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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zello View Post
    Okay so I went to the psych island for the mercy missionary badge and cannot seem to get out. I have clicked on every door but they all say I cannot enter, what am I missing?
    There should be a door with an arrow pointing down, possibly with a dude drawn on it. That will be the door. It's that, or get yourself killed (or self distruct). You'll rez outside at the hospital
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by hardknight View Post
    Unsure if this has been discussed as yet.

    Are we disadvantaged making the toon in Praetoria? Considering we cannot leave Preatoria till lvl 20.

    We miss out on getting the temp powers from the atlas, kings row and possibly skyway mayhem missions,
    and we need the Global Threat, King Maker and Road Raged exploration badges to qualify for the invader accolade.

    The same could be said for Blueside bank missions.

    Has anything been mentioned by developers regarding this??

    Now I do realise we can team with people in range of those mayhems or use 2nd accounts to get those missions.

    Seems to be an oversight to me. Any thoughts?
    You are at the same disadvantage that those of us who were above X level when the Mayhem Missions were first introduced.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Abe_Froman View Post
    Argh - you're right and I confused Angry Protestors w/ PPD based off the name (For some reason, I parsed the No Authority badge as being for killing protestors - should probably not read these things at 5 am).

    It seems like you're supposed to by the curtain - am I parsing this wrong as well?
    I think when I got this, I did it from one of the walls surrounding Nova Praetoria
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Abe_Froman View Post
    First - thank you Snow Globe for collating all this info - it's fantastic and useful.

    I do have a question about 2 of the new badges for Praetoria:

    1) This morning I swam through Praetoria for the River Rat badge and when I finished I thought I'd try to go off-map to hit the sonic curtain and suicide express back to a hospital and pick up the Denial of Service badge as well. I was able to get to the curtain (off the western coast of Neutropia) and die/catch a free ride to the hospital, but there was no badge awarded. Is there a recommended place to try and go through the curtain or is there something else I'm missing?

    2) I saw on Paragon Wiki that there is a defeat badge listed for killing Angry Protestors, but I've been killing them and have had no counter show up in my defeat badge list. Looking here, I don't see any info for it - was this pulled from the release (wasn't in the Beta, so I'm trying to badge hunt off of what info is on the net).

    Not sure why you're trying to get through the curtain...

    Also, what article about the protesters? I'm not finding anything, and there wasn't anything implemented for defeating the protesters.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
    But the preorders have paid full price? It's rotten, no matter how you look at it.

    Glad I didn't fall for the preorders, and anyone with a lick of sense should never do so again.
    Pre-purchase was 29.99 from NCSoft. Complete Collection had an MSRP of $39.99
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
    Nevermind, they answered it:

    What kind of crap is that? People are paying already for the expansion, and now CoH wants them to pay for the additional expansion items????

    That is a total complete rip off. If I'm misunderstanding this, please let me know, but right now I'm thinking other games are looking much better now.

    Consider this: What about the people that preordered thinking they would get ALL the GR content? That's called Bait and Switch and it is illegal.
    No. You are at fault because you didn't read all the information.

    If you bought the Complete Collection (physical box or digital copy), you get the item pack (and a free month of time).

    If you pre-purchased the expansion from NCSoft, it was explained in the initial announcement that there would be two versions: the expansion, and the complete collection. It was also explained in the announcement that there would be a separate item pack available to those who wanted to prepurchase, but also wanted the ingame goodies (minus gametime) that the complete collection provided.
  7. So I had the rest of the badges (Overlord, Forged by Hellfire, Lorekeeper, and Coldhearted), and just earned Soul Taker on my Vigilante. Demonic was not awarded. Looks like that badge is still restricted to only being awarded to Villains (and assumedly Rogues).
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    What can one do on the Mac? I play on both.
    I seem to remember being able to place the switches inside a value in one of the plists to get it to work correctly. That, or running stuff through Terminal. Cuppa's Guide also has a few examples of the command line stuff.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
    According to the patch notes, and what I experienced in the beta, if you have the hero version of an accolade and switch to villain, you're automatically granted the villain version of that accolade and the hero version goes inactive. Now, a Vigilante is a Hero in most respects, so he has to use the Hero accolades. However, unlike the Hero, he can still earn the Villain versions, which I assume will automatically be disabled because he's still mostly Hero. I don't know exactly what'll happen, though, hence my question.
    But it's been from my experience that you can't earn all badges as a Vigilante. Take Villainous (AE badge) as an example. My (then hero) has done one or two villainous AE arcs in his time, but none during beta. Whenever I made the full switch, in the middle of getting all the accolades and gladiators I was expecting, this Villainous popped up. It still has a restriction that it won't award unless you are a Villain.

