Commission Question
Most artists are cool with displays of affection. The ones that aren't will usually say so up front.
However, this would probably be considered a "special pose" and two characters, so will run you a bit more than your normal commission rates. Just so you know.
That said... check out my sig, LOTS of artists that have done work for me so far, and all have been great to work with.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
Thanks Soul, i'll check it out and see what i can work out/find
I'd try to get it low as i can, for 2 people and the special pose.

Check TA's list of commissionable artists. I think there's a sticky on this forum. Just find an artist whose style you like, and then contact them with the idea and they should give you an idea of pricing.
Im leaning twords a few for some things, maybe not kissing, but whatever suits me...
And yeah, im using that

I do up to 2 characters for my usual price. And kissing would be fun! Link to my site is in my sig (as of the second of typing this, the servers are running a check or upgrading or performing magical incantations or whatever they heck they do for a few minutes a day).
Edit: And its done now.
*kisses Wassy* heeheeeeeeeeeeeee :P
Hmn, i like your art Wassy, i'll keep ya in mind as im cheaking
[Still have to get referance pictures of Cerulean Seer >_<

*kisses Wassy* heeheeeeeeeeeeeee :P
[/ QUOTE ]
I forget I have to watch what I say around you, missy!
*makes mental note to mention kissing far more often*
Hmn, i like your art Wassy, i'll keep ya in mind as im cheaking
[Still have to get referance pictures of Cerulean Seer >_<
[/ QUOTE ]
And thank you. Apparently the site is still hiccuping as the servers are doing their thing. It can get ornery some mornings =/
>_< Apparently, it had short problems with me getting into commission page to recheak the prices, etc
But i was able to get in

Good ^.^
Darn Murphy's Law... getting all uppity just when I wanted to link someone to it. I'm just going to have to build my own server room. I'm sure the landlords won't mind an addition....
Trying to decide which one of the commission types i want from ya...XD, gonna give the link to the player of Cerulean and we'll decide together ingame :P

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Okay, me and a friend want to get our toons, who are engaged, drawn, but i was wondering, who, that does commissions, can draw...
well, to be straight to the point, draw two characters kissing
I know John Becaro did it with Ms. Liberty and MarDun, but im looking for other options of people