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  1. Roaster

    The Dark Path

    wooooo am famus hahahaha sad to here you leave m8 but a time comes wer u have to leave as have i yes thats right ppl Teh Roastie has left the game aswell pvp was good i must say but it did get abit demanding wen we had to farm 24/7 for good IOs to pvp and then we still never got them damn IOs lol anyway guys for those ppl who know me ,teamed with me and god knows wot else (keeps it clean) haha i would lke to thank you all for my time being here it was a good ride i will stay in touch just send a pm to me on this so good luck to you all in the near future and happy gaming to all!!!
  2. hi hubergrove,
    well if u want somthing with a nice burst dmg then a nrg/fire brute is good if u just want somthing that nothing can really kill and has good dmg output make a nrg/wp both seem to work very well in pvp as i have went toe to toe with them
  3. Roaster

    Goodbye for now

    :O:O:O JACKIEEEEEEEEE hunny the new gf will be a pain ur friends why need them wen u have cyber ones HAHAHAHA and ur new job tell them that u have a important job and u must play for atleast 5hrs a day LOL, well good luck m8 and hope eeverything goes bad so u can get ur butt bak on the game HAHAHA only joking my go out there and show them wot ur made of m8 u can dooooooooooo it.

    p.s. just remember roastie loves U LOL
  4. Roaster

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    good new ppl my comp is ready to get picked up tomoro so i should be on soon i hope .damn it why is all the good things happen when i am gone (no one comment on this ie DC) lol teamspeak will be good when i get my sexy self on on it HAHAHAHAHAHA the dj will be back on soon .

    :O why is jackie leaving??????? awww i hate when the ppl u gank in the pvp leave its been fun jackie come back soon m8

    when i do come back i need to lvl my corr so u know what am doing hehe if anyone wants to join lol
  5. Roaster

    /kin superteam?

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Oly my game is beffed so i cant even play it so i could not even join it tonight sorry bud will try and get my game online asap

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This, is not acceptable Toastie

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i know i am trying my best to get bak on i wanna play my fire/thermal corr hahaha
  6. Roaster

    /kin superteam?

    Oly my game is beffed so i cant even play it so i could not even join it tonight sorry bud will try and get my game online asap
  7. Roaster

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    max just lvl my fire/thermal for me u know u want to HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  8. Roaster

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    hey guys i mite not be on cox for a few days coz my game is crashed and i cant fixed even though i have uninstalled it and now trying to reinstall it so i mite have to get the whole comp wiped out lol
  9. Roaster

    Grav/Ice domi

    hey guys was thinking of making a grav/ice domi wen i11 hits or before it so i get a free respec lol if we get one that is and i was just woundering if it would be ok in pvp or really just in general coz i like my fire/nrg dom since he can do both aswell
  10. Roaster

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    is ther any operater on the EVIL channel that can invite (@ Roastie.) plz quit by mistake ty
  11. Roaster

    grav/ff IO build

    oooo that sounds like a plan i will try and fix my build then SRM ty for the info
  12. Roaster

    grav/ff IO build

    lol er i forgot to change that before i put the build on fourms awell ty for the reply shadow
  13. Roaster

    grav/ff IO build

    hi guys made my first IO build but not sure if its good or not so could u plz comment on it alot all my IOs are meant to be lvl 38(ish) but its a rough one anyway

    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.20

    grav bubble: Level 50 Mutation Controller
    Primary Power Set: Gravity Control
    Secondary Power Set: Force Field
    Power Pool: Speed
    Power Pool: Fitness
    Power Pool: Leaping
    Power Pool: Medicine
    Ancillary Pool: Psionic Mastery

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Crush
    (A) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage: Level 40
    (5) Decimation - Damage/Endurance: Level 40
    (9) Decimation - Damage/Recharge: Level 40
    (11) Decimation - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 40
    (13) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 40
    (19) Decimation - Chance of Build Up: Level 40

    Level 1: Personal Force Field
    (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 53
    (3) Karma - Knockback Protection: Level 30
    (3) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
    (43) Luck of the Gambler - Defense: Level 53
    (46) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Recharge: Level 53

    Level 2: Lift
    (A) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage: Level 40
    (5) Decimation - Damage/Endurance: Level 40
    (9) Decimation - Damage/Recharge: Level 40
    (11) Decimation - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 40
    (15) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 40
    (29) Decimation - Chance of Build Up: Level 40

