27 -
I'll win them over with wit and charm first. They'll never leave once I've brainwashed them.
The Phalanx 7, lovers all all things patriotic, have just gone public! Join war veteran-turned-superhero Sentryman, the group's Protectorus, in keeping America a fascist-free country!
"Why 7?" you ask. Why not? Its my lucky number. And I like Phalanxes. Whatever they are.
This is brand new to the game, having just got enough prestige by myself to get energy into the base. Now I need your help to fill that base with all kinds of fun stuff. If all goes to plan, we should have a drinks machine in no time!
Trying to keep a somewhat traditional, spandex-clad superhero theme going in this SG, but anyone of any kind, origin, level or theme is welcome. Also, I want to put extra thought into new players, so if there are any new players (<3 months) lurking on the boards, shout and you will get a 1,000,000 inf bonus! (You gotta join, of course.)
I am a lover of taskforces and will be setting them up often. If there is enough interest from the SG, I'll be wanting to run one early next week as a sorta 'lets all get to know each other' thing. I'll bring the drinks.
Since I suspect there will be a lot of alts in this SG as opposed to main toons - which is fine - I'll be setting up a channel soon too so we can all keep track of each other.
So please be interested. Contact me at @Nappyrash for details.
Did I mention that first 5 to join get a 2,000,000 inf bonus? -
I managed to get a code for the wrong purchase entirely!
Global Name: Reepicheep
Server: Union.
City of Heroes/City of Villains
RP Characters:
Azure Ronin
Type of RP: Relatively serious, realistic. Sometimes play OOC
Can be contacted: In game, Forum PM
Times on: Normally spaced around 3:00pm to 10:00pm on weekdays. Weekends vary.
Timezone: British Standard Time. -
I plan on doing this when I'm able to respec the first time. Can't be all too bothered to create a new mastermind and stay dedicated (especially since I'm happy with his power sets).
I'll send a shout when that time happens. Could be a wait.
Quite anxious to see how this turns out for you, leonhart. -
I had a thought earlier, while bored of watching my minions do all the work for me as a thug mastermind...
What would be the survival chances of making a mastermind without minions? Thugs, for sure, are given a small range of gun-related attacks, and I think thats the same for all other power sets. If I were to respec later on, avoid taking any minion-related powers and get a few defences from power pools (combat jumping/tough/weave), slot my attacks with damage enhancements to cloud seven and whatever else they may need to be handy and put a few thoughts into my traps power set (may not have been the best power set to choose, i have to admit), how well off do you reckon I can survive?
Has this been tried before, and are there any guides on the subject? -
Get [censored] off with a good character?
The one thing you have to know about roleplaying is taking it to the limits. Back in Star Wars galaxies, I got close to playing a character to was racist towards red twileks. There are those who get angry if you breath on them. Players are free to go mad with their characters.
Just remember, no matter how harsh, strict, painful or stupid your character may be, it can NEVER be bad (unless you decide to go uber.)
I prefer roleplaying around 'nasty' characters. You've got a decent concept, thats all that matters. -
Roleplaying is virtual reality. Or, as real as pixels can be. Think of it as an extended version of the Sims. Your character has needs, habits, wants, personalities and skills all of his own. You need to tear away from the guidelines and limitations that the game gives you originally. Even if you were a Tanker in game, you could be the local pansy paperboy In-character. There *are no limits*, and your chosen power pools, enhancements, archetype and even origin have NOTHING to stop you.
Its about looking at the situation you're given realistically. If you, in real life, were looking for a bunch of mates at school to hang about with, I doubt you'd shout "Lvl 8 student, LFG!". no. Wrong. Thats just playing City of Heroes.
Roleplaying is *not* playing the game, so to speak. Its something completely different. You'll often find, in RP missions for example, that the game mechanics get themselves involved, but you don't have to worry about that too much.
Its about looking at the situation and addressing it with one question in your mind; "WWID" - "What would *I* do."
