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  1. "Retail" just means that it's a box set code, ie City of Heroes, City of Villains, Good vs Evil, Architect Edition, etc.

    As far as how long you'll stay VIP - nobody seems to be sure. You will get at least 30 days - that's what is traditionally included with boxed sets.

    However, many people who should have had their time run out after the announcement on Aug 31st are still VIP, leading many to speculate that if you are VIP, you won't drop down to Premium at all.

    So the answer to your second question is: Either one month from the date you applied the code, or until the end. We aren't sure.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
    Ya bunch of lousy free loaders! I'm paid up through March 29, 2013.........
    Ya cheap bugger! By subscribing month-to-month, I'm paying Paragon more, and showing greater support!

    Just kidding about the lousy free loaders bit.
    Me too. Gotta have some fun in these troubling times, right?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Healix View Post
    If I were to cancel, I would lose my VIP status.
    When the announcement was made, I cancelled my account's recurring billing. My account should have resubscribed on the 7th. I am still VIP.

    As I understand it, cancelling recurring billing does not, and never has, cancelled your account, it just cancels your recurring billing, and you lose all subscriber benefits when your paid time runs out. Since nobody's account has an end date on its subscription any more (or at least, isn't supposed to), you should remain VIP to the end.

    Yes, I am aware of the exceptions, but by far, they seem to be the exception, not the norm.
  4. You cannot purchase VIP time or more points. NCSoft is no longer accepting cash for anything CoH related.

    You CAN still spend the points you already have.

    There are mixed reports from people trying to use boxed sets to reactivate their accounts - some are succeeding and reattaining VIP status, others are reporting that they're getting an error stating that the code "is valid, but cannot be used to create a new account, and cannot be applied to any of your accounts." It's possible that some of these are due to people trying to use NA codes on EU accounts, or vice-versa. It's also possible that people are trying to use Box Codes that they already have - You can't add a Good vs Evil code to your account if you've already used one.
    If you check places like, you might find an unused Box Set Code for cheap. If you consider it worth the gamble, you can buy one and try it. Other than that, there is no way to reattain VIP Status.

    Note that Global Slots aren't used to unlock characters, they're used to unlock empty slots on servers. Those empty Server Slots are used to create new characters or unlock existing ones. Check the character slots after your listed characters s any labelled "Create a Character" are available Server Slots. You may unlock one character (on the same server) for each of those.
    To unlock a character, just double-click that character, or select it and click "Enter Game". A pop-up asking if you want to unlock the character will appear; agreeing will unlock the character and reduce your available Server Slots by 1.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    How many badges? I call sploitz!
    Well, that's only 6.3 badges per alt. Considering I get the badge for having 50 badges the first time I log in a new alt, that isn't unfeasable, IMO.
  6. A couple years ago, I got into marketing. Made my first billion, posted the screenshot, and kept going from there. I never really had a niche; I moved from one thing to another, usually making a few million off each transaction.

    Then I realized something: That money didn't do me much good. The enhancements I use rarely exist on the market (I like level 25, and that doesn't have a huge supply), and I don't use a lot of purples and PVP IOs, so I don't need a huge amount of cash - Merits do me more good.

    That's when I stopped playing the market. I still do a few things to maximize my income; I have all the memorization badges, and I craft all my common salvage into IOs before selling it. I craft and sell any valuable drops. Anything that's related to valuable drops ("crap" purples, LotG: Def/Rech, etc), I'll craft and hold on to, and I'll convert it as I get converters, and list it when I have something good.
    Anything that's left over, I'll list for 1 if there's any bidders, and take to a vendor otherwise.

    Most of my play time is spent soloing story arcs or teaming on TFs, so I tend to have plenty of merits for anything I need.

    My last attempt at marketeering was done not long after Going Rogue: I made a stalker named The Gold Seller, levelled him up to 10 (so he'd have a decent number of market slots), and parked him at the market. I filled all his slots with bids of 1 inf on Gold and Alchemical Gold. As the bids filled, I claimed them and relisted them for 1. I'd switch between the two when I saw someone else working either niche, but I never worked on anything else. By the end of two weeks, I had 100 million on him.
  7. I've never been sure how beneficial a Panacea proc would be to any of my builds, and I never got around to getting one to test it.

    I'll take one of the Panaceas from you. Global name is (big surprise here!) @Roderick
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    I think Tues/Thusday server maintenance is still happening.
    There is no Tuesday maintenance, except on patch days. Which means that if maintenance is still happening, it's only on Thursdays.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    I won't be holding my breath.
    Originally Posted by XxBudweiser8xX View Post
    So maybe I'll get lucky and you'll pass out from holding your breath...!!!
    Hmmm..... someone upthread said something appropriate to these comments...

    Originally Posted by XxBudweiser8xX View Post
    please re-read then you may apologize when ready :-)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by XxBudweiser8xX View Post
    told the trolls to go away...yes you are correct, we dont want or need their ******** here. Told them they cant post??? No, sorry, never said anyting like that...

    please re-read then you may apologize when ready :-)
    So, how should I interpret "back to your cave, trolls" other than "don't post here"?

