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  1. If people are having fun then that's all that matters....
  2. I hope I don't offend anyone as this is not my intent but after each of my 50's did the raid I would ask myself "what was the point?" Sure I'd come away with 999 vanguard merits but they can't buy you anything remotely interesting or useful.
    For me once was enough...maybe others felt this way
  3. Well they are also adding solo incarnate stuff so you can get iSalvage without having to iTrial or wait for people to come online. So why move to PD when it's all just gonna move to DA here in a few?
  4. I recently got a toon to 50(my 5th)and I would use DFB as a means if getting quick xp during the slow levels or when TFs weren't forming at level 47 a run would net 3 1/2 bubbles
  5. Exactly...I'm in RWZ right now forming up for a BAF...guess what's not forming...MSR
  6. Or we could just stay in RWZ and deal with it on the few rare occasions it becomes an issue
  7. Apollo Helios
    Archery/energy blaster
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fugacity View Post
    Much ado about nothing, really. Consider...

    How often do MSR's happen on Exalted? Twice a week for about an hour each(unless cancelled, which has happened a lot during this holiday season).

    How often do iTrials happen on Exalted? Any hour of the day, seven days a week, at least when people willing to lead the iTrials are logged in.

    I don't see a problem with having iTrials form in RWZ, especially considering that only about 2 hours out of 168 hours, that's a whopping 1.2% of available game time per week, MSR's happen. Besides, when an MSR does form, many players(myself included) join it to help, either on our 50+ Incarnate toon, or on our alts.

    So to reiterate: Much ado about nothing.

    If iTrial leaders choose to form in Pocket D, players will migrate there because that's where the action they're seeking is. If iTrial leaders choose to continue forming in RWZ, then players will stay there because that's where the action they're seeking is.

    It's really not as big of an issue as it has been made out to be in this thread.
    I have played this weekend from Thursday to Sunday and I have yet to see an iTrial interfere with a MSR
  9. I have never seen a iTrial gathering interfere with a MSR...infact all I have see is that it helps it. Considering how you have a pool of 50s,+1,+2 and +3 who may want to do something different that the same 3 trials all the time.
    I have seen trial teams fall apart the moment someone say MSR

    I just see a fundamental wrongness in wanting to move people out of a zone they use 24/7 for a raid that runs maybe twice a week.
  10. So Statesman dies in issue 5....the writer in me is wondering whats gonna happen in issues 6 & 7?
  11. Never seen an issue with MSR and itrials
  12. and I also saw the hero guy with the bow...yeah Apollo will live
  13. SilverPharaoh

    The Black Scarab

    Paragon City, Rhode Island.
    A man sits at a desk much like the one elementary school children sit in. He is dressed in all black armor with two large antennae sticking out of his helmet. A white bug adorns his chest. He stares at a piece of paper as if he is taking a test. He seems to be in the DMV. Several of the office workers are collecting money and taking bets.
    Worker 1:" 50 dollars says he doesnt pick a used name."
    Worker 2:" ahh a fool and his're on."
    Another office worker approaches.
    Worker 3:"That bug guy again."
    Worker 1:"Yep"
    The man gets out of his chair and approaches the window.
    Man:"Here goes."
    The worker takes the paper and begins typing on the computer.
    Worker 1:"Im sorry 'The Roach' is taken."
    The man walks home dejected.
    "This is the story of my life. I am a hero with no name. My real name is Jacen Kain, I'm an accountant for one of Paragon's biggest financial firms."
    Jacen Kain transforms into his regular clothes and goes back to work.He sits in his cubicle and stares out the window.
    "Luckily I have one of these offices on the 22nd floor so I can look out and see all the heroes flyingby. All of them have names."
    The Statesman flies by his window.
    "So why did I come to Paragon,Rhode Island the home of the superhero? The clam chowder is to die for."
    Kain's supervisor comes to his cubicle.
    Supervisor:"Im gonna need you to work this weekend okay...also there's a meeting at 2."
    As his supervisor walks off Kain's watch goes off.
    'Watch':" are we calling you now?"
    Kain:"what's up?"
    'Watch':"I got a lead that's right up your alley. I got a weaponshipment going down in Kings Row right now."
    Kain:"I got work....."
    'Watch':"This is Freedom Corp type stuff. Good publicity."

    "I dont have a talking watch.It's my contact Rodney.Think of him as a superhero agent. The watch is cool. Way better than flashing a light into the sky. I mean how many bug heroes are in Paragon....Is that the Beetle signal or the Roach signal?
    Anyhow there are ordinances against that sort of thing when some flying type was blinded by it and crashed into a building."
    Kain gets up and heads into the hallway. Minutes later he is on the roof.He touches a notch on his belt.His clothing melts and transforms into the black body armor.H e takes a running leap off the building.
    "This never gets old."
    He clings to the side of the building and then leaps 30 feet over to another one.
    Meanwhile in an abandoned warehouse several Skulls are going over some crates.
    Skull 1:" This is military grade stuff...very powerful."
    Kain in armor smashes through a skylight.
    Skull 1:"It's the Beetle."
    Skull 2:"No that's the Black Spider."
    Skull 3:"Are you crazy...stop argueing and shoot."
    "Ahhh my fan club."
    The Skulls shoot at Kain who easily dodges the bullets. Kain lands on the floor in a three point stance.

  14. Issue 4: Can I get a Powerlevel?
  15. The Presidential Elections come to Paragon....
    "Hey Tom can a Illusion Controller Phantom Army vote too???"
  16. Paragon City is now on Orange alert.....