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Oh, and I agree with Lothic and WhiteHotFlash, and Ironik. A few misspellings I can deal with. But why is everyone in such a hurry when typing? I tend to write my long ones up in Word, so I have an automatic spell check and a somewhat grammar check, then copy over to boards.
So, would I be considered a grammar nazi because I cringe every time I see the misuse of there, their, and theyre? The same goes for using except for accept (such as the animator of the video did in his blog, hehe) and vice versa. Ensure where it should be insure, or even assure. (I assure you that they will ensure that we will insure this item.) And maybe is not the same thing as something that may be. I guess you could say that I want to see the correct word in the correct manner in the correct usage. This is perhaps because I read a lot of books, and I see the correct usage almost every day. Im not so bad about the use of punctuation, but I would at least like a period at the end of sentences. Commas help me know where to pause and perhaps figure out where someone wants emphasis in what they are trying to convey.
Now many times I can figure out what the person with the bad grammar is trying to tell me, but if one had just listened to ones English teachers and absorbed some of that knowledge, I could do so in a third or quarter of the time. Having to go back and reread statements often several times in order to reinterpret them in the context of what else is said, both before and after, is not really something I want or like to do all the time, even though it seems I must do so more frequently as time passes.
But what really gets me is when I see text message shorthand in places where it really shouldnt be (like many message boards, in my opinion). Or even worse the so called leet-speak. I understand that with the small character limits things must be condensed so you can get your point across. This however, leads to many more misunderstandings than even just a written/typed answer or conversation. But that is a whole other subject. When I see SMS shorthand in a long-form typed answer I have to stop myself from immediately thinking that this person is lazy, under the age of 21, doesnt really care about the subject he is writing/commenting about, is not quite all there, or even just trolling for lulz. Perhaps even a combination of any and all of those things. In short I have trouble taking such posts and replies seriously. Now dont misunderstand me here. I accept a lol, rofl, and even a roflmao in online communication, and even other such online abbreviations imo, imho and ianal - even emoticons. But that is because I know what they mean. It took me forever to figure out what the term QQ meant on some other boards. (cry, for those of you who may not know. Apparently some think the qs look like tears from the eyes.) After that I was able to substitute in my head the actual word for what the shorthand is. I just dont like to see u gonna bring ur stuff? and such in a context where typing the words out is more beneficial to all who read it.
At times, though, it seems we are a society beset by a barrage of initials. CIA, FBI, DOA, DOD, DOJ, DEA, HIPAA, COD, PX, FCC, FTC, NTSB, NTSC, COA, CBS, CVS, BP, KFC, HMO, HOA, USB, PCI, SATA, , DVI, HDMI, VHS, DVD, MPG, MPH, AU, USA, UAE, USSR, NOA, MPAA, AFL-CIO, ACLU, HSA, CCD, LCD, OLED, NAMBLA, NIMBY, the list goes on and on. Only some of us know all the words to the letters in the previous sentence.
Fortunately for my sanity, I rarely make a post just to correct someones grammar or spelling. In fact, Im not sure at the moment if I ever have. Perhaps as part of a longer post. However, I am not above ranting about the subject as a whole given the right opportunity (see present example.) My posts tend to be rather short, humorous (at least in my mind) things for mine own and I hope others amusement, or rather long, thought-out (again in my mind), perhaps long-winded things that seem to be either ignored by the other posters, or the last thing that ever is posted in a thread before it goes off to digital obscurity because I took so long respond to the thread, as I was typing up things to get my point across.
I suppose I like to see not so much proper grammar, but correct word usage because I read a lot of books, and book reading for pleasure seems to be a dying pastime. Im not above looking up a word in the dictionary to acquaint myself with its meaning if I find one that I am unfamiliar with or cannot figure out from the context of what I am reading. Not everyone will do that. But perhaps it is actually the English language that is to blame, with its plethora of synonyms (two words with the same meaning), antonyms (words with opposite meanings), and homonyms (words with the same spelling or pronunciations but different meanings [I cant bear to bare myself to the bear.]) Would more reading by todays youth decrease the incorrect usage of words? While I would like to so, I am perhaps becoming a cynical old fart who also sees reading comprehension woefully low nowadays. If we cant understand what we read, why would we understand how to use the correct word when it is time to convey our message?
