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  1. I got another song, sry for late entry.

    Pretty interesting song though IMHO
  2. A few songs that could be made into videos... Heres a few i kinda like but don't judge me by these. Sry but I don't know how to change the name and still keep the link.

    Oh and plz don't mind the videos themselves, I'm just to lazy and dumb to find somewhere else to listen to music.

    Yes I know the last one is already a CoH thingie, but the song is just to dam good IMO.
  3. Heh, opening credits, funny.

    Makes me wanna watch House.

    And it's also making me think of openers for myself.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Things Can Only Get Better - Howard Jones.

    Seriously, it's not bad, but I have a music library of thousands of songs, so if you get me an idea of a theme, I'll see what options I can come up with.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You make it sound like we can put our own music into the mission.

    Am I the only person in America who is NOT a music buff? Seriously i feel so alienated
  5. So... many... color transitions.... must.... watch.. again...

    Nifty song, never heard it before, that fits well into CoH life. And for a first timer that was great. Personally if I did video's they would be epic battles, with epic dual songs. But the issue is... School ... <Que dramatic music, hold suspense and fade to black>
  6. For All I know the devs won't add somthing this big unless we have 100 people say /signed on the forums here. Donno why, signature powers/stunts would be terrific. And I don't think Champions online has come up with that idea (yet) so if we get it before them CoH/CoV might get more people to stay/join...

    Well that and a brand new graphics engine to make everything look real. Cuz if CO is going for the comic book style (which i don't like much) than I would make CoH more real, kinda like movies (or the Heroes series soon to come back on after about a year woot!)

    Personaly I think that on the customize screen, you could select a graphic of basic powers like rain of arrows, and combine the effects and graphics of another like time bomb. It sounds like combining 2 powers into one but hey, what can you do? Oh and I figured the more veteran rewards you have the more special graphics you can add. Like for 15 months would give you a Nuclear missile graphic, at 3 months you can do that graphic the Freedom Corps Cataphract blue haze canister thingy does, or some new ones the devs could make up.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Your post Ultimus... is just... wow.

    it just screams, "WHY WASN'T THIS CREATED YET??!?!"

    Dev's if you don't make this, than in the immortal words of ganon...

    "YOU MUST DIE!!!"

    *lightning strikes sound FX"


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow... that's violent... if anybody knows how to contact a dev remind them to look up this thing and if they already read about it ask them why they are not posting here .
  8. Yep

    Looking forward to seeing what an issue 13 video would look like from you. Word is that issue 13 is soposed to be much bigger than issue 12.

    If only issue 13 was a new graphics engine
  9. Sharpshooter_III

    Fan Videos

    Nice job again.

    I made 2 kinds of assassins.

    Assassin #1) He gets paid in advance to kill some guy. He gets to the guy, and asks him for double the money in exchange for sparing his life and offers to kill his original employer, then he targets his original employer and asks for double the money that the other guy paid. He gets paid then he goes targets the guy he was sent to kill in the first place, and asks him for double the money again. He continues this dance until one of them can't pay and or ticks him off, then that guy dies.

    For example he gets paid $100 to wack a guy, then he gets $200 for a counter deal, than $400 for a counter counter deal, than $800 for a counter counter counter deal. Making $1,500 out an original $100 deal.

    Assassin #2) An assassin with a golden heart. he is given a target to kill. He then does massive research on the target and he himself chooses if he deserves to die or if he is to good a person to be killed. For example some guy pays to wack a guy said to destroy a factory he owned. The assassin goes undercover and finds out he is a loving parent and has a wife and 2 kids. The assassin decides to spare him.

    He then does research on his employer, and finds out he is a brutal, relentless fiend of a man and he has killed people just because they where there. So whats the assassin do? He kills his employer and takes the money from him.
  10. Wonderful video Dark Respite. To bad making every possible way to use a power like when the powers manifested is almost impossible, or otherwise I'd be putting out building fires all by myself as an earth controller and gather sand from all around and then make a giant sand dome to cut off oxygen to the fire. To me it's not how many powers I have, it's how I use that specific power or talent. Quality over quantity .

    But i did like the video, your really getting good at making the epic/movie intro movies. I personally love movies that make the viewer feel more important or special. After watching the latest videos you made, I've been more in depth in the CoH/CoV game, instead of just playing another MMO.

