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  1. I aint spoken to u in a while mate, but all the best.. have fun in what ever u do next
  2. Add me new one too pls Prov:

    I C E D: Ice/Ice/Arctic Tanker
  3. [censored] [censored] [censored]
  4. We are trying to organise an attempt at the Recluse SF tonight at 9PM UK time, if you are interested then pls post here and also make sure u have full set of 3 nukes and a set of Shivans.

    Team so far:

    1. Champion Brawler Lvl50 Brute (Dps - Agro)
    2. London-Energy Lvl50 Brute (Dps - Agro)
    3. Ms Masochist Lvl50 Corr (Buffs - Debuffs)
    4. D'Archangel Lvl50 Stalker (Dps)
    5. Lobelia Lvl50 Stalker (Dps)

    The last 3 spaces I would like to reserve for people who have debuffs and one of the places I would like save for a Rad Corr.

    We will be following the same tactics as used before on our sucess.
  5. Gratz to London-Energy for his first lvl50 Villain, overall his 5th lvl50!! and the 4th lvl50 of Murders Unlimited VG.

    Gratz mate, better late than never
  6. Hmmmm, I never seen the other underground routes apart from the one leading to the FAB. Gonna have to go exploring now
  7. Well done peeps, sorry I wasnt there for this run, but Gratz anyway
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Grats people!
    (and I hear the statesman origin enhancements are just fake plastic Hami-Os manufactured at Singapore)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They seem to be lol. They are still called Hamidon Origin which seems a lil like no new effot in making special SO's.
  9. Sorry mate, cant make it, thanks anyway.. Good luck
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok we're Up. Dels has dropped, so theTorment is up. DF could you come along in case anyone can't make it?

    Thursday, 8pm.


    Preator Kinetik, En/En Brute
    Total Inertia, Ice/Kinetics Corrup
    Ms Masochist, Ice/Thermal Corrup
    War Engine Zeore, Rad/Rad Corrup
    ArchRevenant, EM/Inv Brute
    theTorment 50 SS/DA Brute
    Shadow Switch Ninja/Dark MM
    Champion Brawler


    Dark Figment Stalker Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu

    The regen issue is fixed, and they aint fixed the 52 bug.
    I may be a few minutes late, but see you all tomorrow.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    DF can take my place mate.
  11. Well done to us on the first completetion of the Recluse SF on the Defiant Server!

    Team was:

    Champion Brawler
    Dark Figment
    Ms Masochist
    Shadow Switch
    Total Inertia
    Arch Revenant
    WarEngine Zero

    Well done us, great job all around, very nice teamwork. They all went down first run with no team wipes.
    Thanks for the info from the guys from Union Server it helped alot.

    YAY US!!!
  12. Anyone who doesnt have thier shivans and nukes should definatly give thier space up.
  13. Ahh yes of course, completely forgot about that
  14. Big GRATZ to D'Archangel who hits his first 50! and the 3rd 50 of Murders Unlimited!

    Well done matey, well deserved
  15. now now, lets just see what happens first ok, I would prefer him not to drop, hes a good brute.
  16. Team Change from a promise made to Dark Figment prior to arranging this SF, sorry Lyssa, I forgot I promised DF and I dont like to break promises.

    New Team Update:

    1. Champion Brawler Lvl50 Brute (Dps - Agro)
    2. Arch Revenent Lvl50 Brute (Dps - Agro)
    3. Dark Figment Lvl50 Stalker (Dps)
    4. Dels Lvl50 MM (Buffs)
    5. Ms Masochist Lvl50 Corruptor (Buffs - Debuffs)
    6. Shadow Switch Lvl50 MM (Debuffs)
    7. Total Inertia Lvl50 Corruptor (Buffs - Debuffs)
    8. WarEngine Zero Lvl50 Corrputor (Buffs - Debuffs)

    Arch, sorry also, I know ur SG mates, and understand if u wanna drop too.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    The 2nd time we tried the vindicators we rushed them, didnt use any nukes or shivans, it seemed to work fine, nice debuffs from kinetics and rad helped alot.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think that mission is largely going to come down to team make-up. I wouldn't say we really had an ideal team AT-wise, and we didn't have much luck taking on more than two of them at a time.

    I certainly think next time I do it I'd want to try just rushing them, but for any group who finds that's not working, it's good to know that they do sometimes seem to be pullable.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How did you manage to pull them?
    We tried many different tactics on pulling but everytime they would all come.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    that is very good advice =)

    (i was a member of the Union team that did it ;p)

    I do think that you'll be damn lucky to get three on the first shot. It may only be Numina first go to be honest as the incoming damage is huge. But then next time without her damage and without Clear Mind and Fort she sticks on everyone you should get Sister Psyche and Manticore, and without their buffs/leadership and their damage, you know you've got it made =)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think after the upcoming nerf, and with experience, two the first time could really work - remember, we didn't actually have a full set of nukes when we started. And it's always a good idea to be sure of who you're going to be going after next, just in case you're lucky and can take down a third.

    My advice to the Defiant team would be this: don't give up if you have a few teamwipes, because we had a load, before we got things right. If you use up your nukes, and really find you need them? Go organise your team to get more, leaving someone in the mission to make sure it doesn't reset if need be. Get more Shivans if you run out and want more for the alpha strike.

    Oh, and on the mission before, the VIndicators' base? We had an awful time the first go, because we just couldn't split them up, and their AoEs in a confined space were destroying us. We reset it, and suddenly they all happily came in ones and twos with snipe. I suspect that it may be best to just reset that mission and try again fresh if it doesn't work out at first - either their positions must have changed slightly, or after the first snipe didn't work, we ended up with them too close together and none of the later snipes worked as a result.

    It's also possible that the Vindicators could be stormed in the same manner as the Freedom Phalanx in the last mission, but we were trying to save nukes and so didn't try it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The 2nd time we tried the vindicators we rushed them, didnt use any nukes or shivans, it seemed to work fine, nice debuffs from kinetics and rad helped alot.
  19. Ok, Final team:

    Ok, team update:

    1. Champion Brawler Lvl50 Brute (Dps - Agro)
    2. Arch Revenent Lvl50 Brute (Dps - Agro)
    3. Lyssa Lvl50 Stalker (Dps)
    4. Dels Lvl50 MM (Buffs)
    5. Ms Masochist Lvl50 Corruptor (Buffs - Debuffs)
    6. Shadow Switch Lvl50 MM (Debuffs)
    7. Total Inertia Lvl50 Corruptor (Buffs - Debuffs)
    8. WarEngine Zero Lvl50 Corrputor (Buffs - Debuffs)

    Thanks to all who applied, now lets give this another shot.

    Please also remember to have all ur reps set to vill before we start.

    From now until tuesday night will give you all plenty of time to get your nukes and shivans, plus max ur enhancments max.
  20. Ok, team update:

    1. Champion Brawler Lvl50 Brute (Dps - Agro)
    2. Arch Revenent Lvl50 Brute (Dps - Agro)
    3. Lyssa Lvl50 Stalker (Dps)
    4. Dels Lvl50 MM (Buffs)
    5. Ms Masochist Lvl50 Corruptor (Buffs - Debuffs)
    6. Shadow Switch Lvl50 MM (Debuffs)
    7. Total Inertia Lvl50 Corruptor (Buffs - Debuffs)

    Thanks to all who wanted to join but I really really would like to save the last spot for a Rad Corruptor, War Engine Zero was pretty good last time, could someone find out if he wants to try again, or any other lvl45+ Rad Corruptor?
  21. Recluse SF

    Ok, the next attempt will be on Tuesday 4th July, all meet at Lord Recluse in the main tower in Grandville at 7pm BST.

    So far the team is:

    1. Champion Brawler Lvl50 Brute (Dps - Agro)
    2. Arch Revenent Lvl50 Brute (Dps - Agro)
    3. Lyssa Lvl50 Stalker (Dps)
    4. Dels Lvl50 MM (Buffs)
    5. Ms Masochist Lvl50 Corruptor (Buffs - Debuffs)

    2 of the places I would like to reserve for a Rad Corruptor and a Kinetics Corruptor (So please sign up if your one of those ATs). The last space is open preferably to another with any type of useful debuffs but if none avalible then another of any AT will do.

    Please make sure that EVERYONE has a full stock of 3 Warburg Nukes and a set of Bloody Bay Shivans.
    Also make sure that you have a full tray of insps preferably Purples and Oranges and try to save them until the last mish if possible.

    Another thing, if your SG Base has an Insperation Collector then please stock it up fully with Purples and Oranges, alternativley you could have someone you know or from your SG waiting in Grandville able to buy you insps when you need them.

    If your base has a Temp Power Maker then for the last mission this could be useful as your able to make powers such as certain damage res temps and hastens... things like that, most if not all last for 15 mins each so only make them just before we go into the last mission, afterall every little helps.

    If you have not already done so, please have all ur enhancements to the max.. Example: lvl50++ or lvl53 SOs.

    On tactics, I think we should go with the tactics that someone from Union Server had posted on Defiant Villains which is this:

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Tactic suggestions anyone?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Having just completed this, I'd advise taking the following action:

    Buff Up with the Corrs you have;
    Get half the team to spawn Shivans;
    Chug Insps like candy: Reds, Purples, Oranges and Yellows;
    Use 4 Bio nukes;
    The other half of the team spawn Shivans under the FP to take Alpha;
    Drop 4 Chem, then 4 Nukes on the FP;
    Take Numina down, not only is she Psy and weak, she's their main buffer;
    Take Psyche down, her Total Domination will wreck you if you let her go;
    With luck, you might get to take out the third FPer, who should be Manticore. He has Leadership and does nasty things with his arrows.
    >> At this point, you'll probably team-wipe. Don't sweat it. <<
    Regroup, and get ready again.
    Buff Up with the Corrs you have;
    Get half the team to spawn Shivans;
    Chug Insps like candy: Reds, Purples, Oranges and Yellows;
    Use 4 Bio nukes;
    The other half of the team spawn Shivans under the FP to take Alpha;
    Drop 4 Chem, then 4 Nukes on the FP;
    Take Citadel down, he's better off out of the picture whilst he's debuffed (he seems to lack AoE defence, from my observations, but I could be wrong);
    Take BAB down, he should drop surprisingly swiftly;
    Take Synapse down, as he does heavy, fast damage;
    >> At this point, evaluate where you are - if most of the team is alive, keep going; if you're three men or more down, back off and regroup. <<
    Take Statesman down, he throws you off your stride if you try to take Posi down first;
    Take Posi out, he's surprisingly tough but will go down much more easily with all your focus on him.
    Dance the Funky Monkey under Atlas.

    The only way our team managed to make any inroads was with brute-force - trying to pull was a waste of time and effort. As far as general tips go, I'd advise not trying to rez people straight away if they drop - make the most of your buffs. Also, always stick to the original plan - don't split off to kill another hero unless you can take them out on your own, distracting people from their objective can and will lead to teamwipes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This tactic does seem pretty damn good, plus its from someone who has been on a team that has completed this already. However if anyone has any other suggestions then please let me know.