Shadow Wail

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  1. I just want to make Ice/Invul Stalkers and Ill/dark Doms to fight against
  2. yea my bad I mean live open beta test, then live server live. I was in a hurry to get to work.

    I really was expecting the news this afternoon to read that it is in open beta... guess tomorrow
  3. will it go live this morning?

    I mean it has to to have a week of open beta or even two weeks
  4. Ok... I meant like their own personal favs that they don't have to go through several approvals and paper work.
  5. Will the Devs create their own arcs and publish them, would'nt mind seeing what the Devs have to write up. would be kinda cool...maybe eventually get special badges for defeating Dev created content.
  6. ... if they release it on April 1... what so I say?
  7. All I know is that this better rtelease on April 6...I officially go on vacation for two weeks
  8. Magic based?

    Will we finally get full body robes and hoods? Some part of me wants to get the rune temporary power from Croatoa.

    Were are the details about the mission teleporter and the Valkyre costume
  9. Any idea when we are getting our second booster?
  10. Sigh, I just want to get my prestige refund, rebuild my base and go to bed...I could care less about Pain Domination and the shield powerset

    I dont care about/for PvP so it doesnt bother me. When the devs add new attack powersets and not secondary buff sets ill be happy...give me toxic blast or stone blast any day over PD or Shields...
  11. Wait. so I am not the only that is having connecting issues?
  12. I thought the mission creator was already available? did i misread?
  13. Can we get an event in NYC? I mean can I get a whoop-whoop for the NYC gamers?
  14. I am looking for new members to join SVAG, send me an email or a PVT @Hard Candy Mistress

    We have all the base functions for fors time players and vets.
  15. can someone explain to me...I cant have the Sands Of Mu AND the Blackwand at any given time?
  16. Are people complaining about the powers from a pvp perspective or pve...

    When I used to play COH and COH only I used to laugh at these posts about being unbalanced...try playing as a villain and then lets see how much you complain...
  17. This paying customer is truly depressed and let-down...way to make heroes the focus of this better make I13 about villains and villains only

    Word of advice devs...hire a seperate team for villains...if you truly think that this is a seperate game, heroes shouldnt develop for villains...
  18. If doms are getting 1 primary and one secondary does that mean that doms are going to get illusion?

    Do we get a new Powerset from our respective alternates?


    or is it more like we get a new powerset from a different AT? I've been asking this and no one wants to answer.
  19. Ummm... who care as long as it's a sweet issue. I want the info for I13...might as well know now than wait till august right?

    Let me know that I have a reason to keep my account open.
  20. I have a dumb question,

    Are the devs going to make all powersets avaible to all AT's or are they going to do the compatible sets that are defined by the AT's purpose

    Def, Blasters/Corr

    or will the devs open the sets to different AT's?