[edit] With that, you have to consider "What will I see?" after all, how many people do you see in the streets with their name floating in green letters above their heads? Would you really be able to touch them with your middle finger and suddenly you're able to read their history, descover their powers and know how many badges they have? no. The only excuse for that is psychic powers, and even then its best that you consent and ask for details before trying it. You must sever EVERYTHING thats connected to game mechanics in order for it to work. [/edit]
As you go on, you'll descover how flexible roleplaying is. The more flexible you are with your characters, the more enjoyment involved.
Thats roleplay. Thats my 'guideline'. Thats all there is to it.
Take reality, put it in a game and have fun with it. -
I tend to model my character's flaws off other, mainstream characters. Their abilities and upsides, no, but their flaws, yes.
Specifically, I model them off characters with lovable physical/personality flaws. One that springs to mind was, back in my SWG days, I tried to roleplay a character based loosely on Max, the cab driver from collateral. Its people like that who really grab the interest and add depth to films. Gotta love 'em.
And when I come across characters on that sort of level, I suddenly remember why I roleplay in the first place!
On the other hand, you have Wolverine. Wheres the depth? Wheres the emotion? Take a look at X3 - was there a situation that he WASN'T able to cope with, physically or mentally? He didn't even go mad with arrogant rage. Dissapointing. And depthless.
One of my most notable, memorable experiences was in an RP cantina one day. Man walks in, first thing he says: "Praaaaise the Looooord!"
Gotta love it.
If we're going to look at uberness and subtlety as the measurement of RP enjoyment, then we might not get the result we always want. Even a flawed character can be mundane to have around. One thing i've recently been trying to achieve is to give all of my characters something memorably unique, just like that guy.
Never quite had it like he did. -
Neil Lantez's room looked over Steel Canyon as one of the highest in the region. This was the only place in town that he could be safe from investigations, and taking the risk of sending the robot after Project ANOK didn't help keep things that way. So many factors hadn't occured to him until now - primarily, the fact that his own name was branded on the back.
That was why, now, the room seemed dozens of times cleaner than ever before, with only three black carrier bags left beside the front door being the only items in the room that didn't directly belong to Neil. Everything else was either too heavy to escape with or simply not his in the first place.
Neil's back was tilted to one side, weighing heavily on his right arm. His hand cupped nervously around the edge of the window sill, trembling very slightly as he gazed past a large pair of golden-rimmed glasses onto the streets down below. His balding, grey hair seemed to be the only part of his body that wasn't anxiously moving around. Even his feet jumped from side to side heavily and his weaker hand would often wipe the sweat from his forehead.
The truth was, he didn't want to leave. He had lived well so far in this room for as long as he could remember, but now he was being forced away.
He could only blame himself, of course. It was him who signed up to test for Saturn Corps in the first place. He was instructed by the manufacturers of his personal robot - a unit introduced to him as Hyperion 54 - to control the robot to any ends he deemed useful. He was even able to manipulate it to do the housework for him, and he was getting paid for it!
Only recently the phone call came through to demand that Neil, specifically, commanded his unit to seek out a certain 'Project ANOK'. Obviously, Neil let his secret robot go and carry out as commanded, unsure what it really meant.
What was the importance of this ANOK thing? Why did it result in the destruction of his robot? What had he gotten himself into?
Very few people knew of Saturn Corporation's existance until now. He had just descovered why.
Taking no more thoughts to keep him gazing down that window, he hurredly moved to the pine-wood door of the flat, swiping one of the bags over his shoulder and carrying the remaining two. He had already wasted too much time. Perhaps the reception already knew that he was indirectly to blame for assault. He had to get out!
But where would he go? He had just revealed the existance of his underground friends. He couldn't go back to Saturn Corps!
His family?
No, *someones* bound to check there.
Saturn Corps?
His mind seemed to keep returning there as the only solution. The repetative thoughts made his tongue leak over his lips and a batch of saliva crop from underneath it. He knew the people there. They would understand.
It was his only choice.
Now, all that remains is to hope nobody recognises it. Prodding his finger into the small, silver button that ordered the lift, he began his agitated wait...