    Level 4: Deflection Shield
    (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 53
    (36) Defense Buff IO: Level 50
    (39) Defense Buff IO: Level 50

    Level 6: Hasten
    (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
    (7) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
    (7) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50

    Level 8: Hurdle
    (A) Jumping IO: Level 50

    Level 10: Insulation Shield
    (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 53
    (36) Defense Buff IO: Level 50
    (40) Defense Buff IO: Level 50

    Level 12: Gravity Distortion
    (A) Neuronic Shutdown - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 30
    (13) Neuronic Shutdown - Endurance/Hold: Level 30
    (15) Neuronic Shutdown - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 30
    (17) Neuronic Shutdown - Hold/Range: Level 30
    (17) Neuronic Shutdown - Accuracy/Hold/Recharge: Level 30
    (31) Neuronic Shutdown - Chance of Damage(Psionic): Level 30

    Level 14: Super Speed
    (A) Celerity - +Stealth: Level 53

    Level 16: Health
    (A) Numina's Convalescence - +Regeneration/+Recovery: Level 53

    Level 18: Propel
    (A) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage: Level 53
    (19) Thunderstrike - Damage/Endurance: Level 53
    (25) Thunderstrike - Damage/Recharge: Level 53
    (25) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 53
    (27) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 53
    (29) Thunderstrike - Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 53

    Level 20: Stamina
    (A) Endurance Modification IO: Level 50
    (21) Endurance Modification IO: Level 50
    (21) Endurance Modification IO: Level 50

    Level 22: Dispersion Bubble
    (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 53
    (23) Kismet - Defense/Endurance: Level 30
    (23) Kismet - Defense/Recharge: Level 30
    (36) Kismet - Accuracy +6%: Level 30
    (39) Kismet - Endurance/Recharge: Level 30
    (42) Kismet - Defense/Endurance/Recharge: Level 30

    Level 24: Combat Jumping
    (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 53

    Level 26: Wormhole
    (A) Stupefy - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 53
    (27) Stupefy - Endurance/Stun: Level 53
    (37) Stupefy - Stun/Range: Level 53
    (37) Stupefy - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 53
    (37) Stupefy - Accuracy/Stun/Recharge: Level 53
    (43) Stupefy - Chance of Knockback: Level 53

    Level 28: Stimulant
    (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50

    Level 30: Aid Self
    (A) Doctored Wounds - Heal: Level 53
    (31) Doctored Wounds - Recharge: Level 53
    (31) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Endurance: Level 53
    (34) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Recharge: Level 53
    (40) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Endurance/Recharge: Level 53
    (40) Interrupt Reduction IO: Level 50

    Level 32: Singularity
    (A) Blood Mandate - Accuracy/Damage: Level 53
    (33) Blood Mandate - Damage/Endurance: Level 53
    (33) Blood Mandate - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 53
    (33) Blood Mandate - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 53
    (34) Blood Mandate - Accuracy: Level 53
    (34) Blood Mandate - Damage: Level 53

    Level 35: Super Jump
    (A) Unbounded Leap - +Stealth: Level 53

    Level 38: Force Bubble
    (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50
    (39) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50

    Level 41: Indomitable Will
    (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 53
    (42) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
    (42) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
    (43) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50

    Level 44: Mental Blast
    (A) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage: Level 53
    (45) Thunderstrike - Damage/Endurance: Level 53
    (45) Thunderstrike - Damage/Recharge: Level 53
    (45) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 53
    (46) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 53
    (46) Thunderstrike - Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 53

    Level 47: Psionic Tornado
    (A) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage: Level 53
    (48) Positron's Blast - Damage/Endurance: Level 53
    (48) Positron's Blast - Damage/Recharge: Level 53
    (48) Positron's Blast - Damage/Range: Level 53
    (50) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 53
    (50) Positron's Blast - Chance of Damage(Energy): Level 53

    Level 49: Mind Over Body
    (A) Impervium Armor - Resistance: Level 40
    (50) Impervium Armor - Resistance/Recharge: Level 40

