2039 -
Welcome, and good job!
Make a Deviant Art account so I can +watch you! -
I'd agree with that. He's on my 'do-not-want' list now.
The list is almost at the point where I will need both hands to count! -
Yeah best idea would be, going forward, asking the artist if they mind or not if you post it in your own gallery, credit given where credit is due. You should know that stuff by now with all the commissions you've had done so far
But yeah took me quite a few to sort out exactly what questions I should be asking when I commission and that's one of them.
Hell some of the time the artist even asks YOU if they can post it in their OWN gallery!!! -
No TA. We have to protect your young innocent eyes.
*also: Post 9000!!!!!!!!!!* -
Well... probably shouldn't have named names, but I have him (and you) on my HF watch list so I get an email whenever he (and you!) post new pieces... I saw your piece come in and was like hm. not bad. kinda big in the above waist area but that's about par for the course for that particular artist.
Then a few minutes later I saw he had posted something. I went to check it out... and was a little amused at the... shall we say similarities? Between the two?
Maybe that's what he was trying to avoid. I'd be kinda mad if an artist I commissioned took a piece I got done through him or her and repainted it into something else. I'd call that artist lazy, but of course I suppose that's completely within their rights.
Well needless to say, I probably wasn't ever going to commission him ever anyway, but now I -really- am never going to commission him because he's treating one of my friends like dirt and I don't like that. -
Hm. 5 purples for some people are pretty easy to come by it seems. Make it 20 purples and you got yourself a deal! :P
And it doesn't work in Firefox.
But yeah hm... doesn't seem like there is too much to it.
But it's gotta be cross-browser compatible. Which is why I was leaning towards Flash because that works everywhere -
I've got everything. Trust me. What is on the web is not just what I have. He has sent me the .psd files with each outfit as a separate layer. Yes, even down to 'naked'. -
1) Yes. He has given me permission to do whatever I want with the outfits.
2) Yes I have several outfits
3) Flash I figure would be easiest. I can do HTML but it would takes soooo much coding and figuring out that I just don't have time to do. I am looking for more than just an 'image flip'. With each new outfit adds exponentially to the number of 'combinations' I would have to add. Flash with drag and drop 'parts' I figure would be easiest. But then again I don't know Flash so I have no idea.
4) *see my sig* -
Drat I was gonna Happy Birthday you first thing in the morning :P
Yea I sent a PM !
But yeah not a slide show. Something you can drag and drop outfit pieces OR have little arrow 'selectors' for various parts. Maybe with a color selector too for parts that can be colored. I have an example I really really like I can show ya! -
One of our own (Pic semi-SFW but nothing showing)
She can't post here right now (because her password doesn't work and they can't seem to recover it, oh well), so I'm posting this on her behalf.
Bokuman's been drawing 'DeviantArt Girls' for a while, and he did one of our own art collectors JuteBoxHero (who just happens to be the one behind Val, who is Rowr's fianceeSo yes I may be a little biased!)
Heeeheee! -
Normally, bikini-babes are sometimes 'ok' but again, depends on where you work.
But usually NSFW indicates outright nudity, or worse (better?).
I do try to tag even ones that dont' contain nudity with what they are (like Rowr in a thong - semi-nsfw!) So that way people know before they click what it kinda is! -
That works! Works beautifully! WOOT!
Such a round about way to do it but hey that is really all that I was looking for. I can now go from absolutely hating v6 to just mildly unimpressed and annoyed with it.
Yes. Currently you can't do that. Well you can do that but it won't 'stick' which is very frustrating!!!
That's not the problem, Soul. There are some pictures that aren't mature but are still NSFW. It's an unacceptable situation.
Well I would rather have deviations on a completely separate page so they don't even come up -at all- if I dont' want to look at them.
Or failing that, if when I set it to 'list view' instead of thumbnail view, that that setting would actually STICK and not go back to thumbs when I reload the page.
I did submit a ticket to the Help Desk about it because I feel it's a make or break issue.
If they don't fix it then I feel my days as a subscriber are over. -
This annoys me. When I click on messages, the deviations are RIGHT on TOP.
And sometimes they are very NSFW!!!!
This -must- change. -
Well you can hit 'more' and display more at a time. There is also 'next page' so if you're like me and have:
Deviant *Rowrsie | Subscribed | 23,523 Deviations, 7,720 Messages
You can go through each 'page' of however many. But yeah I rather have my 100 to a page too. -
Yes unfortunately there is not a voting choice of 'I really dislike v6 lets go back to v5!'
So it's kinda biased! -
Schoolgirl outfit with background
I think the background makes the outfit pop even more!!!
*has to fan self* -
I dislike it.
I want V5 back.
I'm sure it's just growing pains and I'll get used to it... pretty much because I -have- to as I see no toggle or way to make it go back to the way it was...But still. BLAH.
Nuff said.
Thoughts? -
That's what I just said!!! But I don't have flash and I don't know flash so I need to find someone who can do it all up for me!
He sent me two new outfits!
I -reeeeally- need someone who can do up a Flash paperdoll game for me!!!!!
Update: Daggerpoint did up a background for the schoolgirl outfit, and YOWZA: