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  1. Agree with Q on that one...It's where the phrase "We investigated the hell out of them', came from I think
  2. As you find them..

    First one for me is Niles Worthington....

    OMG....that really really hurts.

    [Spoiler] First of all you have to find the devil, then as he fights you, he keeps a running commentary of how he's only doing it to save his niece; then as he 'dies' he cries 'I've failed you...'; and then the little git who gave you the mission takes the neice to make her into a killing machine. [/spoiler]
  3. As Grav was reaching her power towards the portal, something grabbed hold of it; like a strongman grabbing your hand. There's 'something' inside of there that's at least as strong as you.

    As for close, there's a shadow about to loom over you
  4. Silver Weasel

    47 Energy/Energy/Force

    Ghost with stun attacks and ranged devastation.


    Playing Style: Manic

    Uniqueness : RP'er and RP Teacher.
  5. Iron Mongrel : What happened if Weasel didn't triumph in his back story. (I found this story far better after the Unseelie)

    Mr. Normal : Because serial killers always look like the person next door.(And Mr Average was taken )

    Dr. Luke Cotomy : A Mannequin given life. (And an excuse for a really bad pun )
  6. Ok, Hasten has a large End drain when it wears off and for the early game, a recharge slot will probably won't need to be firing off that many shots at once - thus better post Stamina.

    Bonesmasher is just not as good as Total Focus in anything; and unless you're a blapper it shouldn't be part of your cycle.

    If you have a free Power pool, grab something cheap like Aid Other, Leadership etc.; most of the time you'll have End to spare.

    If not, any KB powers are good for those times when something nasty gets too close.

    For instance, to beat a Purple boss; here's my attack chain.

    Stealth, Aim, Powerpunch, Build up, Total Focus, Bolt, Blast, Torrent, Explosion, Snipe.

    Most will go down from that and you might take 1/5 health damage.
  7. Hmmmm...Hasten is VERY early...I'd not take it until after Stamina...even with ED.
    Twin Travel Powers could be avoided by taking Flight (I know it's slow, but you can fly dammit )
    PFF is ok, but I prefer KB-Field...Utility as well as Defence

    If you're going for close range, take Burst instead of Bolt or Blast. Dump Range for a good utility.
    If you're not, dump Bonesmasher.

    And Rest should NEVER be slotted IMH(AB)O
  8. Grav reached out her magic tendrils towards the portal. A shivering took her as an equally powerful force drew the tendrils away from Saphire and into the sucking hole. The feeling was akin to her very essence being nullified. Her mind railed as Saphire was drawn closer and closer to the hole, a shrill scream forming silently in her throat, waiting to be freed.

    To make matters worse, the unmistakable sound of a Crey Power Tank powering up rang through the sewers. And it was close.
  9. Cool; soon as I get home I'll start the finale. Missing this and CoV to go work..Baaaah!

    Many Many Thanks to you Shadowghost. If you're at the Expo, I'll buy you a drink
  10. Silver_Weasel

    A little Prayer

    Oooh...I would kiss you...but Stasis would kill me
  11. Silver_Weasel

    A little Prayer

    Has all of the Creative board been saved? I didn't have time with work to get everything?
  12. Good enough for me I'll set up a new post when I'm sure how many marshalls I have. The rules are gonna be very simple and any offers for Marshalling/ Radio service etc. gratefully received.
  13. O.K. Prof did call it off and I really should have updated by now but I've been taking some procrastination courses; well I'll take then next week anyway

    As there's an obvious want for the race, I'm going to officially say that Debtbusters/Question's Supergroup would be please to run the Deathrace on 17th Ocotober at around 8:30. This gives certain people chance to get back from doing something that I'm obviously not allowed to talk about

    Hope to see you there. It's gonna be Debt-tastic
  14. Let me get this hell-week out of the way and I'll see if we can
  15. Give me a moment....I think we can get Debtbusters to run it; just need to check with the rest of them.
  16. Weasel reporting for martyr duty, SAH!
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Do not question his scope of Overlord-ness! He'll throw you to the sharks with lasers attached now!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What!? You're telling me he hasn't upgraded to the new model with Personal Force Fields (PFF)?!

    He will prove no challenge for the secret Overlord of Defiant (ODD)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Pfft! Defiant shall be crushed under my boot...of DOOM!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    DOOM = Death Of Overlord Moccasins.
  18. [ QUOTE ]

    I have a feeling the production values on Issue 5 will be nerfed somewhat and only enjoyed by blasters......

    Nice comic though.....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If by enjoy, you mean a token on the back page of '+1 free damage to all blasters over 80 as long as they bring both their parents', then perhaps....
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    I'd love to, but the system won't let me make my sig block any bigger than it is.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Tell me about Cyrillic fills up 180 blocks of my sig.
  20. *** Silver Weasel has declined to comment after he was rushed to hospital complaining off a dislodged head, split sides and other such laughter related issues ***
  21. I hate you Wordie, in the nicest possible way.

    Let's see what I can come up with to top that, if at all.