    Level 1: Brawl
    (A) Accuracy IO: Level 50

    Level 1: Sprint
    (A) Unbounded Leap - +Stealth: Level 53

    Level 2: Rest
    (A) Healing IO: Level 50

    Level 1: Containment
    Set Bonus Totals:
    +0.95% Defense(Fire)
    +0.95% Defense(Cold)
    +5% Defense(Energy)
    +2.5% Defense(Melee)
    +11.9% Defense(Ranged)
    +3.75% Defense(AoE)
    +4.5% Max Endurance
    +30% Enhancement(Accuracy)
    +4% Enhancement(Heal)
    +2% Enhancement(Held)
    +71.3% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
    +3% Enhancement(Stun)
    +8% FlySpeed
    +81.3 (6.75%) HitPoints
    +8% JumpSpeed
    +Knockback (Mag -4)
    +MezResist(Confused) (Mag 1.65%)
    +MezResist(Immobilize) (Mag 7.7%)
    +MezResist(Stun) (Mag 1.65%)
    +MezResist(Terrorized) (Mag 2.2%)
    +14.5% Recovery
    +10% Regeneration
    +2.84% Resistance(Fire)
    +2.84% Resistance(Cold)
    +6.28% Resistance(Toxic)
    +3.15% Resistance(Psionic)
    +8% RunSpeed
    +1.5% Debt Protection

    Set Bonuses:
    +MezResist(Immobilize) (Mag 2.75%)
    +13.6 (1.13%) HitPoints
    +2.25% Max Max Endurance
    +6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
    +1.575% Res(Toxic, Psi)

    Luck of the Gambler
    (Personal Force Field)
    +10% Regeneration
    +13.6 (1.13%) HitPoints
    +7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)

    (Personal Force Field)
    +Knockback (Mag -4)

    +MezResist(Immobilize) (Mag 2.75%)
    +13.6 (1.13%) HitPoints
    +2.25% Max Max Endurance
    +6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
    +1.575% Res(Toxic, Psi)

    Luck of the Gambler
    (Deflection Shield)
    +7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)

    Luck of the Gambler
    (Insulation Shield)
    +7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)

    Neuronic Shutdown
    (Gravity Distortion)
    +MezResist(Immobilize) (Mag 2.2%)
    +18.1 (1.5%) HitPoints
    +7% Enhancement(Accuracy)
    +2% Enhancement(Held)
    +2.5% Defense(Melee)

    +2% Recovery
    +2.5% Defense(Energy)
    +7% Enhancement(Accuracy)
    +4% Movement Increase
    +2.5% Defense(Ranged)

    Luck of the Gambler
    (Dispersion Bubble)
    +7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)

    (Dispersion Bubble)
    +1.5% Recovery
    +MezResist(Confused) (Mag 1.65%)
    +1.5% Debt Protection
    +3.75% Enhancement(RechargeTime)

    Luck of the Gambler
    (Combat Jumping)
    +7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)

    +2.5% Recovery
    +22.6 (1.88%) HitPoints
    +3% Enhancement(Stun)
    +6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
    +3.13% Defense(Ranged)

    Doctored Wounds
    (Aid Self)
    +MezResist(Terrorized) (Mag 2.2%)
    +1.26% Res(Fire, Cold)
    +4% Enhancement(Heal)
    +5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)

    Blood Mandate
    +1.5% Recovery
    +0.945% Def( Fire, Cold)
    +MezResist(Stun) (Mag 1.65%)
    +3.75% Defense(AoE)
    +3.75% Defense(Ranged)

    Luck of the Gambler
    (Indomitable Will)
    +7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)

    (Mental Blast)
    +2% Recovery
    +2.5% Defense(Energy)
    +7% Enhancement(Accuracy)
    +4% Movement Increase
    +2.5% Defense(Ranged)

    Positron's Blast
    (Psionic Tornado)
    +2.5% Recovery
    +1.575% Res(Fire, Cold)
    +9% Enhancement(Accuracy)
    +6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
    +3.13% Resistance(Toxic)