The room was lit with a brilliant green. It lit the face of the man stood above it in an almost burning tone. No signs of his natural skin colour showed through, nor that of any other part of his body. A pair of small, filtered goggles strapped themselves tightly over his eyes, concealing any humanity behind them.
Far too engaged in the strange, mechanical workings at the end of the peculiar, metal instruments he held, he didn't begin to notice another man enter the room, unit its electronic voice spoke through.
"Status report: Unit Hyperion 54 failed. Classification: beaten by target 'Subaiku'. Selective hostile parameters engaged; she shall not escape our retribution."
The man calmly let a long, deep sigh through his nose and flicked a tiny, red switch upwards. At the command, the green tint vanished as the machine emitting it hummed to a stop. Before the man lifted his goggles onto his forehead, the primary lights - massive, circular lenses almost covering the ceiling of the metalic room - let loose a blinding shine, making the previous green seem dark and dismal.
"Defeated? Our... Hyperion... We were descovered?" The shock in his voice defied the look on his face, contrasting completely. From the outside, he seemed cool as a cucumber. The voice suggested he may as well be wetting himself.
"Affirmation: Test subject N. Lantez has failed his task. Question: should targetting functions be activated for test subject N. Lantez?"
"Lantez..." The man's voice drifted slightly, bearing teeth in thought, "Lantez..." He repeated. It seemed logical for the guy to be put down as soon as possible, but he still has his uses. Killing him would rid a lot of possibilities for Saturn Corporation. They were far beyond ready for the invasion on Paragon City that they had intended. Neil may well boost the process, given his... sitation.
On the other hand, letting Neil live was dangerous for Saturn Corporation's survival. If he was found by anyone calling themselves 'justice', Saturn Corporation would be placed in Jeopardy. That was something nobody could afford.
"Send a search team to his apartment. I want Neil recovered and brought back. If anyone gets in the way...
"I want them dead."
Those involved should have enough information to make a start, things will roll from there. If anyone involved is unsure about their next move, feel free to have a chat.
Those wishing to be involved can come to me if they are starting with little information on their hands, or a member of the silent tempest if they are IC able to keep up with the background on Saturn Corporation so far. -
Internet issues have been making it hard for me to stay in game, or make a remotely sane post in the short time it allows me.
For those interest, simply reply OOCly to this topic
theres a lot of information, you may notice, that I purposely left out. some not so purposely, primarily because I thought of the idea while not in my best mood.
This is a villain group, and open for those with CoV. The RP style is variable.
I figure varying levels isn't a huge problem, given that we try and stay in the same margins, so i'll be a bit more loose than I sounded.
Just make a post here with your character idea. Easy 'nuff. -
*Before you stands Captain Jack Dregg, his old, purple eyes shadowed by the brim of his massive hat. His blood-red coat drapes shortly down his legs, wettened only slightly by the rain and the splashing sea water that may have tripped over the side of the boat. His hairy chest seemed profound against his thinned stomach, the muscle less defined than it had been some months ago. He was almost a sack of bones now, after lack of eating. His booted, left foot taps to no real rythm, waiting for his crew's attention.
The ship he stands on, the Masquerader, is wooden and old, unlike the metalic ones more commonly seen nowadays. A comples system of ropes and masts tents the ship like a dead, skinny forest, protecting the wooden deck from only a few droplets of rain. The beige, ripped sail bore upon it the regular crossed-bones and skull. Something not uncommonly soon on pirate ships such as this.
The rogue isles were in sight. It was because of this that Captain Dregg stands, now, intimidatingly over the body of his dirty, wet crew. It wasn't until they could give as much silence as they could afford before he began his speech:*
"Mi'hearties! Our voyage is coming to an end!" It took some effort, despite his booming and authorative tone, to outmatch the sound of the waves and wind, [i]"We approach the Rogue Isles! Even from here, i can see the peaks of Mercy Island! Avast! The towers! Very soon, my lads, very soon, the treasure and prestige that waits there will be in our hands!
"Today, we step foot on the island! Tomorrow, we return with the riches and gold that is ours already!
"Let me hear, you dirty swabbies: we cannot be stopped!"
