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  1. The platypus is awesome because it is actually representative of what used to be an incredibly common type of mammal (egg layers) but now they're all that is left of that branch of the tree.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    *The theory is that human breasts are supposed to resemble the curved shapes of the buttocks as a visual arousal trigger/cue since humans tend to mate face to face, unlike other mammals. No other mammals have an equivalent buildup of fatty tissue on the torso or mammary glands.

    [/ QUOTE ]It's not really more than a hypothesis and not a theory, and one that is easy to disprove when you consider the natural shape of breasts look absolutely nothing like human buttocks at all. It takes fashion, and fashion with respect to preferred breast shape has been highly variable even between decades, not to mention over the span of thousands of years, and because of this would not have been a significant contributor to the passing on of mutations toward "front butt."

    Indeed, that hypothesis is based on a very cultural bias that, through ethnocentrism, is believed to be shared by all humanity when that is not the case. The sexualization of breasts is not a universally human trait.
  3. It probably wouldn't be called the a 5th Column, though.
  4. They probably never actually put that flip into the game. That advertising trailer is less actual gameplay and more manipulation of models and animations in the game engine. Just look at how he does his quick turn before making the jump/fly. It's fully animated.

    God, I've avoided actual interviews and discussions given by Emmert... does he still give presentations like that or has he improved?
  5. I have a feeling it has been corrected as much as they're gonna correct it. We're just gonna have to pretend it makes lore sense and that the story and characters were not bungled as much as they were.
  6. Razoras

    well that's new

    That's not really new, I don't believe.

    Here's a 2007 video where it breaks up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUI63Fc3DtA

    Some videos made last time had some diappointing explosions, though. It just kind of broke and fell straight down without a boom.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Will power customization have a noticeably negative effect on game performance? Now, when a player uses a power, the server tells the client "Guy X uses Power Y on Target Z." After PC, it'll be more like "Guy X uses Power Y with Colors A and B on Target Z." That's an increase in net traffic happening in the same amount of time.

    [/ QUOTE ]That's not how it will work.

    Power colors will be costume data, and all costume data is loaded as you encounter people's characters, it is a one-time load. The message from the server per activation will still be the same, it doesn't have to change it all.

    As for extra work for the client, it will be inconsequential and the extra memory per character will be 30-50 bytes by my estimate, or up to 100 bytes by someone else's in another thread. Which is not meaningful on any system that can run this game.
  8. I'm against dropping the TF reqs. The reasons being given for doing so aren't any different than the reasons we've heard for 5 years.
  9. Razoras

    issue 16 info

    [ QUOTE ]

    Very curious about what is meant by "themes." The outlier for me includes alternate animations, a variety of new power geometries and particle effects including stuff like: a full "tricorder" set of animations for empathy or is there a set of "playing cards" animations, similar to the tarot card casting that would allow me to make a fire blaster with exploding playing cards?

    I know time will tell. And I'm scared to hope for variety as awesome as all sorts of new geometries and particle effects that would constitute "signature powers."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It seems clear to me, so lets walk through this.

    A color "theme" means setting the colors/anims of all your powers to the same thing with only a couple clicks, instead of selecting them individually power by power. Sort of like the Costume Sets we have in the costume creator already, where you can set your entire costume with only a couple clicks.

    There we go, nice and simple. I really recommend reading the paragraph about the themes again, it's quite clear.
  10. Ooo, is there a new map coming with MA or is it the old one?
  11. Go ahead and link us a local theater where you're not paying less than $9-10 for normal adult tickets that isn't a 2nd-run theater.

    I'd like to move there, if that reflects general prices.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Need I remind everyone here that with MOST other MMO's you have to pay seperately for these expansions. If you dont see something yet that you want, be sure it's more then likely coming down the pipe at a later time. After all, it isnt like they're almost done with issues. The game has a long long way to go.

    [/ QUOTE ]That's not true at all. In most MMORPGs you get routine free updates just like we do. In some the updates come more regularly.

    The stuff you pay for in other games is generally significantly more than we've gottten in any Issue. Our own forthcoming paid expansion is about the same as any other paid expansion, too, from the sounds of it.
  13. Razoras

    issue 16 info

    [ QUOTE ]
    I bet they have new buildings for us to go to for Power Customization as opposed to simply going to the tailor.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I imagine you're wrong. It's going to be just like choosing costume parts so... why wouldn't the tailors do it? Maybe you'd have to go to a specific NPC in the tailor building, sure, but a whole new building is unnecessary.
  14. Razoras

    issue 16 info

    Was there more? I only know about the cim ones. It was the only new content I got on my 50s, but I've noticed on new characters some new dame got added to Midnight Club along the way.
  15. Razoras

    issue 16 info

    I'm thinking the same as MG. You'll probably get the "theme" and the "individual customization" choices just like particle powers.

    2 story arcs in Issue 13.

    I feel ya, though. The developer content output has been very disappointing.
  16. Razoras

    issue 16 info

    That's true, it only took a year or two. Not difficult at all.

    In complex projects more people does not equal faster development of difficult features. The inverse has been shown to be true in real world anecdotes and actual studies.
  17. Razoras

    issue 16 info

    Time consuming/hard. Same deal.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    I never said big teams couldn't play as always or that I thought the team scaling option was a bad idea. In fact, I think it's great.

    Again, for the giddy folks, I would like to see better options for finding players added to the search window. Team search could use additional improvements in its functionality.


    [/ QUOTE ]http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showflat....=1#Post13761454

    Here's a thread about improvements to the search feature. Go ahead and chip in your idea if it hasn't come up yet, it's only a 2 page thread.
  19. Razoras

    issue 16 info

    They would be shooting themselves in more feet than they have on the whole team if the customizing wasn't about the banana geometry.
  20. Razoras

    issue 16 info

    I don't think it will really increase from what already happens. People already make unfortunate characters with unfortunate names. It isn't as bad as it used to be, but you still have some poo-ness in earth sets.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm curious to see if the new flexibility will allow players to run solo missions exactly as they are now but without the boss at the end being downgraded to a lieutenant, the way missions were before the mission slider was introduced.

    That was a tiny little thing that got lost in the shuffle back in the day. I have a lot of characters who can handle a boss fine with a few inspirations but don't do so well if the whole mission has been upped in difficulty.

    [/ QUOTE ]I think that's implicit when the new difficulty features include setting the number of members on the team. The downgrading is a combination of difficulty and team size, so if you're playing at the correct team size (fictional or not) and the right difficulty, it would probably be considered a bug if Bosses stayed at Lt. level
  22. Razoras

    issue 16 info

    At least one person I've talked to has already misunderstood the character creator feature as something that can be done anywhere after creation (switching IDs, switching ATs, etc). I'm hoping that most of us don't get confused and TOO excited about it.