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  1. As a disclaimer, right off the bat, I know I am going to get flamed for this. If all you want to do is flame, please don't comment (even though I know you will...).

    I want to propose a topic for discussion. Is the Mission Architect a good, an evil, or a complete grey area? Personally, I am starting to hate the Mission Architect. Blunt, yes, but it is true. Whatever happened to the good days of actually playing story-driven content? Whatever happened to working for levels? Whatever happened to playing City of Heroes?

    The MA was greatly hyped and advertised by NCSoft (whom I am not blaming for anything written in this post) as a brand-new gaming concept that was to revolutionize the world of City of Heroes/ City of Villains. The new tool was going to let players customize the game in a way never before seen... And then Issue 14 was released. Overnight, the chat channels changed from saying "Level 1 Blaster lf sewer team!" to saying "Level 1 Blaster lf AE farm! Paying 1mil inf per run!" I find great issue with that. I miss teaming with PEOPLE. Instead, I have one Fire/Kin troller and six other essentially afk players. The game has changed dramatically in two weeks time from a game to enjoy with a full party and the satisfaction of overcoming the obstacles of a mission into a farm farm farm farm farm game.

    As such, I feel it is necessary that the community discuss and debate the Mission Architect. Write down your thoughts, your qualms, your concerns, your experiences with the Mission Architect.

    Personally, I feel the MA has a definitive list of positives and negatives:

    + Great for leveling up lowbie characters rather quickly.
    + Allows for creativity and countless stories.
    + Gives a new level of customization to the MMO genre.
    + Gives the community a ranking system.
    + New badges and rewards and goals to strive for.

    - Causes an imbalance in the level of people actually playing story-driven content and player-made content.
    - Keeps many people from interacting (one runner and 7 inactive soakers).
    - Lots of lagg in most areas containing an AE building.
    - New players won't experience the actual game.
    - Gives way to people making inappropriate or offensive content (this is a minor negative, as most people don't do this)

    As such, the MA needs major revisions. Many are probably incoming, but I feel it would be beneficial to state them.

    1) Revise the system to limit the time spent on the MA each day so as to avoid day-long farming and powerleveling, and to promote usage of story-driven content. (This fixes three of the above negatives)
    2) Revise the actual creative system to avoid inappropriate or offensive content from being created.
    3) Cause the MA to boot any inactive players, or those that go AFK during missions.

    Some may perceive these negatives as minor flaws, but I personally have come to hate the MA. I still use it, as it is nice to level quickly, but only because there are no teams outside of it. Please discuss.

  2. Arc Name: When Ice Melts Down
    ID: 38186
    Synopsis:The Cryogenics lab of Paragon City has descended into chaos. Their crowning achievement, the Ice Bringer program, was designed to cool the atmosphere, and prevent global warming. However, a corrupted line of code was entered into the initialization program, and the program itself became corrupted. Unable to stop its download, the workers in charge of the building fled as a human-like robot emerged from the computer. Outside the building, the doors became encased in solid ice...

    It is up to you, the heroes, to stop the Ice Bringer from reaching his ultimate goal - the freezing of the entire world...


    - Collect Frozen Core samples for study.
    - Rescue hostage workers.
    - Defeat the Ice Bringer and all of his rogue programs.


  3. I know it has been done 1000 times before. I just wanted input on my version.
  4. I know this has been done 1000 times before, but here's my take on it.

    1. Electric Fence [Ranged Foe Immobilize, -end, minor dot, recharge: fast]

    2. Shock [Ranged Foe Hold, -end, minor dmg, recharge: moderate]

    3. Electric Fences [Ranged AoE, Foe Immobilize, minor -end, minor dot, recharge: moderate]

    4. Charged Field [PBAoE, minor dot, minor -end, recharge: long]

    5. Drain [Ranged, foe -end, Self +health, recharge: moderate]

    6. Discharge [Ranged AoE, foe major -end, minor dot, recharge: long]

    7. Electrify [PBAoE, foe hold, recharge: very long]

    8. Electrified Field [Ranged AoE, foe major -end, recharge: long]

    9. Voltaic Sentinel [Summon sentinel, recharge: very long]
  5. Is Ice/Thermal a good combo? If so, what's a good build for this pairing.
  6. so what's up with the guides main pages not being updated?
  7. Whoops, guess I was in the Defender mindset when I wrote that . Fixed now.
  8. That's a good idea Hot. Personally, I don't like Liquefy as much as some people. I mean, I use it, I just don't REALLY like it. The To-Hit Debuff and Defense Debuff are my main priorities with this power, but if Accuracy helps that much with the Hold, I'll add it into the guide.
  9. Redux32

    Guide to Guides

    New /Sonic Corruptor Guide

    This is my new Corruptor guide to /sonic.

    Brand new and updated version from the I6 version.
  10. Thanks for all the feedback! Everything you stated are my mistakes, quickly going to fix them right now.

