Shadow Wail

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  1. I have said that we won't get GR this year and everyone said the opposite...GR isn't some dinky-winky issue is another game entirely! What makes the sunny side up gamers think that GR will be out for Xmas Shopping?!

    i15 just dropped, i16 will be in beta soon, there aren't many things to test really, just the powers...customization could have a few hiccups but that's irrelevant, if the devs wanted this out so badly they perfected the system since they have been working on it for a year and a half already, they did their own Alpha testing.

    Once i16 leaves closed beta it will go into open beta, that might be around mid August. Give two weeks of open beta goodness and the game ill drop in early-mid September.

    So you have three months to release more info, release how much of the game will be side switching, what will be the mechanics, any extra new power sets...( Cause again, if all we get is one new zone, two new power sets...I wont buy it)...The Devs will have news releases every two days to release any new info.

    The news release of Going Rogue seemed really iffy, like it was not meant to go out, then Posi had to do damage control by making it an official announcement, that was in May...we got a news release detailing some back story last week...that three months after the initial news release.

    technically the Devs have had since May to prepare good Going Rogue news and with Comic-Con they had the perfect opportunity to release some GoRo news...they didn't.

    So now it is July, we have yet to go into closed beta with i16 with is just power customization and more villains powers going to heroes, the issue will be out in early-mid September...if the devs want to make a dent into the release of going rogue by the holiday season then they better start releasing real news about the game not back stories and art.

    I am not one to cast doom but I do not see this title coming out until late March or early April ( the same time we usually get a release anyway)...I could be completely wrong but the Devs will need to rush the release and I rather them take their time and give us 40 bucks worth of stuff not just one new large zone and two power sets that have been asked for...Going Rogue better have more new power sets, maybe a new AT or something worth me pending more money on.
  2. I hate the AE feature....I hate it more than words can convey!

    I mean first off the building is a horrible piece of crap, the colors suck, the size is ridiculous, the locations suck?! there is no need to have those eyesores in every zone! Remove the AE buildings from every zone but Steel Canyon, Talos Island and Cap Au Diablo.

    After you remove the eyesores from the zones work out the XP from the AE... you shouldn't get XP for a simulation, that's like the DMV saying that you can earn experience towards your driver's license by playing Need for Speed or Mario Kart. If you want to draw in a crowd to play this content you keep ticket reward system and that's it. No XP!

    The reasons that the AE/MA has produced such poor gamers is because most of those gamers go in with veterans that want to farm tickets for salvage, recipes and other things...I am fine with that kind of farming, I have no problem with that kind of farming since it does have such benefits as an expanded pool of items for the BM/WW. Those N00bs come out with tons of levels and the experience of virgin...

    I was on a team last night and I found me a level 45, he has been playing the game for three days...he was a Fire/Dark Corr, he didn't take Rain of fire or Fire Ball?! I also played with an Energy/Storm...guess what he did?! He spammed Gale to the point that I had to request star and I kicked him out myself...

    I get the feeling that sometimes Posi is kicking himself in the head when he retrospectively thinks about the AE feature.
  3. 1. AE PL'd players do not know what a power does.
    2. AE PL'd players get bored quickly and leave quickly...that seems to be the best feature of AE PL'in

    AE was a great feature ruined by the lazy, weak and the greedy...

    I would think that there would be awesome content made but all I can find are farms and missions with jus bosses or AV's!

    I am on champion and I have hard enough time finding teams to play with, all they want to do is farm and get an easy 10 levels, when I comment or make my feeligs heard, I lose teammates and SGmates.

    If the devs just removed XP we could have avoided this...
  4. I am not sure what to make of it...I def will level this set slowly to get the feel for it...pulling an AE will make me so handicapped on a new set....why would I PL my way to the power I like and avoid getting experience with the other powers?, it's like eating your way into a chocolate twinkie just for the cream and avoiding the cake?!

    I dont get the point of PB? If alot of the powers in the secondary have stun as the effect then yea I can see me spamming PB just for serious stunnage!

    Any other news from Comic-Con?
  5. ...I hope we get a power like snowstorm...just beige and all levels of ToHit Debuff and Slow..
  6. Is it possible to stack either stone blocks, Tech crates in front of a doorway? I was thinking of stacking the moss covered arcane blocked to the ceiling nd creat a narrow opening.
  7. I'm still waitin for a reason not to offer Ice Melee to a Stalker!
  8. I do not want Illusion on a makes no sense to have that set as a Dominators. Having a pet centered control power with an assault will overpower the game
  9. I had a feeling about that, I saw the video and it make no sense because on what we would call the subpower selections you had core power for each of them.

    I also thought thats what control meant, I came in shortly after i3.

    I would have asked earlier but some of the users here tend to be a bit caustic with their responds and I dont really take types snipes too kindly.

