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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    I ask you: do you like the sound of missing with either (TF or ET) resetting recharge and changing to super fast versions on the event of corpse blast or missing?

    I think it may even be acceptable if it's a shared trait:

    TF misses, TF recharge resets and you get to pick using fast TF or fast ET.
    ET misses, ET recharge resets and you get to pick using fast TF or fast ET.
    Well, I like the sound of it, yes. But there are a couple of issues with this.

    1. I still have to wait through an animation that takes quite a long time. Then have to miss, before getting a chance to hit again very fast. This doesn't exactly recover the "fast-paced" feel considering you're still waiting through one long animation from the beginning, then getting consolation prizes when it misses.

    2. If you're slotted for a lot of accuracy, you won't see this option that often.

    I'd be happier with shorter animations. BUT, I'd be willing to entertain the idea of a mechanic that allows you to get shorter animations under certain conditions. Something like Momentum, but it doesn't have to be exactly the same.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    Taking away from players can be a bad thing, especially if it's to address edge cases on specific situations.
    I agree. Taking away is bad. And since the feel of the set was taken away long ago, I'd like to see it added back. Even if it's only in small doses. I don't expect big hitting powers to have super short animations, but if we can give it that more active and fast-paced feel, that to me sounds like a good thing. The set used to be a little more "buzz saw" and a lot less "stop and wait".

    I hope to convince the devs that some limited restoration might be in order, so long as it's balanced.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    My point being maybe endurance drain is the problem and not mez stacking? I thought defensive powers weren't supposed to drop anymore.
    Yeah, I was wondering why a defensive toggle dropped.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    I am sure the old animation will just never return, not to this power. Any shorter animation would be an all new animation (for the power.) What are the odds people won't still think it's too slow, or that now the power hits for too little?
    I think I agreed that people will be upset no matter what. I even said I'll probably not be thrilled with every change. So as someone who's willing to take the bad with the good, I'm still going to ask for shorter animation times. EM was a fast moving set before, and that's what I liked about it. I'm only trying to bring it back to that. Not making it overpowered or anything like that. Just trying to restore a feel that the set had for a long time.

    The "gimmick" I would propose is much more than a gimmick. Lots of players love that sort of gimmick, it makes sets feel more dynamic and it's the reason basically every new set created has some such gimmick. Also, the bonuses the gimmick would bring would be in line with what the set needs.
    Hopefully you didn't take my use of the word "gimmick" the wrong way. I'm completely fine with the set having one. I only hope it doesn't require the set to still feel slow.

    We can't take one single individual as representative of the whole. He may be able to give you a bit of the point of view, but he can't talk for others on what he would find acceptable.
    You might have taken me too literal just then. I was only being jovial in my welcoming. I don't assume any one person speaks for any one group. In fact, I don't trust the forums to be a good source for data mining player base statistics.

    I like his point about a DoT-fication of Energy Transfer actually having an impact. His reasoning is very sound and the kind of thing people that just play for fun will be more likely to see fade away.
    In case you haven't picked up on this yet, I played the set for fun. I shelved my toon when the nerfs came around not because of damage, but because of animation times that felt way too long. For goodness' sake, I made a Dark/Ice tank once just for the fun of ridiculous crowd control (not that I expected you to know that). So, if you think I'm rooting for a broken set, don't worry.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    Just look at the blast nuke threads. Despite the proposed changes being a buff, we are seeing a lot of noise from people that were not complaining before, people that liked the power being random and potentially killing X or Y, even if it also meant potentially NOT doing it.

    Again, that's why the cottage rule exists. It was, in some ways, broken to nerd ET those years ago, but thats how strong they felt it was OP.
    Well, I think no matter what, people will bemoan any change. Ever. And I doubt I'll love every change that might come down the line for EM. But I'm willing to have a good open discussion. And if you're suggesting adding a gimmick to the set, I think cottage rules go out the window. So changing animations that some people might like now is totally on the table. Besides, some people liked the old animation.

    Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
    *raises hand* Evidence.
    Good! The whole gang is here! Let's dive into this mess!

    By the way, BruteSquad, I know I'll end up making suggestions you won't like, so no hard feelings.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    Gravity got the Impact bit as a semi-combo system that would give some powers more damage.

    There were also wholesale changes to Dimension Shift and tweaks to Wormhole that I would consider more significant, but technically a gimmick was added (along with the other changes).
    Then in that case, wholesale changes and tweaks to Whirling Hands could be made.

    I guess if a new mechanic was introduced that would be ok, I don't want to be the equivalent of an old man yelling at kids to get off his lawn and scared of the internet. But I'd prefer to see animation times reduced either way. Then again, if we're talking about bonus damage to powers from a buff mechanic, then you could reduce the animation for ET and TF and bring down the damage. Then regain that damage back with enough build up.

    Still, that might step on some KM toes with it's Power Siphon mechanic.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    I meant the group of people that are happy with things as they are and are not aware some one wants them to compromise on lower damage.
    I see. Well if we're talking about a group that we're not sure exists and putting value on that, then no suggestions made in this thread could be listened to. I don't know if that's a fair way to look at things.

    I think its more likely. Just look what the devs have done so far.
    Gravity didnt get just tweaked, it got new mechanics.
    Stalkers didnt just get tweaked. They got new mechanics.
    Snipes are not just tweaked, they get new mechanics.
    I'll give you Gravity, as it's a set. The other two were things that affected more than just a set and span much wider things to consider.

    And as I know very little about Gravity, I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage. What new mechanic did it gain? (not that I don't believe you)
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    A bad reason to break the rules: "I just want this set to do more damage"
    But what if the reason is "I want to improve damage in an area this set greatly under-performs?"
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Athena Six View Post
    looking back to the begining of the thread i see that Bio-Armor was not the only thing to get -Adjusted-

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    It's hard to reach a compromise with individuals that are not even aware the conversation is being held on their behalf. The best compromise I can think is one that would not affect those players but address the issues.
    Err... plenty of people have complained about animation time. They're present in the forums.

    Plenty of people complain about dead targets. How much damage do you do to a dead target? None. So people who have complained about damage are present on the forums too.

    I think adjustments to damage and animation times to address the feel of the set while keeping it balanced is a completely legitimate approach.

    That's because we never got to see the reaction to the power having it's damage lowered to 1.7 dmage.
    And that means you can't safely assume animation times were the best option either. But we can see that it hasn't gone well for the players who feel frustrated with animation times.

    Now, don't take me wrong, I'm really trying to work with you on this. But making suggestions that require adding completely new mechanics to the set are less likely an option than straight up tweaking numbers. Maybe my suggestion isn't so far from viable.

    We have various sets with slow animations. Super Strength shows twice in that list above (15 slowest single target attacks in the game.)
    The remark I made wasn't about EM being the only set with slow animations. I was saying we've got 1 [i]energy[i] damage set with some long animation times already in KM. Let's not have 2*.

    *I know there's Electric Melee, but it that set has a lot more AoE potential. It already has a different play style because of that.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    The set, as it existed, was broken. Or at least Energy Transfer was. With Arcanatime, Energy Transfer did 3.84 dpa. That's insane.

    It had to change. Either the damage was lowered drastically (removing the one option for extremely heavy hitting melee set in the game), or slow it down retaining the heavy hitting nature.

    A change today would not just be about changing a particular animation. It would be about forcing a different animation and way lower damage and (not or) a recharge penalty not unlike the one seen in Knockout Blow.
    I hope I didn't give you the impression that I didn't think it was broken. I think I stated as much early in this thread that I understood the need for balance. I also don't want it to be reverted back to what it was.

    I'm only speaking about the feel of the set and the way it plays in style compared to what it was. Long animation times have a way of really changing style up quite a bit. In ways different to damage reduction.