    It still appears to work like this, as the same hero transitioned to Vigilante last night, but hasn't earned Villainous yet.

    This (combined with my gleaned understanding of how I think things work with badges) is what is triggering that gut feeling that Demonic won't award as a villain. I'll give it a go tonight, to see if a Vigilante can earn, and then be awarded Demonic
  10. Sounds like you just volunteered to try that one out

    EDIT: Actually, thinking for a few, I'm guessing this one will be answered more along the lines of "Is Demonic granted to a Vigilante who earns all the prerequisite badges?" I could try this out tonight on my Vigilante, though he already has Eye of the Magus.

    My gut says that Vigilantes are blocked from earning the accolade, though it's certainly something I'm willing to try.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood_Beret View Post
    I know awhile back some villains were getting the badge from defeating Mary pets. So they turned off the villain access to the badge. I noticed there is no Progress Bar nor Place Holder. So is it just not showing but giving credit? or did they forget to let us get the badge?
    Some badges still require you to fully switch over to the other side before you are either granted the badge (Heroic/Villainous), or to see the Progress Bar (safeguard/mayhems sidemissions on tourists).
  12. SaintNicster

    One Eighty Two

    My hero-now-vigilante badger picked up all the villain explore and history badges, then parked on the platform in Sharkhead. Also managed to pick up a couple of the defeat badges (Pirates, Hammerhead, and Strike Buster), too.

    My Villain-gone-rogue made it into AP, collecting all the zone badges annd plaques (except the one on the way to RV) before I collapsed for the night.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JumpinJack View Post
    Not 100% sure how these are earned:
    * Made A Stand - You strove for what you believe in and, against all odds, came out on top. [I think this is “use the morality system at all” badge?]
    * Agent Of Order/Chaos/Praetoria (Accolade) [I think this is an “automatic” badge for your “native” state?]
    Made a Stand - I believe this is just for doing a morality mission, but I don't quite remember of the top of my head

    Agent Of Order/Chaos/Praetoria appears to be the badge you get for owning the expansion on the current account.
  14. SaintNicster

    Mids ??

    Originally Posted by Psynder13 View Post
    Does anyone know if a updated working version exists?? I keep trying to DL it from Titan Network but each time reguardless of the fixes it just errors like crazy when im installing it.
    Instructions are in this post
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pheonyx View Post

    Seriously, I have been going over the list of everything and the free portion of Issue 18 is quite underwhelming. First off, a majority of the "features" could very easily just have been added in as a patch without a tie in to the purchase. Seriously, they can merge the market at any time and additions are made to AE all the time outside of Issue releases, so making them "features" of the free portion of the issue is not exciting.

    The CoP: even revamped, will people still need the base item to get the mission or will it be made as a contact outside of bases like Silver Mantis? If you still need bases, then this becomes a gated TF (gated in that you have to 1) Have a SG base and 2) Have the item that gives you the CoP within the base).

    These Tip missions according to ViDoc 2 sound like they lead to these Morality missions which then set you up to switch alignments somehow (which is only available to do if you buy GR, since Ghost Falcon said you cannot side switch without purchasing GR)... is it just me, or does this sound like a variation of the scanner/paper mission setup but once your bar's full you can't get the Safeguard/Mayhem mission until you pony up the cash? So in other words, you're progressing to nowhere until you pay $30-$40?