    In the end I figured that the powers listed all because parts of other powersets and other things, there are few people left from before I came in so I had no idea
  10. ...I want to avoid saying that she can release and control my inner demons... but I'll pass
  11. I have always known about that video... but asking a question on this forum is like asking to be made fun of so I left it alone.

    that video lists the follwing powers that I noticed... the video quality isnt that great and the visual effects kinda blurr out some things but here is what I saw:

    --Electricity Control ( Maybe one day )
    --Darkness Control ( Maybe one day )
    --Air Control
    --Poison ( Came out for MM )
    --Radiation Control ( Maybe one day )
    --Sonic Control ( Became Illusions )
    --Psionics ( Everyone got it )
    --Super Vision ( Prolly a percep. pool )
    --Shape Shifting ( Prolly there just to fill )
    --Kinetic Control ( Def/Troller/Corr Kinetics )
    --Life Drain ( Became a power )
    --Light Control ( Became Illusions
    --Paralysis ( hmm sounds fun )
    --Plant Control ( We eventually got it )

    Apparently Pre-Beta, the devs thought everything was a control power!

    That video is so old and the devs prolly made it just to show off. but alot of he powersets mentioned have later come out.

    I also want to note that if you go into the trainging map and you go to the part where they show a small screen of the power tray, you see the scrapper powertray with the Hide power in it.

    I saw this so many years ago and havent taken a look at it. You can say that the Serephim prolly turned out to be something like the luddites and the legacy chain.

    This video was from the Alpha days and the pre release teasers...a long time ago I wanted to hope that these powersets would make it to live....
  12. I did... several times, nothing. I'm calling Cust Serv
  13. I dont think that we would want to get a direct from tank port to stalks, I would like to see ice melee and I would like to see Ice/ but as a new powerset not a proliferate.

    I mean ice shortswords and ice punches that look like the Fury Claws! I dont want to just wrap my hands in ice and backslap someone, I want to cover my hands in spikey ice and jab someone.

    If they buffed the damage would that make people happy? I would like to keep the Rech/Slow secondary effects.
  14. is this item 4,082 that is broken?
  15. when I first started playing the game me and my friend would play ping pong using gale to prevent a tank from taking his kill... much fun
  16. I think the devs play on both sides of the Farming issue!

    If I were a Dev, I would remove the XO from AE missions, increase the number of tickets required to buy stuff, slightly increase the amount of tickets obtained from a mission...that would nearly eliminate the AE from a farming tool and move the mechanic of this feature to content based...( I am sure the dev team is looking at the mastermind behind User Content and is kicking them)

    In order to remove regular farming, I would make missions non repeatable, I also wouldn't allow to drop missions.

    If a mission wants to be repeated, it can be done so as far as the mission gets nerfed XP.

    In order to prevent the market issues that create farming I would cap items bids on the BM/WW...If certain recipes only go for 10 million and not 50 million there would be no need to play the market/Farm/PL!

    To me it seems the devs like farming, they went so far as to create custom difficulty settings that allows a player of 1 play like a team of 8....I am against farming but the devs seem to be happy to assist farming!
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I still haven't gotten an explanation for why Stalkers would even want Ice Melee, one of the worst damage sets going.

    So, why?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How bout you giving us a reason why not!

    Ice Melee stalkers would be awesome! Can you imagine my Ice/ Stalker named Permafrost Phantasm! He walks up behind you and you get a chill running down your spine followed by an ice shard impaling you through the back!

    With a few buffs/debuffs it can be an awesome set.

    Oh and before you bring up the fact that Ice would slow down the Fury buildup on Brutes...were not brutes! Let brutes deal with Ice...the game doesnt revolve around Brutes Fury!
  18. Shadow Wail

    How is spines?

    Hell yea Ciera!!

    LLast night I saw my DoT Dmg doing 5 ticks of 20!

    I love Spines but I am in the 30's and Its going sooo slow
  19. I had it on my Dom ( TK comes from Mind Control ) and I hated it, I had to find corners and unless I was paired with a MM, Corr, Def the power sucked because it can cluster mobs into corners.

    One use I did find for the power was an emergency power...I would activate the power and almost everything that was attacking me with be repeled.

    Since this power has a repel and hold functionality in PvE it is a perfct "Oh crap" button, everyone affected by its anchor is held and pushed as far back as possible.
  20. I have a level 50 Hero--Tien Niru and 2 level 50 Villains Shadow Wail and Hard Candy Mistress...Yet I cant make VEATS/HEATS!

    Am I the only one with this problem?
  21. Oh ok... then were getting it or were hoping to get it?
  22. Ummm... I may be "Ignant"... but what is so great bout Seismic Smash?
  23. Ice Dmg can be buffed

    BTW!! I LOVE YOUR AS Power!!!!!!
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    --There is nothing that says we will get Dark Assault, nor is there any existing set that would be a mutual pair for it like 'dark control' or whatever you want to call it that would queue its arrival.

    --Electric Control would not be powerset proliferation, it is not an existing set.

    --grav control and energy assault arent really a pair.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    --No, I know there is nothing, its just there to fill something up using my previous posts common sense as why we got earth assault not Ill/. I can see the devs adding something like dark assault sometime in the future.

    --Elec control is not an existing set same as earth assault, it will most likely be a hash from here and there. I don't think the devs would proliferate entire the tank/brute stone melee

    --Grav.Energy is a pair, scientifically speaking energy can pair with mind, grav, fire, elec and ice.

    But gravity and energy are two concepts that go hand in hand a bit more thanthe others...and its the only one that doesnt match its pair...

    The Devs can do whatever they want/like and we might get Ill/Dark Assault or just Illusion...or they could just say no to Illusion!