "bad" 12 days. This monday I just made the descision to stick with the working 8+ man villain defiant team and finish up what we where doing, rather than wasting time on yet another union hero team that obviously isn't working.
I do like teaming with you and will gladly continue doing so when I'm not involved in other stuff, but the team never got close to a working 8 man team and from the start we had already strayed from the original regen scrapper idea making this a very regular, fairly poor-built team. At 8 pm UK time I've usually been at it a few hours and it's time to stop playing within 1 hour, so making it to the designated time is kind of hopeless and rather pointless, soz...
I would still love to try ot the original idea with 8 regen scrappers with the leadership defence (and the other leaderships too f'coz, in time) since I believe it would be a fun team even if it's not a real superteam (low on AoE's, buffs, debuffs etc)
The other team I'm in on weds/thurs is also failing rapidly due to real life, so if anyone has a X/Radiation troller around lvl 30+ feel free to give me a call.
Obviously I should stick to defiant villains!
I'll still try to be there again on monday to see if we can recover this team, since I do love concept teams, and 8 man regular teams in general. -
I'm sorry to inform you, that not only do I have a real bad hangover (very successfull reunion yday) but Real Life(tm) makes me unable to play this evening.
I still hope the rest of you meet up and level a bit so you can PL me later!
If I don't hear anything from anyone I expect us all to meet up again on friday 6 pm (unless I12 is released)
We had a very nice run, the 4 of us this friday, plus a dom. This team will be very nice, very fast.
Personally I'll hold off the travel power for quite some time to get more damage and perhaps some leadership pool powers as well.
We will go at it again on sunday 6 pm, for those of you that missed the first run. You'll catch up fast, most of us are 11 now.
We will start by doing another mayhem for the jump travel power so try to get to the level range (and get the fly travel power before). It would be nice if we all got the leadership pool since corrs benefit loads from it, and we could pretty much get rid of any dam/acc enhancements for some really funny sets, but I will not force anyone to do anything on this team.
If we're low on numbers I'll continue to invite stray doms etc that we benefit from without ruining the "ranged" playstyle!
Edit: We'll meet at Port Oakes Trainer/Arena again and then move quickly to Cap to do story arcs and any badges we'll come across before we outlevel them! -
We're lvl 34-35 at the moment, playing relentless with some SKs without any problem of course, but we do have some openings, so anyone with Accelerated metabolism will gladly be invited on wednesdays and thursdays at 6 PM. We can easily squeese in two new recruits in the current team, but it would be great to see some higher lvl alts (30-35).
We're discussion a change of time to 7 pm since a lot of the "regulars" tend to show up late and other keep saying they won't make it until later (and usually not showing up at all)
It is rather annoying since we really had a good team going, but it's obviously symptomatic for EU that it's hard to keep these "powerteams" going.
For me, the beauty is, having a real team to play with, getting to know each other, and not being forced to take swift/health/stamina. Not having to slot acc/dam madly due to 8 leaderships also opens up for a lot of fun slotting and makes it even more fun. -
Well, I have a reunion to go to this saturday, so that's out of the question, but friday might work for all(?)
I'll send an in-game tell later today or tomorrow about it, but if you're ot online I suggest metting at P.O. trainer/arena this friday at 6 PM BST (19:00 CET for the "normal" people) -
I agree whole-hearted with some of the posters here:
There's really no such thing as a bad power combo. Most combos can be fun if you understand them and play them well...
Yes, some may be very demanding on your skills, some do very little damage etc, some may be easier in teams, some excel in solo play for the mundane players.
...but I've yet to see a really, really bad combo, at least with corrs. My rather stupid/fun bots/poison MM is possible the worst I've seen, but it's still very fun!
Rolled a rad/kin corr last week for use in 8 man mixed corr team and already at lvl 7 I'm enjoying it quite a lot even solo. -
Imho, the buff of leadership will be a bit low for the regens, so we'll die quite often unlesss we take regen powers instead. Too bad we all didn't go regen with 8 manouvers.
F'coz I will take it so the team benefits, but regen really is a take-all set normally.
Was great fun anyway. I've missed frostie, just a little bit!Will be there on monday!
Well... Think we're ready, since there's at least 10 men now! (My experience tells me we need about 12 ppl to actually have an 8 man team running)
The beauty of this team is that we can play anytime really even if we're not full team, and can invite "extras" if needed/wanted.
Fri/sat sounds good to me. I can't play on wed/thurs, since I'm doing the onion fire/rad trollerteam those days. Contact me ingame to get a SG invite if you want it.
I think we might be able to start already this friday.
Builds so far:
2 fire/rad
1 fire/thermal
1 fire/ice
1 ice/rad
(1 ice/dark if Omega choose to join)
1 ar/traps (that'll be fun)
1 rad/rad
1 rad/kin
So loads of fire snipes coming our way!
Two more said they'd join but haven't told me their specs. One is rather unreliable(?)!
(I will give priority to old/new SG members f'coz, and if you can't accept that... lol!) -
Well, that's a lot of fire with dark or rad secondary! :-)
Could we get some more secondaries? Ice? Traps? (well, they're fun) Thermal?
I've noted the globals of you all. DSorrow, is that your global? We might actually have a team, since 2 ppl have contacted me online, so we might be able to start pretty soon. I'll contact you all ingame once I've sorted some other stuff. -
Saphi and Sorrow noted...
Currently my alt is lvl 6 and have a couple of ppl said they're interested, but haven't rolled any alt. so 2 dark and a kin so far!
Now we need at least one thermal, and some other sets would be fun too. F'coz since this isn't a typical powerteam we can invite any strays, but would be nice if we could get a reliable team of 5-6 ppl, running skype etc.
I think we should aim at starting in 2 weeks to pick up some more ppl. Please invite any friends!
As London said, I rarely read the forum, so contact me online instead. -
I love you too Protty! Hug!
...It's just that I don't love you in THAT way, so find another (oh, that word was cencored)! ,) -
When we ended our irregular (sort of, wasn't supposed to play really) session last time, most of the dependable "from-the-start" guys where lvl 33.
We're going a bit slow now, only playing weds/thurs, doing about 1 lvl each evening, while PLing the new recruits. once all have their choking clouds and monkeys we should pick up speed again I guess.
Once again: I rarely read the forum(s) even after Bridgers departure (Yes, Kerensky is way better, but not the other ppl wasting their lives here instead of in the game)
So if you want to contact me in any way, send an in-game tell, I'm usually there every day (nope, no life whatsoever) -
Well, I'm running the wed/thurs regular fire/rad troller teams and we've had 24 different ppl join us and most of'em drop out, some comes back. Unless it's mostly your dependable friends expect a hard time keeping the team together and "pure" (e.g. regen scrapper)
Took ages to get a stable 6 man team like we have now, and then we fill it up with occational SKd "old-timers", so don't be afraid of having at least 12 ppl standing by. Since this will actually be a bit harder and probably produce more debt (and no rezzer) it's likely any non-pro's will drop very, very fast.
Also, all non 20+ (age) tend to get their mommy on their back and/or find loads of other stuff to do!
(Yes, that was cheap, but I *am* for sale and I *am* cheap, sort of...)
Also, Heroes is finally playable (non-zoneable, that is) Hollows (tho I hate it) then quickly to faultline, striga, croatoa, and RWZ. You don't even need to do that many radio mishs, unless SKd alts join in (and even then you can do most of the stuff)
F.x. Haven't seen Clau join our fire/rads for several weeks now!Bit surprised to see him applying to this team too if he doesn't have time for the other one...