    Hell, I'd be happy with just a middle ground compromise. Shorten the animation times a little and reduce the damage a little. It doesn't have to be the same animation times as before. EM can keep the DPA it has now in ST damage, but those animation times in your big hitters makes them very undesirable. Especially when your target keeps dying.

    Side bar: I get what you're saying about minion health and HP adjustments for large teams, but I find that solution to be less likely to happen.

    Lower the damage and I personally would delete my energy melee characters (a shield tank and an energy/energy brue). But I don't say this only based on personal preference, the set identity was always heavily focused around it's heavy hitting nature. To the point Castle decided changing the animation was less intrusive than nerfing the damage.
    Well, I've been shelving my Ice/EM tank since the nerfs, so I understand the sentiment. I stopped playing mine because it did change the experience, and not just because of damage. He just never played the same. One sentiment doesn't negate the other, but obviously there are plenty of people on both sides of the fence. Maybe a more compromised approach would be better.

    And while Castle's reasons for changes were in good intentions, the massive amount of complaining for EM to get a boost could imply it wasn't that much less intrusive.

    We've already got an Energy damage set with long animations (KM), let's not have two.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    If you need to switch to Defensive to survive, it's because incoming damage is too much for the other adaptations (probably due to getting shot by too many Assault Rifles and needing both more resistance and the heal procs). If it happens on a team, that means you're not receiving outside buffs and likely want the rest of your team which is presumably attacking and not doorsitting to actually do something about the mobs around you.
    Or you could be taking on more than you should be. While I think Defensive is great, like any other set it has limits. A -res debuff has nothing to do with any of that.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    if you really need Defensive on a team you'll want the rest of the team doing more damage,
    I just want to point out that this isn't a logical line of reasoning. If I turn on Defensive, it's to survive. If the need to kill faster is required, then Defensive isn't enough to begin with.

    For example, the video I posted shows my tank surviving. Period. He wasn't even attacking. Not even the aura was on. He did not need a team to kill them faster to do so.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    The clause of "with less than a quarter of the penalties" most certainly implied that you felt it was a far better trade, and as such a replacement. That's what led to the comment about doublespeak - the impression you provided through your use of wording was that you were far better off than any other set while using Bio in Defensive.
    Well, when I said it's not getting a quarter of the debuff, I was speaking in terms of balancing the set. That's why it was mentioned to begin with. Keep things in context, and you won't have to accuse me of something I'm not doing. And if it is a better trade, that still does not mean it replaces Granite. I'm saying what it pays in proportion to its boost is better. Not that it's survival is better, or on par, with Granite.

    To put it another way, "Defensive approaches Granite-level survival while it doesn't approach Granite's penalties at the same rate of balance."

    Side note: I'm not continuing this in hopes of changing your opinion about the balance of the adaptation. I'm addressing the issue that you're accusing me of something that's not true and hope to clear up the confusion there.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    Yes. After claiming that it was approaching Granite with less than a quarter of the penalties. And with an edit in the post that may have included the line about Granite 2.0, or I may have missed it prior to clicking to quote it or I would have called out the doublespeak then.
    "Approaching" implies falling short of, it is not the same as "being". No doublespeak was used.

    First sentence is an opinion - one I obviously don't happen to share - and the highlighted portion of the second sentence is likely why you feel that way. +/- damage on a Brute is watered down heavily. The set exists for more than one AT, so don't balance it for just one.
    Ok. I don't notice the decrease in damage all that much on a tanker either. Does that help?

    I see where you're trying to go with it, but that's a bad analogy - the -resistance is there in all forms, not just Offensive. The -damage is the penalty for Defensive and provides enough of one that it's penalty is similar in magnitude to the boost in damage you get for Offensive Adaptation and still reduces you below baseline assuming you took another set. That's why I'm okay with leaving the -resistance alone... even with it you're still at less damage than, say, Willpower or Invulnerability.
    Second sentence is an opinion - one I obviously don't happen to share.