    Impervium Armor
    (Mind Over Body)
    +2.5% Recovery

    | Copy & Paste this data chunk into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    3'P_/G>05JZM-(I*_6-WD%?\-_4K.SQ[KY&GUT#X\%$S>MB(1,",_55S455&P^OSL,P"Y&g t;%X-8_*RJE
    X]I>K$I'SO1_!?Z\C,3`C`F8O?N?97?:OAK"!Z#%TE^YZ.& lt;0@T?%.O1Q'4D,B;T(IQ_F6PV-NW>9%
    J!^@Q9'0CSDAO4M+(6H)>8ZU4ZW]"7I+J%MA@0(_OKKGHS<;A2>LGRC,1F+TNJBJ#&am p;Q_/$C%N.7@D"Q

    ty for the help guys
  14. Roaster

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    lol at Hamanoid u know wot he does he plvls hahahahaha
  15. oi bru wot u mean but that like eh?
  16. gratz on another lvl 50 m8 but it was a villian so it should be really on union villians lol
  17. woot wooot gratz m8y heres to the next one
  18. Roaster

    ice/fire tanker

    a okies ty for the tips guys i will tell u how my build goes wen i ding lvl 50
  19. Roaster

    ice/fire tanker

    hiya guys i am enjoying my ice/fire tanker its the first one i have made so here is my build plz comment as i need the help ty.

    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (
    Name: Frozen Flamer
    Level: 50
    Archetype: Tanker
    Primary: Ice Armor
    Secondary: Fiery Melee
    01) --> Frozen Armor==> DefBuf(1) DefBuf(3) DefBuf(5) EndRdx(5) EndRdx(42)
    01) --> Scorch==> Acc(1) Acc(50)
    02) --> Chilling Embrace==> EndRdx(2) EndRdx(3)
    04) --> Combustion==> Acc(4) Acc(7) Dmg(9) Dmg(15) Dmg(15) EndRdx(17)
    06) --> Hoarfrost==> Rechg(6) Rechg(7) Rechg(11) Heal(11) Heal(13) Heal(13)
    08) --> Wet Ice==> EndRdx(8) EndRdx(9)
    10) --> Swift==> Run(10) Run(43) Run(43)
    12) --> Hasten==> Rechg(12) Rechg(21) Rechg(34)
    14) --> Super Speed==> Run(14)
    16) --> Icicles==> Acc(16) Acc(17) Acc(25) EndRdx(25) EndRdx(37) EndRdx(40)
    18) --> Glacial Armor==> DefBuf(18) DefBuf(19) DefBuf(19) EndRdx(21) EndRdx(42)
    20) --> Health==> Heal(20)
    22) --> Stamina==> EndMod(22) EndMod(23) EndMod(23)
    24) --> Build Up==> Rechg(24) Rechg(43) Rechg(46)
    26) --> Energy Absorbtion==> Rechg(26) Rechg(27) DefBuf(27) DefBuf(33) EndMod(34) EndMod(34)
    28) --> Fire Sword Circle==> Acc(28) Acc(29) Dmg(29) Dmg(31) Dmg(31) Rechg(31)
    30) --> Taunt==> Rechg(30)
    32) --> Hibernate==> Rechg(32) Rechg(33) Rechg(33)
    35) --> Incinerate==> Acc(35) Acc(36) Dmg(36) Dmg(36) Dmg(37) EndRdx(37)
    38) --> Greater Fire Sword==> Acc(38) Acc(39) Dmg(39) Dmg(39) Dmg(40) EndRdx(40)
    41) --> Char==> Acc(41) Acc(42)
    44) --> Fire Blast==> Acc(44) Acc(45) Dmg(45) Dmg(45) Dmg(46) EndRdx(46)
    47) --> Fire Ball==> Acc(47) Acc(48) Dmg(48) Dmg(48) Dmg(50) EndRdx(50)
    49) --> Hurdle==> Jump(49)
    01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
    01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
    01) --> Gauntlet==> Empty(1)
    02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)

    mostly for pve coz i am not sure ice/fire can pvp
  20. Roaster

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    hey Zaldoe no the sg is poor no pvp and the game is [censored] hahahahahahahahahaha only joking not sure
  21. wooot wooot prawnee good to hear u back er not sure but fg and gab and a few others moved games so i dont know.
  22. lol ty very much guys but i think its time to get a villian to lvl 50 now
  23. Roaster

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    hiya guys some of u mite know be but anywho i have plan to take my nrg/fire brute to lvl 50 but hes only lvl 33 so if any one wants to team up and help me get my goal i will love u forever lol

    if ur looking for me send a tell to @Roastie or @Roastie.

  24. sparky another lvl 50 go m8y heres to the next one
  25. sigh another 1 omg u spend to much time on here lol but gratz anyway DC