OOC: The masquarader crew is, in short, an IC mission group. Until we have developed, the crew won't be much more than that. Just a way to get some new characters into the buisiness of plunderance. For now, i'm asking if a crew of about 8 (including myself and Jack Dregg) can band together, starting this weekend, to begin a pirate's life ICly.
Given that we have superheroes here, there and everywhere, we may as well be superpowered ourselves. feel free to use whatever power (baring obviously unrelated powers (battle axe, broadsword, battle mace... Ninja sword I will allow), or masterminds (Baring zombies, but i'll only accept one player to have this power, if any.)
I will discuss rules when I have an idea of who we are. Send me a PM with your character idea, background and your global name, then we can get things on the track.
I'll allow only 8 people in. 8. If theres any more, i'll resort to a picking out of a hat.
If things sort out well this week, we can start on saturday/sunday. Arranging times to team is just finding a spot where everyones globally online and doing nothing. Much of it, i'm sure, would be pre-arranged anyway.
So, get those PMs rolling. Rules will follow eventually.
Reep -
Well, this weekend has suddenly killed me for time. Won't be able to stay in contact.
In no way am I trying to say I'm trying to fix things. If things arn't working around here, this place wouldn't be the place it is. But this dosn't work for everyone. I'm not taking this place away, but giving an extra place for people who may prefer an easier layout. I can't fix anything, I can only give what I've got.
One of my personal problems is getting ideas down on paper. I have all of them in my head, but I do have trouble displaying what I really mean on these forums, which is why i'm struggling to convince or promote the idea. Along with that, i'm no technical master myself, which is where I really need the help.
But, i'll hold this for the weekend. Unless anyone wants to take over from where I let off (I'm sure some of you are far better at doing something like this than me), then there won't be much 'till monday. -
For ideas - A character histories section would be nice, right now you have to trawl through the rest of the creative section, or look on the wiki. A news section would be nice, but I think doomed to failure unless you focused on one particular group, since there's no consistant world view, and can't be one. IC chat areas would be nice, I don't know how much use they'd get since most of us work, and when we're not at work we're in game, so what's the point. SG info and OOC event info would be nice, but I'm sure you were thinking of more than a glorified calendar
Ultimately what I think is achievable is a character history archive - A function currently fulfilled by the GGwiki, a history of plots - a function currently fulfilled by the 9pm under GG's skirt thread, and a list of RP events - a function currently fulfilled by posting either here in the RP forum or the relavent server boards.
[/ QUOTE ]
Character histories was something i didn't think of myself. Thats definately a good thing to have a recording on. Along with that could be supergroup backgrounds and information, perhaps in a seperate section so that people know what major groups there are in the world, and how active they are.
A news section, I gave a bit of thought over. It could be an utter disaster, given how many people we have around and how much goes on in the world, but this could have an input from everyone. This could go as a sort of 'billboard' idea. A forum that describes any posters, propaganda, newspaper adverts/articals and things that anyopne can shove in. Sort of a 'newspaper' board.
Bit difficult to word my thoughts. Might have to clarify when i'm a bit more awake!
Of course, a plot development forum would be awesome for OOC knowledge and enjoyment. I love reading up on what people have done in the history of RP and i'm sure i'm not the only one. I suppose, similarly, everyone can shove their plots in here - although, I suspect it would take some maintainance and overlooking.
I didn't think of setting up a calendar for OOC event info. That could be a good idea, given that we also have a forum alongside where people can start threads for RP events for further infomation. Thats definately a good one.
IC areas go without saying. Much of the happenings IG can't actually be acted out on CoH itself. I'm having doubts about a plot of my own that may be better served on a thread rather than IG. There would also be the IC news channels, as mentioned earlier for ICable knowledge.
The trouble with livechat is that it dosn't give records. The entire reason I'm doing this is to make seperate infomation easier to get hold of, and easier to record. I'm hoping it would encourage more context, more plots and more interaction. I understand that GG is a great way to get hold of each other, but, as said, it dosn't suit everyone's style. Its certainly not the best way of getting a character into the world of RP, which is something else that could be achieved with a forum.
