40 -
I've had sporadic instances of this, mostly on Sunday. Figured it was just my stinky network.
If'n y'all can hold on till sometime saaaaay...between the 5th of July and the 12th....
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Brilliant idea Scimi! Perhaps a Justice M&G for Scimi's visit on...saaaaay...Saturday, July 11th?
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Works for me. -
If'n y'all can hold on till sometime saaaaay...between the 5th of July and the 12th....
I'm not going to quote Peep's post, because it fairly well sums it up for me. This game, this server really, is how I connect with a great many of the people I care about and respect. The fact that so many are leaving is distressing; the reasons behind it are understandable and disturbing. The situation with MA didn't impact me directly; because of the poor CS and well...fallout management, it's impacting me a great deal indirectly.
You're absolutely right...sweet don't enter into it. Really sorry to see you and Ele leave, Smoke. You've been a great part of the Justice community, and when I've gotten to team with you I had a great time. I'll try and find y'all on teh facebook.
im with ya
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Ok. I loled.
And can lol be used as a verb?
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Yes. And with all this change, would we lose the insanity? We can't lose that! Save the insanity! -
I'm tryin' to wrap my head 'round this...they trespassed on his land to enter this country illegally, and they're suing him for stopping them?
The crazy lawyers for these people and the idiot judge should all be removed from the legal profession. If caught in the commission of a crime involving trespass by the owner of the property you are trespassing on, you don't get to complain about how he reacts. If he'd started blasting off willy nilly, he'd have been in the wrong morally but I'm not sure about legally, as if he felt threatened on his own property he has a right to defend himself.
Name: Apocryphus
Global Contact: Scimifish
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Magic
Super Rank & Super Group:Watcher of The Shadow Keep -
I have to go to the airport, can't wear the hat.
Frog influenced me to do this. Brainwaves, man!
Update to my previous post.
SG Name: The Shadow Keep
SG Leaders: Shadow Spinner, Foreseer, Apocryphus, Thanatus
SG Preferred Recruitment Method: Thanatus is in charge of recruitment. Contact him in game! Or PM me here if you have trouble tracking us down.
Teamspeak/Ventrilo: Not ATM
SG Peak Hours:Late Night Eastern -
SG Name: The Shadow Keep
SG Leaders: Shadow Spinner, Foreseer, Apocryphus
SG Website: Under Construction.
SG Preferred Recruitment Method: In-Game contact preferred, or contact me by PM here.
Teamspeak/Ventrillo Server: Not ATM
SG Peak Hours: Evening-Late Night Eastern
Other Info: We have a theme and focus on magic origins, but any creative character is welcome. We have a nice base, and are very interested in having fun together. All levels are welcome, and we enjoy grouping with SG-mates in preference to non-sg mates.