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  1. no, claws gets screwed with new weapons
  2. *blush*

    Awwww you guys

    Just wait until I can find someone to make the paperdoll flash game!!!
  3. Also age-verification is useless anyway. It's incredibly easily bypassed. It's the responsibility of the PARENTS to monitor underage internet usage! IN my opinion anyway. And as a parent.

    ^ smiley to show more lightheartedness!
  4. And lord help us all if innuendo was banned! The forums would go silent!!!!!
  5. Yes!

    A Limitless source of inspiration!

    Hope to see more of you around!
  6. And because I think we missed the whole point of this thread:

    Before the ITF!
    After the ITF!

  7. [ QUOTE ]
    actually this all started with a particularly viscious attack on an artist for posting something that, while actually fairly tame, offended their sensibillities. When a fight breaks out in public the police often find their utlimate resolution in one of two ways.

    one... throw the whole lot in jail. And the more flames and attacks from either side that occur, the closer this metaphorically gets to happening to this forum.

    two... find out who threw the first punch. And the simple fact is that was NOT the forum regulars who did so.

    No one has been called a "hater" for expressing an opion. The were called "haters" due to unprovoked attacks on the foum regulars.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Also I wasn't calling anyone in particular a 'hater'. It's just the term I happen to use, and the general populace understands what it means. Should I have said 'those of dissenting opinions'?

    This forum has always been a light and lively place and of course we do not rail on 'new' people to try to make them feel unwelcome. Nor do 'we' expect everyone who comes here to align their opinions with the 'majority' whatever that is.

    In fact this thread was created BECAUSE we were trying to keep things light and laugh about things because there was a relatively 'angry' discussion going on the other thread. So this one was made so we can all go ha ha ha and move on with our lives. And heck it may have even drummed up some business for some people!!

    The mods did not give this thread their 'blessing'. They didn't give it their anything at all! They continue to monitor for rule-breaking, which while yes maybe this 'skirts' around the rules but if it's not a direct violation then there is no rules broken. Sensibilities? Maybe. But again if you (again, the general 'you' not any one person in particular) read from the beginning and dove around and clicked about 5 times to get to the subject matter being discussed, that takes a lot of conscious effort, and everything was VERY well labeled.

    Ok I don't really know what I'm trying to say, I'm not very good at arguments and I do not want to make anyone upset so I'm just gonna drop everything. If you don't want to see something very clearly labeled as what it is then don't click, that's all I'm sayin.

    (again the 'you' and 'we' in the above are generalizations only and do not refer to any particular person or persons)

    (this message brought to you by the letters Q and Q)
  8. How do you think people manage to do the Quarterfield TF? Ain't no way I could sit through that in a single setting. Only did it once though, over two nights. Took about 12 hours ! Yea slow team. This was before IO's though
  9. Do you think the haters have been sufficiently shushed?
  10. Nah TA and I are out of the game, so to speak, but still like to look.
  11. So who did this? Do they have a DA page I could poke through?
  12. Because she told me to!

    Rowr in a sketchie!

    Think I will get on her list, though!
    You should too!!
  13. Oh a new update. Nice!

    I think!

  14. *wonders if the zombies will get any love!*
  15. *gasp* i thought you were a hero DJ!!!!!!
  16. *kisses Wassy* heeheeeeeeeeeeeee :P
  17. Check TA's list of commissionable artists. I think there's a sticky on this forum. Just find an artist whose style you like, and then contact them with the idea and they should give you an idea of pricing.
  18. *gets an axe to put this party away!!!*

  19. He'll never get that thing into the sewers!!!
  20. I refuse to send a PM! I will not be a party to this depravity!!!
  21. All these fantastic McKinneys are making me want to get one!!
    Argh :P