    Totally forgot about Sonic Cage in PvP. I generally don't like intangibilities so i guess my personal preferences carried over to the descriptions of the powers. Changing post now. Also, I don't necessarily like VERY situational powers. Sonic Cage is one of those because I usually don't run across a boss who the controllers/dominators dont have under control first. On an inexperienced team, I would understand, but I just don't deem it necessary in PvE.
  11. Personally, Sonic is one of my favorite secondary sets of any AT. I loved it when I played as a Defender for a while, and it meshes well with my playstyle as a controller. However, there is no good /Sonic guide for the Corruptor. So I figured that I would make one for you all to enjoy .

    Who am I?

    My name on the boards is Redux, but in-game, my character of choice is Dean Harper. You can call me Dean or Redux or whatever you like. I've been playing CoH/CoV for about 6 months now, and have a pretty good understanding of the game. I have played other MMOs such as WoW (I know, shoot me please), Guild Wars, and some other free online games. Overall, CoH isn't hard to pick up compared to the other MMOs out there, so I feel I'm prepared to make this guide.

    A Disclaimer

    Sonic is NOT a horrible secondary set. Yes, it is a very mixed bag of powers, but that doesn't make it bad. It serves a definitive purpose on a team: +Defense of allies in the form of +Res, and -Res of foes. If you want to be a more "controlling"/defensive Corruptor, I suggest taking Force Field and utilizing the knockdown/knockback effects of the set. Sonic is much more of a DeBuff/Buff set than FF, and should be treated as such.

    Sonic Resonance (A Power Analysis)

    Sonic Siphon:
    By setting up a constant vibration within the body of your foe, you weaken their Damage Resistance. Affected targets will take more damage from successful attacks.

    This power isn't bad, as most people think. It is a cheap and good -Res. Since you must take it, use it on bosses as much as possible.According to a thread I read a while back, this power has been calculated to give +20% damage on the target from all sources on your team! That's a large increase and can make fighting bosses much easier. If you forget to use it, its not the end of the world, but it is nice if you do. Not one of the main powers of the set, but not a bad one either.

    Note: Sonic Siphon DOES NOT STACK WITH ITSELF! Whoever tells you that it does is totally wrong! If you have it on a boss, drop another on recharge to reset the duration.

    Slots: 1-2 accuracy

    Rating: 2.5/5

    Sonic Barrier:
    +Res ally shield against Smash, Lethal, and Toxic damage.

    A staple power of the set. You will NEED this power to up the "defense" of your allies. Use it in conjunction with Sonic Haven to dramatically buff allies. Unlike the pure defense of Force Field, +Res lowers the damage taken from attacks. Some would say this is not as good as FF, but they really don't know what they're talking about. Sonic Resonance is intended to be a buff/debuff set. FF is intended to be a Knockdown/Back set, not a Defense set. Keep this and Sonic Haven on all party members at all times and keep track of when they both start dropping or else your party will take a lot more damage!

    Slots: 3 Resistance

    Rating: 5/5

    Sonic Haven:
    +Res to Fire, Cold, Energy, and Negative damage.

    Same as Barrier except it buffs against "elemental" damage. Take it and love it.

    Slots: 3 Resistance

    Rating: 5/5

    [ QUOTE ]
    You have no resistance buff for Psi damage. This is a major minus in some people's playbooks. Don't let this deter you! You get a large +Res to Immob, Disorient, and Holds later on, and Clarity, which removes sleep. As a Damage/Support AT, you are going to be spending a lot of time helping out your allies. However, do not forget to deal out damage as well. A dead foe = 100% damage mitigation from that target. Try to support as much as possible and when all shields are up, start picking off Lts. and Minions.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sonic Cage:
    Encases the target in an impenetrable field of sonic waves. Target cannot be attacked.

    This is your intangibility power. Basically, it's not a really good power. Some people like intangibilities, but I don't. Sometimes, this can really help, like against a Hero, but it is really rare that you will ever need it. If you like the power, take it. But if you can't stand intangibilites or don't want to bother educating your teams about the power, then don't take it.

    Note: If you are going to PvP with a /Sonic anything, take this power! It's great for keeping an annoying player out of the fight.

    Slots: 1-2 Accuracy

    Rating: 1.5/5

    Disruption Field:
    You set up a constant wave of sonic energy around an ally, weakening the damage resistance of all nearby foes.

    This is a GREAT power. Contrary to some belief, the -res makes this power worth its slightly high energy cost. Basically, you slap this on an Brute or Stalker, and all nearby foes die faster than usual. It's like a mobile Sonic Siphon. Keep this on a melee party member as often as possible. The -Res is 10%, same as Sonic Siphon. So this + SS on a boss = some serious +Damage. If you have end problems, slot this for a few end redux enhancements and look forward to Stamina at lvl 20.

    Slots: 2 -Dmg Res, 2-3 End Redux

    Rating: 4/5

    Sonic Dispersion:
    You create a large field of sonic waves, protecting all allies inside. +Res all damage except Psi. Protection from Immob, Disorient, and Holds.

    This is the reason you took Sonic Resonance. This power is your only +Res power to affect you, but it also affects all allies inside. You get a a major +Res to all damage forms except Psionic. That is the only downside to this power. You should have this on at all times... (low end is the ONLY exception). Keep your backline/midline inside as much as possible, and if you can manage it without drawing too much aggro, on your melee team mates as well.