Right now, i've said it a few times (at least once a post) that i'm craving feedback. I have advice up to my chins, which I appreciate, but Hikari's post is exactly what i'm after right now. -
The problem i'm facing is that I can't come out with the plan, detailed concept and layout until I know what you want. So far you've given me reasons not to do it, which could easily be intepreted as a thumbs down from you all. I respect that, if thats the point you're trying to make.
I understand you suspect this will fail, and thats near enough guarenteed unless you give me the ideas you want. The layout you want. The details you want. Unless, by some amazing chance of luck, I happen to land on exactly what you, as a community, want its bound to fail. Its this lack of input, i'm sorry to say, thats making me wanna turn my back on the whole idea.
I'd like to see things made easier for people trying to edge their way into the community here, but I can't if you don't tell me how. I have the means to do so, now I need the details.
This isn't about me. This is about what you want. If you don't want me to do this, feel free to say so, and I won't. -
I can see that you're all happy to give me the thumbs up, and giving the advice is all good. The comments have been constructive, and the original idea has been adjusted to fit with some of the comments you've given. I appreciate that.
But what i'm not getting is interest. I've had one or two people saying they're happy to have such a thing around, but (forgive me if i'm wrong) the majority of you are saying you can't be bothered to join in. I'm gonna need help if i'm gonna do this - if you want me to do this - as I don't even have the skills to set up a proper forum that hasn't got as many loopholes as a knot.
Its all good giving the advice and I have no problem with any critism towards the idea that you may be giving, but I can't do this if, you as a community, arn't interested in this.
I don't mean to sound like i'm nagging, but I am gonna need all the help I can get. Right now, i'm more interested in who has the will to help before I scratch the idea, or let it hit the sky.
down to you now. Without you, i'm stuck. Yes or no? -
I don't want to have to convince, pursuade, bribe or whatever. I'm not forcing this down your throats. I'm giving a suggestion. If you don't want in on this, you don't have to have in on this. If you do, you can.
I know this could fall to shambles out of laziness, but wheres the hurt in giving it a try?
Has anyone else noticed how many of my sentances start with the letter 'I'? -
Again, easily done with the "possibly-stickied" thread. With almost all the others on these forums, people have replied with suggested links to more relevant threads - so you wouldn't be overlooking other people's views/opinions; which is actually another point I have:
[/ QUOTE ]
...and now they're stuck with wading through a post of irrelivent and differentiating posts. Easier, despite being harder to read, but could be made much easier, and much more interactive.
Even then, it would be missing out the countless plot ideas and stories that make the history of the RPers, important SG threads so that players can find where they and their developed character suit best, many of which are probably now inactive. We'd probably have to have every thread in a stickied post, apart from the complete nutcasish ones. Maybe end up with two stickied threads. or three. or fourteen.
I'd certainly not find the sticky thread idea any easier than what we've got, seeing as most of the context I may end up looking for are things people wouldn't be to interested in a stickied thread. In a forum where propaganda belongs where it belongs, which isn't where RP guides belong, it would be doens times easier.
I'm not looking for a quick solution. I'm looking for the best solution.
I understand that there may not be trust towards the management, primarily because nobody here knows me really well. In which case, if this idea does hit the air, you may as well decide management among yourselves. Thats not something i'd like to be fussed about yet, however, until I know people are accepting the idea. -
That exactly what I mean. Suprised I missed that actually. Is that forum for CoH RP in general, or just for galaxy girl?
If it is, that makes this thread a tadbit more pointless... but makes my life a lot easier. No need to get hold of a forum.
At a second glance, that forum seems relatively inactive, unless i'm overlooking it. Could someone fill me in a bit with the going-ons? -
I've already stated my view on this forum section more than once. I'm lazy, face it, and I can't stand having to waid through pages and pages of irrelivent topics to get to the information I need. A sectionised (new word?) forum of our own would make that fourty eight times easier.
And no, given that its me, it would take a lot less time to set up a forum than to compile a list of threads that I find relivant. Not only that, but I would miss out on many of what the players want to see, and cause them to have to start wading anyway.
