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  1. Razoras

    I16 Beta Today

    Well, since I don't get to partake any I16 goodness I guess I'll go back to beta testing this Dance MMO.
  2. For the rest of us there's a whole 3+ page thread with exactly all these posts AND more!
  3. Razoras

    I16 Beta Today

    The character creator is a chunk of what actually needs to be tested for once, so I can see why they would want to restrict it.

    Edit: Well, looks like a lot of people just posted the same thing.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arctic_Man View Post
    Well a lot of NPCs have strange skin colors for some reason, especially in the upper Longbow ranks. Fought some commanders this weekend with purple skin (was leveling my villains), the one that gives repeatable missions in Warburg has green skin and the one in Siren's Call has blue skin. White skin seems to be somewhat common.
    Well, Longbow (and Freedom Corps) have strange-colored folks for the same reason player characters have odd colored skin, sometimes. Guess what kind of people are those Wardens and other dangerous Longbow Bosses? Hero-types. Of course, even some Freedom Corps vendors have green skin and hair.

    Not really related to the SKy Skiff guys being all-white. That one is just a problem or a limitation imposed on the character design. Maybe too many colors were being used. It is genuinely "odd" while the purple-skinned Warden pounding you is intentional and easily explainable.
  5. Unfortunately, "the war walls coming down" can mean all kinds of things and is incredibly vague. It hearkens back in many ways to how things Statesman said in one of the few dev chats (he learned this playerbase can't handle those in a mature fashion REAL quick) got immediately inflated into grand future plans and absolutely certain promises when they were actually nothing of the sort.

    Only "War walls coming down" seems to be a magnitude more non-specific than anything Statesman had ever said. Even when it first came up plenty of reasonable people explained that a seamless game world was the unlikely intent, and we've had virtually no dev follow up on it at all. But, hey, 9/11 was a missle attack and Obama was born in Kenya and the National Guard caused Katrina.

    Honestly, I think the whole seamless world thing is a gimmick anyways. Is it really that game breaking to wait 10 seconds for a zone to load in?
    Not on the face of it, it doesn't seem like it, does it?

    However, player perception and usability issues don't necessarily jive with reality and measurable data. The sad reality is, regardless of how brief the interruption or even if the alternative means stretching out travel times or constraining player movement in some way so the data can stream invisibly in the back ground, interruptions in play impact player perception in a very negative fashion. A player would be less bothered if the city he just ran through was empty for a minute while the server tried to catch up his client and slowly loaded the players and NPCs in as he watched. Even if the delay is measurably exactly the same (standing around waiting to be able to open a door, or interact with a mob/NPC until it loaded), the "seamless" approach has less of a negative reaction in a game's player.
  6. I just used the username search and found any old post of mine I needed to find.
  7. Which isn't these forums and wasn't those forums.
  8. It's not like getting rid of images will keep sigs from being a problem. Many frequent posters already have signatures that are 10 lines or more, and dwarf their two sentence response.

    Even better are the people who SIGN THEIR POSTS MANUALLY. What in the bajeezus is all that about? What do you think a signature is?

    I don't see the ability to post using [img] lasting, though. It isn't as if it was some missing feature from the old ones.

    My views on the matter exactly. Why anyone allows for images in signatures in forums these days is beyond all logic, considering the bandwidth it gobbles up, the added moderation effort required so... naughty things are kept out and sheer ugliness factor added to said forums.

    Well, these are the same guys who didn't put limits on avatar sizes allowed on these forums, which meant all-too-common megabyte-sized animated avatars.
  9. It even thanks you for subtracting from Ultimus' rep!
  10. I prefer the ones where I have to pay fees in order to level pact. You get what you pay for!
  11. Razoras

    Comic Con Panel

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    So, instead of sending the Devs a gift basket, we should be sending them cushioned stools. Got it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Seriously. Chairs, water, snacks, and hugs. lol!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How about a treadmill or a stationary bike. I'm concerned for our devs.

    [/ QUOTE ]The camera just adds pounds. Positron is actually a petite young woman.
  12. Razoras

    Comic Con Panel

    YouTube doesn't like WMV or something? Otherwise I don't think there'd be any reason to change format. Unless I missed complaints about not being able to watch because of the format.
  13. Razoras

    Comic Con Panel

    Do you mind if me or someone else reposts some of your footage to YouTube or do you have plans to do so yourself?
  14. Razoras

    Comic Con Panel

    Post deleted by Moderator 08
  15. Razoras

    Comic Con Panel

    Post deleted by Moderator 08
  16. CCCP is also famous (or once was) communist Supergroup.
  17. The human female's genitalia, as well as the human male's, are designed in such a manner that face-to-face coupling is definitely more successful than other positions (actually, face-to-face isn't exactly specific enough, but we're so close to thread deletion at this point). The pelvic region is actually one of the things that significantly differentiate us from other primates and is one of the key features that help us identify ancestral forms. We've been really treading the border of forum acceptability so I'm trying to avoid very specific details.

    No one is saying that chests aren't a secondary sexual characteristic but it's really arguable that any signaling we use them for is necessarily comparable to how primates signal off the rear-end region. Many women don't have breasts to speak of, and there's no evidence they're actively selected against. Pubic hair and underarm hair would be a better comparison, but because of clothing, for most of us that isn't what we use. Which is, again, cultural. So is "bigger is better." It's not pop-psychological babble.
  18. No dev ever pinned it only on Martial Arts but, obviously, they would totally bork what we've got for robes right now in NPCs.

    It certainly wasn't stated as the only, or even primary, reason. It was just given as an example of animations that don't work with the very limited robes we've got and, as is usually the case when a dev gives an example, that translates into "this example is the ONLY reason for X"
  19. You can only speculate on that point, the official lore is tremendously lacking with regard to any Eastern super powers. I'm was surprised that Moscow was even mentioned in the 2nd Rikti invasion trailer.
  20. Razoras

    The Devs Hate...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Did you know that in ancient times, seagoing vessels were much more fuel efficient? It's true!

    They got thousands of miles to the galleon.

    [/ QUOTE ]I've repeated this to everyone I know on my various chats. Awesome.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    The sexualization of breasts is not a universally human trait.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry, but that has very little to do with the theory in question. Or rather, it shows you have misunderstood it. The theory is about unconscious primate ques (humans are primates), not "OMG Look at those bazongas!".

    [/ QUOTE ]What do you think those unconscious queues would lead to in human behavior? Sexualization of breasts. You're the one that doesn't understand the hypothesis, the conclusions you draw from it, and why it's wrong in several different ways (the glaringly obvious one being that no primate rear, including our own, looks like a woman's chest).
  22. I didn't remember that the Echidna layed eggs, too. Ooops!