I think I shall leave it at that. Tis quite long enough now
Now why do I get the feeling someone is going to TLDR me?... -
I remember when Sony first put in auto-reverse on their walkman. It was a sublime feature.
Actually Lois ended up with the necklace because she put it in her purse back in Egypt. They did actually show it in this episode.
Now whether the put it in her purse deliberately, or it just happened to be amongst the papers and scarf when she stuffed it in there. I think it's the latter, as she seemed rather surprised when she found it. -
"Here we have an agent and a producer negotiating on a new film for Dracula. That's right - two blood suckers agreeing on the price of one!"
I laughed for a good three minutes. -
I find most of them interesting takes on the original works.
However, what's with all the kneepads with holes/mesh and even worse the mesh binkini-on-the-outside on Ms. Marvel and Moon Knight? That just doesn't look right. Especially Moon Knight. -
Quote:This is true.Didn't you know the noggin isn't a vital organ in most men.
But what really irked me is that they went out of their way to show his head being hit, other people responding to it, and even had TJ in the season opener looking after him. Then they kill him the very next episode.
I mean, sure, showing us that "nobody's safe" is one thing, but the show has other unnamed soldiers they could kill. It just made no sense for this character to die in such a way or at that time. -
My problem with the episode is that they let Riley survive having a bullet ricocheting off his noggin in the season finale and the season opener. Only to have him die in episode two?!
is this a remake/americanization of "Let the Right One In"?
Something about him in that piece just makes him look older than I thought he was. It's not the beard. That actually looks pretty good.
I think it's the bags under his eyes and all the forehead lines... -
"Also the reason Sony succeeded was because Nintendo kept making games for babies when their original customers were growing up. Now they are somehow successful again by making games for babies and old people."
and yet again we have the falacy that a game rated E for Everyone is a game made for babies. By being rated as a game for Everyone, the game has access to a much larger audience. It can comfortably be played by everyone in a household, many times at the same time, without someone finding something in the game objectionable.
A mature rated game does not mean it is better. It just means that it can include things that adults think the younger ones should not see.
To be honest, in my experience, those who only want to play Mature rated games and turn up their noses at a game with a Teen or Everyone rating are the least mature. When one actually matures broadens one's horizons, one can find fun in games no matter the rating. -
The biggest detriment to Kinect or Move becoming a success is price.
Move's base price for the wand, camera and game is $100, and you will need to buy a navigation controller for another $30. Extra wands for player 2, etc looks to cost $50, plus the $30 for the navigation controller. This is in addition to the $300 to $350 for the PS3 itself (though there appears to be a basic $400 bundle with the move stuff included - but that is really just the cost of the Move and PS3...)
The price of Kinect looks to be $200. That gets you the camera and sports game. Fortunately, you can get a XBOX for less than the PS3, but to be able to do what people want with the system, you're still looking at $250.
So....to take this down to a very basic level, to get motion controls for the HD consoles you must spend $400-450.
Whereas the Wii has this built in from day one and only costs $200 at this time. Which means people pay more than double for motion controls for the PS3 and XBOX.
This also says nothing about the historicly low rates of adoption of add-on peripherals for game systems. Nintendo has been extremely lucky this generation with Wii Fit and and Wii Motion Plus. All three consoles have been lucky with the Rock Band and Guitar Hero games. I think this has more to do with the fact that all these peripherals have come with games that cannot be played without them. It also helps that they are very fun and group friendly.
But as I said, the biggest thing that Move and Kinect have to overcome for sales is their rather high price tags. -
Quote:what really had me scratching my head was that Rulk had no mustache.The sad thing is, there was absolutely no good reason Rulk couldn't have been written to be Leonard Samson.