I'm moving away from the GM idea I had in the first place to keep the forum going. Sure, there will be one or two moderators, but they won't have any control over the RP. That should be kept to the individual supergroups.
I did say before this thread was wiped that my original idea has changed to fit some of the feedback i got. I'm gonna say that again.
Not sure what you mean by "the SG idea". I thought I stated I was avoiding a giant, uniformed SG for all roleplayers, which is the only thing I can relate to that. Care to explain?
One important thing is that, as a person, i'm not all too happy about posting a thread in the wrong place. Makes me feel incomfortable. Whats even worse for me is posting a thread that has very little to do with the next thread, and the next, to the point there s such a veriety that I feel my thread may go unnoticed. I'm weird that way, but i'm sure i'm not the only one. This is why i'm so stuck up about having a forum for us.
But i'm not gonna start 'till I have the interest I need, and at this rate, i'm assuming most of you don't want what i'm suggesting. -
I think i've tried to explain already. if not, i'm aiming towards a place where roleplayers can interact in easier means. So that arrangements, SG hiring and plots can be easily discussed. I don't think theres much more than that that can be integrated into the community, which may be something that came across from me wrong. I'm just trying to look for an easier way to communicate and RP.
What i don't want is to feel like i'm stepping into the long timer's territory, so if I ever hit that stage, feel free to shove me out. -
I've been playing for around a year, with a long break at some point.
I don't mean a physical, player-made, IG tavern by any means. I do realise how impossible that is. I mean the concept i've been trying to get across since I started this thread, which is our own forum. I've already stated how hard it is to use the forum section we've been given in one of my previous posts.
But yes, I know such a thing can't be done IG. Even if it could, it would still have its difficulties and immersion problems, along with moving us off the topic of the idea in the first place. GG is just as good in any sense. -
I think many of these ideas are directed towards something quite different to what i'm getting at, but your points are valid, Veskit.
I think I tried to give a bit of a better impression of my ideas at some point in this thread, but they may have got wiped, I don't know. I'm not trying to make a giant supergroup, per say, but a place for the supergroups to be able to coalate properly, make arrangements with one another and whatever else has been said over this thread umpteen times already. While this will give the chance that some supergroups will end up following the same rules and guides as another, this would be a personal decision rather than one i'm shoving down their throats.
The only thing, I feel, that can make the idea of having an RP'ers tavern of our own is for nobody being bothered to raise a finger. I know I am. I want to know whos interested in this idea. -
woah. I turn my back for the day and the thread gets half deleted, then shot back up to more than what it left of as! Well done, guys, i'm impressed.
Looking over what you said, the general idea is "maybe for some". I'm not sure what the concept came over to you as, but for me its just an idea to make life that bit easier, to get involved in more plots and with each other. Even if its as cheap as a proboards forum and a freewebs site (although, i'm sure we have the masterminds among us to do that bit better) it will make arrangements and advertising easier. I certainly don't want to have to swim through pages and pages of one flat forum in order to find the information I need, I don't see why any other newcomer would.
I can't mention, where i'm sat, one exciting story thats come out of roleplaying on CoH. In no way am I intruiged to join in, because I don't have anything to feedback on. Having a forum where stories can be easily found and written, in its own place, would make the RP history of the community easier to descover.
This isn't like running some tiny CS clan. This is like running a series of countries with different cultures and views. If you aren't careful, it could collapse over night.
[/ QUOTE ]
Other communities manage it. What makes us any more inept?
I hope that points clear. Feel free to touche. -
I have done a read (skim read, to be fair) of the thread you gave. I didn't get much of the development ideas out of it, which i'm sure are in there somewhere. I just pay enough attention to miss all the vital points.
But I feel it may be worth having a place for discussion about this to take place, as when enough effort is put into it by potential leaders, it could go a long way.
I don't want to disregard this idea just because its been trialed before and failed. Even if its just having a larger forum where we can discuss the RP and exchange group information, its enough to get a wider community going and - my ultimate aim since starting this idea - our own original universe going.