52 -
I don't know if I am too late or anything, but I would love a scene of my tank and his arch-enemy brute. Let me explain.
InvulnerBull is my SS/inv tank. He is a direct decendant of Talos, which is where he gets his size and powers. He was born and raised down on the farm.
OmegaBull is his half-brother (unbeknownst to them both). They first met in a Mexico meta-human fighting league. The first time they fought, InvulnerBull broke OmegaBull's jaw, and Omega wants revenge.
Or there is my main, SN0WJ0B to consider.
Or you could check out my slideshow in my sig for any alts that strike your fancy. -
Since we are all patting ourselves on the Magic packs, here is my zombie/poison MM revamped costumes.
Death.Venom's Arcane Zombie look
Death.Venom's full robes close up.
I really love the pack. Nice job Jay & Co. -
Lively Elves Fornicate Tanilizingly
Creating Acronyms Takes Such Unusual Persistance
Should Underlings Carry Knives (?)
Its totally not a tribble! D:<
Watch Dark Crystal Gorramit!
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I know what it is. Can't recall the thing's name off the top of my head, but I have seen Dark Crytsal. I own the DVD of it.
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Its name is Fizzgig. -
I can tell a difference. Much cleaner. Nicely done!
WOW! That is awesome! Great reflection type in the body. Excelerate has an ridiculously sic costume anyway, plus the reflection/ window thing happening is rockin! Great job.
Ok, here is my entry to this new CC. I threw this together:
Archon Malance
What's the deadline for judging?
As far as I am concerned, there can be 12 million forum CC threads. There's plenty room for everybody -
Techno Viking for SN0WJ0B. It is not quite what I had in mind, but I kinda like it.
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Thanx Lousy. This is SWEET! I agree with everyone else here, I love the style. I love how you put a cybernetic Viking in a wooden boat rowing. For everyone else, this is a pic of Techno Viking from game. Thanx, Lousy! -
You have a lot of alts, lol. I did a sketch for one of your alts. You can see the link in my free sketch thread.
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That is awesome, Lousy_Day! Thank you! Better than I expected. Just putting some subjects out there for inspiration and such.
I do have a lot of alts. I don't even have all of mine posted to my album. Some just didn't make the cut or have been deleted since.
Thank you. If you are on Pinnacle, send me a message. I'd be glad to give something to you. Nice. -
um, hang on? what's in it for me?,
And do you at least have a basic character outline to hang it off?
yeah, guess I'll file it in my big ol' to-do list as well.
(But hey, if you play on justice, I'll trade you for a hefty sum of influence)
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Well, I'm on Pinnacle. For the most part, its the only server I'm on. I have inf. to trade, but its only for who wants to do it. If you're too busy, then don't do it. I don't need to go on anyone's "to do pile". That obviously says that you're too busy.
As far as his background goes, he was a ski instructor in Colorado. He considered himself to be quite the playboy, but was a small time con-man always trying to pull the wool over somone's eyes. He always knew he had unusual ice powers and was able to hide it living on a ski resort.
When the Clockwork raided the little ski town to mine a deposit of unique metal, his mother and sister were killed. His rage and grief triggered his full mutation powers of ice blasting and flight. After that, he came to Paragon to help with the invasion, but really to take out as many Clockwork he can.
Just a little background on him to get to know him. If I don't get any takers, that's fine too. I just admire all the great artists out there. You all do great work. -
I have been frequenting this section of the forums. I have to say that I am extremely impressed with all of you artists out there. I would be very flattered if someone (doesn't matter who) has the time or inclanation to do any kind of art of my main SN0WJ0B or any of the pics in my sig that links to my Photobucket slideshow. Send me a PM or reply here. If you're bored or whatever. I just can't draw very well or I'd do it myself and post like y'all do.
Haha, wasn't snowjob one of the GI Joes? I always got a kick out of the name.
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YEP! That's where I got the name. Not many get that. Good show! -
Thank you for the guide. It is good to see what is instore for me. I have a zombie/poison MM that is my main villain. His name is Death. Venom . He is lvl 29 right now. I picked the power sets based on what name I could come up with and what backstory made sense in my imagination. I wish now that I could have pain domination, but I rolled him before PD came out. So I am making the best of it and trying to use the powers to best benefit of any team I'm on. Your guide certainly will help in selction and future teaming. Thanx!
I just read this and it is GREAT! Very comprehensive and super information. I don't actually have any shield scappers; I have a shield/em tank. Does the same information apply?
With the ability to save your costumes in the creator, I no longer find myself wanting an off-line costume creator.
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What program do you use to view the costume files off-line? I haven't been able to even look at them. -
Hrmm... I'd better not intro my latest character... Y'all will run me out of town on a rail.
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Please show us. I love your stuff... I mean art, of course. -
I have a dual blades scrapper called Bananattack (srry no screenie) with, of course, two big yellow blades. I'll try to get a shot of him to post.
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As promised, here is a screenie of Bananattack! -
These are what I would consider my Joke, or Tribute characters. Link
The first two are mace/WP Brutes with a basebal bat and a shilleleagh(sp?) respectively. The third is a MA/WP scrapper and the fourth a Bots/Traps MM.
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I love the Jawa reference with Utinni! He HAS to be a bots MM. Genius! -
But, to me, she's not quite the same as Sweet Child of Mimes.
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Love it!
I have a dual blades scrapper called Bananattack (srry no screenie) with, of course, two big yellow blades. I'll try to get a shot of him to post.