Except they wanted to pull the "we're gonna fool the readers by implying it was Sampson and the have it NOT be him, hur hur" gag.
Or, heck, have it be one of Banner's old split personalities that Sampson had in cold storage that he didn't tell anyone about.
Yet when he reverted to Ross, it grew back.
It has been repeatedly shown that whatever state Banner's hair is in when he changes into Hulk, ol Greenskin has that state of hair.
I know, it's a wierd thing to nit-pick out of the whole story, but it still bothers me. -
Quote:Well, yes and no. If your company wants to publish OGL stuff, and can sell it, all fine and dandy. However, if you want a license for making products for the newest 4e stuff, you have to cease all production and development of any OGL stuff. The new SGL license is much, much more restrictive than the OGL license. Hasbro's lawyers made sure of that. It's gone through a few iterations since being released, but at one time the SGL license actually required a publisher to buy back his stuff from warehouses so that it could not be sold.As for the 'obsolete next year' stuff, well you complain about the OGL and yet complain about obsolescence? Those are mutually exclusive claims. With the OGL people can put out 3rd edition stuff until people stop buying it.
Like it or not (I personally don't at this time) D&D has a huge draw in the pen and paper gaming scene and wherefore goes Dungeons & Dragons so goes the majority of the players. If a developer wants to take advantage of those playerr's dollars, said developer has no choice but to go all or nothing with the newest edition. -
Ok. that explains the SG on Liberty.
But what about the other SG Bases. I've used the one within the past month. -
So, I searched around the tech forums and didn't find any other topics with this particular little problem.
For the past week and a half every time I try to go to my SB base the load screen comes up and the loading bar starts its march across the screen. But then at about 15% the whole process freezes. This happens if I use my base Teleporter, if I use the Base Portal, and even if I am defeated in a mission and try to use the Go to Base button.
I have tried to figure out just why this is happening. I switched servers and tried with one of my villains. No change. Tonight I logged into Liberty and chose a character that I hadnt logged onto for a year and a half. This time I paid the base rent (thinking that this might be my problem), but that time the loading bar only got to around 5%!
I am at a loss now as what to do. Help would be appreciated, as it seems to be something in this patch that is doing this -
Quote:trust me, we won't TALK about comparing them physically....To be fair that might be set up like that as there are tools with those various community sites to do that automatically.
You know I wonder if posting pics of the cohosts would get moderation >.> It would be within the rules as far as I know as long as we're not comparing them physically. -
Quote:I think the reason it passed the cenosors was that he "accidently" hit the auto-pilot switch and the ship flew into space with the others in the sqad. Then, after he fixed that, he shot some random droids, and "accidently" fired the torpedo at the right angle in the ship to blow it up. And he was like "oh shi....". Then he finally got control and ran away.Case in point: at no time in Ep 1 do I recall kid Anakin wielding a blaster or a lightsaber, yet oddly it's ok for him to launch into space and blow up the enemy base with proton torpedoes.....go figure.
Oh sure, we are to believe that the Force was guiding his actions, but what Lucas SHOWED us was that this kid had tremendous luck and bumbled his way to a victory for the people of Naboo.
Rather like the way Jarjar survived his battle on the ground... -
No, Rich you are not the only one who is having this problem. I have tried to get into my base for the past two days, and each time I try the game freezes (stops responding) at the base loading screen about 15%.
It does it whether I use my base teleport, the base portal, or if I am defeated and try to go to my base.
Don't know what the matter is, but I hope they get it fixed soon -
Hate to tell you, but that isn't the HD version of the trailer. They even say so on the site.
Quote:Would that also explain why the Legacy Chain has different sounds for their powers? They don't use the standard powerful sounding whooshing sound. It's more like a muted "pew-pew-pew-pew" when they use the power blast.No, the Legacy Chain use a recolored Energy Blast. Energy Blast was originally meant to be water. Legacy Chain (and Energy Doms and Elec Brutes) got different colors as part of the first steps towards finding out what's necessary for power colorization.
It would confirm a suspicion I have had for some time.