    In comparison to other free issues released in conjunction with a new physical product, I18: Shades of Gray is the smallest and least impressive of them all, and probably ranks near the very bottom of all free issues in terms of overall content.

    As for those free Issues tied to physical products, the scale right now is this in terms of content:

    I6 > I11 > I18

    Ashes to ashes,
    Huh? I11? No physical product anywhere near that one. I'm guessing you mean 14, for the Architect Edition.
  16. Is it Rularuu or Ruularu?

    Posting this on PWiki, and all of our links are Rularuu
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
    When will CoD have Secondary Mutation to sit next to Mystic Fortune?
    Eventually. The next update will probably be after GR hits, and things settle a bit.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by beyeajus View Post
    when I go there it seems to be some kind of site with a dozen links to PL-ing sites, and other shady crap. Does this site still exist?
    RedTomax let his domain lapse. There is also apparently an issue with the redirects he had setup for coh and .

    Fear not! Before he this happened, he gave The Titan Network an copy of his site, which we have posted at We were also given the ability to update our copy of City of Data, so that it has power updates through I17.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
    That's not exactly what I am looking for.
    I am wanting to examine how the powers change on a Mids' build as the build exemplar's down.
    Originally Posted by SaintNicster View Post
    Modifiers based on level difference are available here.
    Other formulas are a bit more wishy washy to me (personally), but there is always the option of going to City of Data for the unenhanced values. There's a drop-down on the individual page for a power to change the level.
    Which is why I also linked City of Data, and pointed out that you can select the level of the power from there, and have it do the work for you.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
    I couldn't find it on the wiki

    I know that a lvl 1 does less dmg than a lvl 50. but what is the formula for figuring damage? And is it the same both for leveling up as well as exemplaring down?
    Modifiers based on level difference are available here.
    Other formulas are a bit more wishy washy to me (personally), but there is always the option of going to City of Data for the unenhanced values. There's a drop-down on the individual page for a power to change the level.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
    Anyone having problems logging into the Titan Network?

    I've tried resetting my password twice now, and it just won't let me log in.

    I've checked the embarassing things like Caps lock and Num lock, so wondering if it is a issue with them and if anyone else has seen it.


    Edit - Now it Works! Just needed to post, I guess.

    Edit 2 - Now I can't get in again. I've been able to log in twice, but I lose it again quickly. Sounds like odd issues going on over there. I'll give it a bit of time, I think.

    Edit 3 - Issue with both IE and Opera. However, my tie in from HeroStats is working fine, per the program check.
    So I just tried logging into CIT in IE. It appeared to just refresh the page. However, if I clicked any of the other pages, I appeared to be logged in correctly. You may need to force a refresh on the homepage for this to show up.

    As for the actual error, I'll look behind the scenes to see what is happening. We haven't changed anything with those pages in a while.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by pyrite View Post
    It's only important if you want to take and hold aggro like a good tank.
    It's not like every attack power from a tank comes with an AoE taunt. What are you doing, just standing there?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
    [Taunt] is a must for any Tanker/Brute who isn't a joke.
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Brutes aren't Tankers.
    While the entire statement is a load of bull, I will quote this 50 thousand times over.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    Well that's weird. I haven't use Mids', but I understand it's player-designed and it's been updated pretty regularly. Why would global recharge be called "Haste" on the display? "Hasten" is a power, and that's likely to cause confusion -- and what was wrong with the (as far as I know, universally used) term "Recharge?" If it's a space consideration, why not "Rechg" (which has the same number of characters as "Haste")?
    Mids (the original designer) is also British. He does 'odd' grammatical things like that
  25. SaintNicster

    Help with Mid's

    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    Right-click on the installer, and choose to Run As Administrator. That should solve the problems with installing.

    Edit: Snipe'd by Lil' SaintNicster!!
    Who you callin' lil?