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  1. I picked Oct 16, 4:56 am! Get some sleep beforehand
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Landrig View Post
    A little Help, the new icon looks great but I cant find the folder, it isn't where its ment to be.

    CityofHeroes/data/texture_library, is there but the next folder, GUI is missing, anyone shed some light on this.

    I'm using windows Vista if it helps

    If the game works, and a folder is missing all it means is there was nothing modified locally. Just add/create the folder in the right place and drop the files in.

    Good luck!
  3. [ QUOTE ]

    Level 32 - Midnight Grasp
    "You can try to suck me dry, but there's nothing left to suck"

    Your tier 9 attack is a single target hold. With tentacles! Tentacles are good.

    It does fair initial damage, and much damage over time. As a power, it tends to be rather situational, but it is useful when you want to beat down more than one enemy at once, or deal with a runner or range attacker while being tied down in melee. It immobilizes, but does not incapacitate, its single target foe; for incapacitating an enemy, use Touch of Fear or Air Superiority. Neither of those powers do this much damage, though.

    Target slots: 6
    Slotting priorities: Accuracy, damage, recharge, hold

    Cheap stuff: This takes Hold sets, which are often less expensive. Four Trap of the Hunter gets you a hit point bonus and a general bonus to accuracy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And just to clarify, it's an immobilize power not a hold power, unless you're lucky enough to get that really expensive hold proc.

    The best thing is you can also slot some cheap melee sets to get them extra couple of healing or max health percentages.
  4. I have a kat/regen only just made 21. And I noticed an end problem around level 18 or so which would have been around 9/21. Up until then I had zero end problems with only Quick Recovery one slotted with endmod, but now even after three slotting it, I find myself with very low end sometimes. Course it only takes a couple of seconds to regen it, but I never really had to stop to end rest since level 4.

    The only pool powers I have are hasten and ss. I stopped using hasten to see if maybe the crash was it, but it's not. I don't have hasten on auto fire so I know when hasten is on and off.

    Since I'm a regen I do keep an eye on my health and end was never a problem except against long fights against HUGE mobs. Also since I'm only 21, I'm very inf poor so I don't have well slotted powers, and DOs only. No EndRed except for ss and and integration which I like to leave on all the time. I keep Quick Recovery enh green. No fly or jump enh anywhere.

    Something I do notice is even after I attack and in between mob attacks I can see my end drop more than usual. It almost feels like I'm getting drained by someone. I've been mostly fighting the sort of mobs you find in Steel or Sky so just the usual villain groups.

    I will bet anything it has something to do with the fix for the invisible mob bug. :P
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    If you do (or are on a team that does) 25% or more of the Giant Monster's HP in damage, then you (your team) will receive the badge for defeating the Giant Monster.

    So up to 4 teams can get the badge off a single Giant Monster, if each did EXACTLY 25% of the Giant Monster's hit points (not likely).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So, can the monster be 'milked' for badges? ie. have your team do over 25%, let him heal back to full, let another do 25%, let him heal to full again, rinse/repeat until all around are in for the badge and then take him down?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't know if it works for all monsters but I did this with Adamaster once during I4. I found him all alone with no one else even in the zone. I fought him for a while, then put out a general call for help. After dozens of people showed up to fight and take Adamaster down, I still got the badge even though I had stopped fighting and was unteamed. I was in zone watching though. For what it's worth, I never took Adamaster's health down very far, but I did get in a good 5 minutes of solo fighting.

    So that might be a way to manage monsters. Everyone get in some hits, then leave it for another group. Of course that would need very cooperative and patient people. And for someone to be in charge so to speak.
  6. Wow, I've 6-slotted my en/el and I still get pasted. How do you survive long enough to defeat anything? I have that same attack chain minus laser eye beams. And except for Jab, they're all 6-slotted damage.

    I'm dropping Unstoppable and picking up Rage in it's place. I like how you got it to stack, I didn't think that was possible. This will actually free up some slots as I have 6 in Unstopabble. I'm just waiting for the release and the free respec.

    Thanks for the guide.
  7. Richard47

    Call for Models

    K4ti3 Gravity/Kinetics - Victory Server.

    Pic 1
    pic 2
    Pic 3
    Pic 4
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I've updated the Demo Launcher with a demo fixer. Since Issue 3, players have not been saving correctly. This little extra will pull in your demo, fix the bad players, and save it back to another file (the demo name plus " Fixed").

    Link in my signature

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Awesome program!

    1. I recently teamed with a peacebringer and warshade and their names don't show on the screen like everyone else's. Am I missing something?

    2. Also, is there anyway to playback with the chat enabled? I looked and the comments we wrote were captured in the demo file.

    Awesome program!