    Slots: 3 +Resistance, 2-3 End Redux

    Rating: 5/5

    Sonic Repulsion:
    You create a powerful sonic resonance around and ally, repelling all nearby foes. You will lose end for each target repelled.

    Not a great power, but if you want to take it, it has its uses. This is like FF's Repulsion Field. It knocks back nearby foes and makes the target like a human bowling ball. You can throw this on a melee covered squishy but generally a newb with this power on him running around knocking away Brute and Stalker targets is not wanted. Grab it if you like repel powers, but if not, you don't need it.

    Slots: 3 Endurance Reduction

    Rating: 2/5

    Free ally from any Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Confusion, Fear and Immobilize effects and leave them resistant to the effects for some while. Also enhances perception.

    WOW! This is an awesome power that no /Sonic Corruptor, Defender, or Controller should be without. Grab it as soon as it is available. Not only does this power remove status effects, but it also leave the target resistant to those effects (who's laughing at resistance now!?!?!)! This power can be used as just a buff as well. Drop it on backliners such as other corruptors and dominators, and use it whenever you see a status effect. In addition to its plethora of goodies, Clarity gives a small +Perception bonus.

    Slots: None, this comes great out of the box

    Rating: 5/5

    Unleash a barrage of waves on the Earth itself, generating a powerful, localized earthquake. Most foes that pass through the location will be knocked down. Reduces chance to hit and defense.

    Not a great tier 9 power, but it's really not bad either. Grab it when you can (38 for most people), but don't fret if you don't get it for a few levels. Its damage isn't all that great, same with the minor hold it has. However, the Knockdown is well worth it. Use this on clumped foes whenever it's up (which isn't very often) to reduce their defense to your attacks and chance to hit. This power needs a lot of enhancing love to be effective, but if you are willing to 6-slot it, by all means do so. Be careful though as Liquefy can draw a lot of aggro if used liberally.

    Slots: 2-3 Recharge, 2-3 Accuracy, 1-3 ToHitDeBuff, 1-3 Defense DeBuff (IO's and HO's work really well if you want to max out this power)

    Rating: 3/5

    Epic Power Pools:

    I am no expert on Villain power pools, so I won't address those here. Look to other guides if you want the info.

    Power Pools:

    Speed: Not the greatest set for a Villain, as the Isles are hard to navigate with SS. Hasten is a great power, however, and if you can fit it in, take it.

    Flight: Hover provides a good defense buff for battles, and Fly is great for getting around the Isles. Air Superiority isn't needed because you shouldn't get into melee.

    Leaping: Probably the best travel power for the Isles, Leaping has good defense buff toggles.

    Teleportation: As a corruptor, you probably will run out of end fast. I don't recommend Tele because of the high end cost and sheer focus it takes to use the travel power. If you want it though, it is good for traveling in the Isles.

    Fitness: Stamina is almost a must for all characters. Take it and love it. If you take Leaping or Flight, take Swift and Health, and if you take Speed, take Hurdle and Health.

    Leadership: Good defense buffs, but toggle heavy. Not recommended

    Medicine: Take this if you want to focus on support more heavily. With your constant upkeep of bubbles though, healing could drain your end very fast, and lower your damage output tremendously.

    Concealment: I don't recommend this set. Only take it if you want to bypass a lot of missions.

    Fighting: You won't be in melee so you won't need this set.

    Presence: You won't need this set because you don't want or need aggro.

    Blast Sets:

    This guide is not meant as a primary set guide, but as a guide for corruptors in general for /Sonic. If you want advice on Primaries, look elsewhere.

    Overall, /Sonic doesn't get a lot of love. Most players think it is too weak to compare to other sets. Don't conform to the popular belief. Hopefully this guide is educational and informative. Any advice is appreciated as long as it's not flaming. Thanks for reading!


    **Please link to corruptor guides thread.**

    ***Updated most powers with a little more info.***
  12. I think you need to add Ice/Rad to the descriptions, as it is a very viable power combo.


    Ice Slick + Arctic Air + Radiation Infection provides one of the best combos for team and solo play. The mobs are knocked down on Ice Slick when they move, which is initiated via AA, and any mobs outside the Slick or AA can be RI'd and debuffed so they still can't hit you or your team. Ice/Rad provides some of the best area control you can get with Rad's multiple debuffs, and provides very varied playstyle no matter your build. You can support the backlines using Shiver instead of AA, or move around in melee range slowing and freezing/immobilizing everything for your tankers and scrappers. The one downside to this combos is it is VERY toggle heavy, especially if you take AA. Stamina is a MUST as well as Hasten. Radiant Aura is one of the best area heals in the game as it is PBAoE, so it can be used on both the backline players and melee party members. Ice also has very visible animation compared to other sleep-based power sets like Mind. Overall, Ice/Rad provides some of the best area control you can get via targeted debuffs, PBAoE heals/slows, and AoE knockdowns.
  13. i dont understand why you like shiver. the Slow from AA is enough, dont you think?
  14. What about adding EndRed's on the various powers, as i find that i can run out of end early without stamina yet.