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  1. I think Friggin Taser did it.
  2. Satanic_Hamster


    Originally Posted by Hallway_Kid_RAGE View Post
    I haven't been on the test server since CoV beta.

    Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
    This post restores my faith that winning at PVP was always about cheating and never about skill. Thanks, I feel better having proof of this.
    Hell, I could have told you that Peril was a little ******. Nice to know he also cheated that much.
  3. Satanic_Hamster


    Originally Posted by Flea_Mark_Evil View Post
    I once ASed an AFK GM in Warburg. He teleported me to Atlas Park, let me die to drones and TPed me back. It was funny.
    Killed a few GM's in Warburg when making nukes runs in th epast, once or twice inside missions.

    Years back, we found a GM character that was hanging out in my global channel and never talking, for days on end. Used slash commands to find out that he was on a level 2 character street sweeping in Atlas. Maybe a dozen of us got together and followed him around, doing emotes.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Voodoo has TonyV on ignore.
    Tony P and Tony C?

  5. Satanic_Hamster


    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    I think we can all agree that Justice is the best server.
    I'm pretty sure that Justice is, at best, the Pod Six of servers.

    Currently listening to Brand New's Double Entendu
  6. Satanic_Hamster


    Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
    I don't know whether to be disturbed or applaud you for awesomeness.
    Eh. Neat but been done many times over the years.
  7. Satanic_Hamster


    Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
    I think Batman Begins is a better movie that The Dark Knight.
    Matt Smith is a better Doctor then David Tennant.

    Though, Tennant deserves a lot of respect for this:
    Really love how into it Tennant looks and how classy he is to include all those people, from writers to catering to the truck drivers.

    Though, Matt Smith deserves the Top Doctor slot for:

    Currently listening to Yui's From Me to You
  8. Satanic_Hamster


    I used to do sweeps of warburg before bed and wormholed farmers into the middle of no where.

    Currently listening to Yui's From Me to You
  9. Satanic_Hamster


    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I believe it was revealed back when the I9 Hami was being tested that the intended way to bring down Hamidon was the "triangle" method. The attackers were supposed to clear the mitos and then position themselves at one corner of a triangle that contained Hamidon at the center with the vertices at maximum range for the players. The players were supposed to range-attack Hami until Hami spawned mitos on their position. They were supposed to race to the second vertex when that happened (trying to minimize deaths) and continue the fight from there. After the second respawn they were supposed to move to the third vertex and finish off Hamidon. If the triangle was configured correctly the players would be in range of Hamidon at all three vertices while the "bloomed" mitos would be just out of range at the earlier firing points.

    That the devs thought this was a viable strategy for a playerbase not accustomed to raiding still amazes me. Our playerbase had a better chance of joining Cirque du Soleil than executing that strategy.
    That has to be one of the most retarded ideas I've ever heard, and I live in Texas.

    Currently listening to Yui's How Crazy Your Love
  10. So taser is banned now, right.

    Currently listening to Yui's How Crazy Your Love
  11. Satanic_Hamster


    Originally Posted by Bohmfalk View Post
    Did anyone ever find the "right" way to defeat Hamidon? I always wondered this.
    In LGTF, you can wormhole him into Rikti and have them do it.

    Currently listening to Yui's How Crazy Your Love
  12. Satanic_Hamster


    Originally Posted by Star Ranger 4 View Post
    You know, he's wrong about that. Any salvage in the base is fair game for all SG members. For him to think otherwise is actually wrong.
    Depends on the rule of your sg. And even in open sg's, taking everything is almost always frowned upon.

    Currently listening to Yui's Can't Buy My Love
  13. Satanic_Hamster


    Originally Posted by Thor's Assassin View Post

    No seriously it became addictive to the point where I wasn't paying my bills. Spent around $13k in art over the years for my character(s).
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    The selling points continue!

    Champions Online: Golden Girl won't be there.

    Suddenly CO seems more playable.
  15. Satanic_Hamster


    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    I Wormholed Sally (THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!) into the trees in Croatoa once. >_>
    Heh. Half way would expect her to take 0.01 damage from the leaves and die from that.

    Currently listening to the Stones Roses' the Very Best of
  16. Satanic_Hamster


    Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post

    I now have a goal for Kara Skye before November 30th - to accomplish...

    (deep breath)


    And trust me. If I do - I WILL post screenshots! (either here or at Titan should it come to that.)
    It's hillarious when you have people on your team who don't know that it's possible to wormhole him.

    Currently listening to the Stone Roses' the Stone Roses
  17. Satanic_Hamster


    Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
    What... (10/Tennant)

    WHAT... (10/Tennant)

    WHAT!?!?! (10/Tennant)

    I have a Grav/Kinetics Controller (Kara Skye) with KILLER aim with her Wormhole...


    ...waitaminute... my SG is still playing regularly (we have bucket lists of things we need to get done before the end) And some of our alts likely have not done the LGTF...

    Please tell me this still works? (puppy dog eyes)
    Any *TRUE* grav user tries to wormhole EVERYTHING. I always have hopes that sometime it would work on an AV.

    Hamidon stays at the location you wormhole him to. In the air, up a wall, etc. Takes about six tries to get him to the mission entrance.

    Currently listening to the Stone Roses' Second Coming
  18. Satanic_Hamster


    I'm the person who discovered that the Hamidon in LGTF is wormholeable.

    Also, back during the first Winterlord event on a Sunday morning, I herded so many winterlords and their summoned pets that it crashed Victory. The horde went from Portal Corps to the ferry; anyone entering the zone would generally die without even having their enemies render.
  19. Satanic_Hamster


    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    And apparently still isn't.

    Currently listening to the Allman Brothers Band's an Evening with the Allman Brothers Band; 1st Set
  20. Satanic_Hamster


    Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
    Under CuppaJo, there was a period where a number of posters began posting under sexier and sexier avatars until finally Cuppa had to step in and implement more strict regulation on what was allowed in avatars. I started that trend with a thread encouraging "beefcake" avatars.
    During the CuppaJo era, I was responsible for the majority of the words being added to the swear filter. Back then, she had to add them one at a time and couldn't use wild cards. One third through my use of the words, two thirds through me reporting words to her.

    "Hey, did you know that shitbricks isn't censored?"

    Currently listening to the Allman Brothers Band's a Decade of Hits; 1969-1979
  21. Satanic_Hamster


    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    I only wear hats because I'm too lazy to style my hair.
    I grew a beard so I wouldn't have to spend as much time shaving every morning.
  22. Satanic_Hamster


    Had a thread in Victory for confessions but I figured I should post it here, as it was a global thing.

    Remember back in the day when we could add Tags to forum posts and there was a tag cloud on the bottom of every screen? And remember how "Tunnels Snakes Rule" was always the number one tag?

    That was me.

  23. Satanic_Hamster

    I remember....

    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    He'll be the 2nd happiest to be free of me forevar
    Like you'll let him out of the trunk in your basement.

    Currently listening to the New Pornographers' Electric Version
  24. Satanic_Hamster

    I remember....

    Like she'd talk to you.