    Now, if you're going to say that the penalty in damage in Defensive is similar in magnitude to the boost for Offensive, then that would mean the penalty in Offensive needs to be similar to the boost in survival Defensive has.

    I don't particularly care to follow that line of reasoning, because that would require a bigger survival penalty for Offensive was in order. Instead, I think the penalty should compare to the boost inside the same adaptation. So Defensive gets a pretty big survival boost. -30% damage, without a -res to offset it, is a fair price.

    And I'd say it's ok if you're at less damage than WP, because I think Defensive is capable of being more survivable than WP. I know you'll say that's opinion, but the side-by-side comparison video Arcana posted suggests otherwise. It's at least more useful than just saying something based off opinion alone.

    [edit] Also, don't insinuate someone edited a post just to negate something you said. It only comes across as an attempt to slander.
  16. Quote:
    It's a good set. It is not Granite Armor v2.0, and claiming otherwise is just as misleading as saying that it's garbage that's been nerfed to oblivion... probably moreso.
    Didn't I just say that it's not Granite 2.0??

    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    I'm not arguing about the existence of penalties, I'm arguing about someone's desire to add more to them. Especially based off of performance prior to two additional rounds of changes.

    Even with the -resistance aura present there is a damage penalty compared to other sets when using Defensive Adaptation due to the -damage.
    My only desire is to make sure the set is balanced enough so that we don't see other adjustments after going live. The amount of survival given to Defensive mode is not offset enough while -Res is still present. I've run around in Defensive through plenty of mobs, and I'm hardly noticing any reduction in kill speed on my Brute. When I turn on Offensive, I notice a reduction in survival AND a damage increase. Defensive should reflect that better.

    You seem to be under the impression that I'm nerf herding or something. But I'll stress that I suggested removing any -recharge penalties and I've also suggested making PA auto-hit.

    [edit] Basically, the -res in Defensive is like turning around and adding -tohit debuffs for Offensive mode. You're negating the penalty. You're putting in something that is antithesis to its purpose. It makes no sense to be there. Better to balance it now than after plenty of people have noticed that Defensive mode is getting off easy.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    And you've been spearheading any sort of push for removing the -resistance, so saying you expect it is misleading - you want it would be a better wording.
    Trust me, my wording isn't misleading. Certainly not misleading like "beaten mercilessly into a bloody pile of bio mass" is.

    Defensive mode approaches Granite-like levels of survival and it's not even getting a quarter of the debuffs. You don't expect that to be balanced? A reduction of 30% damage is a lite price to pay. We don't even have to worry about a recharge reduction.

    And for what it's worth, Offensive Adaptation makes the set slightly worse than Fiery Aura for both damage and survivability unless you get good mileage out of the -regen against AVs and GMs.

    If you want another Fiery Aura you'll be disappointed. If you want a set that lets you decide on the fly (to a limited extent) whether you want to be a Tanker, Brute, or Stalker then you'll like Bio.
    Worse survival than FA? That's subjective at best.

    But it's true, if you want FA 2.0, look elsewhere. Same if you're looking for Granite 2.0. This set is about great adaptability, and it's a very good strength.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    Many here are complaining about the animations, but we have to acknowledge people that love the slow/hard hitting nature of the set are not in the forums taking part of this discussion, and it's not a good idea to just change things on them to lure them into the forums to complain.
    I like everything you're saying. But this one bit I feel is a bit two-sided. The slow hard hitting nature of the set was not the original nature of the set. So I don't think we have to avoid particular changes just because some people might like the animations that are not part of the original design.

    And I'll agree, people will still complain, but faster animation time and lower damage would probably go a long way with making the set "feel" like its old self. Though I think ET should retain a higher DPA than similar powers due to the self damage.