    <insert closing statement here, cuz I can't think of one>
  11. You know the most effective hold is when you hack into the villain's phones and then wire all the 1-800 sellers in the world to their base. They will all go insane and start holding their heads in pure agony.

    While I'm writing this I just got called by an 800 service myself.
  12. You people and your talents, why can't I have talents? The only talents I would have is to get through life being oblivious to current events, and pretty good at over fantasizing things.

    But anyhow, I don't know if this was said or not, but why not get people you know well enough to Co-produce movies? I don't think they need to pay you or you need to pay them, but while you're at work you have somebody you know work on the movies while your gone. Then afterwards check the progress the person is doing and then work on it together or let them work on it alone while you go do something else.

    Or in all you could quit your job, work for CoH and make as many cinematic trailers as they would allow. But I'm good at over fantasizing.
  13. Mines gonna be simple, either just 2 arrows into their eyes and causing uncanny acc debuff and damage. Or if I wanted to be cruel, I'd hold 6 arrows in my hand like fistful of arrows, then I should shoot 1 in each knee, 1 in each elbow, 1 in the stomach, and one in the head, and their attack rate and speed are hampered while dealing extreme damage. And all arrows actually stay on them, they do not disappear.

    But if you do not have the luxury of choosing where the arrows go, I'll just be fine shooting an arrow up in the air and when it falls having an explosion the size of a nuke hit them but it will actually be 3 waves of explosions dealing superior damage each wave muahahahahaha!

    As for my trick arrow defender I'd just give him an arrow that would explode releasing billions of tiny nanites that eat away on enemy armor giving them massive resistance and deffence debuff. And if the target is a robot of the sort, they deal extreme damage over time.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Nope. It's waffles. Blueberry waffles.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm having blueberry pancakes today, does that count?
  15. Statesman has "Hammer of Justice" or something like that, that seems like a signature power, I can't see why other people can not have custom powers too. I believe CoH is experienced enough to make signature powers IMHO.
  16. Nice!

    I did not see it and I'm pretty sure I don't want to. I'm one for action/adventure movies. Makes room for exciting moments and a good portion for character development.

    For all I know the next movie you will be talking about is the Hulk, preferably before it leaves theaters .
  17. Sharpshooter_III

    Movie Sugestion

    Not forcing anyone to do this. I don't like rushing people, let alone having them fret about it. This is just for fun, sry if I'm making anyone upset about this.
  18. Sharpshooter_III

    Movie Sugestion

    I have a song that might be challenging to make if any movie producers here wanna give it a whirl to try and make it in CoH terms.

    Should be fun to watch, nobody has to do this but i figured it's a pretty decent song for a world thats always in danger.
  19. Shiny is good

    But ya, I liked the little City of Cinima.

    I saw iron man also, was pretty good but not enough blasting

    And i just finished watching The Hulk, if you want loud noises, lots of destruction, and bone/spine screaming pain, you should watch it
  20. thats funny =D

    why cant all the civilians do that? Would save allot of time beating up purse snatchers.
  21. Ya i know what you mean, to be VERY spacific on the animations would be a bit of a hassle. But... If the concept DOES make into the game, there will be alot of very happy people and alot of newcomers i wager. Kinda just look on the box and it says "Create your own signature powers!" now who doesn't want to try that out?
  22. Sharpshooter_III

    Fan Videos

    I think I can only describe that video in 1 word...


    And epic is EXACTLY what heroes look for. No epic story, then not much of a video IMO. That movie was very well done, and i love the music and how it went along with the video, now I wanna do that Imperiouse TF this weekend.

    If you ask what villains look for i guess its destruction and power, I would not know much seeming as which i have about 40 heroes over my 1 or 2 villains. Good guys Ftw!
  23. looked up the making of chemeriora or whatever the word is. I like the natural look to it and i love natural stuff. But if they where to do another time travel thing, it should be in the future in epic starship fights and its your job to save the ruler of the UPE (untied people of earth) And your job is to go into starships and take out the commanders and ship components. And you are still fighting the rikti but in mass numbers and they have allies.

    <just a wild thought>

    But i love the looks of the map, Looks like my main toon will be more at home in a world of naturals and magic. Cant wait to try it out.
  24. i like the charge idea, kinda like how the defience was on hero side before they changed it. Only this charge will take like... 30 min if its very effective. Cuz personaly my main archery blaster was intended to shoot arrows in his opponents eyes and joints. So if I can pretty much nullify their Acc and deal huge damage than I'm all set.