    And you can apologize for spamming the forums whenever you're ready, too. I won't be holding my breath.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by XxBudweiser8xX View Post
    Wow.... so your super power is seeing things no one else can? Where did I tell them they couldnt post anything?? Awwwwwww Are you special ed?
    You told the "trolls" to go away, ie, to not post in this thread. QED, you told them where they can or cannot post.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by XxBudweiser8xX View Post
    Thank you... as for the ones telling me where and when to post...

    Did he just tell people to not tell him where he can or can't post... and then tell people where they can or can't post in the same thread?


    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    You really didn't need to put this on every single subforum though, you get that right?

    Yeah, the game shutting down sucks.
    Yeah, trying to help save the game is cool.
    Spamming the crap out of people so that they refuse to even look at what you post, is... counter-productive, at best.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post

    I know that the heart wants what the heart wants. But why in the world are people concerned with this stuff when the game is over in a few months?

    If my sub had lapsed, I wouldn't return to have the game just shut down in couple of months.

    Check the date on the post you quoted.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Freitag you should go work for Cryptic, and bring all of Paragon with you.. Or as much of them as you can. Go. Hunt. Give Champions Online an Incarnate system.
    Even if the entire CoH dev team went to Cryptic and replaced the Champs dev team, it's unlikely I'd ever play it. There were too many things about it that I didn't like - first and foremost the art style. If I don't like the way a game looks, then I can't play it, no matter how awesome the gameplay is.
  15. Roderick

    My farewell

    Originally Posted by Valdy View Post
    Roderick – Holy geeze man. Seriously. Where the hell do I start and end with you?? I’ll say you would come up with some really off the wall stuff. Always enjoyed it!!
    My advice is to just stay away from that guy. Dude's sketchy if you ask me.

    Eric Nelson – Screw you.

    Eric Nelson – Ok, not really.
    Wait, what?

    Celerity, GypsyWitch
    OK, confession time.

    When I first met you three, you were always on together. I could probably count on my thumbs the times I saw any of you without it being all three during the first year or more that I knew you.
    I knew that you were Valdy (I never knew him as Vhaasen), his wife/girlfriend/significant other, and a close RL friend. For some reason, something had made me think that Celerity was the girlfriend, and GypsyWitch (Silent Zoe, as I knew her back then) was the friend.
    When I found out how it actually is, I was too embarrassed to admit it, and pretended I knew all along, while secretly being glad I had never said anything that made my mistake obvious.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by pwnt View Post
    So really that leaves us with:

    Pocket D- Kind of crappy lighting
    Cim- Have to have access
    RV<---- My vote
    (any other PvP zone)
    Midnighters Club- too small
    Access to Cimerora is as simple as going to almost any train or ferry, hopping on the TUNNEL system to Night Ward, and grabbing the badge just around the corner in the Praetorian Midnighter's Club.
    And really, who doesn't have Cimerora unlocked on their main?

    You also forgot 8 zones: All of Praetoria. For Free/Premium players that didn't buy either Going Rogue or Praetoria access, it's a pain to get there, but still possible.
    Praetoria allows ALL characters to attend (though I don't know anyone with a Praetorian main, it is possible, and someone may want to bring something other than a main). The only other truly all-access zone is Pocket D, and as you said, the lighting there isn't great.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Treees View Post
    [I]My god, it's full of stars.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Ryxx_ View Post
    I've always wanted to get enough kins with inertial armor together to get a stone tank enough +jump to be able to jump in granite or rooted. Kind of a dream of mine. I don't think it would take more than about 10, but I don't have that many accounts :|
    Thirteen, apparently.
  19. Wait... Is States wearing an actual helmet in that picture in the corner (the comic book button), instead of his faceplate?
  20. 1440x900, though not all of that is available for my web browser, since I keep it windowed to leave certain other parts of my desktop visible.

    <-- The whole image fits in my browser, but ONLY if I scroll over enough to crop off the info box on that side of the forum.
  21. That's fixed? O_o

    It still won't fit on my monitor without scrolling.

    Damn all you kids with your eleventy hojillion pixel wide monitors!
  22. Roderick

    SSA 2 incomplete

    I think all the remaining episodes were available on Beta, though IIRC, Episode 5 required a Dev to unlock it for you, similar to getting a level bump.

    Someone DID ask this already, and there was a synopsis posted by other players. Not sure where it was.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    EDIT: did I type in all caps this time?
  24. The logout timer is NOT client-side. Try logging out to desktop and read the pop-up that shows up.

    Over the years, there's been a few ways to log out "instantly". In all cases, your character stays online for the full 30 seconds (unless you log back in before those 30 seconds are up, which is going to shave a few seconds off, at best).
  25. Roderick

    VIP Status

    You really should edit your login name out of that. You probably don't want someone using it to get your account locked or banned when there may not be anyone there to fix it for you.