Recluse SF 15/07/06




We are trying to organise an attempt at the Recluse SF tonight at 9PM UK time, if you are interested then pls post here and also make sure u have full set of 3 nukes and a set of Shivans.

Team so far:

1. Champion Brawler Lvl50 Brute (Dps - Agro)
2. London-Energy Lvl50 Brute (Dps - Agro)
3. Ms Masochist Lvl50 Corr (Buffs - Debuffs)
4. D'Archangel Lvl50 Stalker (Dps)
5. Lobelia Lvl50 Stalker (Dps)

The last 3 spaces I would like to reserve for people who have debuffs and one of the places I would like save for a Rad Corr.

We will be following the same tactics as used before on our sucess.
