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  1. Rogue_MD

    APPs, OMG ^^

    I'm going to sound like a complete and total noob here and ask this:

    What is APP's and PPP's? lol I just came back and I'm being bombarded by all these weird new words. lol
  2. Oh and also, I found a pic of camo from his birthday last year. He's in the middle with the green. It's him and his 'friends'

  3. Well I bought GR a few months ago when I was actually playing, and now I'm back a bit to try it.

    See you all in game!!

  4. I'm not in CB...

    I just wanted to know...
  5. I'm stuck at connecting 1.... What's up with the server? Is it down?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    All, I just wanted to let you know that we are not quite ready for Open Beta yet. We will be sure to let you know when we are, there certainly seems to be a few people on here who can't wait to get their hands on the new content and I don't blame them

    In the meantime, thank you for your patience while our developers work hard (and don't take naps) at smoothing things out so you can experience Issue 17 in all its glory!
    By not quiet ready you mean that you'll be ready tomorrow?

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post
    Yep. Rain's falling, wind's blowing, stuff's falling over, and Six Flags closed early Sunday and apparently was closed yesterday and today too. At least it's supposed to be nice out tomorrow.
    Do you work at the New Jersey one? If so is it going to be closed tomorrow? Because I'm supposed to be going there tomorrow :P
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mattwo7 View Post
    A nor easter? What do you mean? North eastern storm?
    Nor-easter is like a tropical storm, but not as bad. It rotates like one, but it's not as weak.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mattwo7 View Post
    Stormy weather? You probably don't live in western USA lol.
    There's a nor-easter on the east coast right now. There's a crap load of wind and rain right now and I've had a few trees fall in my back yard already.
  10. Oh yes, I forgot that they're on the west coast. Lets hope it comes up soon.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    It's pretty early still. Things don't usually get moving until after noon.
    First it was 9 to 11 now it's after noon.

    Lets hope you're right. :P
  12. There goes my hopes and dreams
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pure_Massacre View Post
    I bet it will at least run UM. Maybe not with everything maxed, but it will still be pretty. Presently, I run at about 55-60 fps in most places. So in my weird logic, I'm hoping UM will drop me to about 35 or so. DEVS.. OPEN BETA NAO!!! I'm not telling you again.. Well, not for the next 5 minutes at least.

    Good, it better run at decent graphics.

    Devs, if you don't open the beta soon I will...

    Well....I really don't know what I'll do, JUST OPEN IT. please
  14. Processor:
    Intel (R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8500 @ 3.16GHz (2 CPUs)

    Video card:
    NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
    512 MB memory

    Thats what I'm running on. Hopefully its good enough :P
  15. I'm extremely anxious. I've been wanting to play Ultra Mode ever since I first set eyes on it. It was love at first sight.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StillReal View Post
    Yeah I really dont want to go into open beta anyways,I mean it's just a new powerset gonna read a book instead.Anybody think that worked at all?
    JUST a new powerset? What about Ultra Mode? :O
  17. What about this:

    Intel (R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8500 @ 3.16GHz (2 CPUs)

    Video card:
    NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
    512 MB memory
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darkelven_Vixxin View Post
    I'm calm
    < twich>
    perfectlly fine
    no problems here
    , <sharpens the blades on her hot pink Chainsaw>
    <Screams and revs the motor>
    This, except in a males point of view. So it would be a fire engine red chainsaw.
  19. The friends and family closed beta is most likely on an in house server. They wouldn't close the test servers for friends and family.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UltraTroll View Post
    End Game they are not ending the game are they?
    No, they're talking about end game content. Meaning at level 50 there will be more to do than TF's and remaining missions.
  21. Hai guise. I just want to say, I approve of Camo's Lounge. It is teh winz.
  22. Since I16 will be a paid one, atleast thats what I heard, there better be some new powersets! xD But, I can't wait for I16, that is going to be sick.
  23. ED was a b*tch...

    Yay! Congrats!