    And yes, some more AoE goodness sounds like a GREAT idea.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
    My excitement stemmed from a melee toon that had decent debuffs. Allowing its damage output to be upped. Fire Aura is one of my favorite armors and I'm tired of making characters with it. Bio was going to be my new go to.

    Fingers crossed that radiation armor has sick debuffs.
    For what it's worth, Offensive mode still carries -Res in it and grants Toxic damage procs. I'd suggest test driving it on Beta and judge for yourself. Unless you play against a lot of AVs or GMs, I don't think you'll notice the reduction to the -regen.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
    I guess it's all on how you define "beaten mercilessly into a bloody pile of bio mass."
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    Then perhaps you can define what you mean. Because it implies something not accurate to the build on Beta. Or did you actually play the build on Beta now?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post

    This just may be my new sig. I've never been more excited for a set before and now I honestly dont care very much for it. It can go either way whether I purchase it or not.
    Don't let someone's chip on their shoulder and ability to exaggerate greatly deter you from a good set.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    ...and penalties were applied (-7.5% resistance to Offensive for Brutes/Scrappers/Stalkers, -30% damage to Defensive) when not in Efficient or no adaptation.
    Do tanks not have the -Res in Offensive mode? I hadn't noticed or bothered to double check that, but I thought they did.

    In regards to the "nerfing" that was done, it's good to keep perspective on the issue. While terms like "significantly reduced" were used, Defensive mode for a Tanker with ten mobs around it can still cap S/L Res, and soft cap F/C/E/N. For a brute, that's 67.5% S/L and 35% on the defense numbers (that's with Tough, Weave, CJ). So while some might say the powers were gutted they were only cut down to very impressive numbers, as opposed to uber-insane numbers.

    Also, the regen in Efficient was recently reduced slightly and its recovery was also improved slightly. The overall effect in game was a minor reduction in survival numbers but a noticeable increase in endurance use. And I expect the -Res will be removed from Defensive mode as it negates a lot of the damage debuff penalty.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AshleyHudson View Post
    Y'know, I don't have numbers, all I have is observation. Yes, I know how flawed that is, but no matter who or what I'm attacking, I seem to be hitting dead things a lot more often than with any other set.
    Not having numbers isn't really flawed. Especially when you're just talking about the feel of a set (numbers are important, don't get me wrong). And EM lost a lot of it's feel. A lot more than it should have. I found your OP to be pretty humurous, so job well done.

    But equally possible is that it may be about the design of the doilies for committee members' cakes.
    Er mah gerd! They get cakes!?

    Anyway, if you see poor little Shockpoint running around on Protector, try to save her something to punch, will you? Try not to roll your eyes when I start screaming with joy at landing a solid hit.
    I run on Protector, and if I see you running around, I'll toss some full health minions your way so you can have some fun with them!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    You're showing a video "to show off the strengths" or to show how the set performs in general? Because those are two vastly different things and one is far more valuable to the discussion than the other. As for it being "unkillable", you mentioned that it's far above average... when average is fairly close to being unkillable for most sets on a decently-built level 44 Tanker.
    Poor wording on my part, perhaps. So I'll rephrase; would you show off Inv's performance as an average or above average set by running against it's main weakness, Psionic damage?

    Clearly, I wouldn't be just showing off the strengths alone if I bothered showing the Tank faceplant at the end after a minute and a half of being out of Defensive mode and without even using the T9 power.

    Is average SO level performance considered to be nigh-unkillable? I guess we'll have to call it a difference of opinion then.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    There were in fact portions of the set that were beaten up pretty badly.
    I guess it's all on how you define "beaten mercilessly into a bloody pile of bio mass." Because DNA is a huge, huge heal as it stands now. I don't need more than 3 targets to get a full bar. Then there's the +regen and +recovery it's capable of giving you. On a 45 second timer (if you slot for recharge).

    If you're description of the nerf is anywhere near accurate, how much stronger could it have been?